22 research outputs found

    A striking correspondence between the dynamics generated by the vector fields and by the scalar parabolic equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance a correspondence between the dynamics of the differential equations y˙(t)=g(y(t))\dot y(t)=g(y(t)) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d and those of the parabolic equations u˙=Δu+f(x,u,u)\dot u=\Delta u +f(x,u,\nabla u) on a bounded domain Ω\Omega. We give details on the similarities of these dynamics in the cases d=1d=1, d=2d=2 and d3d\geq 3 and in the corresponding cases Ω=(0,1)\Omega=(0,1), Ω=T1\Omega=\mathbb{T}^1 and dim(Ω\Omega)2\geq 2 respectively. In addition to the beauty of such a correspondence, this could serve as a guideline for future research on the dynamics of parabolic equations

    The development and validation of a scoring tool to predict the operative duration of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background: The ability to accurately predict operative duration has the potential to optimise theatre efficiency and utilisation, thus reducing costs and increasing staff and patient satisfaction. With laparoscopic cholecystectomy being one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide, a tool to predict operative duration could be extremely beneficial to healthcare organisations. Methods: Data collected from the CholeS study on patients undergoing cholecystectomy in UK and Irish hospitals between 04/2014 and 05/2014 were used to study operative duration. A multivariable binary logistic regression model was produced in order to identify significant independent predictors of long (> 90 min) operations. The resulting model was converted to a risk score, which was subsequently validated on second cohort of patients using ROC curves. Results: After exclusions, data were available for 7227 patients in the derivation (CholeS) cohort. The median operative duration was 60 min (interquartile range 45–85), with 17.7% of operations lasting longer than 90 min. Ten factors were found to be significant independent predictors of operative durations > 90 min, including ASA, age, previous surgical admissions, BMI, gallbladder wall thickness and CBD diameter. A risk score was then produced from these factors, and applied to a cohort of 2405 patients from a tertiary centre for external validation. This returned an area under the ROC curve of 0.708 (SE = 0.013, p  90 min increasing more than eightfold from 5.1 to 41.8% in the extremes of the score. Conclusion: The scoring tool produced in this study was found to be significantly predictive of long operative durations on validation in an external cohort. As such, the tool may have the potential to enable organisations to better organise theatre lists and deliver greater efficiencies in care

    Intravenous bisphosphonate therapy increases radial width in adults with Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

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    Neridronate therapy in adult patients with OI significantly increases the cross-sectional area of the proximal radius. This observation may provide an additional explanation for the antifracture efficacy of bisphosphonates. INTRODUCTION: Bisphosphonate therapy decreases by 70-90% the fracture risk in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). This decrease is somewhat greater than that expected from the BMD changes, supporting the hypothesis that bisphosphonate therapy is associated with structural changes, not detectable by BMD measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To explore this hypothesis, pQCT measurements at the nondominant radius were obtained in a group of adult OI patients participating in a randomized clinical trial with neridronate. RESULTS: The total volumetric BMD of the ultradistal radius rose significantly in patients treated with neridronate and calcium + vitamin D (neridronate group) compared with patients treated with calcium + vitamin D alone (control group). No significant differences were observed in trabecular BMD and in volumetric cortical density in either group. In the neridronate group, the cross-sectional area rose significantly versus both baseline values and the control group. These latter changes were associated with approximately 20% increases in bending breaking resistance index (BBRI). CONCLUSION: Our observation, if extended to postmenopausal osteoporosis, may provide a new explanation for the fracture risk reduction observed in osteoporotic patients treated with bisphosphonates

    Intravenous intermittent neridronate in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

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    Rapport Etude SudVinBio : quels emplois en viticulture biologique ?

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    La structure SudVinBio, interprofession des vins issus de l’agriculture biologique, compte 260 adhérents, dont 14 caves coopératives. Elle assure notamment une mission de promotion/communication, essentiellement à travers l’organisation du salon « Millésime Bio ». Après des études ou sondages ayant trait, depuis 2012, à la perception des vins bio et aux circuits de distribution (restauration notamment), et présentés lors de Millésime Bio, il est prévu, en 2017, que l’interprofession mette l’accent sur l‘emploi et la main d’oeuvre (salariés, famille). Dans ce cadre, SudVinBio sollicite l’UMR MOISA, reconnue pour ses compétences en matière de filière vins, pour réaliser une étude à la fois qualitative et quantitative sur l’emploi amont, c’est-à-dire sur les exploitations. Elle pourra être complétée ultérieurement, en fonction des besoins et des relations de partenariat, par une approche aval (coopératives, négociants)