16 research outputs found

    Identification and analysis of a glutamatergic local interneuron lineage in the adult Drosophila olfactory system

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    BACKGROUND: The antennal lobe of Drosophila is perhaps one of the best understood neural circuits, because of its well-described anatomical and functional organization and ease of genetic manipulation. Olfactory lobe interneurons - key elements of information processing in this network - are thought to be generated by three identified central brain neuroblasts, all of which generate projection neurons. One of these neuroblasts, located lateral to the antennal lobe, also gives rise to a population of local interneurons, which can either be inhibitory (GABAergic) or excitatory (cholinergic). Recent studies of local interneuron number and diversity suggest that additional populations of this class of neurons exist in the antennal lobe. This implies that other, as yet unidentified, neuroblast lineages may contribute a substantial number of local interneurons to the olfactory circuitry of the antennal lobe. RESULTS: We identified and characterized a novel glutamatergic local interneuron lineage in the Drosophila antennal lobe. We used MARCM (mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker) and dual-MARCM clonal analysis techniques to identify this novel lineage unambiguously, and to characterize interneurons contained in the lineage in terms of structure, neurotransmitter identity, and development. We demonstrated the glutamatergic nature of these interneurons by immunohistochemistry and use of an enhancer-trap strain, which reports the expression of the Drosophila vesicular glutamate transporter (DVGLUT). We also analyzed the neuroanatomical features of these local interneurons at single-cell resolution, and documented the marked diversity in their antennal lobe glomerular innervation patterns. Finally, we tracked the development of these dLim-1 and Cut positive interneurons during larval and pupal stages. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified a novel neuroblast lineage that generates neurons in the antennal lobe of Drosophila. This lineage is remarkably homogeneous in three respects. All of the progeny are local interneurons, which are uniform in their glutamatergic neurotransmitter identity, and form oligoglomerular or multiglomerular innervations within the antennal lobe. The identification of this novel lineage and the elucidation of the innervation patterns of its local interneurons (at single cell resolution) provides a comprehensive cellular framework for emerging studies on the formation and function of potentially excitatory local interactions in the circuitry of the Drosophila antennal lobe

    Biased eviction of variant histone H3 nucleosomes triggers biofilm growth in Candida albicans

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    ABSTRACT Candida albicans is an opportunistic human pathogen that colonizes the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts of healthy individuals. C. albicans yeast cells can switch to filamentous forms. On biotic and abiotic surfaces, the planktonic free-floating yeast cells often form biofilms, a multi-drug-resistant three-dimensional community of yeast and filamentous cells. While alterations in gene expression patterns during planktonic to biofilm growth transitions in C. albicans have been studied, the underlying molecular mechanisms largely remain unexplored. Previously, we identified a histone H3 variant (H3VCTG), which acts as a negative regulator of biofilm growth in C. albicans. In the current study, we performed genome-wide profiling of H3VCTG nucleosomes in C. albicans planktonic cells and found them to be enriched at promoter regions. In planktonic cells, H3VCTG-enriched regions are mostly devoid of histone H3 post-translational modifications that allow active transcription, thus strengthening the role of H3VCTG as a negative regulator of biofilm formation. By combining genome-wide transcriptional alterations, nucleosome positioning (MNase-seq), and DNA accessibility (ATAC-seq) assays, we show a significant reduction in the total number of nucleosomes in biofilm cells as compared to planktonic cells indicating a more open chromatin state during biofilm growth. Finally, we propose that H3VCTG-nucleosome eviction at promoters of biofilm-relevant genes in biofilm-grown cells contributes to achieve the open chromatin state by facilitating easy promoter access of master regulators (activators and repressors) for modulation of gene expression observed during growth phase transitions. IMPORTANCE Candida albicans lives as a commensal in most healthy humans but can cause superficial skin infections to life-threatening systemic infections. C. albicans also forms biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces. Biofilm cells are difficult to treat and highly resistant to antifungals. A specific set of genes is differentially regulated in biofilm cells as compared to free-floating planktonic cells of C. albicans. In this study, we addressed how a variant histone H3VCTG, a previously identified negative regulator of biofilm formation, modulates gene expression changes. By providing compelling evidence, we show that biased eviction of H3VCTG nucleosomes at the promoters of biofilm-relevant genes facilitates the accessibility of both transcription activators and repressors to modulate gene expression. Our study is a comprehensive investigation of genome-wide nucleosome occupancy in both planktonic and biofilm states, which reveals transition to an open chromatin landscape during biofilm mode of growth in C. albicans, a medically relevant pathogen

    Sensory inputs control the integration of neurogliaform interneurons into cortical circuits

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    Neuronal microcircuits in the superficial layers of the mammalian cortex provide the substrate for associative cortical computation. Inhibitory interneurons constitute an essential component of the circuitry and are fundamental to the integration of local and long-range information. Here we report that, during early development, superficially positioned Reelin-expressing neurogliaform interneurons in the mouse somatosensory cortex receive afferent innervation from both cortical and thalamic excitatory sources. Attenuation of ascending sensory, but not intracortical, excitation leads to axo-dendritic morphological defects in these interneurons. Moreover, abrogation of the NMDA receptors through which the thalamic inputs signal results in a similar phenotype, as well as in the selective loss of thalamic and a concomitant increase in intracortical connectivity. These results suggest that thalamic inputs are critical in determining the balance between local and long-range connectivity and are fundamental to the proper integration of Reelin-expressing interneurons into nascent cortical circuits

    Neuronal activity and Wnt signaling act through Gsk3-β to regulate axonal integrity in mature Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons

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    The roles played by signaling pathways and neural activity during the development of circuits have been studied in several different contexts. However, the mechanisms involved in maintaining neuronal integrity once circuits are established are less well understood, despite their potential relevance to neurodegeneration. We demonstrate that maintenance of adult Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons requires cell-autonomous neuronal activity. When activity is silenced, development occurs normally, but neurons degenerate in adulthood. These detrimental effects can be compensated by downregulating Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (Gsk-3β). Conversely, ectopic expression of activated Gsk-3β or downregulation of Wnt effectors also affect neuron stability, demonstrating a role for Wnt signaling in neuroprotection. This is supported by our observation that activated adult neurons are capable of increased Wingless release, and its targeted expression can protect neurons against degeneration. The role of Wnt signaling in this process is non-transcriptional, and may act on cellular mechanisms that regulate axonal or synaptic stability. Together, we provide evidence that Gsk-3β is a key sensor involved in neural circuit integrity, maintaining axon stability through neural activity and the Wnt pathway

    Utility of cytokeratin7 immunocytochemistry in the cytopathological diagnosis of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Objective: To distinguish fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) variant from the conventional hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by cytology, immunocytochemistry, and morphometry. Study Design: Retrospective detailed cytomorphological, immunocytochemical, and morphometric analysis was performed in 6 cases of FL-HCC reported on fine needle aspiration. Cell block immunocytochemistry (CB-ICC) for CK7 and CD68 was performed in four cases. Morphometry was carried out with Cell A software. Area of the cell, nucleus and nucleolus was measured in 50 nuclei per case in 6 cases each of FL-HCC and HCC. Results: The mean age of patients with FL-HCC was 19 years and all had normal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels. Fine needle aspiration smears showed large polygonal cells with abundant cytoplasm, vesicular nucleus and prominent nucleolus, associated with variably cellular fibrous stromal fragments. Intranuclear inclusions, cytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions, and bile were also noted. FL-HCC showed strong membrano-cytoplasmic CK7 positivity and cytoplasmic granular and canalicular positivity for CD68. In contrast, HCC showed weak focal positivity for CK7 and only canalicular CD68 positivity. Morphometry revealed that FL-HCC cells were 2.19 times the size of HCC. Conclusion: CK7 immunocytochemistry on cell blocks is useful for confirming and distinguishing it from HCC

    Activity Regulates Cell Death within Cortical Interneurons through a Calcineurin-Dependent Mechanism

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    We demonstrate that cortical interneurons derived from ventral eminences, including the caudal ganglionic eminence, undergo programmed cell death. Moreover, with the exception of VIP interneurons, this occurs in a manner that is activity-dependent. In addition, we demonstrate that, within interneurons, Calcineurin, a calcium-dependent protein phosphatase, plays a critical role in sequentially linking activity to maturation (E15-P5) and survival (P5-P20). Specifically, embryonic inactivation of Calcineurin results in a failure of interneurons to morphologically mature and prevents them from undergoing apoptosis. By contrast, early postnatal inactivation of Calcineurin increases apoptosis. We conclude that Calcineurin serves a dual role of promoting first the differentiation of interneurons and, subsequently, their survival