497 research outputs found

    Application of coupled-wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation to ground penetrating radar

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    This paper deals with bistatic subsurface probing of a horizontally layered dielectric half-space by means of ultra-wideband electromagnetic waves. In particular, the main objective of this work is to present a new method for the solution of the two-dimensional back-scattering problem arising when a pulsed electromagnetic signal impinges on a non-uniform dielectric half-space; this scenario is of interest for ground penetrating radar (GPR) applications. For the analytical description of the signal generated by the interaction of the emitted pulse with the environment, we developed and implemented a novel time-domain version of the coupled-wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. We compared our solution with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) results, achieving a very good agreement. We then applied the proposed technique to two case studies: in particular, our method was employed for the post-processing of experimental radargrams collected on Lake Chebarkul, in Russia, and for the simulation of GPR probing of the Moon surface, to detect smooth gradients of the dielectric permittivity in lunar regolith. The main conclusions resulting from our study are that our semi-analytical method is accurate, radically accelerates calculations compared to simpler mathematical formulations with a mostly numerical nature (such as the FDTD technique), and can be effectively used to aid the interpretation of GPR data. The method is capable to correctly predict the protracted return signals originated by smooth transition layers of the subsurface dielectric medium. The accuracy and numerical efficiency of our computational approach make promising its further development

    Energy principle for evaluation of accessibility of application of a regulated electric drive for turboinstallations

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    An energy principle is proposed for evaluating of the feasibility for using of a controlled electric drive for turbine plants, in contrast to the cost analysis method. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is the use of specific energy consumption as a criterion in comparison with the "net energy" for a similar technological process

    Optimisation and feature selection of poly-beta-amino-ester as a drug delivery system for cartilage

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    Drug localisation is still one of the main challenges in treating pathologies affecting cartilage; poly-beta-amino-esters (PBAEs) drug conjugates are a possible solution; however, their efficacy highly depends on the polymer structure hence the full potential of this delivery system is still unknown. For the purpose of optimising the delivery system design, a large library of PBAEs was synthesised and dexamethasone (DEX) uptake in cartilage was determined. All three components of PBAE (amine, acrylate and end-capping) impacted the outcome. The most effective PBAE identified enhanced DEX uptake by 8 folds compared to an equivalent dose of the commercial formulation and also prevented, through delivery of DEX, the cartilage degradation caused by IL-1α (interleukine1α). A chemometrics based predictive model was constructed and PBAEs properties most affecting the performance of the drug delivery systems were identified. This model will allow further computer based PBAEs optimisation and fast track the bench to market process for this delivery system

    Two-photon Raman-type self-induced transparency for few-cycle laser pulses

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    Театралізація як засіб розширення комунікативного простору показів мод

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze the process of theatricalization of fashion shows in the context of the socio-communicative space of culture, which is conditioned not only by the ability of this cultural phenomenon to reflect some of the features of modern society, but also to enhance these properties against the background of transformations of the cultural context. The research methodology of the research is based on the paradigm of theatricality of socio-cultural processes. This approach has allowed not only to establish that theatricality has always been characteristic of the displays of new fashion collections, but also to identify trends in the emergence of new forms, which main objectives are: increasing the effectiveness of communication between designers and viewers as potential consumers of products offered; the expansion of the communicative space of the fashion industry, which is due not only to commercial considerations, but also an understanding of the role of fashion in socio-cultural processes. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work lies in confirmation of the effectiveness of the application of the theatrical paradigm for the study of communicative processes in the field of fashion. This is manifested in the fact that for the first time, it was possible to explain not only the reasons for the emergence of new forms of fashion shows, but also their semantic transformation with the strengthening of social orientation. Conclusions. The analysis of the impressions of new fashion collections confirmed that they always had a theatricality which is gaining new forms for increasing the effectiveness of communication between designers and viewers and expanding the communicative space of the fashion industry.Цель работы. Проанализировать процесс театрализации показов мод в контексте социокоммуникативного пространства культуры, что обусловлено не только способностью этого культурного феномена отображать некоторые черты современного общества, но и усиливать эти свойства на фоне трансформаций культурного контекста. Методология исследования основана на парадигме театральности социокультурных процессов. Этот подход позволил не только установить, что театральность всегда была присуща показам новых модных коллекций, но и выявить тенденции к появлению новых форм, основными целями которых являются: повышение эффективности коммуникации между дизайнерами и зрителями, как потенциальными потребителями предлагаемой продукции; расширение коммуникативного пространства индустрии моды, что обусловлено не только коммерческими соображениями, но и пониманием роли моды в социокультурных процессах. Научная новизна работы заключается в подтверждении эффективности применения парадигмы театральности для исследования коммуникативных процессов в сфере моды. Это проявляется в том, что впервые удалось объяснить не только причины появления новых форм показов мод, но и их смысловую трансформацию с усилением социальной направленности. Выводы. Анализ показов новых модных коллекций подтвердил, что им всегда была присуща театральность, что приобретает новые формы для повышения эффективности коммуникации между дизайнерами и зрителями, расширение коммуникативного пространства индустрии моды.Мета роботи. Проаналізувати процес театралізації показів мод в контексті соціокомунікативного простору культури, що обумовлено не лише спроможністю цього культурного феномену відображати деякі риси сучасного суспільства, а й посилювати ці властивості на фоні трансформацій культурного контексту. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на парадигмі театральності соціокультурних процесів. Цей підхід дозволив не лише встановити, що театральність завжди була притаманна показам нових модних колекцій, а й виявити тенденції до появи нових форм, основними цілями яких є: підвищення ефективності комунікації між дизайнерами та глядачами, як потенційними споживачами продукції, що пропонується; розширення комунікативного простору індустрії моди, що обумовлено не лише комерційними міркуваннями, а й розумінням ролі моди в соціокультурних процесах. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в підтвердженні ефективності застосування парадигми театральності для дослідження комунікативних процесів в сфері моди. Це проявляється в тому, що вперше вдалось пояснити не лише причини появи нових форм показів мод, а й їх смислову трансформацію з посиленням соціальної спрямованості. Висновки. Аналіз показів нових модних колекцій підтвердив, що їм завжди була притаманна театральність, що набуває нових форм для підвищення ефективності комунікації між дизайнерами та глядачами, розширення комунікативного простору індустрії моди

    An injectable hydrogel as bone graft material with added antimicrobial properties

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    Currently, the technique which provides the best chances for a successful bone graft, is the use of bone tissue from the same patient receiving it (autograft); the main limitations are the limited availability and the risks involved in removing living bone tissue, for example, explant site pain and morbidity. Allografts and xenografts may overcome these limitations; however, they increase the risk of rejection. For all these reasons the development of an artificial bone graft material is particularly important and hydrogels are a promising alternative for bone regeneration. Gels were prepared using 1,4-butanediol diacrylate as crosslinker and alpha tricalciumphosphate; ZnCl2 and SrCl2 were added to the aqueous phase. MTT results demonstrated that the addition of strontium had a beneficial effect on the osteoblast cells density on hydrogels, and zinc instead did not increase osteoblast proliferation. The amount of calcium produced by the osteoblast cells quantified through the Alizarin Red protocol revealed that both strontium and zinc positively influenced the formation of calcium; furthermore, their effect was synergistic. Rheology properties were used to mechanically characterize the hydrogels and especially the influence of crosslinker's concentration on them, showing the hydrogels presented had extremely good mechanical properties. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of strontium and zinc in the hydrogels against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis was determine