60 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To investigate the in vitro free radical scavenging activity of tea tree oil and the clove oil.Methods: Both tea tree oil and clove oil were tested by using phytochemical test, estimation of total phenolic content as well as various antioxidantsassays such as nitric oxide radical inhibition assay, hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay and 1-diphenyl 2-picrylhyorazyl (DPPH) assayResults: Both tea tree oil and clove oil possess antioxidants activity and in vitro free radical scavenging activity.Keywords: Scavenging activity, Tea tree oil, Clove oil, Antioxidant

    A comparative study between chlorhexidine mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients admitted in Institute of Neurology Department at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai

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    The impact of oral conditions on individual’s quality of life can be profound. Bedridden patients and residents experience the same oro-dental problems as the general population, having said that, poor oral health may add an additional burden, whereas good oral health has real health gains in that it can improve general health, social acceptability, self-esteem and quality of life. The current study assessed the comparison of chlorhexidine mouth wash and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients. The main aim of this study to compare the effectiveness of chlorhexidine mouthwash, and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients. The methodology used for this study was, quantitative, comparative research design- pretest post test control group design with 60 bedridden patients, 30 each group assigned by simple random sampling technique was conducted at Institute of Neurology, Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai-03. Pre test was conducted using Semi- structured interview schedule to collect information on socio-economic demographic data and modified oral health assessment tool was used to assess the oral hygiene. Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide used for oral care twice a day for seven days. Post test was conducted using the same questionnaire. The findings of the study was, in chlorhexidine group, patients saw reduced score of 57.9%, whereas in hydrogen peroxide patients are saw reduced score of 33.8% in pain. The difference is 24.1%. Chlorhexidine patients were benefited than hydrogen peroxide patients. There was a significant difference between chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide group. The study was concluded that mouthwash with chlorhexidine which can be carried out by the patient or the relatives in their home and is economical. Since the prognosis of the neurological disease is delayed, chlorhexidine mouth wash improves the oral health of bedridden patients and prevents oral complications and promotes comfort of the patient

    Expression of CD24 and CD144 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma patients Associated with Habits

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    BACKGROUND: Oral cancer is a serious and growing burden in many parts of the world. It is the eleventh most common cancer in the world. There is a wide variation in the incidence and mortality globally due to significant variations in exposure to behavioral and environmental risk factors linked to oral cavity and pharynx. In India tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption are well established risk factors for oral cancer. Ninety percent of oral cancers are OSCC histologically. Pathogenesis of OSCC involves cytogenetic changes and epigenetic processes that brings about modification in progression of the cell cycle, DNA repair mechanisms, cell differentiation and apoptosis. This may occur due to mutation, exposure to a variety of biological factors, such as HPV, carcinogens or errors in the DNA repair process. The 5-year survival rate after diagnosis of OSCC remains low in spite of significant advances in treatment due to advanced stage at diagnosis, tumor recurrence and lack of markers for early detection. It has been suggested that tumor growth and propagation may be driven by “cancer stem cells” (CSCs). CD24 is one of the most common stem cell marker implicated in tumor progression and metastasis. CD24 is a small, heavily glycosylated, mucin-like cell surface protein that is expressed in many human malignancies. It functions in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions an also identified as an alternate ligand for P-selectin, an adhesion receptor on platelets and endothelial cells. CD24 mediates signal transduction by recruiting Src family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) via membrane rafts, and activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, which involves B- and T-cell development and apoptosis, cell binding and granulocyte oxidative burst. High levels of CD24 in tumor tissue are linked to tumor progression, suggesting that CD24 might be a diagnostic biomarker and therapeutic target in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Metastasis begins with the invasion of tumor cells through the walls of small blood vessels or lymph vessels. Vascular‑like channels were formed in melanoma which functions as tumor blood vessels. This phenomenon was called vasculogenic mimicry (VM). VM indicates a poor prognosis. Vascular endothelial‑cadherin (VE-cadherin), an adhesive protein, is a major determinant of endothelial cell contact integrity and regulation of its activity or its presence at cell contacts is an essential step that controls the permeability of the blood vessel wall for cells and substances. Overexpression level of VE-cadherin enhances the cancer neovascularization, growth and progression. HYPOTHESIS: There is no difference in the expression of CD24 and CD144 in normal mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma patients associated with the habit of smoking/chewing tobacco and areca nut. AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate the expression of CD24 and CD144 in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients associated with the habit of smoking/chewing tobacco and areca nut. OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the expression of CD24 and CD144 using anti-CD24 rabbit polyclonal primary antibody, VE-cadherin rabbit polyclonal primary antibody and secondary polyexcel HRP/DAB detection kit by immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections of: Oral squamous cell carcinoma associated with the habit of smoking/chewing tobacco and areca nut. Normal mucosa. To compare the expression of CD24 and CD144 in normal mucosa and OSCC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study material comprised of 37(N=37) formalin - fixed, paraffin embedded archival tissue specimens. The samples were divided into 2 groups namely: Group I, Group II. Group I: Oral squamous cell carcinoma tissues(n=20) Group II: Normal oral mucosal tissues(n=17) RESULTS: Group I consisted of 8 (40%) cases in the age group of 25 – 50 years and 12 (60%) cases in the age group of above 50 years. Group II consisted of 2 (11.8%) cases below 20 years, 12 (70.6%) cases in 25 – 50 years and 3 (17.6%) cases above 50 years. In group I, 18 (90%) were males and 2 (10%) were females. In group II, 6 (35.3%) were males and 11 (64.7%) were females. In group - I (oral squamous cell carcinoma), 13 (65%) had the habit of chewing tobacco, 2 (10%) cases had habit of chewing betel nut and alcohol consumption, 3 (15%) had the habit of cigarette smoking with the habit of chewing tobacco and betel nut, 1 (5%) had the habit of smoking cigarette and 1(5%) had the habit of smoking beedi. In group - II (normal mucosa), 17 (100%) case had no habit history. In group - I of 20 (100%), the site of biopsy of 9 (45%) cases was buccal mucosa, 5 (25%) cases was tongue, 2 (10%) cases was palatal mucosa and 1 (5%) cases was vestibular mucosa. In group - II 6 (35. 3%) cases was buccal mucosa, 8 (47.1%) cases was gingiva and 2 (11.8%) cases was pericoronal flap. In group - I, the staining intensity of CD144 in basal cell layer was mild in 2 (10%) cases and absent in 18 (90%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD144 in basal cell layer was seen in 3 (17.6%) of cases and absent in 14 (82.4%) cases. In group - I, the staining intensity of CD144 in supra basal cell layer was mild in 4(20%) cases, moderate in 7 (35%) cases and absent in 9(45%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD144 in supra basal cell layer was seen in 10(58.8%) cases, moderate in 4 (23.5%) cases and absent in 3 (17.6%) cases. The difference was statistically significant (p = 0.045). In group - I, the staining intensity of CD144 in connective tissue was mild in 10 (50%) cases, moderate in 5 (25%) cases, intense in 3 (15%) cases and absent in 2 (10%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD144 in connective tissue was seen in 9 (52.9%) cases, moderate in 3 (17.6%) cases, intense in 1(5.9%) cases and absent in 4 (23.5%) cases. In group - I, the staining intensity of CD24 in basal cell layer was mild in 1 (5%) case and absent in rest 19 (95%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD24 on basal cell layer was seen in 2 (11.8%) cases and absent in rest 15 (88.2%) cases. In group - I, the staining intensity of CD24 in supra basal cell layer was mild in 11(55%) cases, moderate in 1 (5%) case and absent in 8 (40%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD24 in supra basal cell layer was seen in 11 (64.7%) cases, moderate in 1 (5.9%) cases and absent in 5 (29.4%) cases. In group - I, the staining intensity of CD24 in connective tissue was mild in 6 (30%) cases, moderate in 10 (50%) cases, intense in 2 (10%) cases and absent in 2 (10%) cases. In group - II, mild expression of CD24 in connective tissue was seen in 8(47.1%) cases, moderately expressed in 1 (5.9%) case, intense in 1 (5.9%) cases and absent in 7 (41.2%) cases. This was statistically significant (p=0.014). In oral squamous cell carcinoma cases, 2 (10%) cases showed mild expression of CD144 and 1 (5%) case showed mild expression of CD24 in basal cell layer. In oral squamous cell carcinoma cases, 4 (20%) cases showed mild expression and 7 (35%) showed moderate expression of CD144 in suprabasal cell layer while 11 (55%) cases showed mild expression and 1(5%) case showed moderate expression of CD24 in basal cell layer. A statistically significant difference was found between the staining intensity in the suprabasal cell layer of CD144 and CD24 among oral squamous cell carcinoma cases (p=0.020). CONCLUSION: Increased CD144 and CD24 expression was seen in OSCC compared to normal controls. The expression of CD144 was higher in OSCC cases associated with the habit of chewing tobacco and increased CD24 expression was observed in OSCC cases associated with the habit of smoking cigarette and chewing tobacco. CD144 was intense in vascular channels and cells around the vascular channels indicating neoangiogenesis in OSCC. Higher expression of CD24 in the connective tissue could be indicative of invasive front. Our results suggest CD144 and CD24 expression correlates to angiogenesis and vascular mimicry

    Knowledge And Awareness on Iron Deficiency Anaemia Among Women - A Questionnaire Based Survey

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    Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the major health problems faced by women. Several factors such as age, sex, socio-economic status, educational level play prominent roles in influencing the health status.Iron deficiency anaemia may result in slow growth and development, fatigue, stillbirth etc.But the knowledge and awareness towards it was significantly low.The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of women towards iron deficiency anaemia. A questionnaire based survey was conducted among 100 female participants. Questionnaire was distributed through a survey link. Results were collected and analysed using IBM SPSS Statistical Analyzer (23.0 version). Frequency distribution and descriptive analysis were carried out. Pearson Chi square test was done. P value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.The results of the study showed that the knowledge and awareness of women carried according to their level of education. Participants who are educated were found to have re knowledge and awareness compared to the participants who are not educated. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for women to gain adequate knowledge on iron deficiency anaemia to make lifestyle modifications for healthy living.Saveetha Dental Colleg


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    ABSTRACTObjective: This study aims at performing a preliminary phytochemical analysis to evaluate the phytochemical composition of pineapple extract andits cytotoxicity potential on oral cancer cell lines.Methods: Preliminary phytochemical analysis of pineapple extract was done, 3-(4, 5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromideassay for evaluating the cytotoxicity potential of the extract on oral cancer cell lines was performed.Results: Phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, coumarins, and phenols were present in the pineapple extract. The extract also exhibited increasedcytotoxicity with increased concentration.Conclusion: This study is conducted to see if pineapple extract is effective in treating oral cancer in a natural way instead of harmful treatments.Keywords: Cytotoxicity, Pineapple extract, Anticancer drug.Ă‚

    Semantics Based Web Ranking Using a Robust Weight Scheme

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    In this paper, HTML tags and attributes are used to determine different structural position of text in a web page. Tags- attributes based models are used to assign a weight to a text that exist in different structural position of web page. Genetic algorithms (GAs), harmony search (HS), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms are used to select the informative terms using a novel tags-attributes and term frequency weighting scheme. These informative terms with heuristic weight give emphasis to important terms, qualifying how well they semantically explain a webpage and distinguish them from each other. The proposed approach is developed by customizing Terrier and tested over the Clueweb09B, WT10g, .GOV2 and uncontrolled data collections. The performance of the proposed approach is found to be encouraging against five baseline ranking models. The percentage gain of approach achieved is 75-90%, 70-83% and 43-60% in P@5, P@10 and MAP, respectively


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    Aim: To assess the apoptotic induction potentials of Bacopa monnieri against oral cancer cell.Objective: This research is done to find the apoptotic induction potentials of B. monnieri against oral cancer cell line.Background: The apoptosis is a process of programed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms. Biochemical events lead to characteristic cellchanges and death. The initiation of apoptosis is tightly regulated by activation mechanisms, because once apoptosis has begun, it inevitably leadsto the death of the cell. The two best-understood activation mechanisms are the intrinsic pathway (also called the mitochondrial pathway) and theextrinsic pathway.Methods: The apoptotic induction potential of B. monnieri was studied on KB cell line by investigating the activation of caspase 3 and caspase 9.Reason: Oral cancer is a growing concern due to the changes in lifestyle. The treatment for this disease has been degraded the patient's health bycausing various side effects. An effective treatment for the long run is necessary. Usable of herbal plants can serve to be a possible and very effective remedy.Results: Apoptotic induction potentials of B. monnieri against oral cancer cell line were studied.Conclusion: Caspase 3 and caspase 9 was activated thus proving the apoptotic potential of B. monnieri.Keywords: Bacopa monnieri, oral cancer, apoptotic induction

    Awareness On Effects of Sleep Deprivation Among College Students - A Questionnaire Based Survey

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    Sleep deprivation is nothing but not getting a required amount of sleep. It can also affect our whole system. This may be due to stress in school, college, family or in a job. It includes behavioural components which may be problematic in the college campuses. Most of the time sleep deprivation is caused due to the intake of alcohol, drugs, caffeine and energy drinks and some other prescribed or non-prescribed stimulants.The main aim of this survey was to create awareness about effects of sleep deprivation among college students.This study was conducted among college students to spread the awareness about effect of sleep deprivation on health status among college students. A self structured questionnaire was prepared and circulated among college students through online survey planet link and the data was obtained and statistically analyzed. From the study population, 100% of the participants gave a positive response when asked if they were aware about sleep deprivation and its effects.. From the results we may conclude that the majority of the college students are suffering from sleep deprivation. Seminars may be conducted in educational institutions, workplaces to create awareness on the deleterious effects of sleep deprivation on health status among the community.Saveetha Dental Colleg


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    Objective: Gingivitis is a reversible condition associated with a bacterial plaque that resolves in about 1 week after the reinstitution of oral hygiene procedures. If left untreated, may ultimately progress to periodontitis in a subset of individuals. The objective of the study was to evaluate the amelioration of necrosis formation in gingiva by Licorice root extract. The licorice compounds, licoricidin, and licorisoflavan A were the most effective antibacterial substances.Methods: Licorice root extract was prepared by macerating 50 g of dry powder with 100 ml of 70% (w/v) ethyl alcohol for a week. Human gingival fibroblasts were obtained from a commercial source and were maintained in serum-free fibroblast medium as recommended by the manufacturer. The cells were treated with licorice root extract (100 ĂŽÂĽg/ml) and incubated for 48 h. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were estimated.Result: TNF-alpha levels were raised, and agglutination of CRP was observed in hepatocyte growth factor positive samples whereas after the treatment with licorice root extract the TNF-alpha levels were declined and no agglutination was seen.Conclusion: TNF and CRP levels are raised during necrosis formation. These levels are decreased when treated with licorice root extract. Thus, licorice root extract causes amelioration of necrosis formation in the gingiva

    Effect of Piperine on an Nrf2/Keap 1 Signalling Mechanism in Adipose Tissue of High Fat Diet and Sucrose-Induced Experimental Diabetic Rats

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    Piperine, an alkaloid compound found in black pepper has been shown to have various health benefits such as anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. But mechanisms underlying the anti-diabetic activity are unclear. Keap1-Nrf2 is an anti-oxidant stress signal pathway and it is considered to be an intracellular defence mechanism to countered oxidative stress. The study was aimed at assessing antidiabetic activity of piperine against high fat diet and sucrose-induced (HFD) type-2 diabetic rats by regulating the expression of Nrf2/Keap 1 signalling. Healthy adult male albino rats of wistar strain were grouped in to 5. Considering healthy control (group-1), HFD-induced type-2 diabetes (group2), Diabetic rats treated with piperine (group 3), diabetic rats metformin (group 4) and control +Piperine treated rats ( group 5) respectively. After 30 days of treatment, fasting blood glucose (FBG) checked and adipose tissue from control and treated groups was used to determine the role of piperine on the expression of NrF2/Keap 1 mNRA in adipose by Real Time-PCR analysis. Data were analysed by one-way ANOVA and p<0.01 was considered to be statistical significance among the groups. HFD-induced T2DM showed a significant increase in the levels of FBG and altered levels of Nrf-2 and Keap-1 gene expression (2 fold) compared to normal control animals. Piperine at a dose of 40mg, fascinatingly improved the glycemic control and normalised the mRNA expression of both Nrf-2 and Keap-1 whose effects were near to that of standard drug metformin level (p<0.05) proving its potential mechanism of action. Conclusion: Our current study clearly indicates that piperine controls hyperglycemia in type-2 diabetic rats by facilitating the expression of antioxidant signalling (Nrf-2/Keap-1) in the adipose. In addition, this is the first of its kind to show the role of piperine in reducing hyperglycemia against high fat diet and sucrose –induced type-2 diabetic rats as an invivo experimental model. Hence, piperine could be considered as an important health supplement and potential drug candidate for the treatment of diabetes
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