47 research outputs found

    GABAB Receptors in Neurodegeneration

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    GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) and acts via metabotropic GABAB receptors. Neurodegenerative diseases are a major burden and affect an ever increasing number of humans. The actual therapeutic drugs available are partially effective to slow down the progression of the diseases, but there is a clear need to improve pharmacological treatment thus find alternative drug targets and develop newer pharmaco-treatments. This chapter is dedicated to reviewing the latest evidence about GABAB receptors and their inhibitory mechanisms and pathways involved in the neurodegenerative pathologies

    The Sodium Channel B4-Subunits are Dysregulated in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Drug-Resistant Patients

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common type of partial epilepsy referred for surgery due to antiepileptic drug (AED) resistance. A common molecular target for many of these drugs is the voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC). The VGSC consists of four domains of pore-forming α-subunits and two auxiliary β-subunits, several of which have been well studied in epileptic conditions. However, despite the β4-subunits’ role having been reported in some neurological conditions, there is little research investigating its potential significance in epilepsy. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to assess the role of SCN4β in epilepsy by using a combination of molecular and bioinformatics approaches. We first demonstrated that there was a reduction in the relative expression of SCN4B in the drug-resistant TLE patients compared to non-epileptic control specimens, both at the mRNA and protein levels. By analyzing a co-expression network in the neighborhood of SCN4B we then discovered a linkage between the expression of this gene and K+ channels activated by Ca2+, or K+ two-pore domain channels. Our approach also inferred several potential effector functions linked to variation in the expression of SCN4B. These observations support the hypothesis that SCN4B is a key factor in AED-resistant TLE, which could help direct both the drug selection of TLE treatments and the development of future AED

    Quantitative expression and localization of GABAB receptor protein subunits in hippocampi from patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy

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    This study investigates GABAB protein expression and mRNA levels in three types of specimens. Two types of specimens from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), secondary to hippocampal sclerosis, sclerotic hippocampal samples (TLE-HS), and tissue from the structurally preserved non-spiking ipsilateral superior temporal gyrus (TLE-STG) removed from the same patient during epilepsy surgery; and third specimen is hippocampal tissue from individuals with no history of epilepsy (post-mortem controls, PMC). mRNA expression of GABAB subunits was quantified in TLE-HS, TLE-STG and PMC specimens by qRT-PCR. Qualitative and quantitative Western blot (WB) and immunohistochemistry techniques were employed to quantify and localize GABAB proteins subunits. qRT-PCR data demonstrated an overall decrease of both GABAB1 isoforms in TLE-HS compared to TLE-STG. These results were mirrored by the WB findings. GABAB2 mRNA and protein were significantly reduced in TLE-HS samples compared to TLE-STG; however they appeared to be upregulated in TLE-HS compared to the PMC samples. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showed that GABAB proteins were widely distributed in PMC and TLE-HS hippocampal sections with regional differences in the intensity of the signal. The higher expression of mature GABAB protein in TLE-HS than PMC is in agreement with previous studies. However, these findings could be due to post-mortem changes in PMC specimens. The TLE-STG samples examined here represent a better 'control' tissue compared to TLE-HS samples characterized by lower than expected GABAB expression. This interpretation provides a better explanation for previous functional studies suggesting reduced inhibition in TLE-HS tissue due to attenuated GABAB currents. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    Transcriptome analysis suggests a role for the differential expression of cerebral aquaporins and the MAPK signalling pathway in human temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Epilepsies are common disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), affecting up to 2% of the global population. Pharmaco-resistance is a major clinical challenge affecting about 30% of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Water homeostasis has been shown crucial for regulation of neuronal excitability. The control of water movement is achieved through a family of small integral membrane channel proteins called aquaporins (AQPs). Despite the fact that changes in water homeostasis occur in sclerotic hippocampi of people with TLE, the expression of AQPs in the epileptic brain is not fully characterised. This study uses microarray and ELISA methods to analyse the mRNA and protein expression of the human cerebral AQPs in sclerotic hippocampi (TLE-HS) and adjacent neocortex tissue (TLE-NC) of TLE patients. The expression of AQP1 and AQP4 transcripts was significantly increased, while that of the AQP9 transcript was significantly reduced in TLE-HS compared to TLE-NC. AQP4 protein expression was also increased while expression of AQP1 protein remained unchanged, and AQP9 was undetected. Microarray data analysis identified 3,333 differentially regulated genes and suggested the involvement of the MAPK signalling pathway in TLE pathogenesis. Proteome array data validated the translational profile for 26 genes and within the MAPK pathway (e.g. p38, JNK) that were identified as differentially expressed from microarray analysis. ELISA data showed that p38 and JNK inhibitors decrease AQP4 protein levels in cultured human primary cortical astrocytes. Elucidating the mechanism of selective regulation of different AQPs and associated regulatory proteins may provide a new therapeutic approach to epilepsy treatment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Diamond-inclusion system recording old deep lithosphere conditions at Udachnaya (Siberia)

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    Diamonds and their inclusions are unique fragments of deep Earth, which provide rare samples from inaccessible portions of our planet. Inclusion-free diamonds cannot provide information on depth of formation, which could be crucial to understand how the carbon cycle operated in the past. Inclusions in diamonds, which remain uncorrupted over geological times, may instead provide direct records of deep Earth’s evolution. Here, we applied elastic geothermobarometry to a diamond-magnesiochromite (mchr) host-inclusion pair from the Udachnaya kimberlite (Siberia, Russia), one of the most important sources of natural diamonds. By combining X-ray diffraction and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data with a new elastic model, we obtained entrapment conditions, Ptrap = 6.5(2) GPa and Ttrap = 1125(32)–1140(33) °C, for the mchr inclusion. These conditions fall on a ca. 35 mW/m2 geotherm and are colder than the great majority of mantle xenoliths from similar depth in the same kimberlite. Our results indicate that cold cratonic conditions persisted for billions of years to at least 200 km in the local lithosphere. The composition of the mchr also indicates that at this depth the lithosphere was, at least locally, ultra-depleted at the time of diamond formation, as opposed to the melt-metasomatized, enriched composition of most xenoliths

    Transcriptome analysis in human temporal lobe epilepsy

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    The significantly up and down-regulated genes in our Microarray study of samples from human TLE patient

    Studies of GABAb receptors in epilepsy

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