372 research outputs found

    Terms of Engagement: When Academe meets Military

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    Constant-angle surfaces in liquid crystals

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    We discuss some properties of surfaces in R3 whose unit normal has constant angle with an assigned direction field. The constant angle condition can be rewritten as an Hamilton-Jacobi equation correlating the surface and the direction field. We focus on examples motivated by the physics of interfaces in liquid crystals and of layered fluids, and discuss the properties of the constant-angle surfaces when the direction field is singular along a line (disclination) or at a point (hedgehog defect

    Fluid-crystal coexistence for proteins and inorganic nanocolloids: dependence on ionic strength

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    We investigate theoretically the fluid-crystal coexistence of solutions of globular charged nanoparticles like proteins and inorganic colloids. The thermodynamic properties of the fluid phase are computed via the optimized Baxter model. This is done specifically for lysozyme and silicotungstates for which the bare adhesion parameters are evaluated via the experimental second virial coefficients. The electrostatic free energy of the crystal is approximated by supposing the cavities in the interstitial phase between the particles are spherical in form. In the salt-free case a Poisson-Boltzmann equation is solved to calculate the effective charge on a particle and a Donnan approximation is used to derive the chemical potential and osmotic pressure in the presence of salt. The coexistence data of lysozyme and silicotungstates are analyzed within this scheme, especially with regard to the ionic-strength dependence of the chemical potentials. The latter agree within the two phases provided some upward adjustment of the effective charge is allowed for.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    NHI 2.1 Veranderingen in NHI

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    Dit document is een concept en uitsluitend bedoeld voor discussiedoeleinden. Een impuls is gegeven aan het verbeteren van het nationaal hydrologisch instrumentarium, NHI 2.0. NHI 2.0 voldeed in 2010 nog niet volledig aan de wensen van RWS. In 2010 hebben twee processen plaatsgevonden, die tot meer inzicht hebben geleid in de prestaties van het NHI. Ten eerste de regionale toetsing van het NHI, onder andere door STOWA, en ten tweede het gebruik van NHI in diverse regionale en landelijke studies voor Zoetwaterverkenning (ZWV). Als gevolg hiervan zijn in NHI 2.1, in opdracht van de RWS Waterdienst, veel verbeteringen doorgevoerd

    Mesoscale simulations of surfactant dissolution and mesophase formation

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    The evolution of the contact zone between pure surfactant and solvent has been studied by mesoscale simulation. It is found that mesophase formation becomes diffusion controlled and follows the equilibrium phase diagram adiabatically almost as soon as individual mesophases can be identified, corresponding to times in real systems of order 10 microseconds.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ReVTeX

    Parity Breaking in Nematic Tactoids

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    We theoretically investigate under what conditions the director field in a spindle-shaped nematic droplet or tactoid obtains a twisted, parity-broken structure. By minimizing the sum of the bulk elastic and surface energies, we show that a twisted director field is stable if the twist and bend elastic constants are small enough compared to the splay elastic constant, but only if the droplet volume is larger than some minimum value. We furthermore show that the transition from an untwisted to a twisted director-field structure is a sharp function of the various control parameters. We predict that suspensions of rigid, rod-like particles cannot support droplets with a parity broken structure, whereas they could possibly occur in those of semi-flexible, worm-like particles.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    NHI Toetsing, Ontwikkeling en toepassing van methode voor toetsing van NHI 2.1 inclusief vergelijking met NHI 2.0.

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de achtergrond van de methode om NHI2.1 te toetsen aan de criteria die opgesteld zijn door Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst geldend voor 2010 en bevat de resultaten van die toetsing en de vergelijking met resultaten van NHI2.0. Volgens de criteria is de berekende aan en afvoer van oppervlakte water verbeterd. Op enkele belangrijke meetpunten van de oppervlaktewaterverdeling zijn signifinante verbeteringen te zien

    Exercise Stress Testing in Children with Metabolic or Neuromuscular Disorders

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    The role of exercise as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool in patients with a metabolic disease (MD) or neuromuscular disorder (NMD) is relatively underresearched. In this paper we describe the metabolic profiles during exercise in 13 children (9 boys, 4 girls, age 5–15 yrs) with a diagnosed MD or NMD. Graded cardiopulmonary exercise tests and/or a 90-min prolonged submaximal exercise test were performed. During exercise, respiratory gas-exchange and heart rate were monitored; blood and urine samples were collected for biochemical analysis at set time points. Several characteristics in our patient group were observed, which reflected the differences in pathophysiology of the various disorders. Metabolic profiles during exercises CPET and PXT seem helpful in the evaluation of patients with a MD or NMD

    Exercise Stress Testing in Children with Metabolic or Neuromuscular Disorders

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    The role of exercise as a diagnostic or therapeutic tool in patients with a metabolic disease (MD) or neuromuscular disorder (NMD) is relatively underresearched. In this paper we describe the metabolic profiles during exercise in 13 children (9 boys, 4 girls, age 5–15 yrs) with a diagnosed MD or NMD. Graded cardiopulmonary exercise tests and/or a 90-min prolonged submaximal exercise test were performed. During exercise, respiratory gas-exchange and heart rate were monitored; blood and urine samples were collected for biochemical analysis at set time points. Several characteristics in our patient group were observed, which reflected the differences in pathophysiology of the various disorders. Metabolic profiles during exercises CPET and PXT seem helpful in the evaluation of patients with a MD or NMD

    Влияние параметров одномассной системы с упругими ограничителями на характер ее колебаний

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    У статті розглянуто одномасну систему з пружними обмежувачами. Побудовано області існування різних режимів коливань системи, а також визначено вплив параметрів системи на межі цих областей.A one-mass system with elastic constraints is studied. Areas of existing of different oscillation modes are built. Also an influence of system parameters on limits of these areas is determined