83 research outputs found

    A prevalence of Arthropterygius (Ichthyosauria: Ophthalmosauridae) in the Late Jurassic—earliest Cretaceous of the Boreal Realm

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    The ichthyosaur genus Arthropterygius Maxwell, 2010 is considered as rare and poorly known. However, considering the existing uncertainty regarding its position in respect to ophthalmosaurid subfamilies in recent phylogenies, it is among the key taxa for understanding the evolution of derived Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous ichthyosaurs. Recently excavated unique material from the Berriassian of Franz Josef Land (Russian Extreme North) and examination of historical collections in Russian museums provided numerous specimens referable to Arthropterygius. The new data combined with personal examination of ichthyosaurs Palvennia, Janusaurus, and Keilhauia from Svalbard give us reason to refer all these taxa to Arthropterygius. Therefore, we recognize four species within the genus: Arthropterigius chrisorum (Russell, 1994), A. volgensis (Kasansky, 1903) comb. nov., A. hoybergeti (Druckenmiller et al., 2012) comb. nov., and A. lundi (Roberts et al., 2014) comb. nov. Three of the species are found both in the Arctic and in the European Russia. This allows the suggestion that Arthropterygius was common and widespread in the Boreal Realm during the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous. The results of our multivariate analysis of ophthalmosaurid humeral morphology indicate that at least some ophthalmosaurid genera and species, including Arthropterygius, could be easily recognized based solely on humeral morphology. Our phylogenetic analyses place the clade of Arthropterygius close to the base of Ophthalmosauria as a sister group either to ophthalmosaurines or to platypterygiines. Although its position is still uncertain, this is the best supported clade of ophthalmosaurids (Bremer support value of 5, Bootstrap and Jackknife values exceeding 80) that further augments our taxonomic decision

    High levels of women's satisfaction and compliance with transdermal contraception: results from a European multinational, 6-month study

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    Objective. To investigate compliance, satisfaction, and preference in women using a transdermal contraceptive patch. Methods. Women (18–46 years) from eight European countries used contraceptive patches (norelgestromin 6 mg, ethinylestradiol 600 mg) for six, 4-week treatment cycles. Compliance, satisfaction, and preference were assessed after 3 and 6 cycles and study completion using self-report methods. Results. Of the 778 participants, 36.8 % (n 287) used no contraception at baseline. The most common methods were oral contraceptives (67.9%, n 334) and barrier methods (21.5%, n 106). Of oral contraception users, 63.5 % (n 212) were satisfied or very satisfied with their previous method, but compliance was poor with 77.8 % (n 260) reporting missed doses. After 3 and 6 cycles,480 % of all included women were satisfied or very satisfied with the patch. At study completion, most participants (73.7%) reported a preference for the patch compared to their previous method. Of 4107 cycles, 3718 (90.5%) were completed with perfect compliance. Two pregnancies occurred during this study, representing a Pearl Index of 0.63. No new safety issues were identified and the patch was well tolerated. Conclusion. Women were highly satisfied with transdermal contraception and preferred this form of family planning over their previous method. Transdermal contraception represents a valuable addition to contraceptive options with potential t

    Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia associated with HPV infection: clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic aspects: A review

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    The analytical review presents data from the world literature, which discusses the relevance of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia associated with human papillomavirus (uVIN). The incidence of uVIN is steadily increasing, especially in young women, and 1011.2% of cases can progress to vulvar carcinoma. More than 50% of uVIN cases are associated with anogenital diseases associated with the human papillomavirus, which determines the need for a comprehensive assessment and proper treatment of uVIN patients

    Chronic cervicitis in women of reproductive age: pathogenesis and treatment. A review

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    The issue of cervicitis and vulvovaginitis is relevant worldwide due to the increasing incidence in women of reproductive age. To date, the significant role of chronic cervicitis in the development of cancer and other diseases of the reproductive system, including cervical cancer, has been proven. In recent years, a number of large studies have been conducted, covering a significant part of the clinical issues, pathogenesis, and epidemiology of cervicitis. However, there is a clear need for further studies of both the etiological factors and the pathogenetic mechanisms of inflammatory cervical disease to support the treatment choice

    Систематический обзор. Современные представления об инфекции, вызываемой Betapolyomavirus hominis

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    Reactivation of Betapolyomavirus hominis (BKPyV) in kidney and hematopoietic stem cell recipients can lead to serious complications such as BKPyV-associated nephropathy followed by transplant rejection and BKPyV-associated hemorrhagic cystitis. Early diagnosis of the disease is hampering by the possible combination of infection of BKPyV with other post-transplant pathologies and the absence of specific symptoms. Replication of BKPyV is currently the only reliable prognostic sign of the development of long-term consequences, so patient management is basseting on monitoring the concentration of viral DNA. However, consistency between the results of determining the viral load and the development of post-transplant complications associated with BKPyV reactivation cannot be achieving without effective means of standardizing laboratory testing. This review covers the current understanding of the epidemiology; pathogenesis and the clinical features of the disease associated with BKPyV, and also considers in detail the current methods of laboratory diagnosis infection of BKPyV.Реактивация Betapolyomavirus hominis (BKPyV) у реципиентов почки и гемопоэтических стволовых клеток может приводить к серьезным осложнениям в виде BKPyV-ассоциированной нефропатии с последующим отторжением трансплантата и BKPyV-ассоциированного геморрагического цистита. Раннюю диагностику заболевания затрудняет возможное сочетание BKPyV-инфекции с другими патологиями посттрансплантационного периода и отсутствие специфической симптоматики. Репликация BKPyV на данный момент является единственным достоверным маркером развития отдаленных последствий, поэтому ведение пациентов основано на мониторинге концентрации вирусной ДНК. Однако согласованность между результатами определения вирусной нагрузки и развития осложнений посттрасплантационного периода, связанных с реактивацией BKPyV, не может быть достигнута без эффективных средств стандартизации лабораторного исследования.Данный обзор охватывает текущее понимание эпидемиологии вируса, патогенеза и клинических особенностей заболеваний, ассоциированных с BKPyV, а также подробно рассматривает современные методы лабораторной диагностики BKPyV-инфекции

    The use of combined hormonal contraception in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) was declared the cause of a global pandemic in early 2020. Patients with COVID-19 are at high risk for thrombotic occlusions of the arteries and veins. There are many ways that explain the high risk of thrombosis in COVID-19, they are conditionally divided into two main categories: mechanisms in which the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system is involved and mechanisms that affect the regulation of the immune response. It is assumed that the uncomplicated course of the disease is characterized by endothelial dysfunction, but if the process progresses with a pronounced immune response, plasma coagulation factors may also be involved, which significantly increases the risks of thromboembolic complications. The use of combined hormonal contraception (CHC) in the current conditions raises a number of concerns. According to some researchers, disorders of the hemostasis system observed in patients with COVID-19 may worsen while taking CHC and increase the risk of thromboembolic complications, which is especially important in severe disease with prolonged immobilization. However, with the use of CHC, the increase in thrombotic risks is explained primarily by changes in the plasma component of the hemostasis sys tem. At first glance, the recommendations to stop hormone therapy with confirmed COVID-19 seem logical, but they are based only on the procoagulant activity of estrogens, and not on real evidence. In patients with COVID-19, the increase in coagulation is associ ated with massive damage to the vascular endothelium (the so-called «external» coagulation pathway) and the immune response, and not with a primary increase in the level of coagulation factors per se. At the same time, stopping the intake of estrogens deprives the patient of their important protective effect. Thus, it became necessary to develop clinical guidelines for the management of women using contraception in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Expert System for Histological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of expert system for histological prostate cancer diagnosis. The developed system allows to fill the knowledge base and then to use this knowledge base to support physician decision on the histological diagnosis of prostate disease. Keywords: pattern recognition, prostate cancer diagnosis, decision making, decision support syste

    Management of patients with vulvovaginal atrophy and cytological abnormalities

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    The data on managing patients with vulvovaginal atrophy and abnormal cytological results are provided for obstetrician-gynecologists


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    Objective: to study orgasmic function (OF) in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RPE).Subjects and methods. Seventy-nine patients who had undergone RPE for locally advanced prostate cancer without hormone and radiation therapies were examined. The patients’ mean age was 59.3 years. The mean EF-IIEF domain score was 24.4. OF was estimated by IIEF question 10 and the authors’ questionnaire. The Spearman rank correction coefficient and Mann-Whitney U-Wilcoxon tests were used.Results. After RPE, there was a reduction in the mean IIEF question 10 score from 3.9 (confidence interval 3.7–4.1) to 3.3 (3–3.5) (p = 0.000). The following changes were found in orgasm intensity: no changes in 43 %, mild worsening in 42 %, severe worsening in 8 %, and enhancement in 4 %; orgasm could not be achieved in 4 % of the patients. Pain usually of low intensity was reported by 8.8 %. The poor factors for preserving OF were its low baseline level, elderly age, or severe post-RPE erectile dysfunction.Conclusion. There were significant OF changes after RPE, which should be kept in mind while treating this category of patients.Цель исследования – изучение состояния оргазмической функции (ОФ) у больных, перенесших радикальную простатэктомию (РПЭ).Материалы и методы. Обследованы 79 пациентов, которым была выполнена РПЭ по поводу локализованного рака предстательной железы без проведения гормональной и лучевой терапии. Средний возраст больных составил 59,3 года. Средний балл по опроснику EF-IIEF был равен 24,4. Оценку ОФ выполняли по вопросу № 10 IIEF и собственному опроснику. Использовали ранговую корреляцию по Спирмену и -тесты Вилкоксона и Манна–Уитни.Результаты. После осуществления РПЭ отмечено снижение среднего балла по вопросу № 10 IIEF с 3,9 (доверительный интервал 3,7–4,1) до 3,3 (3–3,5), p = 0,000. Выявлены следующие изменения интенсивности оргазма: отсутствие изменений — в 43 %, легкое ухудшение — в 42 %, выраженное ухудшение — в 8 %, усиление — в 4 % случаев; 4 % больных не смогли достичь оргазма. Боли, обычно малой интенсивности, отметили 8,8% пациентов. Неблагоприятными факторами для сохранения ОФ были исходно низкий ее уровень, пожилой возраст, возникшая после РПЭ тяжелая эректильная дисфункция