9 research outputs found


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    Keterkaitan zat nutrisi, antioksidan, dan zat mineral dalam mencegah dan mengurangi kondisi yang memburuk pada hipertensi telah dibuktikan dalam beberapa studi. Penyelidikan biji labu kuning pada pencegahan disfungsi endotel pembuluh darah belum pernah dilaporkan, sehingga untuk mengetahui efektifitasnya masih diperlukan suatu penelitian. Penelitian ini sulit dilakukan pada manusia langsung, sehingga diawali dengan studi pada hewan coba. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin menganalisis pencegahan disfungsi endotel pada tikus wistar jantan (Rattus norvegicus) hiperkholesterol yang diberi ekstrak biji labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duch) melalui ekspresi eNOS, VCAM, dan MCSF. Penelitian ini tergolong pada jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan desain randomized post test control group design. Variabel independen adalah ekstrak biji labu kuning. Variabel dependen adalah ekspresi eNOS, VCAM, dan MCSF. Analisis data menggunakan Manova untuk menguji multivariate, dimana variable dependen lebih dari satu. Hasil pemeriksaan untuk ekspresi eNOS didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan (α=0,000) antara kelompok 2 (kontrol positif) dengan kelompok 1 (kontrol negatif) dan kelompok 5 (perlakuan dosis 3), tidak terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan (α=0,945) dengan kelompok 3 (perlakuan dosis 1) dan kelompok 4 (perlakuan dosis 2) dengan α=0,341. Ekspresi VCAM didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan (α=0,000) antara kelompok 2 dengan kelompok 1 dan kelompok 5 α=0,001, sementara tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan dengan kelompok 3 α=0,125, dan kelompok 4 α=0,05. Ekspresi MCSF didapatkan perbedaan yang signifikan (α=0,000) antara kelompok 2 dengan kelompok 4, kelompok 1, dan kelompok 5 α=0,003, tidak berbeda signifikan dengan. kelompok 3 α=0,172. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ditemukan tanda terjadinya disfungsi endotel pada Wistar jantan hiperkolesterol dengan pemberian ekstrak biji labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duch)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Teh Hijau Terhadap Tekanan Darah Dan Kadar Kolesterol (LDL) Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of green tea on the level of blood pressure and LDL in patient with hypertension at UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lansia Pasuruan. The design was a quasi experimental study using a equivalent control group with pre and post test approach. A total sampling of 20 patients employed as an intervention group and a control group of 20 patients. Green tea have showed a ability to reduce the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p= 0,001). It is recommended to conduct further research using appropriate number of samples, composition test of green tea characteristic, and also using repeated measure approach

    The health beliefs of patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus who use herbs as a complement to self-care

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 patients who have a tendency to use herbs, are based on the patient's health belief that herbal medicine is a natural ingredient that has efficacy and is safe. This study aimed to explore health beliefs as predictors of herbal use as a complement to diabetes self-care. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 230 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who had been clinically diagnosed, received medical treatment and used herbs. The data was collected using a questionnaire at seven community health centers (Puskesmas) in Surabaya City. Data analysis using Partial Least Square. The indicator of health belief variables has a loading factor value>0.5: perceived vulnerability and severity (0.820), perceived benefits (0.739), perceived barriers (0.822), sense of self-efficacy (0.695). Health beliefs have a significant effect on the use of herbs as a complement to diabetes self-care, the value of T>1.97 (T>10.07). Health beliefs consisting of perceived vulnerability and severity, perceived benefits, perceived inhibition, and perceived self-efficacy were strong predictors associated with the use of herbs as a complement to diabetes self-care. Nurses as part of health workers must pay attention to patient health beliefs in providing education to patients

    Complementary treatment to reduce blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term management. There is a tendency in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients to use herbs as a complement to medical treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of herbs as a complement to medical treatment in reducing blood sugar levels of T2DM patients. This type of research is quasi-experimental, with 40 research subjects divided into 4 groups. Determination of research subjects by purposive sampling in accordance with established inclusion criteria. Data analysis using paired T test. The majority of respondents was women (77.5%) and had no genetic history (75%). The duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus  majority was >5 years 72.5%). Data on random blood sugar levels before (p=0.098) and after (p=0.113) intervention were normally distributed and homogeneous p>0.05 (0.839). The treatment group (groups 2, 3, and 4) showed a significant decrease in random blood sugar levels as the control group (1) with a significance value <0.05. Giving herbs has a tendency to reduce random blood sugar levels when used as a complement to medical treatment. Bitter melon shows the effect of decreasing random blood sugar levels greater than the provision of bay leaves and cinnamon

    Chronic Care Model Based Nursing Interventions Improve Hypertension Patient’s Medication Compliance by Preventing Patients Forget and Fear

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    The goal of nursing intervention on chronic disease such as Hypertension is to improve the patient self-care, in which the Chronic care model could help to reach the best outcome. Research suggests the community, health workers, and regulations could improve the health. The purpose of this study was to apply nursing intervention based on chronic care model to medication adherence in hypertensive patients. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental, where the treatment group with a sample of 25 Hypertension Patients was given treatment with guidance in the form of modules and a control group with a sample of 25 patients was not given any treatment, only followed for 14 days. This is quasi-experimental research used pre-post test control group design. 50 respondents of hypertension patients were recruited from Pucang Sewu, Pacar Keling and Tambak Rejo Surabaya Health Centres. The intervention was applicating nursing interventions based on the Chronic Care Model. The Mann Whitney U statistical analysis used to understand the effect of the intervention to the medication adherence in patients with hypertension. A total of 50 respondents who were divided into two groups, control and treatment, with each (n = 25). The distribution of characteristics in the two groups is homogeneous. Different test in the control group, there was no difference. The treatment group shown a significant difference in adherence before and after the intervention with p value 0.000 (p <0.05). This study found the reason of disobedient patient to medication, which is forget and fear to the side effect. The patient and the health care agree frequent reminder could be the solution to this problem. Chronic Care Model based nursing interventions can improve medication adherence in hypertensive patients by encourage the health care system to frequently remind patients. INDEX TERMS: Chronic care, Hypertensive patients, Nursing interventions, Medication adherence

    Mosque is the only visible shelter at the most dangerous time: A qualitative study of the victims’ experience in the Mount S emeru eruption

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    Objective: To assess the evacuation behaviour of victims during acute natural disaster. Method: The qualitative, phenomenological study was conduc ted in Lumajang Regency, Indonesia, from December 5 to 12, 2021, and comprised disaster victims who had just been evacuated from the Mount Semeru eruption disaster site. Data was collecte d using a sem i-struc tured interv iews a nd ob servations. Data was analysed using Colaizzi’s qualitative method. Results: There were 18 subjec ts aged 19-60 years. They were inter viewed in two groups, with the first group having 11(61.1%) subjects and the other 7(38.9%). On the basis of the data collected, 4 themes emerged. The first theme was emphasis on ‘evacuation together ’. The second theme was ‘helping others in need’. The third theme was ‘local wisdom passe d down t hrough generations’. The fourth theme was ‘mos que being t he only bright s ite’ wh ich mad e it the destination of choice for evacuation. Concl usion: Disaster vic tims remember well the buildings they frequent. This is a good so lution for determining shelter points during a disaster. There needs to be a regulation and preparation at the evacuation referral point so that victims may survive during acute disasters

    Chronic Care Model Based Nursing Interventions Improve Hypertension Patient’s Medication Compliance by Preventing Patients Forget and Fear

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    The goal of nursing intervention on chronic disease such as Hypertension is to improve the patient self-care, in which the Chronic care model could help to reach the best outcome. Research suggests the community, health workers, and regulations could improve the health. The purpose of this study was to apply nursing intervention based on chronic care model to medication adherence in hypertensive patients. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental, where the treatment group with a sample of 25 Hypertension Patients was given treatment with guidance in the form of modules and a control group with a sample of 25 patients was not given any treatment, only followed for 14 days. This is quasi-experimental research used pre-post test control group design. 50 respondents of hypertension patients were recruited from Pucang Sewu, Pacar Keling and Tambak Rejo Surabaya Health Centres. The intervention was applicating nursing interventions based on the Chronic Care Model. The Mann Whitney U statistical analysis used to understand the effect of the intervention to the medication adherence in patients with hypertension. A total of 50 respondents who were divided into two groups, control and treatment, with each (n = 25). The distribution of characteristics in the two groups is homogeneous. Different test in the control group, there was no difference. The treatment group shown a significant difference in adherence before and after the intervention with p value 0.000 (p <0.05). This study found the reason of disobedient patient to medication, which is forget and fear to the side effect. The patient and the health care agree frequent reminder could be the solution to this problem. Chronic Care Model based nursing interventions can improve medication adherence in hypertensive patients by encourage the health care system to frequently remind patients

    Mosque is the only visible shelter at the most dangerous time: a qualitative study of the victims’ experience in the MT semeru eruption

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    Objective: To assess the evacuation behaviour of victims during acute natural disaster. Method: The qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted in Lumajang Regency, Indonesia, from December 5 to 12, 2021, and comprised disaster victims who had just been evacuated from the Mount Semeru eruption disaster site. Data was collected using a semi-structured interviews and observations. Data was analysed using Colaizzi’s qualitative method. Results: There were 18 subjects aged 19-60 years. They were interviewed in two groups, with the first group having 11(61.1%) subjects and the other 7(38.9%). On the basis of the data collected, 4 themes emerged. The first theme was emphasis on ‘evacuation together’. The second theme was ‘helping others in need’. The third theme was ‘local wisdom passed down through generations’. The fourth theme was ‘mosque being the only bright site’ which made it the destination of choice for evacuation. Conclusion: Disaster victims remember well the buildings they frequent. This is a good solution for determining shelter points during a disaster. There needs to be a regulation and preparation at the evacuation referral point so that victims may survive during acute disasters. Keywords: Disaster, Eruption, Evacuation, Religious belief, Mass psychology