160 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Spectral Studies of CdTe–Dendrimer Conjugates

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    In order to couple high cellular uptake and target specificity of dendrimer molecule with excellent optical properties of semiconductor nanoparticles, the interaction of cysteine-capped CdTe quantum dots with dendrimer was investigated through spectroscopic techniques. NH2-terminated dendrimer molecule quenched the photoluminescence of CdTe quantum dots. The binding constants and binding capacity were calculated, and the nature of binding was found to be noncovalent. Significant decrease in luminescence intensity of CdTe quantum dots owing to noncovalent binding with dendrimer limits further utilization of these nanoassemblies. Hence, an attempt is made, for the first time, to synthesize stable, highly luminescent, covalently linked CdTe–Dendrimer conjugate in aqueous medium using glutaric dialdehyde (G) linker. Conjugate has been characterized through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In this strategy, photoluminescence quantum efficiency of CdTe quantum dots with narrow emission bandwidths remained unaffected after formation of the conjugate

    Medium-induced cascade in expanding media

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    Detailed insight into the interplay between parton energy loss and the way deconfined medium created in heavy-ion collisions expands is of great importance for improving the understanding of the jet quenching phenomenon. In this paper we study the impact of the expansion of deconfined medium on the single-gluon emission spectrum, its resummation and the jet suppression factor (QAA) within the BDMPS-Z formalism. We calculate these quantities for three types of expansion scenarios, namely static, exponentially decaying and Bjorken expanding media. The distribution of medium-induced gluons is calculated using an evolution equation with splitting kernels derived from the gluon emission spectra. A universal behavior of splitting kernels is derived in the regime of soft gluon emissions when evaluated at a common effective evolution time Ï„eff. Novel scaling features of the resulting gluon distribution and jet QAA are discussed. For realistic spectra valid beyond the soft-gluon emission limit, where the results are obtained by a numerical solution of the evolution equation, these features are partially replaced by a scaling expected from considering an averaged jet quenching parameter along the trajectory of propagation. Further we show that differences arising from different types of the medium expansion can be to a large extent scaled out by appropriate choice of the quenching parameter. Sizable differences among the values of the quenching parameter for different types of medium expansion point to the importance of the medium expansion for precise modeling of the jet quenching phenomenon.publishedVersio

    Multi-partonic medium induced cascades in expanding media

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    Going beyond the simplified gluonic cascades, we introduce both gluon and quark degrees of freedom for partonic cascades inside the medium. We then solve the set of coupled evolution equations numerically with splitting kernels calculated for static, exponential, and Bjorken expanding media to arrive at medium-modified parton spectra for quark and gluon initiated jets. Using these, we calculate the inclusive jet RAA where the phenomenologically driven combinations of quark and gluon jet fractions are included. Then, the rapidity dependence of the jet RAA is examined. We also study the path-length dependence of jet quenching for different types of expanding media by calculating the jet v2 . Additionally, we study the sensitivity of observables on effects from nuclear modification of parton distribution functions, vacuum-like emissions in the plasma, and the time of the onset of the quenching. All calculations are compared with recently measured data.publishedVersio

    Sinusoidal Excitations in Two Component Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The non-linear coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equation governing the dynamics of the two component Bose-Einstein condensate (TBEC) is shown to admit pure sinusoidal, propagating wave solutions in quasi one dimensional geometry. These solutions, which exist for a wide parameter range, are then investigated in the presence of a harmonic oscillator trap with time dependent scattering length. This illustrates the procedure for coherent control of these modes through temporal modulation of the parameters, like scattering length and oscillator frequency. We subsequently analyzed this system in an optical lattice, where the occurrence of an irreversible phase transition from superfluid to insulator phase is seen.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Recurring adaptive introgression of a supergene variant that determines social organization

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    Introgression has been proposed as an essential source of adaptive genetic variation. However, a key barrier to adaptive introgression is that recombination can break down combinations of alleles that underpin many traits. This barrier might be overcome in supergene regions, where suppressed recombination leads to joint inheritance across many loci. Here, we study the evolution of a large supergene region that determines a major social and ecological trait in Solenopsis fire ants: whether colonies have one queen or multiple queens. Using coalescent-based phylogenies built from the genomes of 365 haploid fire ant males, we show that the supergene variant responsible for multiple-queen colonies evolved in one species and repeatedly spread to other species through introgressive hybridization. This finding highlights how supergene architecture can enable a complex adaptive phenotype to recurrently permeate species boundaries

    NeXML: Rich, Extensible, and Verifiable Representation of Comparative Data and Metadata

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    In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can be trusted, and what they may be used for. To make such an understanding computer-accessible requires standards for exchanging richly annotated data. The challenges of conveying reusable data are particularly acute in regard to evolutionary comparative analysis, which comprises an ever-expanding list of data types, methods, research aims, and subdisciplines. To facilitate interoperability in evolutionary comparative analysis, we present NeXML, an XML standard (inspired by the current standard, NEXUS) that supports exchange of richly annotated comparative data. NeXML defines syntax for operational taxonomic units, character-state matrices, and phylogenetic trees and networks. Documents can be validated unambiguously. Importantly, any data element can be annotated, to an arbitrary degree of richness, using a system that is both flexible and rigorous. We describe how the use of NeXML by the TreeBASE and Phenoscape projects satisfies user needs that cannot be satisfied with other available file formats. By relying on XML Schema Definition, the design of NeXML facilitates the development and deployment of software for processing, transforming, and querying documents. The adoption of NeXML for practical use is facilitated by the availability of (1) an online manual with code samples and a reference to all defined elements and attributes, (2) programming toolkits in most of the languages used commonly in evolutionary informatics, and (3) input–output support in several widely used software applications. An active, open, community-based development process enables future revision and expansion of NeXML.R.A.V. received support from the CIPRES project (NSF #EF-03314953 to W.P.M.), the FP7 Marie Curie Programme (Call FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008—Proposal No. 237046) and, for the NeXML implementation in TreeBASE, the pPOD project (NSF IIS 0629846); P.E.M. and J.S. received support from CIPRES (NSF #EF-0331495, #EF-0715370); M.T.H. was supported by NSF (DEB-ATOL-0732920); X.X. received support from NSERC (Canada) Discovery and RTI grants; W.P.M. received support from an NSERC (Canada) Discovery grant; J.C. received support from a Google Summer of Code 2007 grant; A.P. received support from a Google Summer of Code 2010 grant

    Lysyl Hydroxylase 2 Is Secreted by Tumor Cells and Can Modify Collagen in the Extracellular Space

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    Lysyl hydroxylase 2 (LH2) catalyzes the hydroxylation of lysine residues in the telopeptides of fibrillar collagens, which leads to the formation of stable collagen cross-links. Recently we reported that LH2 enhances the metastatic propensity of lung cancer by increasing the amount of stable hydroxylysine aldehyde-derived collagen cross-links (HLCCs), which generate a stiffer tumor stroma (Chen, Y., et al. (2015) J. Clin. Invest. 125, 125, 1147–1162). It is generally accepted that LH2 modifies procollagen α chains on the endoplasmic reticulum before the formation of triple helical procollagen molecules. Herein, we report that LH2 is also secreted and modifies collagen in the extracellular space. Analyses of lung cancer cell lines demonstrated that LH2 is present in the cell lysates and the conditioned media in a dimeric, active form in both compartments. LH2 co-localized with collagen fibrils in the extracellular space in human lung cancer specimens and in orthotopic lung tumors generated by injection of a LH2-expressing human lung cancer cell line into nude mice. LH2 depletion in MC3T3 osteoblastic cells impaired the formation of HLCCs, resulting in an increase in the unmodified lysine aldehyde-derived collagen cross-link (LCC), and the addition of recombinant LH2 to the media of LH2-deficient MC3T3 cells was sufficient to rescue HLCC formation in the extracellular matrix. The finding that LH2 modifies collagen in the extracellular space challenges the current view that LH2 functions solely on the endoplasmic reticulum and could also have important implications for cancer biology
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