69 research outputs found
Topside Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Modelling Using GNSS Radio Occultation and POD Data
A 3D-model approach has been developed to describe the electron density of the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements onboard low Earth orbit satellites. Electron density profiles derived from ionospheric Radio Occultation (RO) data are extrapolated to the upper ionosphere and plasmasphere based on a linear Vary-Chap function and Total Electron Content (TEC) measurements. A final update is then obtained by applying tomographic algorithms to the slant TEC measurements. Since the background specification is created with RO data, the proposed approach does not require using any external ionospheric/plasmaspheric model to adapt to the most recent data distributions. We assessed the model accuracy in 2013 and 2018 using independent TEC data, in situ electron density measurements, and ionosondes. A systematic better specification was obtained in comparison to NeQuick, with improvements around 15% in terms of electron density at 800 km, 26% at the top-most region (above 10,000 km) and 26% to 55% in terms of TEC, depending on the solar activity level. Our investigation shows that the developed model follows a known variation of electron density with respect to geographic/geomagnetic latitude, altitude, solar activity level, season, and local time, revealing the approach as a practical and useful tool for describing topside ionosphere and plasmasphere using satellite-based GNSS data
A new climatological electron density model for supporting space weather services
The ionosphere is the ionized part of the Earth atmosphere, ranging from about 60 km up to several Earth radii whereas the upper part above about 1000 km height up to the plasmapause is usually called the plasmasphere. We present a new three-dimensional electron density model aiming for supporting space weather services and mitigation of propagation errors for trans-ionospheric signals. The model is developed by superposing the Neustrelitz Plasmasphere Model (NPSM) to an ionosphere model composed of separate F and E-layer distributions. It uses the Neustrelitz TEC model (NTCM), Neustrelitz Peak Density Model (NPDM) and the Neustrelitz Peak Height Model (NPHM) for the total electron content (TEC), peak ionization and peak height information. These models describe the spatial and temporal variability of the key parameters as function of local time, geographic/geomagnetic location, solar irradiation and activity. The model is particularly developed to calculate the electron concentration at any given location and time in the ionosphere for trans-ionospheric applications and named as the Neustrelitz Electron Density Model (NEDM2020). A comprehensive validation study is conducted against electron density in-situ data from DMSP and Swarm, Van Allen Probes and ICON missions, and topside TEC data from COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission, bottom side TEC data from TOPEX/Poseidon mission and ground-based TEC data from International GNSS Service (IGS) covering both high and low solar activity conditions. Additionally, the model performance is compared with the 3D electron density model NeQuick2. Our investigation shows that the NEDM2020 performs better than the NeQuick2 when compared with the in-situ data from Van Allen Probes and ICON satellites and TEC data from COSMIC and TOPEX/Poseidon missions. When compared with DMSP and IGS TEC data both NEDM2020 and NeQuick2 perform very similarly
Precise orbit determination of LEO satellites : a systematic review
The need for precise orbit determination (POD) has grown significantly due to the increased amount of space-based activities taking place at an accelerating pace. Accurate POD positively contributes to achieving the requirements of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite missions, including improved tracking, reliability and continuity. This research aims to systematically analyze the LEO–POD in four aspects: (i) data sources used; (ii) POD technique implemented; (iii) validation method applied; (iv) accuracy level obtained. We also present the most used GNSS systems, satellite missions, processing procedures and ephemeris. The review includes studies on LEO–POD algorithms/methods and software published in the last two decades (2000–2021). To this end, 137 primary studies relevant to achieving the objective of this research were identified. After the investigation of these primary studies, it was found that several types of POD techniques have been employed in the POD of LEO satellites, with a clear trend observed for techniques using reduced-dynamic model, least-squares solvers, dual-frequency signals with undifferenced phase and code observations in post-processing mode. This review provides an understanding of the various POD techniques, dataset utilized, validation techniques, and accuracy level of LEO satellites, which have interest to developers of small satellites, new researchers and practitioners.© The Author(s) 2023. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
Tomographic imaging of ionospheric plasma bubbles based on GNSS and radio occultation measurements
Total electron content measurements given by the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) have successfully presented results to capture the signatures of equatorial plasma bubbles. In contrast, the correct reproduction of plasma depletions at electron density level is still a relevant challenge for ionospheric tomographic imaging. In this regard, this work shows the first results of a new tomographic reconstruction technique based on GNSS and radio-occultation data to map the vertical and horizontal distributions of ionospheric plasma bubbles in one of the most challenging conditions of the equatorial region. Twenty-three days from 2013 and 2014 with clear evidence of plasma bubble structures propagating through the Brazilian region were analyzed and compared with simultaneous observations of all-sky images in the 630.0 nm emission line of the atomic oxygen. The mean rate of success of the tomographic method was 37.1%, being more efficient near the magnetic equator, where the dimensions of the structures are larger. Despite some shortcomings of the reconstruction technique, mainly associated with ionospheric scintillations and the weak geometry of the ground-based GNSS receivers, both vertical and horizontal distributions were mapped over more than 30° in latitude, and have been detected in instances where the meteorological conditions disrupted the possibility of analyzing the OI 630 nm emissions. Therefore, the results revealed the proposed tomographic reconstruction as an efficient tool for mapping characteristics of the plasma bubble structures, which may have a special interest in Space Weather, Spatial Geodesy, and Telecommunications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
GPS Scintillations and Total Electron Content Climatology in the Southern American Sector
The radio communication and navigation systems can be strongly affected by the ionospheric conditions, which are controlled by solar phenomena associated with radiation variations and solar wind disturbances. These phenomena can generate ionospheric large-scale plasma redistribution and irregularities with scale sizes varying from centimeters to hundred kilometers. These ionospheric irregularities can produce rapid fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals, degrading the accuracy of GNSS measurements. Here we give a short review of the ionospheric variations associated with solar phenomena, and the actual state of art in the investigations of long-term (seasonal and solar cycle scales) TEC variations and climatology of scintillations, with focus on the southern American sector. It also presented a new TEC calibration procedure when applied to single-frequency PPP
Simulations of Dedicated LEO-PNT Systems for Precise Point Positioning : Methodology, Parameter Analysis, and Accuracy Evaluation
Low earth orbit (LEO) satellites provide the potential to overcome the current limitations in global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) due to the increased satellite velocity and signal reception power. As the whole LEO segment grows, preliminary studies and simulations have been conducted in the most recent years to identify how to develop a LEO positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) system and add value to the GNSS. To promote the development of LEO-PNT, this work presents the simulation of several key components of a dedicated LEO-PNT system. Our investigation analyzes features of the satellite constellation, orbits, onboard instruments, signal propagation effects, and user measurements and maps the accuracy of the service on the ground. The analysis considers the signal propagation from both LEO and medium earth orbit satellites and provides the expected accuracy of a ground user when certain system parameters and instruments are defined in the space mission design. All parameters and statistical distributions, which can serve to future LEO-PNT simulations and developments, are presented. For validation and demonstration, a comparison is presented to analyze the expected positioning errors for LEO satellites and how they differ from the classic GNSS. Our investigation enables a valuable quantitative analysis of the dedicated LEO-PNT systems and provides analysis for LEO-PNT system design optimization.© 2024 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
A backpack-mounted omnidirectional camera with off-the-shelf navigation sensors for mobile terrestrial mapping: Development and forest application
The use of Personal Mobile Terrestrial
System (PMTS) has increased considerably for mobile mapping applications
because these systems offer dynamic data acquisition with ground
perspective in places where the use of wheeled platforms is unfeasible,
such as forests and indoor buildings. PMTS has become more popular with
emerging technologies, such as miniaturized navigation sensors and
off-the-shelf omnidirectional cameras, which enable low-cost mobile
mapping approaches. However, most of these sensors have not been
developed for high-accuracy metric purposes and therefore require
rigorous methods of data acquisition and data processing to obtain
satisfactory results for some mapping applications. To contribute to the
development of light, low-cost PMTS and potential applications of these
off-the-shelf sensors for forest mapping, this paper presents a
low-cost PMTS approach comprising an omnidirectional camera with
off-the-shelf navigation systems and its evaluation in a forest
environment. Experimental assessments showed that the integrated sensor
orientation approach using navigation data as the initial information
can increase the trajectory accuracy, especially in covered areas. The
point cloud generated with the PMTS data had accuracy consistent with
the Ground Sample Distance (GSD) range of omnidirectional images (3.5–7
cm). These results are consistent with those obtained for other PMTS
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personal mobile terrestrial system; omnidirectional cameras; low-cost sensors; forest mapping; PMTS data quality
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