9 research outputs found

    Difusivitas Panas dan Umur Simpan Pempek Lenjer

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    The objectives of this research were to study the effect of fish and flour formulation as well as centre point temperature on the thermal diffusivity and shelf life of pempek lenjer. The parameters observed were the temperature of pempek at several position: i.e. (r0) = 0 cm, r1 = 1 cm, r2 = 2 cm, cooking time, change of textural value, total volatile nitrogen and total microbes of pempek during storage. Data temperaturedistribution was analyzed by using diffusivity at center point model, and random diffusivity models through computer program of Engineering Equation Solver (EES) Ver 8.91. The shelf life data was analyzed by usinglinear regression to determine the relationship between storage time and the measured variables which was followed by calculating using Arrhenius method to compare the decrease of pempek lenjer quality. The results showed that thermal diffusivity coefficient of pempek lenjer for formula 1 was in the range of 0.321 to 1.515 .10-7 m2/s, for formula 2 was in the range of 0.297 to 1.389.10-7 m2/s, for formula 3 was in the rangeof 0.378 to 1.471 . 10-7 m2/s and for formula 4 was in the range of 0.2778 to 1.620.10-7 m2/s.The research results showedthat longerstorage time results in lower values of texture, but produced higher value oftotal volatile nitrogen and total microbes. The lowest Eavaluefrom the measured variablewas totalmicrobes which can be used as the main parameter of deterioration for pempek lenjer during storage. The shelf lifeof pempek lenjer based on total microbes value was in the range of 27 to 33 hour

    Pemanfaatan Tepung dari Kulit Secang, Kunyit dan Kulit Manggis untuk Kompon Karet

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    This research aims to obtain the optimal concentration in the variations of natural dyes and examines the characteristics of the resulting rubber compound. Research and laboratory testing conducted at Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang and PT. Kobe Internasional Mandiri Bandung. This study used dye concentration in 5 phr and 4 (four) color variation that were Formula A: Flour mangosteen peel, Formula B: Meal turmeric, Formula C: Flour wooden cup and Formula D: Synthetic dyes as the control. Parameters observed were Hardness, Shore A (ASTM D 2240-1997), tensile strength, kg / cm 2 (ISO 37, 1994), elongation at break (%), 50 PPHM ozone resistance, 20%, 24 h, 40 ° C and total color difference. The results showed that the best treatments was formula C: Flour wooden cup with Hardness test results of 44 shore A, the voltage dropped by 129 kg / cm 2, Elongation at break of 845%, the ozone resistance of rubber compounds showed no cracks and the total color difference was 26,74

    Ketahanan USAng Kompon Karet dengan Bahan Ekstrak Kayu Secang, Silika Pasir Kuarsa dan Kalsium Karbonat Kulit Kerang

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    The objectives of this study were to find out the effect of temperature and long storage to the characteristic of dock pads on the basis of National Standard of Indonesia 06-3568-2006 and to obtain the aging resistance of rubber compound. The USAge formula of rubber compound was treatment A3P4 (9 phr of the extract of caesalpinia sappan wood and the mixture of quartz sand silica : calcium karbonat clamshell 75:25 phr). The experimental design uses some various temperatures of 60 oC, 70 oC and 80 oC and variation of time from one day until 7 days. The tested parameters were the hardness, tensile strength and elongation at break . The result of the study showed that the obtained hardness were 65-68 shore A, tensile strength were 26-30 N/mm2 and the elongation at break were 263-496%. The variety analysis showed that the hardness gave lack significant effect, meanwhile the temperature and time gave significant effect for the tensile strength parameter as well as the interaction. Futhermore, elongation at break parameter affected significantly toward the temperature, the time and intraction between them, Activated energy (EA) of the rubber compound hardness 5,994 K.kal/mol., the tensile strength was 6,915 K.kal/mol and elongation at break was 66,775 K.kal/mol, finally the aging resistance of rubber compound for the storage temperature of 60 oC was 48,08 days

    Perbaikan Sifat Fisik, Kimia, Dan Antibakteri Edible Film Berbasis Pati Ganyong

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    The objective of the research was to improve physical, chemical, and antibacterial edible film based on Canna edulis Kerr by using eel\u27protein, gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb), and Citrus hystic extract. The research design was completely randomized factorial design with three replications. There were three studies: the addition of eel\u27s protein extract, Uncaria gambir Roxb extract, and pH value at the concentration 0 % (v/v), 3 % (v/v), 6 % (v/v), 0 % (w/v), 1.5 % (w/v), 3 % (w/v), and 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively. The results showed that eel\u27s protein extract concentration significantly effected (at 5 % level test) on thickness and solubility, the Uncaria gambir Roxb extract concentration significantly affected the thickness, percentage of elongation and solubility and interaction between Uncaria gambir Roxb extract and pH value significantly affect the solubility. Charaterictics of the edible film was as follows: thickness 0.15 to 0.28 mm, percentage of elongation 37.17 to 84.4 %, solubility 4,00 to 69.57 %, water vapor transmission rate 4.09 to 11.77 g.m-2.d-1, and inhibition zone for microbe 0.44 to 2.79 mm

    Penentuan Difusivitas Panas Pempek Lenjer Selama Perebusan Menggunakan Metode Numeri

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    Koefisien difusivitas panas pada perebusan pempek lenjer harus diketahui, karena dapat ditentukan waktu pengolahan pempek yang tepat (optimal). Formula dan suhu akan mempengaruhi koefisien difusivitas panas.Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan koefisien difusivitas panas pada perebusan pempek lenjer secara numerik. Variabel yang diukur adalah suhu sampel pada titik pusat (r0) = 0 cm, r1= 1 cm, r2= 2 cm, dan lama pemasakan pempek. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan model difusivitas panas di titik sembarang dan model difusivitas panas di titik pusat, dengan program computer Engineering Equation Solver (EES) Ver 8.91.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koefisien difusivitas panas pempek lenjer pada formula 1 adalah interval 0,321 - 1,515. 10-7 m/s, pada formula 2 adalah 0,297 - 1,389. 10-7 m2/s, pada formula 3 adalah 0,378 - 1,471. 10-7 m/s, dan formula 4 adalah 0,2778 - 1,620. 10-7 m2/s

    Pengaruh Pasca Pemanasan dan Penyinaran Ultraviolet terhadap Penyimpanan Tapai Pisang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membandingkan dua metode pemanasan, penyimpanan yang tepat dan Perubahan mutu tapai pisang selama penyimpanan. Ragi yang digunakan pada pembuatan tapai pisang dibeli dari pasar tradisional di Kota Palembang. Penelitian dan pengujian laboratorium dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia Hasil Pertanian dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Hasil Pertanian, jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, kampus Universitas Sriwijaya di Indralaya. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Oktober 2013 sampai Juli 2014.Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 2 (dua) tahap, 3 (tiga) kali ulangan. Tahap pertama memiliki 2 perlakuan, yaitu jenis metode pemanasan (A1 : Oven; A2 : Ultraviolet 30 watt), dan lama pemanasan (B1 : 0 menit; B2 : 15 menit; B3 : 30 menit). Parameter yang diuji meliputi angka lempeng total, total Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan yang nyata dan perbedaan yang tidak nyata.. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan pemanasan oven selama 15 menit

    Pengaruh Deliknifikasi Daun NILAM (Pogostemon Cablin Benth) Dengan Larutan NaOH Dan Fermentasi Dengan KAPANG TRICHODERMA VIRIDE Terahadap Minyak Hasil Penyulingan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh perlakuan deliknifikasi dan fermentasi daun Nilam dengan kapang terhadap Minyak Hasil Sulinagan. Daun Nilam (pogostemon cablin Benth) di poroleh dari desa Pandan Dulang Kecamatan Tanjung Agung Kabupaten Muara Enim dan penelitian di lakukan di Laboratorium Balai Riset dan Rtandardisasi Industri Palembang. Percobaan dilakukan dua kali ulang dengan cara: perebusan 55 0c dan 80 0c, di lakukan dengan fermentasi daun dengan kapang trichoderma viride :2.4.6.dan 8 hari. Daun yang telah di fermentasi di suling 8 jam dengan suhu 100 -/+ 2 0c, setiap tahap waktu penyulingan 2.4.6.dan 8 jam di ambil contoh untuk diuji Rendemen, bobot jenis dan indeks bias. Hasil sulingan dihitung Remdemen dengan metode Gravimeteri, bobot jenis metode ISO R 79-1962 E dan nilai indeks bias dengan metode ISO 280-1962 E. perlakuan deliknifikasi dengan suhu perebusan 55 0c fermentasi 6 hari total penyulingan 8 jam menghasilkan minyak nilam tertinggi yaitu 2.35% (W/W), bobot jenis 0.958 g/cm3 indek bias 1.509 nd25 memenuhi standar nasional Indonesia 06-2385-1991