108 research outputs found
The trial was carried out during two years (2003 and 2004) on Cynosuretum cristati-type meadow in the hillymountainous region of Serbia (altitude 1158 m). The investigation included five nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 yr-1) and undersowing with red clover and birdsfoot trefoil. Increase in nitrogen fertilization level resulted in corresponding increases in the quantity and quality of grass, while legumes and other herbages decreased. Maximum two-year average dry matter yield of 4.44 t ha-1 was achieved with the highest N rate (160 kg ha-1). The increase was 2.03 t ha-1 or 85.0% compared with the control. Increased N rates increasing the contents of protein, ash, fat, Cu, Co, and NO3, and reduced the contents of cellulose, K, P, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, and B. Dry matter yield in the undersowing treatment was low, only slightly over that of the control in both study years. Furthermore, undersowing failed to affect the chemical and mineral composition of dry matter.Istraživanje je obavljeno na travnjaku tipa Cynosuretum cristati u planinskom području Srbije, na nadmorskoj visini oko 1158 m, tokom dve godine (2002 - 2003. g.). U istraživanju je proučavan uticaj azotnog đubriva i podsejavanja sa crvenom detelinom i žutim zvezdanom na prinos suve materije (SM) u sledećim varijantama đubriva (0, 40, 80, 120 i 160 kg/ha). Sa povećanjem količine azotnog đubriva povećao se udeo i kvalitet trava a udeo leptirnjača i bioljaka iz ostalih familija se smanjivao. Maksimalan dvogodišnji prosečan prinos SM je iznosio 4.44 t ha-1 a postignut je sa najvećom količinom azotnog đubriva (160 kg ha-1). Povećanje je iznosilo 2.03 t ha-1 ili 85.0% u odnosu na kontrolu. Sa povećanjem količine primenjenog azotnog đubriva povećavao se sadržaj proteina, pepela, masti Cu, Co i NO3, a smanjivala količina celuloze, K, P,
Ca, Mg, S, Zn i B. Prinos SM sa primenom podsejavanja je bio nizak, nešto viši u odnosu na kontrolu u obe godine istraživanja. Primena podsejavanja nije imala uticaja na promenu hemijskog i mineralnog sastava u SM prinosa
Nucleosynthesis Constraints on a Massive Gravitino in Neutralino Dark Matter Scenarios
The decays of massive gravitinos into neutralino dark matter particles and
Standard Model secondaries during or after Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) may
alter the primordial light-element abundances. We present here details of a new
suite of codes for evaluating such effects, including a new treatment based on
PYTHIA of the evolution of showers induced by hadronic decays of massive,
unstable particles such as a gravitino. We also develop an analytical treatment
of non-thermal hadron propagation in the early universe, and use this to derive
analytical estimates for light-element production and in turn on decaying
particle lifetimes and abundances. We then consider specifically the case of an
unstable massive gravitino within the constrained minimal supersymmetric
extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM). We present upper limits on its
possible primordial abundance before decay for different possible gravitino
masses, with CMSSM parameters along strips where the lightest neutralino
provides all the astrophysical cold dark matter density. We do not find any
CMSSM solution to the cosmological Li7 problem for small m_{3/2}. Discounting
this, for m_{1/2} ~ 500 GeV and tan beta = 10 the other light-element
abundances impose an upper limit m_{3/2} n_{3/2}/n_\gamma < 3 \times 10^{-12}
GeV to < 2 \times 10^{-13} GeV for m_{3/2} = 250 GeV to 1 TeV, which is similar
in both the coannihilation and focus-point strips and somewhat weaker for tan
beta = 50, particularly for larger m_{1/2}. The constraints also weaken in
general for larger m_{3/2}, and for m_{3/2} > 3 TeV we find a narrow range of
m_{3/2} n_{3/2}/n_\gamma, at values which increase with m_{3/2}, where the Li7
abundance is marginally compatible with the other light-element abundances.Comment: 74 pages, 40 Figure
A Bitter Pill: The Primordial Lithium Problem Worsens
The lithium problem arises from the significant discrepancy between the
primordial 7Li abundance as predicted by BBN theory and the WMAP baryon
density, and the pre-Galactic lithium abundance inferred from observations of
metal-poor (Population II) stars. This problem has loomed for the past decade,
with a persistent discrepancy of a factor of 2--3 in 7Li/H. Recent developments
have sharpened all aspects of the Li problem. Namely: (1) BBN theory
predictions have sharpened due to new nuclear data, particularly the
uncertainty on 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be, has reduced to 7.4%, and with a central
value shift of ~ +0.04 keV barn. (2) The WMAP 5-year data now yields a cosmic
baryon density with an uncertainty reduced to 2.7%. (3) Observations of
metal-poor stars have tested for systematic effects, and have reaped new
lithium isotopic data. With these, we now find that the BBN+WMAP predicts 7Li/H
= (5.24+0.71-0.67) 10^{-10}. The Li problem remains and indeed is exacerbated;
the discrepancy is now a factor 2.4--4.3 or 4.2sigma (from globular cluster
stars) to 5.3sigma (from halo field stars). Possible resolutions to the lithium
problem are briefly reviewed, and key nuclear, particle, and astronomical
measurements highlighted.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcom
Accelerated age-related degradation of the tectorial membrane in the Ceacam16 βgal/βgal null mutant mouse, a model for late-onset human hereditary deafness DFNB113
CEACAM16 is a non-collagenous protein of the tectorial membrane, an extracellular structure of the cochlea essential for normal hearing. Dominant and recessive mutations in CEACAM16 have been reported to cause postlingual and progressive forms of deafness in humans. In a previous study of young Ceacam16 βgal/βgal null mutant mice on a C57Bl/6J background, the incidence of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) was greatly increased relative to Ceacam16+/+ and Ceacam16+/βgal mice, but auditory brain-stem responses (ABRs) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were near normal, indicating auditory thresholds were not significantly affected. To determine if the loss of CEACAM16 leads to hearing loss at later ages in this mouse line, cochlear structure and auditory function were examined in Ceacam16+/+, Ceacam16+/βgal and Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice at 6 and 12 months of age and compared to that previously described at 1 month. Analysis of older Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice reveals a progressive loss of matrix from the core of the tectorial membrane that is more extensive in the apical, low-frequency regions of the cochlea. In Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice at 6-7 months, the DPOAE magnitude at 2f1-f2 and the incidence of SOAEs both decrease relative to young animals. By ~12 months, SOAEs and DPOAEs are not detected in Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice and ABR thresholds are increased by up to ~40 dB across frequency, despite a complement of hair cells similar to that present in Ceacam16+/+ mice. Although SOAE incidence decreases with age in Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice, it increases in ageing heterozygous Ceacam16+/βgal mice and is accompanied by a reduction in the accumulation of CEACAM16 in the tectorial membrane relative to controls. An apically-biased loss of matrix from the core of the tectorial membrane, similar to that observed in young Ceacam16βgal/βgal mice, is also seen in Ceacam16+/+ and Ceacam16+/βgal mice, and other strains of wild-type mice, but at much later ages. The loss of Ceacam16 therefore accelerates age-related degeneration of the tectorial membrane leading, as in humans with mutations in CEACAM16, to a late-onset progressive form of hearing loss
Impact of renal impairment on atrial fibrillation: ESC-EHRA EORP-AF Long-Term General Registry
Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) and renal impairment share a bidirectional relationship with important pathophysiological interactions. We evaluated the impact of renal impairment in a contemporary cohort of patients with AF. Methods: We utilised the ESC-EHRA EORP-AF Long-Term General Registry. Outcomes were analysed according to renal function by CKD-EPI equation. The primary endpoint was a composite of thromboembolism, major bleeding, acute coronary syndrome and all-cause death. Secondary endpoints were each of these separately including ischaemic stroke, haemorrhagic event, intracranial haemorrhage, cardiovascular death and hospital admission. Results: A total of 9306 patients were included. The distribution of patients with no, mild, moderate and severe renal impairment at baseline were 16.9%, 49.3%, 30% and 3.8%, respectively. AF patients with impaired renal function were older, more likely to be females, had worse cardiac imaging parameters and multiple comorbidities. Among patients with an indication for anticoagulation, prescription of these agents was reduced in those with severe renal impairment, p <.001. Over 24 months, impaired renal function was associated with significantly greater incidence of the primary composite outcome and all secondary outcomes. Multivariable Cox regression analysis demonstrated an inverse relationship between eGFR and the primary outcome (HR 1.07 [95% CI, 1.01–1.14] per 10 ml/min/1.73 m2 decrease), that was most notable in patients with eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 (HR 2.21 [95% CI, 1.23–3.99] compared to eGFR ≥90 ml/min/1.73 m2). Conclusion: A significant proportion of patients with AF suffer from concomitant renal impairment which impacts their overall management. Furthermore, renal impairment is an independent predictor of major adverse events including thromboembolism, major bleeding, acute coronary syndrome and all-cause death in patients with AF
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