11 research outputs found

    Vortex Interferometric Microscopy with Laguerre-Gaussian Beams

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    In the present research, we discuss the results of analysis of coherent light beams carrying an optical vortex and propagating through the isotropic medium with a complex surface microrelief and its application to super resolution microscopy. It was shown, that phase analysis of singular beam with single charged centered optical vortex allow to retrieve information about sample surface relief. High spatial resolution caused by vortex helical phase sensitivity to disturbances in wave front after reflection or spreading through studying sample, which can be optically transparent or have a reflecting surface. This method applicable for non-destructive testing of live cells and biological tissues in real-time regime with exceeding optical diffraction limit. Vertical resolution of a microscope based on the phase singularity of Laguerre-Gaussian beams of low order can be achieved down to 5,27 nm for helium-neon laser source for optically transparent and reflecting surfaces. Keywords: optical vortex, phase, microscopy, singularit

    Device for Monitoring Research Object's Position

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    In this paper a device for monitoring research object's position is proposed. A description of the design of the device, the algorithm of operation is given, the limits of applicability are highlighted.Исследование частично профинансировано в рамках поддержанного Российским научным фондом гранта № 20-72-00065

    Histological validation of diagnoses of thyroid cancer among adults in the registries of Belarus and the Ukraine

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    In order to evaluate the diagnostic reliability of the thyroid cancers listed in adult registries from the Ukraine and Belarus, a histological review was organised of 327 randomly selected thyroid carcinoma cases diagnosed between 1960 and 1999. A final diagnosis was reached at a 5-day consensus conference by six pathologists who met around a multiheaded microscope. The study concluded with a comparison between the final diagnosis and the initial diagnosis. The pathologists agreed with the initial diagnosis of malignancy in 286 cases (88%). A final diagnosis of papillary, follicular or medullary thyroid carcinoma was reached in 86, 4, and 6% of the cases respectively. In 2.8% of the cases reviewed, diagnostic discrepancies persisted. The percentage of agreement between the final diagnosis and the initial diagnosis was 93%, with a weighted κ-statistic of 0.61 (confidence interval 95% (CI 95%): [0.45-0.77]). In all, 89% of the 286 confirmed cancer cases were in agreement for the type of cancer, with a κ-statistic of 0.56 (CI95%: [0.43-0.69]). The level of agreement differed according to cancer categories, with concordance rates of 94, 40 and 33% for papillary, follicular and medullary thyroid carcinomas respectively. The low prevalence of follicular thyroid carcinomas in the adult population studied calls for further exploration. The discrepancies and classification difficulties encountered were analysed. © 2003 Cancer Research UK

    Preliminary design analysis of a hopper vehicle for Mars mission

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