331 research outputs found

    Information Retrieval: Recent Advances and Beyond

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    In this paper, we provide a detailed overview of the models used for information retrieval in the first and second stages of the typical processing chain. We discuss the current state-of-the-art models, including methods based on terms, semantic retrieval, and neural. Additionally, we delve into the key topics related to the learning process of these models. This way, this survey offers a comprehensive understanding of the field and is of interest for for researchers and practitioners entering/working in the information retrieval domain

    Fat gain with physical detraining is correlated with increased glucose transport and oxidation in periepididymal white adipose tissue in rats

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    As it is a common observation that obesity tends to occur after discontinuation of exercise, we investigated how white adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal fat of animals with interrupted physical training transport and oxidize glucose, and whether these adaptations support the weight regain seen after 4 weeks of physical detraining. Male Wistar rats (45 days old, weighing 200 g) were divided into two groups (n=10): group D (detrained), trained for 8 weeks and detrained for 4 weeks; and group S (sedentary). The physical exercise was carried out on a treadmill for 60 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks, at 50-60% of the maximum running capacity. After the training protocol, adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal adipose tissue were submitted to glucose uptake and oxidation tests. Adipocytes from detrained animals increased their glucose uptake capacity by 18.5% compared with those from sedentary animals (P<0.05). The same cells also showed a greater glucose oxidation capacity in response to insulin stimulation (34.55%) compared with those from the S group (P<0.05). We hypothesize that, owing to the more intense glucose entrance into adipose cells from detrained rats, more substrate became available for triacylglycerol synthesis. Furthermore, this increased glucose oxidation rate allowed an increase in energy supply for triacylglycerol synthesis. Thus, physical detraining might play a role as a possible obesogenic factor for increasing glucose uptake and oxidation by adipocytes487650653CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação2006/60403-

    Large Eddy simulations of isolated and installed jet noise using the high-order discontinuous Galerkin method

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    A recently developed computational framework for jet noise is used to compute the noise generated by an isolated and installed jet. The framework consists of two parts. In the first part, the spectral/hp element framework Nektar++ is used to compute the near-field flow. Nektar++ solves the unfiltered Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids using the high-order discontinuous Galerkin method. The discrete equations are integrated in time using an implicit scheme based on the matrix-free Newton-GMRES method. In the second part, the Antares library is used to compute the far-field noise. Antares solves the Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings equation for a permeable integration surface in the time domain using a source-time dominant algorithm. The simulations are validated against experimental data obtained in the Doak Laboratory Flight Jet Rig, located at the University of Southampton. For the isolated jet, good agreement is achieved, both in terms of the flow statistics and the far-field noise. The discrepancies observed for the isolated jet are believed to be caused by an under-resolved boundary layer in the simulations. For the installed jet, the flow statistics are also well predicted. In the far-field, very good agreement is achieved for downstream observers. For upstream observers, some discrepancies are observed for very high and very low frequencies

    Magnetic behaviour of multisegmented FeCoCu/Cu electrodeposited nanowires

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    Understanding the magnetic behaviour of multisegmented nanowires (NWs) is a major key for the application of such structures in future devices. In this work, magnetic/non-magnetic arrays of FeCoCu/Cu multilayered NWs electrodeposited in nanoporous alumina templates are studied. Contrarily to most reports on multilayered NWs, the magnetic layer thickness was kept constant (30 nm) and only the non-magnetic layer thickness was changed (0 to 80 nm). This allowed us to tune the interwire and intrawire interactions between the magnetic layers in the NW array creating a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic system without the need to change the template characteristics. Magnetic hysteresis loops, measured with the applied field parallel and perpendicular to the NWs' long axis, showed the effect of the non-magnetic Cu layer on the overall magnetic properties of the NW arrays. In particular, introducing Cu layers along the magnetic NW axis creates domain wall nucleation sites that facilitate the magnetization reversal of the wires, as seen by the decrease in the parallel coercivity and the reduction of the perpendicular saturation field. By further increasing the Cu layer thickness, the interactions between the magnetic segments, both along the NW axis and of neighbouring NWs, decrease, thus rising again the parallel coercivity and the perpendicular saturation field. This work shows how one can easily tune the parallel and perpendicular magnetic properties of a 3D magnetic layer system by adjusting the non-magnetic layer thickness


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    This work discusses the ongoing development of a toolset named MARS aimed to ease the process of safely deploying runtime verification monitors into distributed micro-ROS and ROS2 nodes. The work is motivated by a use case in the health and automotive domains and covers safety/security concerns around the manipulation of sensitive biometric data.This work was partially supported by National Funds through FCT/MCTES (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), within the CISTER Research Unit (UIDP/UIDB/04234/2020); also by FCT within project ECSEL/0016/2019 and from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 876852. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey. We would also like to thank Antonio Rodriguez and Pablo Garrido from eProsima for their collaboration in development of the secure custom transport layer of MARS. Disclaimer: This document reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multiple voice disorders in the same individual: Investigating handcrafted features, multi-label classification algorithms, and base-learners

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    Non-invasive acoustic analyses of voice disorders have been at the forefront of current biomedical research. Usual strategies, essentially based on machine learning (ML) algorithms, commonly classify a subject as being either healthy or pathologically-affected. Nevertheless, the latter state is not always a result of a sole laryngeal issue, i.e., multiple disorders might exist, demanding multi-label classification procedures for effective diagnoses. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to investigate the application of five multi-label classification methods based on problem transformation to play the role of base-learners, i.e., Label Powerset, Binary Relevance, Nested Stacking, Classifier Chains, and Dependent Binary Relevance with Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), in addition to a Deep Neural Network (DNN) from an algorithm adaptation method, to detect multiple voice disorders, i.e., Dysphonia, Laryngitis, Reinke's Edema, Vox Senilis, and Central Laryngeal Motion Disorder. Receiving as input three handcrafted features, i.e., signal energy (SE), zero-crossing rates (ZCRs), and signal entropy (SH), which allow for interpretable descriptors in terms of speech analysis, production, and perception, we observed that the DNN-based approach powered with SE-based feature vectors presented the best values of F1-score among the tested methods, i.e., 0.943, as the averaged value from all the balancing scenarios, under Saarbrücken Voice Database (SVD) and considering 20% of balancing rate with Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). Finally, our findings of most false negatives for laryngitis may explain the reason why its detection is a serious issue in speech technology. The results we report provide an original contribution, allowing for the consistent detection of multiple speech pathologies and advancing the state-of-the-art in the field of handcrafted acoustic-based non-invasive diagnosis of voice disorders

    Cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-doped Si substrates

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    The structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-doped Si(001) substrates have been characterized. The films were polycrystalline and composed by cobalt ferrite with the cubic spinnel structure. The observed decrease of the coercive field with the sixth power of the grain size was indicative of a competition between the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the exchange coupling energy, on these randomly oriented nanosized grained films.J. Barbosa and M.P. Proenca gratefully acknowledge a PhD grant from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/41913/2007 and SFRH/BD/43440/2008, respectively)

    Observation of a topologically protected state in a magnetic domain wall stabilized by a ferromagnetic chemical barrier

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    The precise control and stabilization of magnetic domain walls is key for the development of the next generation magnetic nano-devices. Among the multitude of magnetic configurations of a magnetic domain wall, topologically protected states are of particular interest due to their intrinsic stability. In this work, using XMCD-PEEM, we have observed a topologically protected magnetic domain wall in a ferromagnetic cylindrical nanowire. Its structure is stabilized by periodic sharp alterations of the chemical composition in the nanowire. The large stability of this topologically protected domain wall contrasts with the mobility of other non-protected and non-chiral states also present in the same nanowire. The micromagnetic simulations show the structure and the conditions required to find the topologically protected state. These results are relevant for the design of future spintronic devices such as domain wall based RF oscillators or magnetic memories

    Deterministic and time resolved thermo-magnetic switching in a nickel nanowire

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    [EN]Heating a ferromagnetic material is often perceived as detrimental for most applications. This is indeed the case for modern nano-scaled spintronic devices which are operated solely (at least ideally) by an electric current. Heat is a by-product of the current-driven operation and it deteriorates many functionalities of the device. A large scientific and technological effort is devoted these days to avoid heat in modern magnetic nano devices. Here we show that heat can be used to provide an additional and useful degree of freedom in the control of the local magnetization at the nanoscale. In a ferromagnetic nanowire, temperature is used to induce a magnetic switching through a perfectly deterministic mechanism. The nucleation of the magnetic domain walls that triggers the switching can be achieved at a field considerably smaller than the nucleation field and, importantly, the exact moment of the magnetic switching can be pre-determined with nanosecond precision by controlling the power delivered locally to the switching area. With the help of micromagnetic simulations and a theoretical model, we provide an accurate explanation of how this deterministic thermo-magnetic switching operates. The concepts described in this work may lead to an increased functionality in magnetic nano-devices based on magnetic domain walls.MAT2017-87072-C4-1-P,MAT2017-87072-C4-4-P and MAT2017-87072-C4-3-P from the Spanish government SA299P18 from the Junta de Castilla y Leon POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028676 from Portuguese FCT COMPETE 2020 (FEDER)

    Qualifying instrument for evaluation of food and nutritional care in hospital

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    Establishing criteria for hospital nutrition care ensures that quality care is delivered to patients. The responsibility of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS) is not always well defined, despite efforts to establish guidelines for patient clinical nutrition practice. This study describes the elaboration of an Instrument for Evaluation of Food and Nutritional Care (IEFNC) aimed at directing the actions of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service. This instrument was qualified by means of a comparative analysis of the categories related to hospital food and nutritional care, published in the literature. Elaboration of the IEFNC comprised the following stages: (a) a survey of databases and documents for selection of the categories to be used in nutrition care evaluation, (b) a study of the institutional procedures for nutrition practice at two Brazilian hospitals, in order to provide a description of the sequence of actions that should be taken by the HFNS as well as other services participating in nutrition care, (c) design of the IEFNC based on the categories published in the literature, adapted to the sequence of actions observed in the routines of the hospitals under study, (d) application of the questionnaire at two different hospitals that was mentioned in the item (b), in order to assess the time spent on its application, the difficulties in phrasing the questions, and the coverage of the instrument, and (e) finalization of the instrument. The IEFNC consists of 50 open and closed questions on two areas of food and nutritional care in hospital: inpatient nutritional care and food service quality. It deals with the characterization and structure of hospitals and their HFNS, the actions concerning the patients' nutritional evaluation and monitoring, the meal production system, and the hospital diets. "This questionnaire is a tool that can be seen as a portrait of the structure and characteristics of the HFNS and its performance in clinical and meal management dietitian activities." (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1170-1177) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.4.5868FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP
