98 research outputs found

    An Assessment of the Economic Performance of the EU Baltic Region States

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    The paper explores how the common economic space, a product of the EU, influenced the economies of the Baltic Sea Region states in 1995-2015. The authors investigate changes in the economic performance of the developed (Germany, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden) and Eastern European countries (Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) during the integration of the latter states into the EU. Performance dynamics is analyzed for eight EU Baltic Sea Region countries. Three Russian Baltic regions constitute a control group. The authors conduct a production-function-based comparative analysis of development dynamics in individual countries to identify distinctive features for each group. Despite a rapid growth of Eastern European economies, the difference between the region’s eastern and western countries remains substantial. Economic convergence between eastern and western EU countries in terms of investment does not lead to convergence in labour efficiency. The capital-labour ratio and the growth rate of labour efficiency in the Russian Baltic are close to the Eastern European average

    Descriptive study of the flora of the "Relic Oaks" landscape reserve (Eastern Siberia) in the context of the protected area importance for maintaining biodiversity

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    The article shows the importance of specially protected areas for preserving the gene pool of rare and useful plants in Siberia on the example of the "Relic oaks" state landscape reserve. The landscape reserve is located on the territory of Eastern Siberia (Russia), on the two large floristic areas of Holarctic: Circumboreal and East-Asian. During the study, 696 species of higher vascular plants have been identified in the territory of the landscape reserve. The prevailing families are following: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. In the territory of landscape reserve, 4 floral complexes were identified: alpine, forest, steppe and meadow-alluvial, as well as 10 chorological groups. The feature of the flora was prevalence of forest and steppe plant species with the East Asian type of habitat. By the number of species, herbaceous plants in the landscape reserve dominate over arboreal plants, and shrubs have the largest share among arboreal plants. The spectrum of life forms of plants shows the climatic conditions of the territory at the border of large floral areas and zones of vegetation. On the studied territory, there are 171 species of higher vascular plants (24.5% of the total flora composition in the landscape reserve), are rare and protected in various regions of Siberia

    Seed morphology of some species in the family Gentianaceae

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    In this work, we investigated the outer and inner morphological characters of the seeds of 13 species in the family Gentianaceae. We also identified the main morphometric parameters and described the shape, coloration and sculpture of the seed surface. Some aspects of their internal structure were analyzed as well

    Differentiated approach to cell correction of acute hepatic failure at the acute toxic injury. Morphological basis of choosing the way of treatment

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    The article is devoted to the estimation of morphological changes in liver of experimental animals with acute hepatic failure caused by toxic injury of liver under the influence of xenotransplantation of culture of cryopreserved cells of liver and isolated cryopreserved neonatal hepatocytes. It was determined that undamaged hepatocytes with simultaneous decrease of number of vacuolated cells, preservation. of beam structure, decrease of fat insertions prevailed in the liver of animals with xenotransplantation of culture of cryopreserved cells of liver to the 6th day. At the transplantation of isolated neonatal hepatocytes number of hepatocytes with undamaged structure decreased and number of damaged hepatocytes increased. Thus, cultivated cryopreserved cells of liver are the cells of choice of correction of acute toxic liver injury


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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern directions to overcome the influence of the professional deformation of General education teachers. Methodology: The article describes the results of experimental work in the framework of the project aimed at the study of modern approaches to assessing the quality of education and its relationship with the overall educational results. Example of the training course module for teachers’ additional professional education, the purpose of which is the development of modern directions to prevent professional deformation. Result: The possibilities for supporting the positive psycho-emotional state of the teacher, teaching the practices to overcome subjectivity in making evaluation decisions - the interiorization of the teacher deontological code are revealed. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Modern Directions for Prevention of Destructive Influence of Teacher Professional Deformation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Formation and development of entrepreneurial initiative of future managers in the university

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the paper is conditioned by the need to form the foundations of the entrepreneurial initiative of future managers, as components of professional competence which stipulate their willingness to use the potential of the external and internal environment of the enterprise in order to achieve profit. The purpose of the paper is to develop a mechanism for the formation of future managers' entrepreneurial initiative based on the adaptation of pedagogical technologies and active teaching methods. The authors developed a "matrix of initiative learning", which allows them to change the position of students in the educational and professional activities within the framework of professional training, thus contributing to the development of entrepreneurial initiative. The effectiveness of this technique is proved by the results of experimental work, in the course of which the indicators of the effectiveness of the educational and professional activities of university students were evaluated. The paper is intended for educational specialists, teachers, researchers engaged in the optimization of educational technologies in modern learning environment

    Pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle species and varieties

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    Studies to assess the pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle were conducted on the ecosystem dendrological territory of the Siberian Botanical garden of TSU (Tomsk). Objects of research: 8 varieties and 4 species of blue honeysuckle – ‘Velvet’, ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Ogneny Opal’, ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’, Lonicera altaica, L. edulis, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii. It was found that the ‘Ogneny Opal’ and ‘Velvet’ varieties have low fertility, and the ‘Berel’ and L. edulis have an average fertility. Other varieties and species of honeysuckle have high pollen fertility. The viability of pollen with high values is more than 60 % – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Lazurnaya’, L. turczaninovii, L. kamtschatica, with average values from 40% to 60 % – ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’ and L. altaica, with low values – less than 40 % – ‘Velvet’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Ogneny Opal’ and L. edulis. High pollen productivity – more than 20,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Tomichka’, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii and L. edulis, average productivity - from 10,000 to 20,000 pollen grains – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Selena’ and L. altaica, low productivity – less than 10,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Velvet’, ‘Ogneny Opal’. It is recommended to use at least 10% of varieties with high pollen viability and pollen productivity as pollinators when creating industrial honeysuckle plantations: ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, and ‘Berel’