A comparative study between chlorhexidine mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients admitted in Institute of Neurology Department at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai


The impact of oral conditions on individual’s quality of life can be profound. Bedridden patients and residents experience the same oro-dental problems as the general population, having said that, poor oral health may add an additional burden, whereas good oral health has real health gains in that it can improve general health, social acceptability, self-esteem and quality of life. The current study assessed the comparison of chlorhexidine mouth wash and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients. The main aim of this study to compare the effectiveness of chlorhexidine mouthwash, and hydrogen peroxide to improve the oral health of bedridden patients. The methodology used for this study was, quantitative, comparative research design- pretest post test control group design with 60 bedridden patients, 30 each group assigned by simple random sampling technique was conducted at Institute of Neurology, Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai-03. Pre test was conducted using Semi- structured interview schedule to collect information on socio-economic demographic data and modified oral health assessment tool was used to assess the oral hygiene. Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide used for oral care twice a day for seven days. Post test was conducted using the same questionnaire. The findings of the study was, in chlorhexidine group, patients saw reduced score of 57.9%, whereas in hydrogen peroxide patients are saw reduced score of 33.8% in pain. The difference is 24.1%. Chlorhexidine patients were benefited than hydrogen peroxide patients. There was a significant difference between chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide group. The study was concluded that mouthwash with chlorhexidine which can be carried out by the patient or the relatives in their home and is economical. Since the prognosis of the neurological disease is delayed, chlorhexidine mouth wash improves the oral health of bedridden patients and prevents oral complications and promotes comfort of the patient

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