29 research outputs found

    Image of Giant in Mythology of Ob Ugrians and Zabolotny Tatars

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    The results of a comparative analysis of the images of giants in the mythological traditions of geographically close unrelated peoples — the Ob Ugrians (Khanty and Mansi) and the Zabolotny Tatars are presented in the article. It is noted that the assimilation and leveling of the features of the giants images in original cultures did not occur, despite the fact that the myths of the West Siberian peoples were subjected to processes of mutual influence. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the external features and the origin of mythological characters (giants) with the specifics of the geoclimatic landscapes inhabited by the peoples that form the epic. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that for the first time the genesis, attributes and functions of the mythological heroes of unrelated peoples living in adjacent territories — the Ob Ugrians and the Zabolotny Tatars — are compared. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the image of a giant has significant prospects in the reconstruction of an ethnic cultural space, since, being one of the most archaic characters in myths, at the same time it remains a part of modern cultural consciousness. The author’s vision of the common and unique features of giants as distinctive characters of the Ob-Ugric and Siberian Tatar mythological systems is presented in the article. The research materials were myths and legends of the peoples of Western Siberia, records of oral stories of the indigenous inhabitants of the region, collected by the authors during field expeditions

    Phase Filters for 3D Localization of Point Light Sources

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    The work relates to the engineering and research of phase filters for three-dimensional localization of point light emitters. These phase filters form a light field having two clearly visible maxima in their intensity distribution (i.e. two-lobe fields). By means of numerical simulation, the influence of the amplitude and phase distortions of the wave front of the illuminating beam on the two-lobe field formation has been studied in the work. Keywords: spiral light beams, amplitude distortions, phase distortions, threedimensional localization, two-lobe field

    Female Demonic Characters in the Myths and Folklore of the Peoples of Western Siberia: Genesis, Functions, Attributes

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    The results of a comparative analysis of female demonic characters that exist in the myths and folklore of the peoples of Western Siberia are presented. It is noted that the total assimilation and leveling of the peculiarities of distinctive cultures did not occur, despite the fact that the rituals and myths of the West Siberian peoples were subjected to processes of mutual influence, flow and adaptation for centuries. The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the existing picture both in its integrity and in individual fragments. It is reported that the image of a female witch, a malicious old woman, is found in the myths and tales of most of the peoples living in Western Siberia. The article analyzes the etymology of the names and attributes of female demonic characters: Porne in Khanty mythology, Parne in Nenets mythology, Forest old woman and Albasty among Siberian Tatars, Baba Yaga among Slavs. The authors pay special attention to the commonality of mythological motifs, the similar structure of fairy tales, arising on the basis of demonic images of the feminine type. The possible relationship of these images with totemic representations, common in ancient cultures, is indicated. The question of the correlation of the folklore plot “the boy and the witch” with the ritualism of the West Siberian peoples, in particular, with the rites of birth, initiation, and fire worship, is examined. By comparing the traditions of neighboring cultures, the archetypal nature of the initiation scenario while maintaining its ethnospatial specificity is proved

    Management of heart failure patients in Russia: perspectives and realities of the second decade of the XXI century

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    The article highlights the central components of Russian heart failure (HF) management programs in actual clinical practice. The experience of the Competence Center of Almazov National Medical Research Center, as well as opportunities and prospects for improving the monitoring of decompensated HF

    Effect of Packing Geometrical Details

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    National Idea: What Should It Be Like?

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    Статья посвящена детальному анализу сущности и дефиниции национальной идеи, выявлению ее структуры, компонентов, обуславливающих специфику российской национальной идеи. Истоки изучения национальной идеи были заложены еще в XIX столетии, однако по сегодняшний день единый подход к дефиниции социокультурного феномена отсутствует. Различные ученые выдвигают вариативные подходы к пониманию сущности национальной идеи, в результате чего она может восприниматься синонимом этнической идентификации, самоидентификации, государственной идеи, патриотизма и пр. В то же время, несмотря на то, что все указанные смысловые центры представлены в национальной идеи, она выступает более комплексным, синтезным образованием, отражающим и регулирующим все аспекты жизнедеятельности личности, этноса, государства. На современном этапе развития российского общества и государства, гражданского общества и правового сознания граждан национальная идея способна успешно реализовывать ряд актуальных функций, направленных на повышение уровня вовлеченности в социально-правовую жизнедеятельность каждой отдельной личности, консолидацию общества, повышение эффективности реализации управленческих решений на государственном уровне. В качестве основных функций национальной идеи можно назвать мировоззренческую, консолидирующую, когнитивную, ценностную, репрезентативную, регулятивную. В то же время повышение функционального потенциала национальной идеи, усиление ее роли в процессах формирования правовой культуры, гражданского общества, обеспечения поступательного эволюционного развития российского государства требует реализации ряда мер, включая формулирование и закрепление в официальных документах национальной идеологии, развитие и поддержку национальной культуры, определение, формулирование и закрепление стратегических целей и задач реализации культурной политики и пр. Научная новизна публикации, таким образом, обусловлена анализом различных подходов к дефиниции и определению сущности национальной идеи, ее разграничения со смежными категориями, роли и значения в формировании правовой культуры общества.This article analyzes in detail the essence and definition of the national idea; the identification of its structure; and the components that determine the specifics of the Russian national idea. Despite the fact that the origins of the national idea study were laid in the 19th century, up to this day there has been no universal approach to the definition of this sociocultural phenomenon. Various scholars understand the essence of the national idea differently; as a result, it can be perceived as a synonym for other notions like ethnic identification, self-identification, state idea, patriotism. At the same time, despite that all the mentioned semantic centers are represented in the national idea; it is a more complex, synthetic formation, reflecting and regulating all aspects of the life of an individual, ethnos, and state. At the present stage of the development of Russian society and the state, as well civil society and the legal consciousness of citizens, the national idea is able to successfully implement a number of topical functions aimed at increasing the level of involvement of each individual in the social and legal life, consolidating society, and improving the implementation of managerial decisions at the state level. At the present stage of the development of Russian society and the state, one can name the worldview, consolidating, cognitive, value, representative, regulative functions as the main functions of the national idea. At the same time, increasing the functional potential of the national idea, strengthening its role in the processes of forming a legal culture and civil society, ensuring the progressive development of the Russian state– they all require the implementation of a number of measures, including the formulation of national ideology, the development and support of a national culture in official documents, formulation and consolidation of strategic goals and objectives of the implementation of cultural policies, etc. Thus, the scientific novelty of the publication includes the analysis of various approaches to the definition of the essence of the national idea, its delineation with related categories, and the role and importance in the formation of the legal culture of society

    Значение субклинических концентраций С-реактивного белка у больных различными формами ишемической болезни сердца

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    Метою дослідження було вивчення прогностичного значення субклінічних концентрацій СРБ у хворих із різними клінічними варіантами перебігу ІХС.There are given results of the C-reactive protein levels’ comparative analysis in healthy people and in patients with different clinical forms of the IHD. It was carried out retrospective analysis of IHD course with the development of acute coronary events in the patients with different C-reactive protein levels. It was shown that increase in the level of “acute” inflammation phase marker connects with development of acute coronary events, and the activity of inflammation isn’t a constant.Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа уровня С-реактивного белка у здоровых людей и у больных с различными клиническими вариантами течения ишемической болезни сердца (ИБС). Также проведен ретроспективный анализ течения ИБС с развитием острых коронарных событий у пациентов с различным уровнем С-реактивного белка. Показано, что повышение маркера «острой» фазы воспаления ассоциируется с дальнейшим развитием острых коронарных событий, а активность воспалительного процесса не является величиной постоянной

    Conception of the evidence-based medicine teaching from a position of the doctors’ continuous professional development

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    Представлені досвід викладання принципів доказової медицини, особливості практично-орієнтованого навчання студентів та лікарів, форми безперервного професійного навчання лікарів. Визначені актуальні напрями та методи педагогічних інновацій.The article presents the experience of the evidence-based medicine teaching, peculiarities of the practically-oriented education of the students and doctors, forms of the continuous doctors’ professional education. The important tendencies andmethods of the educational innovations are determined