15 research outputs found

    Prospects of utilization mining methane on the basis of gas hydrate technologies

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    The peculiarities of the innovative approach to the utilization of coal mine methane, which is extracted by significant volumes due to the technological process of underground development of coal-gas fields, are revealed. An innovative energy-saving technology for producing gas hydrates with the maximum possible accumulation of alternative gas volume on the basis of methane degassing systems of coal mines in the Western Donbass and transporting them to the infrastructure of the region to reduce the share of imported gas and pollution

    Micromechanically Tunable Dielectric Rod Resonator

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    A resonant frequency control method for dielectric rod resonators is discussed. A dielectric rod of cylindrical shape is placed inside a metal cavity. The bottom face of the dielectric rod is fixed at the metal base plate. Resonant frequency tuning is achieved by lifting the top metal plate above the dielectric rod upper face. The paper presents simulations using the mode matching technique and experimental study of this tunable resonator. Resonant frequency of the basic mode can be tuned by more than an octave with displacements of only tens of micrometres, which is in range of piezoactuators, MEMS, etc. A distinct feature of the proposed tuning technique is that the quality factor of the system does not degrade throughout the tuning range


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    The results of experimental studies of the properties of liquid additives of cold preparation and their influence on the physicochemical explosive properties of industrial explosives of polymiks and complalitovПриведены результаты экспериментальных исследований свойств жидких добавок холодного приготовления и их влияния на физико-химичини взрывные свойства промышленных взрывчатых веществ полимиксов и комполайтов.Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень властивостей рідких добавок холодного приготування і їх впливу на фізико-хімічні вибухові властивості промислових вибухових речовин поліміксів та комполайті

    Micromechanically Tunable Dielectric Rod Resonator

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    A resonant frequency control method for dielectric rod resonators is discussed. A dielectric rod of cylindrical shape is placed inside a metal cavity. The bottom face of the dielectric rod is fixed at the metal base plate. Resonant frequency tuning is achieved by lifting the top metal plate above the dielectric rod upper face. The paper presents simulations using the mode matching technique and experimental study of this tunable resonator. Resonant frequency of the basic mode can be tuned by more than an octave with displacements of only tens of micrometres, which is in range of piezoactuators, MEMS, etc. A distinct feature of the proposed tuning technique is that the quality factor of the system does not degrade throughout the tuning range

    Intensifying the process of methane gas hydrates crystallization in the presence of surface-activated substances

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    The crystallization process of gas hydrates during their formation in the presence of surface-active substances (SAS) is studied. The research is conducted in two directions – theoretical and experimental. Experimental data on the crystallization rate of methane gas hydrates formation in the presence of surfactants have been obtained: high-molecular compounds are used on the basis of polymeric quaternary ammonium salts containing side aliphatic radicals of various lengths in the acyl fragment, as well as a number of specific surfactants. The process of methane gas hydrates formation is performed using a laboratory setup of the NPO modification for the gas hydrates creation. To analyse the experimental data, technical and metrological instruments are used: stalagmometric method with automatic photoelectric drop counting, conductometric method, Wheatstone bridge, spectrophotometric titration of amino end-groups, viscometer VPZh-1. It has been substantiated that the crystal formation rate depends on the surfactant concentration. New experimental dependences of the gas hydrates formation on surfactants under thermobaric conditions in the presence of surfactants have been found. It has been revealed that the crystallization process during the methane gas hydrates formation is accelerated in the presence of a surfactant. As a result of their application, the effect of solubilization and catalysis arises with the formation of the so-called “diffusion zone”, the size of which decreases in the presence of surfactants, thereby accelerating the substance transfer to the surface on which crystallization occurs. An increase in the surfactant concentration leads to an increase in the rate of molecular diffusion, and also creates a more intense turbulent diffusion

    An innovative method for creating and using nanoparticles for gas extraction from gas hydrates

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    The growth of prices for traditional energy sources prompts Ukraine to seek new approaches to solving energy problems. Today, the country has intensified its work in this direction, in particular, legislative support is being developed and improved, and the investment climate for alternative energy projects is improving. In many countries of the world, it has long been understood how serious and necessary is the development of alternative energy. At present, in the face of various gas contradictions and unstable oil prices, the need for energy carriers is constantly increasing, which makes it necessary to seek the latest solutions to the energy problem. Many leading countries in the world are engaged in the search for alternative sources of energy, one of which is natural gas hydrates. This relatively new resource offers great opportunities both for economic growth and stability of states, and for the development of scientific institutions in this field. Flagships in the study and development of gas-hydrated deposits are the United States, China, Japan and Canada. Along with them should be noted the achievements of scientists in India, EU countries, Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria


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    A mathematical model describing the dynamics of the loading of a well, partially filled with water, with an explosive substance in a polymer sleeve, using a bubbling air of a water layer, was developed. The optimal loading regimes and the corresponding maximum thickness of the water layers are determined, which can be traversed by the batch body of the explosive to the bottomРазработана математическая модель, описывающая динамику загрузки скважины, частично заполненной водой, взрывчатым веществом в полимерном рукаве с использованием барботирования воздухом водяного слоя. Определены оптимальные режимы загрузки и соответствующие им максимальные толщины слоев воды, которые могут быть пройдены порционным телом взрывчатки до днаРозроблено математичну модель, що описує динаміку завантаження свердловини, частково заповненою водою, вибуховою речовиною в полімерному рукаві з використанням барботування повітрям водяного шару. Визначено оптимальні режими завантаження і відповідні їм максимальні товщини шарів води, які можуть бути пройдені порційних тілом вибухівки до дн

    Calculation of frequency and power characteristics of the composite metal-dielectric resonator using the method of partial regions

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    A new method for calculating the frequency and power characteristics of different modes of a microwave metal-dielectric resonator has been proposed. The results of measurements of experimental specimens are presented that are in good agreement with calculation results. The relationships of the frequency and power characteristics of a resonator as a function of its geometrical and electrophysical parameters were obtained by using the method of partial regions. A high sensitivity of the main mode resonant frequency to the thickness of air inhomogeneity was detected. In this case the introduction of inhomogeneity increases the resonator Q-factor. Thus, the proposed design can be used as a high-Q tunable resonator


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    The results of laboratory and polygon studies of the active liquid additive to industrial explosives are given: sensitivity to shock and friction; Ability to explosive transformation; Flammability; Sanitary and hygienic characteristicsПриведены результаты лабораторных и полигонных исследований активной жидкой добавки к промышленным взрывчатым веществам: чувствительности к удару и трению; способности к взрывчатому превращению; воспламеняемости; санитарно-гигиенических характеристикНаведено результати лабораторних і полігонних досліджень активної рідкої добавки до промислових вибухових речовин: чутливості до удару і тертя; здатності до вибуховій перетворенню; займистості; санітарно-гігієнічних характеристи