294 research outputs found

    Колгоспні ліси у відомчому конфлікті Ніжинського головного лісництва та земельних органів окупаційної влади

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    During sediment transport downstream, river systems mix sediments from different parts of their catchments. During deposition, sediments are often unmixed again in different depositional environments (facies). During fluvial transport, between erosion and deposition of sediment, the sediment is sorted too. A commonly observed phenomenon is downstream fining (Frings, 2007), which is the tendency for bed sediments of many rivers to become finer downstream. All processes mentioned above make that fluvial sediment, and thus the fluvial record, is spatially variable

    Использование метода анализа иерархий для оценки факторов эффективности маркетингового менеджмента туристско-оздоровительных комплексов

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    Обосновывается целесообразность использования метода анализа иерархий для оценки факторов, способствующих повышению эффективности маркетингового менеджмента туристических предприятий.Обґрунтовується доцільність використання методу аналізу ієрархії для оцінювання чинників, які сприяють підвищенню ефективності маркетингового менеджменту туристичних підприємств.The expediency of applying the method of analysis of hierarchies for the estimation of the factors which provide the effectiveness of marketing management of tourist enterprises is grounded

    Теоретический аспект формирования человеческого капитала

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    Сучасні соціально-економічні перетворення України відбуваються в умовах демографічної ситуації, що погіршується, у країнах світового співтовариства. Пошук варіантів формування «людського капіталу» базується на знанні теоретичних аспектів, досліджуваній категорії та інформаційній базі про розвиток освіти, охорони здоров'я і житлово-комунального господарства – галузей, що безпосередньо впливають на якісний і кількісний склад людського капіталу. Ключові слова: інвестиції, людський капітал, джерела, ефективність освіти.Современные социально-экономические преобразования Украины происходят в условиях ухудшающейся демографической ситуации в странах мирового сообщества. Поиск вариантов формирования «человеческого капитала» базируется на знании теоретических аспектов, исследуемой категории и информационной базе о развитии образования, здравоохранения и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства – отраслей, непосредственно влияющих на качественный и количественный состав человеческого капитала. Ключевые слова: инвестиции, человеческий капитал, источники, эффективность образования.Modern socio-economic changes in Ukraine take place under worsening of demographic situation in the countries of the world community. The search for ways of the “human capital” formation is based on the knowledge of theoretical aspects, category under research and information base that includes the development of education, health-care, and housing and communal facilities – the branches which have a direct influence on a quantitative and qualitative composition of human capital. Keywords: investments, human capital, sources, efficiency of education

    До питання конституційної правосуб’єктності українського народу

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    Розглядаються поняття сутності, характеру і змісту конституційної право­суб’єктності українського народу.Рассматриваются понятия сущности, характера и содержания конституционной правосубъектности украинского народа.The article deals with the notion, subject matter, character and content of constitutional legal standing of Ukrainian people

    Експериментальне дослідження впливу сполук важких металів на систему згортання крові в умовах in vitro

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    В работе приведены результаты экспериментального исследования в условиях in vitro влияния тяжелых металловn(свинца, кадмия, ртути и марганца) на плазму крови и еекомоненты (белки). Влияние тяжелых металлов на коагулометрические характеристики плазмыкрови человека характеризовалось как гипокоагуляционное. Денатурирующие свойства солей тяжелых металлов изучались на белках системы свертывания крови (тромбопластин, фибриноген и тромбин). Металлы вызывали существенные конформационные изменения белков в последовательности Pb > Hg > Cd > Mn. Выявленные гипокоагуляционные изменения плазмы крови человека могут быть обусловлены влиянием тяжелых металлов на структуру и активность белков, участвующих в процессе свертывания крови.The article presents the results of in vitro studies of heavy metals exposure (lead, cadmium, mercury and mangan ese) on blood plasma and its components (proteins). The influence of heavy metals on coagulometric characteristics of blood plasma can be described as hypocoagulating. Denaturating properties of heavy metals was studied on blood coagulation proteins (thromboplastin, fibrinogen and thrombin). Metals caused significant conformation changes in proteins in the following order Pb > Hg > Cd > Mn. The revealed hypocoagulation changes in human plasma can be predetermined by heavy metals exposure on the structure and activity of proteins that take part in blood coagulation process

    Measuring morbidity of children in the community: a comparison of interview and diary data

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the validity of estimates of morbidity experienced at home. METHODS: In the Dutch National Survey of Morbidity and Interventions in General Practice mothers of 1630 children answered a health interview and kept a health diary for 3 weeks (only the first 2 weeks were used). Children's symptoms were recorded during the interview using a check list and monitored in the health diary through open-ended questions. RESULTS: In the interview parents reported symptoms for 65% of their children and in the diary for 54% of children. Ear problems, colds, fever and weakness and anxiety were reported more often in the interview. Mother's mental health was assessed by the General Health Questionnaire; those scoring >4 were assessed as having impaired mental health and these parents reported symptoms for more children in the interview (81%) than in the diary (65%). For similar reference periods, the least educated mothers reported fewer children with symptoms in the diary (45%) than in the interview (66%). More highly educated mothers reported similarly in the diary (67%) and the interview (70%). CONCLUSION: Both data collection methods yield different estimates of community morbidity. Explanations such as telescoping, the seriousness of the symptoms, the amount of psychological distress of the respondent, forgetfulness and literacy limitations are discussed. We recommend that diaries should not be used in less educated populations

    Urban form and psychosocial factors: Do they interact for leisure-time walking?

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    INTRODUCTION: This cross-sectional study uses an adaptation of a social-ecological model on the hierarchy of walking needs to explore direct associations and interactions of urban-form characteristics and individual psychosocial factors for leisure-time walking. METHODS: Questionnaire data (n = 736) from adults (25-74 yr) and systematic field observations within 14 neighborhoods in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) were used. Multilevel logistic regression models were used to relate the urban-form characteristics (accessibility, safety, comfort, and pleasurability) and individual psychosocial factors (attitude, self-efficacy, social influence, and intention) to two definitions of leisure-time walking, that is, any leisure-time walking and sufficient leisure-time walking according to the Dutch physical activity norm and to explore their interactions. RESULTS: Leisure-time walking was associated with psychosocial factors but not with characteristics of the urban environment. For sufficient leisure-time walking, interactions between attitude and several urban-form characteristics were found, indicating that positive urban-form characteristics contributed toward leisure-time walking only in residents with a less positive attitude toward physical activity. In contrast, living in a neighborhood that was accessible for walking was stronger associated with leisure-time walking among residents who experienced a positive social influence to engage in physical activity compared with those who reported less social influence. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed some evidence for an interaction between the neighborhood environment and the individual psychosocial factors in explaining leisure-time walking. The specific mechanism of interaction may depend on the specific combination of psychosocial factor and environmental factor. The lack of association between urban form and leisure-time walking could be partly due to the little variation in urban-form characteristics between neighborhoods. Copyrigh

    Foraging behaviour of wild impala (Aepyceros melampus) and Burchell's zebra (Equus burchelli) in relation to sward height

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    Foraging behaviour plays a key role in the interaction between herbivores and vegetation, their predominant food source. Understanding this interaction is crucial to providing information that is useful for conservation of herbivores. The objective of this study was to determine how sward height influences functional response and movement patterns of free ranging wild impala and zebra at the Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute. The study was conducted for 3 months. Sward height is an important parameter that indicates how intensive a sward has been grazed and it influences intake rate through its effect on bite size. Bite size, instantaneous intake rate, specific mass intake rate and feeding station interval for impala and zebra increased with sward height. Sward height in combination with an animal's sex was found to have a profound effect on specific mass intake rate in impala. Zebra had a longer feeding station interval and lower stepping rate in tall swards compared to impala. Despite differences in their specific body mass and digestive strategies, impala and zebra maximized their intake rates in tall swards as a trade-off among the swards. Tall swards are therefore critical in the study area and should be protected from bush encroachment which is a persistent problem. 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd