54 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Group A Streptococcal infections in and around Coimbatore

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pyogenes is one of the pathogens which is common and can cause a wide variety of diseases with varied differences in the severity. The frequent manifestation is pharyngitis.A ubiquitous organism like S.pyogenes is the leading cause of acute pharyngitis caused by bacteria resulting in about 15-30% of cases in children and 5-10% in adults. S.pyogenes is capable of a wide range of infections which include suppurative and non-suppurative infections. The suppurative infections being streptococcal sore throat, pharyngitis, impetigo, scarlet fever, erysipelas, postpartum (puerperal) fever, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia and toxic shock syndrome.The non-suppurative complications being acute rheumatic fever, gas gangrene and acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Rheumatic fever is not common in most developed countries but it is being the leading cause of acquired heart disease among children in many low socio economic areas such as sub-Saharan Africa, India. OBJECTIVES: The present study was carried out to estimate the incidence of Group A Streptococcal infections in patients and study the prevalence of asymptomatic carriage among school children. METHODS: Clinical isolates of Group A Streptococci were collected from various sample in our hospital and throat swabs were collected from asymptomatic school children. The grouping was confirmed by various biochemical tests and comparison between commercial streptococcus kit method with conventional method was done for the identification of Group A Streptococci.emm gene identification done by PCR method. RESULTS: Among 495 throat swabs collected from school children 7 children (1.4%) are carriers of Group A Streptococci. 5 children (1.0%) are carriers of Group G Streptococci. Among 143 samples collected from various samples in our hospital67 (46%) were found to be Group A Streptococci and 76 (53%) were found to be other serogroups of beta hemolytic streptococci. Comparison of manual nitrous acid extraction method with commercial kit (PLASMATEC) for the sero grouping identification of Streptococcus pyogenes showed the manual conventional method had a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 100% with positive predictive value of 100%and negative predictive value of 98.92%. CONCLUSION: The incidence of Group A Streptococci from various clinical samples were found to be 0.75%. The prevalence of asymptomatic carriers of Group A Streptococci was found by 1.4% and Group G Streptococci was found to be 1.0% The isolates of S.pyogenes were 100% Sensitive to Cefotaxime and Vancomycin, 88.32% Sensitive to Penicillin and Levofloxacin, 79.23% Sensitive to Clindamycin, 74.03% Sensitive to Co-trimoxazole and 64.94% sensitive to Erythromycin. The prevalence of emm gene was found to be 26%.The commercial streptococcal grouping kit method was found to be 100% sensitive and specific when compared to conventional method

    Evaluation of Effect of Red Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) on Serotonin Induced Carcinoid Heart Disease in Rats

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    INTRODUCTION:Carcinoid heart disease in human is a rare condition that occurs as a part of carcinoid syndrome, a systemic disorder mediated by elevated circulating levels of vasoactive substances, including serotonin, histamine, bradykinin, tachykinins produced by a rare metastatic neuroendocrine malignancy carcinoid. Carcinoid syndrome is characterized by a triad of symptoms such as flushing, diarrhoea and bronchospasm that occur in association with hepatic metastases. High level of vasoactive substance, particularly 5 HT in the right side of the heart causes progressive fibrotic endocardial plaque. Features of thickened immobile tricuspid and pulmonary valves with stenosis and regurgitant lesions are highly suggestive of carcinoid heart disease. It manifests as right heart failure. Elevation of urinary 5 Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid (5 – HIAA) levels is highly specific and moderately sensitive for diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome and it is confirmed by echocardiography and cardiac MRI1. Serotonergic drugs cause valvular fibrosis similar to that seen in patients with carcinoid heart disease.AIM & OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antioxidant effect of red reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) by in vitro methods. To evaluate the inhibitory effect of Ganoderma lucidum on serotonin induced carcinoid heart disease in rats.DISCUSSION:Carcinoid heart disease occurs in over 65% of patients with the carcinoid syndrome and is characterized by thickening of cardiac valves, leading to heart failure. Serotonin plays a major role in the development of carcinoid heart disease32. Serotonin induces oxidative stress in human heart by means of increased reactive oxygen species especially superoxide (O2 .). ROS appears to participate in serotonin induced mitogenesis in carcinoid heart disease. Antioxidants have been found to prevent the mitogenic effects of serotonin28. Ganoderma lucidum is a traditional Chinese medicine, which consists of triterpenes called ganoderic acids, polysaccharides, mannitol, canthaxanthin, lanostan and alkaloids. Sterols isolated from the mushroom include, ganoderol, ganoderenic acid20. It has been known to have numerous pharmacological effects including immune modulating, anti-inflammatory, anti cancer , anti diabetic effect. It inhibits mitogen protein kinase enzyme, increases anti- oxidative enzyme activity and exhibits direct free radical scavenging activity. Reishi mushroom prevents the cardiotoxicity by its antioxidant effect. Hence this study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on inhibiting serotonin induced carcinoid heart disease by its antioxidant property16,19. In vitro antioxidant activity was carried out Super oxide radical scavenging assay method, Hydroxyl radical scavenging assay method, Nitric oxide method and Phosphomolybdenum assay method. It was observed that as the concentration increases, the % scavenging also increases linearly for ganoderma lucidum and standard preparation.CONCLUSION:The antioxidant property of ganoderma lucidum was confirmed by in vitro studies namely Super oxide radical scavenging assay method, Hydroxyl radical scavenging assay method, Nitric oxide method, Phosphomolybdenum assay method. Ganoderma lucidum inhibited effects of serotonin induced carcinoid heart disease probably by reducing oxidative damage by scavenging free radicals in the cells

    A perspective of COVID 19 impact on global economy, energy and environment

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    COVID-19 or novel coronavirus is not only an international emergency for public health but also has significant consequences on energy, economy, and environment. Although much of the World's attention is understandably focused on COVID-19's human toll, the outbreak's economic toll also potentially has catastrophic implications and has disrupted all the leading economies. Consequently, the energy market has plunged, leading to an oil supply surplus and a decline in the price. Policymakers also examine the impacts of COVID-19 on the energy market and its relation to the ongoing transition to renewable energy. Against this backdrop, this paper helps in summarising the impact of COVID-19 on economy, energy and environment. Besides, it provides some critical recommendations and policy measures for the energy sector to overcome the challenges from the impact of COVID-19

    Comparative Evaluation of Retention and Stability of Implant Supported Mandibular Overdenture using Locator attachment at Different Implant Positions: An In Vitro Study

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this in-vitro study was to evaluate and compare the effect of different locations of implants on the retention and stability of two-implants supported overdenture with locator attachments. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: An acrylic test specimen was fabricated with implants in four positions – A, B, D and E. Over that an acrylic test denture was constructed in the conventional way with vent holes for all the metal housings corresponding to the four implant positions. The same test denture was duplicated using autopolymerising resin to get the remaining samples. For group A, ten test dentures were fabricated with metal housings in B and D positions and the vent holes in A and E positions were sealed using autopolymerising resin. Similarly, for group B, ten test dentures were fabricated with metal housings in A and E positions and the vent holes in B and D positions were sealed using autopolymerising resin. To all the test dentures, four hooks were attached in canine and molar regions on both the sides and were subjected to tensile forces using Universal testing machine. Each test denture was subjected to three different tests. Test No. 1 was conducted to evaluate the effect of vertically directed dislodging forces. Test No. 2 was conducted to evaluate the effect of oblique rotational dislodging forces. Test No. 3 was conducted to evaluate the effect of posterior rotational dislodging forces. The force at which the denture detached from the specimen was recorded in Newton (N). Each test was repeated 5 times for each denture and the mean was obtained. RESULTS: Statistically significant difference (p value 0.032) was found with vertically directed dislodging forces with higher value seen in relation to group A. Highly Statistically significant difference (p value 0.00) was found with oblique rotational dislodging forces with higher value seen in relation to group B. Highly Statistically significant difference (p value 0.00) was found with posterior rotational dislodging forces with higher value seen in relation to group B. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study showed a significant difference between the two groups and thus rejected the null hypothesis


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    Objective: To synthesize mesoporous silica nanoparticles using the sol-gel method and to determine the antibacterial activity of mesoporous silica nanoparticles and tetracycline loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles.Methods: In the synthetic procedure, the surfactant Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) is initially dissolved in basic aqueous solution, and the mixture is vigorously stirred. Tetra Ethyl Ortho Silicate (TEOS) is added, and the solution is kept stirring for 6 h. After the reaction is complete, the as-synthesized product is filtered and washed with deionized water. The antibacterial was tested using disc diffusion method and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC).Results: The synthesized mesoporous silica nanoparticles were characterized by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrographs showed spherical particles with an average size of 350 nm. The powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the material further confirmed the crystallinity of the mesopores as evidenced by the diffraction pattern of an intense peak at θ=24º. Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated the involvement of carboxyl, amine and hydroxyl groups in the synthetic process. The result shows the inhibitory growth zone of 20 mm and 18 mm for tetracycline loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus respectively.Conclusion: To summarize, it has been experimentally demonstrated that mesoporous silica nanoparticle and tetracycline loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles show very good antimicrobial behavior against the gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria.Keywords: Mesoporous silica nanoparticles, Sol-gel method, Drug loading, Antibacterial activit

    Cluster Based Analysis and Consumption of Food Products in Targeted Public Distribution System

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    The Public Distribution System in India is 50 years old. At present it is being carried on as an anti-inflationary and antipoverty system. Tamil Nadu, the southernmost State in the country, is adopting the Universal Public Distribution System covering its entire population and supplying regularly rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene and other products like pulses, edible oil etc. The PDS is a centrally sponsored scheme that entitles beneficiaries to subsidized food grains every month. Several challenges have been identified in the implementation of PDS like (i) Targeting errors (ii) Large leakages or diversion (iii) The elimination of bogus cards and (iv) The problems in Fair Price Shops. This paper analyses and evaluates the problems and finds the possible solutions using the data mining techniques based on preprocessing and clustering. The K-means and K-harmonic means algorithms are combined to cluster the data based on the type of food commodities for rice and wheat

    Corrosion and Quantum Studies of Alkyl Substituted Piperidin-4-Ones with Thiosemicarbazone on Mild Steel in an Acidic Medium

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    The acid corrosion inhibition technique of mild-steel in 1N sulfuric acid by a part of alkyl substituted 2,6-diphenyl piperidin-4-one with thiosemicarbazone has been observed by quantum chemical calculations, electrochemical AC impedance measurements, weight loss process and potentiodynamic polarization studies. Results show that substituted γ-2,c-6-diphenyl piperidin-4-ones with thiosemicarbazone act as perfect corrosion inhibitors and their inhibition efficiency increase with the addition of inhibitors. The potentiodynamic polarization curves pointed the studied inhibitors are mixed type of character and  cathodic nature in 1 N H2SO4 media. The impedance spectroscopy shows a change in the value of charge transfer resistance (Rct) and double layer capacitance (Cdl) indicating the adsorption of the some substituted piperidin-4-ones with thiosemicarbazones on the mild steel surface.   For all the three types of alkyl substituted 2,6-diphenyl pipieridin-4-one with thiosemicarbazone, the inhibition efficiency raised to increment in the inhibitor concentration and the performance of the three inhibitors are 01TS> 02TS> 03TS. The adsorption of the alkyl substituted 2,6-diphenyl piperidin-4-one with thiosemicarbazone on the mild-steel metallic surface pursued the Langmuir's adsorption isotherm. Quantum chemical calculations were executed by adopting density functional theory (DFT) to conclude whether a clear link exists among the inhibiting outcome of the inhibitor and the electronic characteristics of its main fundamentals


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    A simple robust control technique based on centralized Proportional Integral is proposed for a multivariable process. The study is undertaken to improve the performance of the multivariable system in presence of plant model mismatch. The method considers Steady State Gain Matrix and process parameters like time delay and time constant for the controller design. The robustness of the proposed technique is analysed with perturbation in all the three parameters namely process gain, time constant, and time delay. The servo and load disturbance rejection response is obtained. Also, the multiplicative uncertainty is checked with spectral radius criterion. The Integral Absolute Error values of main effect, interaction effect, and uncertainty in process parameters are also compared with the centralized controller designed based on Steady State Gain Matrix. The tuning parameters for the original plant and perturbed plant is kept constant throughout the analysis. Finally, the proposed control algorithm is validated using pilot plant binary distillation column

    Synthesis and characterisation of indium tin oxide thin films for dye-sensitised solar cells using natural fruit extracts

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    The study focuses on the application of natural fruit extract of blackberry in dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC) as a photosensitiser. The widespread availability of the fruits and juices, high concentration of anthocyanins in them ease of extraction of anthocyanin dyes from these commonly available fruits, enable them as a novel and inexpensive candidates for solar cell fabrication. Anthocyanins are naturally occurring biodegradable and non-toxic compounds that can be extracted with minimal environmental impact and provide environmentally benign alternatives for manufacturing dyes in DSSC synthesis. Indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films are synthesised using sol-gel and spin-coating techniques. ITO characteristics are determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transforms infrared spectra (FTIR) measurements. To find the transmittance percentage in the visible region of thin films, atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-Vis spectroscopy analyses were done. The nanocrystalline phase of the synthesised ITO films was confirmed through XRD. SEM was used to analyse the morphology of the synthesised ITO films. Cubic, columnar (edge length ~ 35-45 nm) and rod-shaped (~110 x 14) particles were observed. Narrow size distribution was observed for spherical particles in the range of ~13-15 nm. The FTIR analysis revealed the presence of carboxyl and hydroxide functional groups. The AFM analysis revealed the uniform spread of the synthesised dye, while the visible region absorbance and transmittance of the synthesised ITO films were confirmed through UV-vis spectroscopy. The thin films showed 83-86% of average transmittance. Finally, we fabricated a dye-sensitised solar cell with desired properties. The characterisation results confirmed that the synthesised material could be used in the DSSC application

    Fitted mesh method for singularly perturbed fourth order differential equation of convection diffusion type with integral boundary condition

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    This article focuses on a class of fourth-order singularly perturbed convection diffusion equations (SPCDE) with integral boundary conditions (IBC). A numerical method based on a finite difference scheme using Shishkin mesh is presented. The proposed method is close to the first-order convergent. The discrete norm yields an error estimate and theoretical estimations are tested by numerical experiments
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