1,229 research outputs found

    Cueva Ein neues Kupferfungizid auf Basis von Kupfersalzen

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    Cueva ist ein von der Firma Neudorff neu entwickeltes Kupferfungizid, dass mit einer sehr geringen Kupfermenge eine Vielzahl von Pflanzenkrankheiten kontrollieren kann. Cueva ist als Suspensionskonzentrat mit 18 g reinen Kupfer pro Liter formuliert


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    The research is aimed at deepening and extending the knowledge regarding interpretation of Latin sayings and their role in the formation of future doctors’ professional culture. The use of Latin idioms for healthy lifestyle promotion since antiquity has been analysed. The aphorisms, one way or another characterizing human physical health, are divided into four theme groups depending on the meaningful context.  The first group is represented by the phrases, in which human health is directly related to food and hygiene. The second group of aphorisms calls for constant work both physical and mental, since it is regular and unceasing work on oneself that can lead to physical and spiritual health. The third group is aimed at human physiological health and formation of decision-making capacity with regard to enhancing one’s health, as well as developing habits and, further, need for keeping to hygienic rules and maintaining neatness of one’s body. The fourth group symbolizes hard work and patience for the sake of victory over one’s own nature.  Upon the analysis of the meaning of the word “health” in the Latin phraseology, it has been determined that organism integrity and strength are the main health characteristics. Peace of mind, good sleep, healthy food, moderate eating and drinking, as well as hardening, ignoring worries, cheerful disposition, loyal friends, physical exercises, etc. are needed for maintaining healthy lifestyle.У роботі  поглиблено та розширено знання щодо тлумачення латинських крилатих виразів та їх ролі у вихованні професійної культури майбутніх лікарів. Проаналізовано використання крилатих латинських виразів щодо пропагування здорового способу життя, починаючи від античності. Афоризми, що характеризують так чи інакше фізичне здоров’я людини, залежно від смислового контексту розділено на чотири тематичних групи. Першу групу представляють вирази, в яких здоров’я людини прямо пропорційно залежить від її харчування та гігієни. Друга група афоризмів закликає до постійної праці як фізичної, так і розумової. Тільки регулярна і невпинна робота над самим собою може привести до фізичного і духовного здоров’я. Третя група крилатих виразів спрямована на фізіологічне здоров’я людини, на формування навичок приймати самостійні рішення щодо зміцнення свого здоров’я. Виробити звичку, а потім і потребу дотримуватись правил особистої гігієни, підтримувати чистоту свого тіла. Четверта група крилатих виразів символізує важку працю і терпіння заради досягнення перемоги над самим собою. Проаналізувавши значення слова «здоров’я» в латинській фразеології, визначено, що основною характеристикою здоров’я є цілісність організму, сила людини. Для підтримки здорового способу життя потрібні спокій, здоровий сон, споживання здорової їжі, поміркованість у їжі та питті, загартовування, відкидання зайвих турбот, весела вдача, вірні друзі, фізичні вправи тощо

    Strange Bodies and Familiar Spaces: W. J. R. Simpson and the threat of disease in Calcutta and the tropical city, 1880 - 1910

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    This thesis discusses the role of urban sanitation in tropical cities, especially Calcutta. Focusing particularly on the provision of milk, the author argues that hygienic practice, and the culture of nineteenth-century tropical medicine, created more diffuse racial deliniations than usually assumed by historians [abstracted by librarian]

    Pricing and cost-saving potential for deep-learning computer-aided lung nodule detection software in CT lung cancer screening

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    OBJECTIVE: An increasing number of commercial deep learning computer-aided detection (DL-CAD) systems are available but their cost-saving potential is largely unknown. This study aimed to gain insight into appropriate pricing for DL-CAD in different reading modes to be cost-saving and to determine the potentially most cost-effective reading mode for lung cancer screening.METHODS: In three representative settings, DL-CAD was evaluated as a concurrent, pre-screening, and second reader. Scoping review was performed to estimate radiologist reading time with and without DL-CAD. Hourly cost of radiologist time was collected for the USA (€196), UK (€127), and Poland (€45), and monetary equivalence of saved time was calculated. The minimum number of screening CTs to reach break-even was calculated for one-time investment of €51,616 for DL-CAD.RESULTS: Mean reading time was 162 (95% CI: 111-212) seconds per case without DL-CAD, which decreased by 77 (95% CI: 47-107) and 104 (95% CI: 71-136) seconds for DL-CAD as concurrent and pre-screening reader, respectively, and increased by 33-41 s for DL-CAD as second reader. This translates into €1.0-4.3 per-case cost for concurrent reading and €0.8-5.7 for pre-screening reading in the USA, UK, and Poland. To achieve break-even with a one-time investment, the minimum number of CT scans was 12,300-53,600 for concurrent reader, and 9400-65,000 for pre-screening reader in the three countries.CONCLUSIONS: Given current pricing, DL-CAD must be priced substantially below €6 in a pay-per-case setting or used in a high-workload environment to reach break-even in lung cancer screening. DL-CAD as pre-screening reader shows the largest potential to be cost-saving.CRITICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT: Deep-learning computer-aided lung nodule detection (DL-CAD) software must be priced substantially below 6 euro in a pay-per-case setting or must be used in high-workload environments with one-time investment in order to achieve break-even. DL-CAD as a pre-screening reader has the greatest cost savings potential.KEY POINTS: • DL-CAD must be substantially below €6 in a pay-per-case setting to reach break-even. • DL-CAD must be used in a high-workload screening environment to achieve break-even. • DL-CAD as a pre-screening reader shows the largest potential to be cost-saving.</p

    Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Ultrathin Films

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    Using low temperature spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy we have studied the morphology and magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe(0.5 ML)Au(0.5 ML) nanowires prepared on a Mo(110) single crystal. The Fe nanostripes grown by step flow on a Mo(110) at 700 K were covered by Au at RT, and subsequently annealed at 700 K. Differences in the morphology of Au on Fe(110)/Mo(110) and clean Mo(110) surfaces are observed and discussed. After annealing, the Mo is covered by a homogeneous FeAu ML alloy with several iron enriched islands which reveal an out-of-plane magnetic contrast. Direct lateral exchange coupling has been observed for these islands

    Lac Blanc Pass: a natural wind-tunnel for studying drifting snow at 2700ma.s.l

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    International audienceThe investigation of the spatial variability of snow depth in high alpine areas is an important topic in snow hydrology, glacier and avalanche research and the transport of snow by wind is an important process for the distribution of snow in mountainous regions. That's why, for 25 years IRSTEA (previously Cemagref) and Météo France (Centre for the Study of Snow) have joined together in studying drifting snow at Col du Lac Blanc 2700 m a.s.l. near the Alpe d'Huez ski resort in the French Alps. Initially, the site was mainly equipped with conventional meteorological stations and a network of snow poles, in order to test numerical models of drifting snow Sytron (CEN) and NEMO (Cemagref). These models are complementary in terms of spatial and temporal scales: outputs of Sytron model will form the inputs of NEMO model. Then new sensors and technologies appeared which allow to develop new knowledge dealing with thresholds velocity according to morphological features of snow grains, snow flux profiles including parameters such as fall velocity and Schmidt number, histograms of particle widths, aerodynamic roughness, gust factors. More recently, the coupled snowpack/ atmosphere model Meso-NH/Crocus has been evaluated at the experimental site. At the same time, some tested sensors have been deployed in Adelie Land in Antarctica, where blowing snow accounts for a major component of the surface mass balance. Japanese and Austrian research teams have been accomodated at Lac Blanc Pass and new foreign teams are welcome. Initial observations continue. That's why Lac Blanc Pass is also a climatological reference for 25 years at 2700 m. Data are available