9 research outputs found
Abnormality of Early White Matter Development in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Longitudinal Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Measures
Background: Abnormalities in white matter development may influence development of autism spectrum disorder in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). Our goals for this study were as follows: (1) use data from a longitudinal neuroimaging study of tuberous sclerosis complex (TACERN) to develop optimized linear mixed effects models for analyzing longitudinal, repeated diffusion tensor imaging metrics (fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity) pertaining to select white matter tracts, in relation to positive Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule–Second Edition classification at 36 months, and (2) perform an exploratory analysis using optimized models applied to all white matter tracts from these data. Methods: Eligible participants (3-12 months) underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at repeated time points from ages 3 to 36 months. Positive Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule–Second Edition classification at 36 months was used. Linear mixed effects models were fine-tuned separately for fractional anisotropy values (using fractional anisotropy corpus callosum as test outcome) and mean diffusivity values (using mean diffusivity right posterior limb internal capsule as test outcome). Fixed effects included participant age, within-participant longitudinal age, and autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Results: Analysis included data from n = 78. After selecting separate optimal models for fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity values, we applied these models to fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity of all 27 white matter tracts. Fractional anisotropy corpus callosum was related to positive Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule–Second Edition classification (coefficient = 0.0093, P = .0612), and mean diffusivity right inferior cerebellar peduncle was related to positive Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule–Second Edition classification (coefficient = −0.00002071, P = .0445), though these findings were not statistically significant after multiple comparisons correction. Conclusion: These optimized linear mixed effects models possibly implicate corpus callosum and cerebellar pathology in development of autism spectrum disorder in tuberous sclerosis complex, but future studies are needed to replicate these findings and explore contributors of heterogeneity in these models
Epilepsy Severity Is Associated With Head Circumference and Growth Rate in Infants With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
BACKGROUND: Abnormal brain growth in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) reflects abnormalities in cellular proliferation and differentiation and results in epilepsy and other neurological manifestations. Head circumference (HC) as a proxy for brain volume may provide an easily tracked clinical measure of brain overgrowth and neurological disease burden. This study investigated the relationship between HC and epilepsy severity in infants with TSC.
METHODS: Prospective multicenter observational study of children from birth to three years with TSC. Epilepsy data were collected from clinical history, and HC was collected at study visits at age three, six, nine, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. Epilepsy severity was classified as no epilepsy, low epilepsy severity (one seizure type and one or two antiepileptic drugs [AEDs]), moderate epilepsy severity (either two to three seizure types and one to two AEDs or one seizure type and more than three AEDs), or high epilepsy severity (two to three seizure types and more than three AEDs).
RESULTS: As a group, children with TSC had HCs approximately 1 S.D. above the mean World Health Organization (WHO) reference by age one year and demonstrated more rapid growth than the normal population reference. Males with epilepsy had larger HCs than those without. Compared with the WHO reference population, infants with TSC and no epilepsy or low or moderate epilepsy had an increased early HC growth rate, whereas those with severe epilepsy had an early larger HC but did not have a faster growth rate.
CONCLUSIONS: Infants and young children with TSC have larger HCs than typical growth norms and have differing rates of head growth depending on the severity of epilepsy
Limited Utility of Structural MRI to Identify the Epileptogenic Zone in Young Children With Tuberous Sclerosis
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The success of epilepsy surgery in children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) hinges on identification of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). We studied structural MRI markers of epileptogenic lesions in young children with TSC.
METHODS: We included 26 children with TSC who underwent epilepsy surgery before the age of 3 years at five sites, with 12 months or more follow-up. Two neuroradiologists, blinded to surgical outcome data, reviewed 10 candidate lesions on preoperative MRI for characteristics of the tuber (large affected area, calcification, cyst-like properties) and of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) features (cortical malformation, gray-white matter junction blurring, transmantle sign). They selected lesions suspect for the EZ based on structural MRI, and reselected after unblinding to seizure onset location on electroencephalography (EEG).
RESULTS: None of the tuber characteristics and FCD features were distinctive for the EZ, indicated by resected lesions in seizure-free children. With structural MRI alone, the EZ was identified out of 10 lesions in 31%, and with addition of EEG data, this increased to 48%. However, rates of identification of resected lesions in non-seizure-free children were similar. Across 251 lesions, interrater agreement was moderate for large size (κ = .60), and fair (κ = .24) for all other features.
CONCLUSIONS: In young children with TSC, the utility of structural MRI features is limited in the identification of the epileptogenic tuber, but improves when combined with EEG data
Associations of Macronutrient Intake Determined by Point-of-Care Human Milk Analysis with Brain Development among very Preterm Infants
Point-of-care human milk analysis is now feasible in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and allows accurate measurement of macronutrient delivery. Higher macronutrient intakes over this period may promote brain growth and development. In a prospective, observational study of 55 infants born at <32 weeks’ gestation, we used a mid-infrared spectroscopy-based human milk analyzer to measure the macronutrient content in repeated samples of human milk over the NICU hospitalization. We calculated daily nutrient intakes from unfortified milk and assigned infants to quintiles based on median intakes over the hospitalization. Infants underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging at term equivalent age to quantify total and regional brain volumes and fractional anisotropy of white matter tracts. Infants in the highest quintile of energy intake from milk, as compared with the lower four quintiles, had larger total brain volume (31 cc, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5, 56), cortical gray matter (15 cc, 95%CI: 1, 30), and white matter volume (23 cc, 95%CI: 12, 33). Higher protein intake was associated with larger total brain (36 cc, 95%CI: 7, 65), cortical gray matter (22 cc, 95%CI: 6, 38) and deep gray matter (1 cc, 95%CI: 0.1, 3) volumes. These findings suggest innovative strategies to close nutrient delivery gaps in the NICU may promote brain growth for preterm infants
Corpus callosum white matter diffusivity reflects cumulative neurological comorbidity in tuberous sclerosis complex
Introduction: Neurological manifestations in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) are highly variable. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) may reflect the neurological disease burden. We analyzed the association of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability (ID) and epilepsy with callosal DTI metrics in subjects with and without TSC. Methods: 186 children underwent 3T MRI DTI: 51 with TSC (19 with concurrent ASD), 46 with non-syndromic ASD and 89 healthy controls (HC). Subgroups were based on presence of TSC, ASD, ID, and epilepsy. Density-weighted DTI metrics obtained from tractography of the corpus callosum were fitted using a 2-parameter growth model. We estimated distributions using bootstrapping and calculated half-life and asymptote of the fitted curves. Results: TSC was associated with a lower callosal fractional anisotropy (FA) than ASD, and ASD with a lower FA than HC. ID, epilepsy and ASD diagnosis were each associated with lower FA values, demonstrating additive effects. In TSC, the largest change in FA was related to a comorbid diagnosis of ASD. Mean diffusivity (MD) showed an inverse relationship to FA. Some subgroups were too small for reliable data fitting. Conclusions: Using a cross-disorder approach, this study demonstrates cumulative abnormality of callosal white matter diffusion with increasing neurological comorbidity
Corpus callosum white matter diffusivity reflects cumulative neurological comorbidity in tuberous sclerosis complex
Introduction: Neurological manifestations in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) are highly variable. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) may reflect the neurological disease burden. We analyzed the association of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability (ID) and epilepsy with callosal DTI metrics in subjects with and without TSC. Methods: 186 children underwent 3T MRI DTI: 51 with TSC (19 with concurrent ASD), 46 with non-syndromic ASD and 89 healthy controls (HC). Subgroups were based on presence of TSC, ASD, ID, and epilepsy. Density-weighted DTI metrics obtained from tractography of the corpus callosum were fitted using a 2-parameter growth model. We estimated distributions using bootstrapping and calculated half-life and asymptote of the fitted curves. Results: TSC was associated with a lower callosal fractional anisotropy (FA) than ASD, and ASD with a lower FA than HC. ID, epilepsy and ASD diagnosis were each associated with lower FA values, demonstrating additive effects. In TSC, the largest change in FA was related to a comorbid diagnosis of ASD. Mean diffusivity (MD) showed an inverse relationship to FA. Some subgroups were too small for reliable data fitting. Conclusions: Using a cross-disorder approach, this study demonstrates cumulative abnormality of callosal white matter diffusion with increasing neurological comorbidity
Tubers are neither static nor discrete
Objective: To assess the extent and evolution of tissue abnormality of tubers, perituber tissue, and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex using serial diffusion tensor imaging. Methods: We applied automatic segmentation based on a combined global-local intensity mixture model of 3T structural and 35 direction diffusion tensor MRIs (diffusion tensor imaging) to define 3 regions: tuber tissue, an equal volume perituber rim, and the remaining NAWM. For each patient, scan, lobe, and tissue type, we analyzed the averages of mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) in a generalized additive mixed model. Results: Twenty-five patients (mean age 5.9 years; range 0.5-24.5 years) underwent 2 to 6 scans each, totaling 70 scans. Average time between scans was 1.2 years (range 0.4-2.9). Patient scans were compared with those of 73 healthy controls. FA values were lowest, and MD values were highest in tubers, next in perituber tissue, then in NAWM. Longitudinal analysis showed a positive (FA) and negative (MD) correlation with age in tubers, perituber tissue, and NAWM. All 3 tissue types followed a biexponential developmental trajectory, similar to the white matter of controls. An additional qualitative analysis showed a gradual transition of diffusion values across the tissue type boundaries. Conclusions: Similar to NAWM, tuber and perituber tissues in tuberous sclerosis complex undergo microstructural evolution with age. The extent of diffusion abnormality decreases with distance to the tuber, in line with known extension of histologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular abnormalities beyond tuber pathology