181 research outputs found

    A new approach to stochastic evolution equations with adapted drift

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    In this paper we develop a new approach to stochastic evolution equations with an unbounded drift AA which is dependent on time and the underlying probability space in an adapted way. It is well-known that the semigroup approach to equations with random drift leads to adaptedness problems for the stochastic convolution term. In this paper we give a new representation formula for the stochastic convolution which avoids integration of nonadapted processes. Here we mainly consider the parabolic setting. We establish connections with other solution concepts such as weak solutions. The usual parabolic regularity properties are derived and we show that the new approach can be applied in the study of semilinear problems with random drift. At the end of the paper the results are illustrated with two examples of stochastic heat equations with random drift.Comment: Minor revision. Accepted for publication in Journal of Differential Equation

    Causal systems mapping to promote healthy living for pandemic preparedness: a call to action for global public health.

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    COVID-19 has severely impacted population health and well-being globally. Acknowledging that COVID-19 will not be the world's last pandemic, improving healthy living factors (i.e., physical activity, healthful nutrition, healthy weight), which are important in mitigating negative outcomes of future infectious disease pandemics, should be prioritized. Although well-documented, promoting healthy living factors remains challenged by a lack of scalability and sustainability due, in part, to a mismatch between intervention focus on individual behavior change as opposed to recognizing complex and multifactorial causes that prevent people from living healthy lifestyles and maintaining them long-term (such as political will, economic benefits, urban planning, etc.). To recognize this complexity in promoting healthy living, we propose the application of systems science methods for the creation of a comprehensive causal systems map of healthy living factors in the context of COVID-19 to inform future pandemic preparedness. Generating such a map would benefit researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in multi-sector collaborative efforts to improve public health preparedness in the context of future pandemics in a scalable, sustainable, and equitable manner. This effort should be facilitated by a trusted and widely respected governing body with global reach.N/

    The Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences Scientific Statement on Climate Change – Its Impacts in Canada, and the Critical Role of Earth Scientists in Mitigation and Adaptation

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    The Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES) has issued this statement to summarize the science, effects, and implications of climate change. We highlight the role of Earth scientists in documenting and mitigating climate change, and in managing and adapting to its consequences in Canada. CFES is the coordinated voice of Canada’s Earth Sciences community with 14 member organizations representing some 15,000 geoscientists. Our members are drawn from academia, industry, education, and government. The mission of CFES is to ensure decision makers and the public understand the contributions of Earth Science to Canadian society and the economy.  Climate change has become a national and global priority for all levels of government. The geological record shows us that the global climate has changed throughout Earth’s history, but the current rates of change are almost unprecedented. Over the last 70 years, levels of common greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere have steadily increased. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is now 418 parts per million — its highest of the last three million years. The chemical (isotopic) composition of carbon in the atmosphere indicates the increase in GHGs is due to burning fossil fuels. GHGs absorb energy emitted from Earth’s surface and re-radiate it back, warming the lower levels of the atmosphere. Climatic adjustments that have recently occurred are, in practical terms, irreversible, but further change can be mitigated by lowering emissions of GHGs.  Climate change is amplified by three important Earth system processes and effects. First, as the climate warms evaporation increases, raising atmospheric concentrations of water vapour, itself a GHG — and adding to warming. Second, loss of ice cover from the polar ice sheets and glaciers exposes larger areas of land and open water — leading to greater absorption of heat from the sun. Third, thawing of near-surface permafrost releases additional GHGs (primarily CO2 and methane) during decay of organic matter previously preserved frozen in the ground. Some impacts of climate change are incremental and steadily occurring, such as melting of glaciers and ice sheets, with consequent sea level rise. Others are intermittent, such as extreme weather events, like hurricanes — but are becoming more frequent. Summer water shortages are increasingly common in western Canada as mountain snowpacks melt earlier and summer river flows decline. In northern Canada, warming and thawing of near-surface permafrost has led to deterioration of infrastructure and increased costs for buildings that now require chilled foundations. Other consequences of unchecked climate change include increased coastal erosion, increases in the number and size of wildfires, and reduction in winter road access to isolated northern communities. Reductions in net GHG emissions are urgently required to mitigate the many effects of further climate change. Industrial and public works development projects must now assess the effects of climate change in their planning, design, and management. Cities, municipalities, and rural communities need to plan new residential development carefully to avoid enhanced risk of flooding, coastal erosion, or wildfire.  Earth Science knowledge and expertise is integral to exploration and development of new metals and Earth materials required for a carbon-neutral future, and in the capture and storage of CO2 within the Earth. Earth Science is also central to society’s adaptation to new climatic regimes and reduction of risks. This includes anticipation, assessment, and management of extreme events, development of new standards and guidelines for geotechnical and engineering practice, and revision to regulations that consider climate change. Geoscientists also have an important role in the education of students and the public on the reasons for necessary action. Canada is uniquely positioned with its strong global geoscientific leadership, its vast landmass, and its northern terrain to effectively leverage research activities around climate change. Geoscience tools and geoscientists’ skills will be integral to Canada’s preparation for climate change.La Fédération canadienne des sciences de la Terre (FCST) a publié ce communiqué pour résumer la science, les effets et les implications des changements climatiques. Nous soulignons le rôle des scientifiques en science de la Terre dans la documentation et l'atténuation des changements climatiques, ainsi que dans la gestion de leurs conséquences et la création de mesures d'adaptation au Canada. La FCST est la voix coordonnée de la communauté canadienne des sciences de la Terre avec 14 organisations membres représentant environ 15 000 géoscientifiques. Nos membres sont issus du milieu universitaire, de l'industrie, de l'éducation et du gouvernement. La mission de la FCST est de s'assurer que les décideurs et le public comprennent les contributions des sciences de la Terre à la société canadienne et à l'économie.  Les changements climatiques sont devenus une priorité nationale et mondiale à tous les niveaux de gouvernement. Les archives géologiques nous montrent que le climat mondial a changé tout au long de l'histoire de la Terre, mais les taux de changement actuels sont presque sans précédent. Au cours des 70 dernières années, les niveaux de gaz à effet de serre (GES) communs dans l'atmosphère n'ont cessé d'augmenter. La concentration de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) est maintenant de 418 parties par million - son plus haut niveau des trois derniers millions d'années. La composition chimique (isotopique) du carbone dans l'atmosphère indique que l'augmentation des GES est due à la combustion de combustibles fossiles. Les GES absorbent l'énergie émise par la surface de la Terre et la réfléchissent, réchauffant les niveaux inférieurs de l'atmosphère. Les modifications climatiques qui se sont produits récemment sont, concrètement, irréversibles, mais les changements additionnels peuvent être atténués en réduisant les émissions de GES.  Les changements climatiques sont amplifiés par trois processus et effets importants du système terrestre. Premièrement, à mesure que le climat se réchauffe, l'évaporation augmente, ce qui augmente les concentrations atmosphériques de vapeur d'eau, elle-même un GES, et contribue au réchauffement. Deuxièmement, la perte de la couverture de glace des calottes glaciaires polaires et des glaciers expose de plus grandes superficies de terre et d'eau libre, ce qui entraîne une plus grande absorption de la chaleur du soleil. Troisièmement, le dégel du pergélisol proche de la surface libère des GES supplémentaires (principalement du CO2 et du méthane) lors de la décomposition de la matière organique jusqu’alors préservée gelée dans le sol. Certains impacts des changements climatiques sont progressifs et se produisent régulièrement, comme la fonte des glaciers et des calottes glaciaires, avec pour conséquence une élévation du niveau de la mer. D'autres sont intermittents, comme les événements météorologiques extrêmes, tels que les ouragans, mais deviennent de plus en plus fréquents. Les pénuries d'eau en été sont de plus en plus courantes dans l'ouest du Canada, car le manteau neigeux des montagnes fond plus tôt et le débit des rivières en été diminue. Dans le nord du Canada, le réchauffement et le dégel du pergélisol proche de la surface ont entraîné une détérioration des infrastructures et une augmentation des coûts des bâtiments qui nécessitent maintenant des fondations réfrigérées. Les autres conséquences des changements climatiques incontrôlés comprennent l'augmentation de l'érosion côtière, l'augmentation du nombre et de la taille des incendies de forêt et la réduction de l'accès aux routes d’hiver aux collectivités isolées du Nord. Des réductions des émissions nettes de GES sont nécessaires de toute urgence pour atténuer les nombreux effets de nouveaux changements climatiques. Les projets de développement industriel et de travaux publics doivent désormais évaluer les effets des changements climatiques dans leur planification, leur conception et leur gestion. Les villes, les municipalités et les communautés rurales doivent planifier soigneusement les nouveaux développements résidentiels pour éviter les risques accrus d'inondation, d'érosion côtière ou d'incendie de forêt.  Les connaissances et l'expertise en sciences de la Terre font partie intégrante de l'exploration et du développement de nouveaux métaux et matériaux terrestres requis pour un avenir neutre en carbone, ainsi que dans la capture et la séquestration du CO2 dans la Terre. Les sciences de la Terre sont également au cœur de l'adaptation de la société aux nouveaux régimes climatiques et de la réduction des risques. Cela comprend l'anticipation, l'évaluation et la gestion des événements extrêmes, l'élaboration de nouvelles normes et directives pour les pratiques géotechniques et d'ingénierie, et la révision des réglementations qui tient compte des changements climatiques. Les géoscientifiques ont également un rôle important dans l'éducation des étudiants et du public sur le fondement des mesures nécessaires. Le Canada occupe une position unique grâce à son solide leadership géoscientifique mondial, sa vaste étendue et son territoire nordique pour tirer efficacement parti des activités de recherche sur les changements climatiques. Les outils géoscientifiques et les compétences des géoscientifiques feront partie intégrante de la préparation du Canada aux changements climatiques

    Oxygen availability strongly affects chronological lifespan and thermotolerance in batch cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Stationary-phase (SP) batch cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which growth has been arrested by carbon-source depletion, are widely applied to study chronological lifespan, quiescence and SP-associated robustness. Based on this type of experiments, typically performed under aerobic conditions, several roles of oxygen in aging have been proposed. However, SP in anaerobic yeast cultures has not been investigated in detail. Here, we use the unique capability of S. cerevisiae to grow in the complete absence of oxygen to directly compare SP in aerobic and anaerobic bioreactor cultures. This comparison revealed strong positive effects of oxygen availability on adenylate energy charge, longevity and thermotolerance during SP. A low thermotolerance of anaerobic batch cultures was already evident during the exponential growth phase and, in contrast to the situation in aerobic cultures, was not substantially increased during transition into SP. A combination of physiological and transcriptome analysis showed that the slow post-diauxic growth phase on ethanol, which precedes SP in aerobic, but not in anaerobic cultures, endowed cells with the time and resources needed for inducing longevity and thermotolerance. When combined with literature data on acquisition of longevity and thermotolerance in retentostat cultures, the present study indicates that the fast transition from glucose excess to SP in anaerobic cultures precludes acquisition of longevity and thermotolerance. Moreover, this study demonstrates the importance of a preceding, calorie-restricted conditioning phase in the acquisition of longevity and stress tolerance in SP yeast cultures, irrespective of oxygen availability

    Spong3d: 3D printed facade system enabling movable fluid heat storage

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    Spong3D is an adaptive 3D printed facade system that integrates multiple functions to optimize thermal performances according to the different environmental conditions throughout the year. The proposed system incorporates air cavities to provide thermal insulation and a movable liquid (water plus additives) to provide heat storage where and whenever needed. The air cavities have various dimensions and are located in the inner part of the system. The movable liquid provides heat storage as it flows through channels located along the outer surfaces of the system (on the indoor and outdoor faces of the façade). Together, the composition of the channels and the cavities form a complex structure, integrating multiple functions into a singular component, which can only be produced by using an Additive Manufacturing (AM; like 3D printing) technology

    Spong3d: 3D printed facade system enabling movable fluid heat storage

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    Spong3D is an adaptive 3D printed facade system that integrates multiple functions to optimize thermal performances according to the different environmental conditions throughout the year. The proposed system incorporates air cavities to provide thermal insulation and a movable liquid (water plus additives) to provide heat storage where and whenever needed. The air cavities have various dimensions and are located in the inner part of the system. The movable liquid provides heat storage as it flows through channels located along the outer surfaces of the system (on the indoor and outdoor faces of the façade). Together, the composition of the channels and the cavities form a complex structure, integrating multiple functions into a singular component, which can only be produced by using an Additive Manufacturing (AM; like 3D printing) technology

    The impact of early emergency department allied health intervention on admission rates in older people: a non-randomized clinical study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study sought to determine whether early allied health intervention by a dedicated Emergency Department (ED) based team, occurring before or in parallel with medical assessment, reduces hospital admission rates amongst older patients presenting with one of ten index problems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective non-randomized trial in patients aged sixty five and over, conducted in two Australian hospital EDs. Intervention group patients, receiving early comprehensive allied health input, were compared to patients that received no allied health assessment. Propensity score matching was used to compare the two groups due to the non-randomized nature of the study. The primary outcome was admission to an inpatient hospital bed from the ED.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of five thousand two hundred and sixty five patients in the trial, 3165 were in the intervention group. The admission rate in the intervention group was 72.0% compared to 74.4% in the control group. Using propensity score probabilities of being assigned to either group in a conditional logistic regression model, this difference was of borderline statistical significance (<it>p </it>= 0.046, OR 0.88 (0.76-1.00)). On subgroup analysis the admission rate in patients with musculoskeletal symptoms and angina pectoris was less for those who received allied health intervention versus those who did not. This difference was significant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Early allied health intervention in the ED has a significant but modest impact on admission rates in older patients. The effect appears to be limited to a small number of common presenting problems.</p

    COVID-19 in health-care workers in three hospitals in the south of the Netherlands:A cross-sectional study

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    Background: 10 days after the first reported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the Netherlands (on Feb 27, 2020), 55 (4%) of 1497 health-care workers in nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We aimed to gain insight in possible sources of infection in health-care workers. Methods: We did a cross-sectional study at three of the nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands. We screened health-care workers at the participating hospitals for SARS-CoV-2 infection, based on clinical symptoms (fever or mild respiratory symptoms) in the 10 days before screening. We obtained epidemiological data through structured interviews with health-care workers and combined this information with data from whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples taken from health-care workers and patients. We did an in-depth analysis of sources and modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health-care workers and patients. Findings: Between March 2 and March 12, 2020, 1796 (15%) of 12 022 health-care workers were screened, of whom 96 (5%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. We obtained complete and near-complete genome sequences from 50 health-care workers and ten patients. Most sequences were grouped in three clusters, with two clusters showing local circulation within the region. The noted patterns were consistent with multiple introductions into the hospitals through community-acquired infections and local amplification in the community. Interpretation: Although direct transmission in the hospitals cannot be ruled out, our data do not support widespread nosocomial transmission as the source of infection in patients or health-care workers. Funding: EU Horizon 2020 (RECoVer, VEO, and the European Joint Programme One Health METASTAVA), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health