284 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Two-Channel Asymmetric Exclusion Processes with Narrow Entrances

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    Multi-particle non-equilibrium dynamics in two-channel asymmetric exclusion processes with narrow entrances is investigated theoretically. Particles move on two parallel lattices in opposite directions without changing them, while the channels are coupled only at the boundaries. A particle cannot enter the corresponding lane if the exit site of the other lane is occupied. Stationary phase diagrams, particle currents and densities are calculated in a mean-field approximation. It is shown that there are four stationary phases in the system, with two of them exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena. Extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations confirm qualitatively our predictions, although the phase boundaries and stationary properties deviate from the mean-field results. Computer simulations indicate that several dynamic and phase properties of the system have a strong size dependency, and one of the stationary phases predicted by the mean-field theory disappears in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 13 page

    Theoretical Investigation of Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on Lattices with Junctions

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes on lattices with junctions, where particles interact with hard-core exclusion and move on parallel lattice branches that at the junction combine into a single lattice segment, are investigated. A simple approximate theory, that treats the correlations around the junction position in a mean-field fashion, is developed in order to calculate stationary particle currents, density profiles and a phase diagram. It is shown that there are three possible stationary phases depending on the state of each of the lattice branch. At first-order phase boundaries, where the density correlations are important, a modified phenomenological domain-wall theory, that accounts for correlations, is introduced. Extensive Monte Carlo computer simulations are performed to investigate the system, and it is found that they are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure


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    Multicultural and polyethnic diversity of the population is a characteristic trend of the world community. The polyethnic environment of the school can be, on the one hand, a basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause inter-ethnic conflicts, hostility to the representatives of a different nationality. Ethnic identity is formed in the context of the socialization of the younger schoolchild’s personality, which is characterized by the desire to achieve success and social recognition, social activity, indicating social success. Various kinds of contradictions appear between ethnic identity and the achievement of social success of younger schoolchildren in the multinational classes. The study examined the impact of ethnic identity on the achievement of younger schoolchildren’s social success in the multinational classes. The sample consisted of 236 primary school children aged 8-9 years old. multinational Correlation analysis identified positive relationships between ethnic identity and such indicators of social success as proneness to conflict, the aspiration for power, the tendency to affiliation and negative relationships between sociometric status and cohesion. High ethnic identity of younger schoolchildren in the multinational classes does not affect satisfaction with school life; achieving success in general increases the tendency to group recognition and respect, but at the same time impedes the achievement of favorable sociometric status and cohesion in the classroom, increasing proneness to conflict between the classmates.La diversidad multicultural y polietnica de la población es una tendencia característica de la comunidad mundial. El ambiente polieténico de la escuela puede ser, por un lado, una base para la manifestación de tolerancia, interacción interétnica y, por otro lado, un alto grado de identidad étnica de los estudiantes puede causar conflictos interétnicos, hostilidad hacia los representantes. de una nacionalidad diferente. La identidad étnica se forma en el contexto de la socialización de la personalidad del menor escolar, que se caracteriza por el deseo de lograr el éxito y el reconocimiento social, la actividad social, lo que indica el éxito social. Aparecen varios tipos de contradicciones entre la identidad étnica y el logro del éxito social de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales. El estudio examinó el impacto de la identidad étnica en el logro del éxito social de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales. La muestra consistió en 236 niños de primaria de 8 a 9 años. En la muestra agregada de escolares más jóvenes que estudian en las clases multinacionales, en términos de indicadores positivos, los estudiantes socialmente exitosos se revelaron dos veces más que los socialmente no exitosos. El grupo de escolares socialmente fracasados ​​estaba formado principalmente por alumnos con un alto nivel de identidad étnica. El análisis de correlación identificó relaciones positivas entre la identidad étnica y tales indicadores de éxito social como la propensión al conflicto, la aspiración de poder, la tendencia a la afiliación y las relaciones negativas entre el estado sociométrico y la cohesión. La alta identidad étnica de los escolares más jóvenes en las clases multinacionales no afecta la satisfacción con la vida escolar; Lograr el éxito en general aumenta la tendencia al reconocimiento y respeto grupal, pero al mismo tiempo impide el logro del estado sociométrico favorable y la cohesión en el aula, lo que aumenta la propensión al conflicto entre los compañeros de clase.Поликультурное и полиэтническое разнообразие населения является характерной тенденцией мирового общества. Полиэтническая среда школы может выступать, с одной стороны, основой для проявления толерантности, межэтнического взаимодействия, с другой стороны, высокая степень этнической идентичности обучающихся может вызывать межэтнические конфликты, неприязнь к представителям иной национальности. Формирование этнической идентичности происходит в контексте социализации личности младшего школьника, которая характеризуется стремлением к достижению успеха и социальному признанию, социальной активностью, что является показателями социальной успешности. Возникают различного рода противоречия между этнической идентичностью и достижением социальной успешности младших школьников полинациональных классов. В исследовании изучалось влияние этнической идентичности на достижение социальной успешности младших школьников в полинациональных классах. Выборку составили 236 младших школьников 8-9 лет. В совокупной выборке младших школьников полинациональных классов по позитивным показателям социально успешных обучающихся выявлено в два раза больше, чем социально неуспешных. Группу социально неуспешных школьников составили в основном школьники с высоким уровнем этнической идентичности. Корреляционный анализ выявил наличие положительных взаимосвязей между этнической идентичностью и такими показателями социальной успешности как конфликтность, стремление к власти, тенденция к аффилиации и отрицательных взаимосвязей между социометрическим статусом и сплочённостью. Высокая этническая идентичность у младших школьников полинациональных классов не влияет на удовлетворённость школьной жизнью, достижение успеха в целом, усиливает тенденцию к групповому признанию и уважению, но вместе с тем препятствует достижению благоприятного социометрического статуса, сплочённости в классе, увеличивает конфликтность между одноклассниками

    Текстові методики дослідження мотиваційно-смислової сфери жінки в процесі реалізації материнської поведінки (Textual techniques of studing the motivational and semantic sphere of a woman in the implementation of maternal behavior)

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    Материнська поведінка та її мотивація значно впливають на розвиток молодого покоління та соціально-демографічну ситуацію країни загалом. У статті розглянуто текстові методики дослідження мотиваційно-смислової сфери жінки в процесі реалізації материнської поведінки як засіб збору найбільш глибинних і достовірних емпіричних даних. Проаналізовано сучасну українську та закордонну психологічну літературу з досліджень дитячо-батьківських відносин, материнської поведінки, проєктивних текстових методик, інтерв’ю та бесід, їх оброблення та за іншими темами, під час яких використано збір даних текстовими методиками. У результаті проведеного дослідження виокремлено й описано сучасні текстові методики діагностики мотиваційно-смислової сфери жінки в процесі реалізації материнської поведінки, наведено шляхи аналізу отриманих текстових даних, визначено місце текстових методик у діагностиці мотивації та смислів особистості. (Maternal behavior and its motivation significantly affect the development of the younger generation and the socio-demographic situation of the country, which reveals the relevance to study this topic. The purpose of the article is to consider textual methods of research of the motivational and meaning sphere of a womam in the implementation of maternal behavior as a means of collecting the most detailed and reliable empirical data. Having studied modern Ukrainian and foreign psychological literature on the topics of parent-child relationships, the analysis of maternal behavior, projective textual techniques, interviews and conversations, their processing and other topics in which data collection by textual techniques was used. As a result of the study, modern text methods of diagnosing the motivational and semantic sphere of a woman in the implementation of maternal behavior were identified and described, the ways of analyzing obtained textual data were proposed, the place of textual methods in the diagnosis of motivation and meanings of personality was determined.

    Differences in Corporate Law of Russia and Arab States: Influence on Translation Activity

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    The authors of the paper proceed from the assumption that translation from Arabic into Russian and vice versa will be instrumental in strengthening economic ties of Russia with the Middle East countries and expanding foreign trade of companies in the near future. They substantiate the idea that success of foreign trade activities largely depends on the extent to which differences in the corporate law of Russia and Arab states are taken into consideration. The paper offers a review of differences in the corporate law that affect translation activity and highlights their main reasons related, first and foremost, to different conditions in which legal systems of Russia and the Middle East countries were formed. Using specific examples, the authors consider the main translation problems predetermined by differences in the corporate law of various states as well as in the terminological systems of the corporate law, and offer various means of solving the problems. It is concluded that the main principle of solving problems faced in translation is to transfer the meaning implied by the source text sender

    Preanalytical features of the determination of circulating microRNAs as new specific biomarkers of the body’s response to physical activity

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    MicroRNAs are small non-coding single-stranded RNAs, 18 to 25 nucleotides long, they regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level through specific binding to the target mRNA, leading to its degradation. In recent decades, the development of technologies for determining the expression profiles of miRNAs has become an important part of research projects, and the role of miRNAs as potential highly informative molecular biomarkers of various physiological and pathological processes in the body is actively explored by the scientific community. In particular, physical activity is an important modifying factor for circulating miRNAs. Unlike classical blood biochemical parameters, which can change over time depending on the temperature and storage conditions of the sample, microRNAs remain stable during storage and even after multiple freeze-thaw cycles, which makes them an attractive and easily accessible target for detection. However, the determination of the microRNA expression profile in clinical practice is still difficult due to the high heterogeneity of analytical procedures used for testing. In sports medicine, the preanalytical stage is especially important, since often the conditions for sampling are not standardized and can affect the analysis result. This review shows the role of miRNAs as new sensitive biomarkers of the effectiveness of the training process and regulators of the body’s response to physical activity, and also discusses some preanalytical aspects of the analysis of miRNA expression profiles

    The development of blockchain technology in Russia : outlook and trends

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    Purpose: The article addresses the issue of new scientific decisions shaping with respect to the study of problems, current trends and perspectives of blockchain technology usage in the Russian Federation. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the objectives of this study the increasing interest to blockchain technology in Russia was discussed. Findings: The article determined main problems in blockchain technology which includes gaps in legislative regulation; the existence of a considerable number of projects that are undergoing the development stage and that have not proved own economic feasibility yet; incomplete understanding of the blockchain spheres’ implementation by state officials, society and business representatives as well as expected outcomes according to the amount and time of their receiving; disputes on cryptocurrencies turnover in the country’s territory and their influence in the national economy. Practical implications: The study has demonstrated the interest growth mainly by businesses to the usage of blockchain technology in order to improve own competitiveness and to obtain additional benefits, including the form of their profits. Originality/value: The research has also determined the area of further key studies in blockchain technology usage in Russia and the world.peer-reviewe