575 research outputs found

    Activation analysis of admixtures in certain semiconductive materials

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    The use of extractions and chromatographic operations to separate macrobases, and to divide elements into groups convenient for gamma-spectrometric analysis is discussed. Methods are described for the activation detection of some impurities in silicon, arsenic, thallium, and trichloromethylsilane, on the basis of the extraction properties of bis(2-chlorethyl ether) and dimethylbenzylalkylammonium chloride. A schematic diagram of the extraction separation of elements-admixture is presented showing the aqueous and organic phases. The content percentage of the various elements are given in tables

    Compositional variation of thin PZT films near morphotropic phase boundary: experiment and simulation

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    The work was partly supported by the Ministry for Education and Science (Russian Federation) (Grant No 16.2811.2017/4.6) and RFBR (Grant No 16-02-00632)

    Spin excitations of the correlated semiconductor FeSi probed by THz radiation

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    By direct measurements of the complex optical conductivity σ(ν)\sigma(\nu) of FeSi we have discovered a broad absorption peak centered at frequency ν0(4.2K)32cm1\nu_{0}(4.2 K) \approx 32 cm^{-1} that develops at temperatures below 20 K. This feature is caused by spin-polaronic states formed in the middle of the gap in the electronic density of states. We observe the spin excitations between the electronic levels split by the exchange field of He=34±6TH_{e}=34\pm 6 T. Spin fluctuations are identified as the main factor determining the formation of the spin polarons and the rich magnetic phase diagram of FeSi.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Highly anisotropic energy gap in superconducting Ba(Fe0.9_{0.9}Co0.1_{0.1})2_{2}As2_{2} from optical conductivity measurements

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    We have measured the complex dynamical conductivity, σ=σ1+iσ2\sigma = \sigma_{1} + i\sigma_{2}, of superconducting Ba(Fe0.9_{0.9}Co0.1_{0.1})2_{2}As2_{2} (Tc=22T_{c} = 22 K) at terahertz frequencies and temperatures 2 - 30 K. In the frequency dependence of σ1\sigma_{1} below TcT_{c}, we observe clear signatures of the superconducting energy gap opening. The temperature dependence of σ1\sigma_{1} demonstrates a pronounced coherence peak at frequencies below 15 cm1^{-1} (1.8 meV). The temperature dependence of the penetration depth, calculated from σ2\sigma_{2}, shows power-law behavior at the lowest temperatures. Analysis of the conductivity data with a two-gap model, gives the smaller isotropic s-wave gap of ΔA=3\Delta_{A} = 3 meV, while the larger gap is highly anisotropic with possible nodes and its rms amplitude is Δ0=8\Delta_{0} = 8 meV. Overall, our results are consistent with a two-band superconductor with an s±s_{\pm} gap symmetry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, discussion on pair-barking scattering and possible lifting of the nodes is adde

    Optical conductivity of multifold fermions: the case of RhSi

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    We measured the reflectivity of the multifold semimetal RhSi in a frequency range from 80 to 20000 cm1^{-1} (10 meV - 2.5 eV) at temperatures down to 10 K. The optical conductivity, calculated from the reflectivity, is dominated by the free-carrier (Drude) contribution below 1000 cm1^{-1} (120 meV) and by interband transitions at higher frequencies. The temperature-induced changes in the spectra are generally weak: only the Drude bands narrow upon cooling, with an unscreened plasma frequency that is constant with temperature at approximately 1.4 eV, in agreement with a weak temperature dependence of the free-carrier concentration determined by Hall measurements. The interband portion of conductivity exhibits two linear-in-frequency regions below 5000 cm1^{-1} (\sim 600 meV), a broad flat maximum at around 6000 cm1^{-1} (750 meV), and a further increase starting around 10000 cm1^{-1} (\sim 1.2 eV). We assign the linear behavior of the interband conductivity to transitions between the linear bands near the band crossing points. Our findings are in accord with the predictions for the low-energy conductivity behavior in multifold semimetals and with earlier computations based on band structure calculations for RhSi.Comment: 7 pages, supplemental material added, figures improve