56 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana u potkožnom i mišićnom tkivu kunića

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    In this doctoral dissertation, it was used the well-characterized commercial high strenght carbon fibers (CF) Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), 4-6 m thick. These fibers were functionalized by treatment with HNO3 and KOH, which significantly changed the content of the surface groups. Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers was tested in vivo by implanting fibers in the subcutaneous tissue and m. longissimus dorsi of the experimental animals (rabbits, chinchilla variety), than followed with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and assessed in vitro on cell cultures (fibroblast and macrophage). The results of this doctoral dissertation showed that there is no difference in the degree of the cytotoxicity level between modified and standard CFs, which was in this experiment evaluated first basing on the cell viability test (calorimetric MTT) and cell adhesion test (three-dimensional / 3D cell cultivation in Matrigel) on human fibroblasts of the continuous MRC-5 cell line. However, these studies were supplemented with tests on the culture of the human macrophage line U937, in which cell viability was assessed, than internalization of fibers (phagocytosis) and production of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1α, IL6, IL-8 and TNF-α. When CFs were added at concentration of 125 μg / ml, cell viability was uninhabited in the culture of the human macrophage line U937. By adding CFs at concentration of 250 μg / ml or 500 μg / ml, there was a significant dose-dependent linear decrease in cell viability by all three applied CF groups, especially in case of adding base CFs. Significantly higher number CFs treated with base was pagocytosed by macrophage cells, compared to the phagocytosis of standard and acidic CFs. There was an increased concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in human macrophage culture U937 line supernatants after adding of the standard or acidic CFs at concentration of 125 μg / ml, while the adding of the base CFs in the same concentration caused a reduced production of these cytokines. At the same concentration, standard CFs resulted in significant reductions in IL-8 secretion, while acid and base CFs pronouncedly increased secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 secretion. In addition, the acid-treated fibers were stronger stimulant of IL-8 secretion from macrophages, compared to the base-treated fibers. Standard CFs at the concentration of 250 μg / ml decreased IL-1β secretion, and base line increased...U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji upotrebljena su dobro okarakterisana komercijalna visokočvrsta karbonska vlakna (KV) marke Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), debljine 4-6 m. Ova vlakna funkcionalizovana su tretiranjem HNO3 i KOH, što je značajno izmenilo sadržaj površinskih grupa. Biokompatibilnost tako funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana ispitivana je na eksperimentalnim životinjama (kunići, varijetet činčila), a procenjivana je in vitro, na ćelijskim kulturama (fibroblastvoj i makrofagnoj), in vivo aplikacijom vlakana u potkožno tkivo i m. longissimus dorsi i primenom nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR). Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije pokazali su da ne postoji razlika u stepenu citotoksičnosti između modifikovanih i standardnih KV, koja je u ovom eksperimentu prvo procenjivana na osnovu testa vijabilnosti ćelija (kalorimetrijski MTT) i testa ćelijske adhezije (trodimenzionalna / 3D kultivacija ćelija u Matrigelu) na humanim fibroblastima kontinuirane ćelijske linije MRC-5. Međutim, ova istraživanja dopunjena su testovima na kulturi humane makrofagne linije U937, u kojima je procenjivana vijabilnost ćelija, internalizacija vlakana (fagocitoza) i produkcija proinflamatornih citokina, IL-1, IL6, IL-8 i TNF-. Ćelijska vijabilnost bila je nenarušena u kulturama humane makrofagne linije U937 ukoliko su se dodavala KV u koncentaciji od 125 g/ ml. Međutim, dodavanjem KV u koncentraciji od 250 g/ml ili 500 g/ml, dolazilo je do značajnog dozno-zavisnog linearnog smanjenja vijabilnosti ćelija kod sve tri primenjene grupe KV, i to naročito kod dodavanja baznih KV. Znatno veći broj makrofagnih ćelija fagocitovao je KV trerira bazom, u odnosu na fagocitozu standardnih i kiselih KV. Postojala je povećana koncentracija proinflamatornih citokina TNF- i IL-1 u supernatantima kulture humanih makrofaga linije U937 nakon dodavanja standardnih ili kiselih KV u koncentraciji od 125 g/ml, dok je dodavanje baznih KV u istoj koncentraciji uslovilo smanjenu produkciju ovih citokina. U istoj koncentraciji, standardna KV su uslovila značajno smanjenja sekrecije IL-8, a kisela i bazna KV izrazito povećanje sekrecije IL-6 i IL-8. Pri tome, vlakna tretirana kiselinom bila su snažniji stimulator sekrecije IL-8 iz makrofaga u odnosu na vlakna tretirana bazom..

    Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers implanted in rabbit subcutaneous and muscle tissues

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji upotrebljena su dobro okarakterisana komercijalna visokočvrsta karbonska vlakna (KV) marke Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), debljine 4-6 m. Ova vlakna funkcionalizovana su tretiranjem HNO3 i KOH, što je značajno izmenilo sadržaj površinskih grupa. Biokompatibilnost tako funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana ispitivana je na eksperimentalnim životinjama (kunići, varijetet činčila), a procenjivana je in vitro, na ćelijskim kulturama (fibroblastvoj i makrofagnoj), in vivo aplikacijom vlakana u potkožno tkivo i m. longissimus dorsi i primenom nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR). Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije pokazali su da ne postoji razlika u stepenu citotoksičnosti između modifikovanih i standardnih KV, koja je u ovom eksperimentu prvo procenjivana na osnovu testa vijabilnosti ćelija (kalorimetrijski MTT) i testa ćelijske adhezije (trodimenzionalna / 3D kultivacija ćelija u Matrigelu) na humanim fibroblastima kontinuirane ćelijske linije MRC-5. Međutim, ova istraživanja dopunjena su testovima na kulturi humane makrofagne linije U937, u kojima je procenjivana vijabilnost ćelija, internalizacija vlakana (fagocitoza) i produkcija proinflamatornih citokina, IL-1, IL6, IL-8 i TNF-. Ćelijska vijabilnost bila je nenarušena u kulturama humane makrofagne linije U937 ukoliko su se dodavala KV u koncentaciji od 125 g/ ml. Međutim, dodavanjem KV u koncentraciji od 250 g/ml ili 500 g/ml, dolazilo je do značajnog dozno-zavisnog linearnog smanjenja vijabilnosti ćelija kod sve tri primenjene grupe KV, i to naročito kod dodavanja baznih KV. Znatno veći broj makrofagnih ćelija fagocitovao je KV trerira bazom, u odnosu na fagocitozu standardnih i kiselih KV. Postojala je povećana koncentracija proinflamatornih citokina TNF- i IL-1 u supernatantima kulture humanih makrofaga linije U937 nakon dodavanja standardnih ili kiselih KV u koncentraciji od 125 g/ml, dok je dodavanje baznih KV u istoj koncentraciji uslovilo smanjenu produkciju ovih citokina. U istoj koncentraciji, standardna KV su uslovila značajno smanjenja sekrecije IL-8, a kisela i bazna KV izrazito povećanje sekrecije IL-6 i IL-8. Pri tome, vlakna tretirana kiselinom bila su snažniji stimulator sekrecije IL-8 iz makrofaga u odnosu na vlakna tretirana bazom...In this doctoral dissertation, it was used the well-characterized commercial high strenght carbon fibers (CF) Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), 4-6 m thick. These fibers were functionalized by treatment with HNO3 and KOH, which significantly changed the content of the surface groups. Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers was tested in vivo by implanting fibers in the subcutaneous tissue and m. longissimus dorsi of the experimental animals (rabbits, chinchilla variety), than followed with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and assessed in vitro on cell cultures (fibroblast and macrophage). The results of this doctoral dissertation showed that there is no difference in the degree of the cytotoxicity level between modified and standard CFs, which was in this experiment evaluated first basing on the cell viability test (calorimetric MTT) and cell adhesion test (three-dimensional / 3D cell cultivation in Matrigel) on human fibroblasts of the continuous MRC-5 cell line. However, these studies were supplemented with tests on the culture of the human macrophage line U937, in which cell viability was assessed, than internalization of fibers (phagocytosis) and production of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1α, IL6, IL-8 and TNF-α. When CFs were added at concentration of 125 μg / ml, cell viability was uninhabited in the culture of the human macrophage line U937. By adding CFs at concentration of 250 μg / ml or 500 μg / ml, there was a significant dose-dependent linear decrease in cell viability by all three applied CF groups, especially in case of adding base CFs. Significantly higher number CFs treated with base was pagocytosed by macrophage cells, compared to the phagocytosis of standard and acidic CFs. There was an increased concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in human macrophage culture U937 line supernatants after adding of the standard or acidic CFs at concentration of 125 μg / ml, while the adding of the base CFs in the same concentration caused a reduced production of these cytokines. At the same concentration, standard CFs resulted in significant reductions in IL-8 secretion, while acid and base CFs pronouncedly increased secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 secretion. In addition, the acid-treated fibers were stronger stimulant of IL-8 secretion from macrophages, compared to the base-treated fibers. Standard CFs at the concentration of 250 μg / ml decreased IL-1β secretion, and base line increased..

    Correction: A. Hepatica in European ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) compared to other experimental animals (2016, vol. 70, iss. 1-2, pp. 31-39)

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    The Editor-in-Chief has been informed that authors of above-referenced article made a corrigendum to it. The article should include the following reference at the end of section Introduction (Blagojevic i sar., 2015). Also, at the section Literature following reference should be stated in full: Blagojević Miloš, Vitorović Duško, Adamović Ivana, Nešić Ivana, Brkić Zlata, Zdravković Marija, Đorđević Milena, Jović Slavoljub, Zorić Zoran, Ćupić Dejana, Vascularization of the kidney of the ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) in comparison with other experimental animals.

    Hirurška korekcija polnih organa kuje sa pseudohermafroditizmom

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    Hermaphroditism is a congenital anomaly characterized by the presentation of sexual characteristics of both sexes in one individual. Hermaphrodites can occur in every mammal species. Real and pseudo hermaphrodites can be distinguished. Both ovaries and testes (ovotestes) are presented in real hermaphrodites, while the conformation of the individual does not correspond to any sex in particular. Pseudo hermaphrodites are more frequent. Male pseudo hermaphrodites have testes and female external genital characteristics, while female pseudo hermaphrodites have ovaries and rudimentary external genitals reassembling to masculine ones. Corrective surgical removal of a rudimental penis in a female pseudo hermaphrodite dog is presented in the paper.Hermafroditizam je patološka pojava postojanja oba pola kod jedne jedinke. Može biti pravi i lažni. Pravi hermafroditi imaju ovarijume i testise, koji obično nisu u korelaciji sa sekundarnim polnim karakteristikama i spoljašnjim izgledom životinje. Lažni hermafroditizam (pseudohermafroditizam) je češća pojava i on može da bude muški - kada jedinka poseduje testise i spoljašnje genitalije nalik na ženske, ili ženski - kada jedinka ima jajnike i rudimentirane spoljašnje genitalije, koji podsećaju na one kod mužjaka. Hermafroditizam je relativno česta pojava kod različitih vrsta životinja. Mi smo opisali slučaj pseudohermafroditizma kod jedne kuje, koja je dovedena na hiruršku korekciju - uklanjanje rudimentiranog muškog polnog organa

    Histološki efekti gleđnih proteina na eksponiranu pulpu zuba

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    Introduction Direct pulp capping procedure is a therapeutic application of a drug on exposed tooth pulp in order to ensure the closure of the pulp chamber and to allow the healing process to take place. Objective The aim of this study was to examine the histological effects of Emdogain® on exposed tooth pulp of a Vietnamese pig (Sus scrofa verus). Methods The study comprised 20 teeth of a Vietnamese pig. After class V preparation on the buccal surfaces of incisors, canines and first premolars, pulp was exposed. In the experimental group, the perforations were capped with Emdogain® (Straumann, Basel, Switzerland), while in the control group pulp capping was performed with MTA® (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Johnson City, TN, USA). All cavities were restored with glass-ionomer cement (GC Fuji VIII, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The observational period was 28 days, after which the animal was sacrificed and histological preparations were made. A light microscope was used to analyze dentin bridge formation, tissue reorganization and inflammation, and the presence of bacteria in the pulp. Results The formation of dentin bridge was observed in the experimental and control groups. Inflammation of the pulp was mild to moderate in both groups. Angiogenesis and many odontoblast-like cells, responsible for dentin bridge formation, were observed. Necrosis was not observed in any case, nor were bacteria present in the pulp. Conclusion Histological analysis indicated a favorable therapeutic effect of Emdogain® Gel in direct pulp capping of Vietnamese pigs. Pulp reaction was similar to that of MTA®.Uvod Direktno prekrivanje pulpe je važan terapijski postupak primene leka na eksponiranu pulpu zuba, čiji je cilj da obezbedi zatvaranje pulpne komore i omogući proces zarastanja. Cilj rada Cilj ovog rada je bio da se histološki ispita efekat gleđnog emdogaina na eksponiranu pulpu zuba vijetnamske svinje (Sus scrofa domesticus). Metode rada Istraživanje je urađeno na 20 zuba vijetnamske svinje. Na vestibularnim površinama sekutića, očnjaka i prvih premolara urađene su preparacije kaviteta V klase s eksponiranjem komora pulpe. U eksperimentalnoj grupi perforacija je prekrivana proizvodom Emdogain® (Straumann, Bazel, Švajcarska), a u kontrolnoj sa MTA® (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Džonson Siti, Tenesi, SAD). Svi kaviteti su restaurirani glasjonomer-cementom (GC Fuji VIII, GC Corporation, Tokio, Japan). Period posmatranja trajao je 28 dana, a nakon žrtvovanja životinja, napravljeni su histološki preparati na kojima su analizirani postojanje dentinskog mostića, zapaljenjska reakcija pulpe, reorganizacija pulpnog tkiva i postojanje bakterija. Rezultati Na svim zubima eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe uočeno je stvaranje dentinskog mostića. Upala pulpe je bila blaga do umerena i u eksperimentalnoj i u kontrolnoj grupi. Uočeni su znaci neoangiogeneze i mnoštvo ćelija sličnih odontoblastima koje su odgovorne za stvaranje dentinskog mostića. Nekroza nije zabeležena ni u jednom slučaju, kao ni prisustvo bakterija u pulpi. Zaključak Histološka analiza je ukazala na povoljne terapijske efekte emdogaina u direktnom prekrivanju pulpe zuba vijetnamskih svinja. Reakcija pulpe bila je slična onima koje je izazvao MTA

    Renal vasography in mink (mustela vison)

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    This paper presents the results of the research on renal blood vessels of the mink. The main goal of this research is to provide a unique insight in renal vessel constellation and thereby contributes to the amount and quality of the available data on the cardiovascular system of the mink, since the data found in the available literature regarding this specific field is rather poorly documented. Blood vessels of the mink kidney were studied by dissection and corrosion injection technique. The renal artery and its branches, and the lobar, interlobar and interlobular arteries are terminal arteries and they do not anastomose between each other. The arterial system is characterized by two independent vascular areas, supplied by the dorsal and ventral lobar artery. Lobar arteries divide the kidney horizontally into a dorsal and ventral half, while lobar veins divide it vertically into the cranial and caudal half. The renal vein is formed from the cranial and caudal lobar vein. The obtained results are compared with relevant literature findings on renal blood supply of a dog and other sympatric carnivores

    Etiopatogeneza, dijagnoza i terapija stečenog megakolona pasa

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    Megacolon refers to an abnormal dilatation of the colon. This condition occurs in both humans and animals. Although it seems to be more common in cats, megacolon may also occur in dogs. However, data regarding the etiopathogenesis, clinical course and outcome of canine megacolon are scarce. The aim of this study is to present the experience of our team in diagnosis and therapy of canine acquired megacolon, with particular reference to etiopathogenetic aspects. The prospective study included 28 dogs affected with megacolon, aged 5-9 years. The 26 animals underwent a surgical procedure (colonotomy followed by manual extraction of faeces), and were followed up for a period of 28 days. On the basis of anamnestic data, clinical and radiographic findings, 7 dogs (25%) were presented with idiophatic acquired megacolon, while 75% of cases had secundary acquired megacolon of different etiology (including pelvic canal stenosis, lumbar and sacral spinal injuries or back leg fractures, in 46% of cases; keeping the animals in the backyard and irresponsibility of their owners, in 11%; non-adequate nutrition, in 11%; and decreased physical activity and keeping animals in small flats, in 7%). During early postoperative period, the medical treatment and dietary regimen enabled defecation in 65% of cases. The remaining 35% of cases were treated with Cisapride in order to establish spontaneous defecation. All dogs recovered completely during the 28- days follow-up period. According to the results of interviews with dog owners, all animals were in good condition six months after the surgical procedure.Megakolon označava abnormalnu dilataciju kolona. Javlja se i kod ljudi i kod životinja. Iako je oboljenje češće kod mačaka, javlja se i kod pasa. Međutim, podaci o etiopatogenezi, kliničkom toku i ishodu bolesti megakolona kod pasa su oskudni. Stoga je cilj ove studije da se iznesu sopstvena iskustva o dijagnostici i terapiji stečenog megakolona kod pasa, sa posebnim naglaskom na etiopatogenetski aspekt oboljenja. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatila je 28 pasa sa megakolonom, starosti 5-9 godina. Dvadeset šest životinja podvrgnuto je hirurškoj intervenciji (kolonotomija sa manuelnom ekstrakcijom fecesa) i praćeno postoperativno u toku 28 dana. Na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka dobijenih od vlasnika pasa, kliničkog i radiografskog nalaza, 7 pasa (25%) imalo je idiopatski stečeni megakolon, dok je kod 21 psa (75%) bolest okarakterisana kao sekundarni stečeni megakolon uzrokovan različitim etiološkim faktorima (uključujući stenozu pelvičnog kanala, oštećenje lumbalne i sakralne kičme ili frakturu zadnjih ekstremiteta, kod 46% pasa; čuvanje životinja u dvorištu i nedovoljni nadzor od strane vlasnika, kod 11%; neadekvatna ishrana, kod 11%; smanjenja fizičke aktivnosti i čuvanje životinja u skučenom prostoru, kod 7%). U ranom postoperativnom periodu, terapija i režim ishrane doveli su do uspostavljanja defekacije kod 65% pasa. Kod preostalih 35% slučajeva spontana defekacija je uspostavljena primenom terapije Cisapridom. Sve životinje su se u toku 28-dnevnog nadzora kompletno oporavile, a odlično opšte stanje zabeleženo je, na osnovu intervjua sa vlasnicima i 6 meseci nakon hirurške intervencije

    Retki slučaj intraorbitalnog stranog tela sa znacima penetracije rožnjače, koji su u početku ukazivali na anteriorni uveitisretki slučaj intraorbitalnog stranog tela sa znacima penetracije rožnjače, koji su u početku ukazivali na anteriorni uveitis

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    An unusual case is presented of an unsuspected orbital metallic foreign body (sewing needle) in a dog. The skin entrance wound injury was undetected during two clinical examinations, likely due to the quick skin healing and punctiform nature of the wound in the skin/muscles/orbit. The most unusual characteristic of this case is the cause of the wound. The metallic foreign body could have penetrated the cornea through an oblique limbal/scleral pathway at the moment of injury, leaving no obvious signs of corneal injury in the first clinical examination. Secondly, the corneal injury perhaps occurred due to the dog rubbing its head on the floor between the initial examination and the first follow-up examination after seven days. At first, the case presented as anterior uveitis with an unknown cause. Due to quick scar formation of wounds in dogs and the fact that punctiform wounds can be difficult to detect, an orbital foreign body was not initially suspected. However, seven days afterwards, a new sign of triangular limbus-based corneal opacification appeared. This led to suspicion of a previous corneal injury and the nearby (orbital) presence of a foreign body. This diagnosis was confirmed by radiography and the intraorbital sewing needle was extracted by surgery. Lack of sophisticated techniques did not prevent an adequate diagnosis and an excellent surgical outcome.Neobičan slučaj neočekivanog metalnog stranog tela u orbiti psa, prisutnog kao posledica punktiformne povrede na koži iglom koja nije uočena usled brzog zarastanja i kretanja kroz kožu, mišiće i orbitu. Najneobičnija karakteristika ovog slučaja je strano telo (šivaća igla) koje je penetriralo rožnjaču prolazeći kroz limbus i beonjaču pod kosim uglom, a u momentu povređivanja, kao i na prvom pregledu nije bilo znakova koji bi ukazivali na to ili je povreda rožnjače nastala češanjem glave o pod između prvog i drugog pregleda u razmaku od sedam dana. Na početku, slučaj je izgledao kao anteriorni uveitis nepoznatog uzroka i sedam dana kasnije se pojavilo trouglasto zamućenje rožnjače sa bazom prema limbusu što nas je dovelo u sumnju da je prethodna povreda rožnjače povezana sa orbitalnim stranim telom. Usled brzog zarastanja rana i formiranja ožiljka kod pasa i nedovoljno jasnih kliničkih znakova punktiformnih rana orbitalno strano telo nije bilo očekivano. Penetrantna rana na rožnjači je mogla nastati pre prvog pregleda ili u vremenu između prvog i drugog pregleda trljanjem glave. Nedostatak sofisticirane tehnike ne sprečava postavljanje tačne dijagnoze i primene adekvatne hirurgije

    A. hepatica kod tekunice (Citellus citellus) u poređenju sa drugim eksperimentalnim životinjama

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    European ground squirrel is the only representative of its genus in Serbia. It is used as experimental animal in microbiology, parasitology, pharmacology and immunology. The objective of this work was to investigate a part of cardiovascular system of ground squirrel so in that way to contribute to a better knowledge of this animal body structure and accordingly to comparative anatomy in general. The investigation included 6 ground squirrels, of both gender, body weight 200-300 grams. For obtaining the liver arterial vascularization, after exsanguination of the animal, contrast mass of gelatin coloured with tempera was injected into abdominal aorta (Aorta abdominalis). After injecting, the blood vessels were prepared and photographed. In ground squirrel A. celiaca is odd, larger vessel that exits the abdominal aorta. It is divided into three branches: A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra and A. hepatica. A. hepatica is divided into A. hepatica propria and A. gastroduodenalis. A. hepatica propria further gives A. cystica, Rami cardiaci and small branches for Lnn. portales. A. gastroduodenalis is divided into A. pancreaticoduodenalis and A. gastroepiploica dextra. A. celiaca in nutria and rat is an odd artery, divided into A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra and A. hepatica. In rabbits, celiac artery (A. celiaca) is divided into A. lienalis and short trunk from which A. gastrica sinistra and A. Hepatica emerge. A. celiaca in golden hamster does not exist in the form of tripus coeliacus (A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra and A. hepatica), but from A. celiaca it is firstly separated A. hepatica, and then short trunk from which A. gastrica sinistra and A. Lienalis emerge. In guinea-pig, from abdominal aorta a joint tree branches off into A. celiaca and A. mesenterica cranialis (Truncus celiacomesentericus). Based on the above mentioned results, it can be concluded that A. celiaca in European ground squirrel, nutria and rat branches from abdominal aorta as a separate blood vessel. In these animals A. celiaca branches are: A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra and A. hepatica.Tekunica je jedini predstavnik svoga roda kod nas. Kao eksperimentalna životinja koristi se u mikrobiologiji, parazitologiji, farmakologiji i imunologiji. Cilj rada je bio da obradimo deo kardiovaskularnog sistema kod tekunice i na taj način doprinesemo boljem poznavanju građe tela ove životinje i damo doprinos komparativnoj anatomiji. Za ispitivanje je upotrebljeno 6 tekunica, oba pola, telesne mase 200-300 grama. Za dobijanje arterijske vaskularizacije jetre, posle iskrvarenja životinja u trbušnu aortu (Aorta abdominalis) ubrizgana je kontrastna masa želatin obojen slikarskom temperom. Posle injiciranja, krvni sudovi su zatim preparisani i fotografisani. Kod tekunice A. celiaca je neparan, veći krvni sud koji izlazi iz trbušne aorte. Deli se na tri grane : A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra i A. hepatica. A. hepatica se deli na A. hepatica propria i A. gastroduodenalis cranialis. A. hepatica propria daje A. cystica, Rami cardiaci i grančice za Lnn. portales. A. gastroduodenalis se deli na A. pancreaticoduodenalis i A. gastroepiploica dextra. A. celiaca kod nutrije i pacova je neparna arterija, koja se deli na A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra i A. hepatica. Kod kunića celijačna arterija (A. celiaca) se grana na A. lienalis i kratko stablo, iz koga izlaze A. gastrica sinistra i A. hepatica. A. celiaca kod zlatnog hrčka ne postoji u obliku tripus celiacus (A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra i A. hepatica), nego se od A. celiaca prvo odvoji A. hepatica, a zatim kratko stablo iz koga izlaze A. gastrica sinistra i A. lienalis. Kod zamorca od trbušne aorte se odvaja zajedničko stablo za A. celiaca i A. mesenterica cranialis (Truncus celiacomesentericus). Na osnovu svih prethodno navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se A. celiaca kod tekunice, nutrije i pacova odvaja kao poseban krvni sud od trbušne aorte. Kod navedenih životinja grane od A. celiaca su: A. lienalis, A. gastrica sinistra i A. hepatica

    Histomorphometric evaluation of bone regeneration using autogenous bone and beta-tricalcium phosphate in diabetic rabbits

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    Background/Aim. The mechanism of impaired bone healing in diabetes mellitus includes different tissue and cellular level activities due to micro- and macrovascular changes. As a chronic metabolic disease with vascular complications, diabetes affects a process of bone regeneration as well. The therapeutic approach in bone regeneration is based on the use of osteoinductive autogenous grafts as well as osteoconductive synthetic material, like a β-tricalcium phosphate. The aim of the study was to determine the quality and quantity of new bone formation after the use of autogenous bone and β-tricalcium phosphate in the model of calvarial critical-sized defect in rabbits with induced diabetes mellitus type I. Methods. The study included eight 4-month-old Chincilla rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus type I. In all animals, there were surgically created two calvarial bilateral defects (diameter 12 mm), which were grafted with autogenous bone and β-tricalcium phosphate (n = 4) or served as unfilled controls (n = 4). After 4 weeks of healing, animals were sacrificed and calvarial bone blocks were taken for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. Beside descriptive histologic evaluation, the percentage of new bone formation, connective tissue and residual graft were calculated. All parameters were statistically evaluated by Friedman Test and post hock Wilcoxon Singed Ranks Test with a significance of p < 0.05. Results. Histology revealed active new bone formation peripherally with centrally located connective tissue, newly formed woven bone and well incorporated residual grafts in all treated defects. Control samples showed no bone bridging of defects. There was a significantly more new bone in autogeonous graft (53%) compared with β-tricalcium phosphate (30%), (p < 0.030) and control (7%), (p < 0.000) groups. A significant difference was also recorded between β-tricalcium phosphate and control groups (p < 0.008). Conclusion. In the present study on the rabbit grafting model with induced diabetes mellitus type I, the effective bone regeneration of critical bone defects was obtained using autogenous bone graft.Vojnosanitetski pregled (2016), 73(12): 1132-113