33 research outputs found

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    A radiation attenuation device, particularly for measuring the radiations themselves. The device consists of at least two integrating spheres reciprocalkly connected by means of respective communication ports preferably of variable dimension; one of the integrating spheres is an input integrating sphere presenting at least one input opening, also preferably of variable dimensions, for inputting an incident radiation beam in the sphere, and another one of the integrating spheres is an output integrating sphere presenting at least one output opening to allow the output of the appropriately attenuated incident radiation and where appropriate measuring instruments can be housed

    Dispositivo a sfere integratrici per l’attenuazione di radiazioni

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    Un dispositivo di attenuazione per radiazioni, in particolare per fini di misurazione delle radiazioni stesse. Il dispositivo è costituito da almeno due sfere integratrici connesse tra loro mediante rispettive porte di comunicazione preferibilmente di dimensioni variabili; una delle sfere integratrici è una sfera integratrice d'ingresso presentante almeno una apertura d'ingresso, anch'essa preferibilmente di dimensioni variabili, per l'ingresso nella sfera di un fascio di una radiazione incidente, ed un'altra delle sfere integratrici è una sfera integratrice di uscita, presentante almeno una apertura di uscita per consentire l'uscita della radiazione incidente opportunamente attenuata e dove possono essere alloggiati degli opportuni strumenti di misura

    Weak effect of hypertension and other classic risk factors in the elderly who have already paid their toll.

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    The aim of the CASTEL, a population-based (n=3282) prospective study which began 14 years ago, was to identify those items which had a prognostic impact in the elderly, and to evaluate whether the typical cardiovascular risk factors, particularly arterial hypertension, play a role after the age of 65 years. Initial screening, final follow-up and annual detection of mortality were performed. Mantel-Hanszel approach and multivariate Cox model were used for statistics. Cardiovascular mortality was 23.3% in normotensive, 23.3% in borderline, and 25% in the sustained hypertensive subjects (insignificant difference). In women, the incidence of stroke and coronary artery disease weakly depended on pulse pressure. Historical stroke and myocardial infarction predicted cardiovascular mortality in women; diabetes, uricaemia and high heart rate in men. In the very old, the predictors were less numerous, and blood pressure was not a predictor whatsoever; pulse blood pressure and murmurs at the neck were especially predictive in women, historical heart failure, proteinuria and tachycardia in men, historical stroke and myocardial infarction, pulmonary disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, diabetes and uricaemia in both genders. The elderly have a different cardiovascular risk pattern compared to younger people. Hypertension is not a predictor of coronary and stroke mortality. Prognosis depends on pulse pressure rather than on the label 'hypertension'. Hypercholesterolaemia is not a risk factor. This could simply indicate that elderly persons are the survivors in a population where significant mortality has already made its mark, eliminating those with the worst risk pattern. The two genders have a different risk profile due to sex-specific susceptibility to risk factors

    Radiometro per ricevitori cilindrici

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    Un radiometro applicabile su ricevitori cilindrici comprendente una struttura di supporto cilindrica atta ad essere disposta attorno ad un ricevitore di cui si vuole misurare la radiazione assorbita, una pluralità di ricevitori disposti su almeno parte della struttura di supporto e rivolti da parte opposta al ricevitore; ognuno dei fotorivelatori comprende una fotocella ed una finestra diffusiva disposta in corrispondenza della fotocella per intercettarne tutta la radiazione in ingresso