139 research outputs found

    Long-term modulation of galactic cosmic rays in high-energy region

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    The results of continuous registration of the cosmic ray muon intensity on the ground and underground at 7, 20 and 60 m w.e. depths in Yakutsk for 1957 to 1983 are presented. In years of the solar activity maximum in cosmic ray density were found two minima or two-stepped decrease. The second intensity minimum appears to be not the result of the inversion of the general magnetic field of the Sun but caused by the increase of the solar wind speed

    Problems and directions of updating Ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises activities

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    У статті досліджено тенденції розвитку суднобудівних підприємств за час становлення України як самостійної морської держави. Виявлено негативні аспекти як політичного, так і економічного впливу на створення ефективних умов діяльності галузі. Наведено міжнародний досвід пошуку шляхів впливу на розбудову суднобудування в умовах глобалізації. Досліджено динаміку коливань обсягів виробництва, фінансових результатів та умов створення законодавчого та нормативного впровадження економічних важелів у діяльність галузі. Розглянуто фінансово-кредитні відносини підприємств галузі з банківською системою, інвестиційними компаніями, державними структурами, визначено негативні аспекти. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо застосування інструментарію послідовного стратегічного розвитку підприємств суднобудування.В статье исследованы тенденции развития судостроительных предприятий за период становления Украины как самостоятельного морского государства. Выявлены негативные аспекты, как политического, так и экономического влияния на создание эффективных условий деятельности предприятий отрасли. Приведен международный опыт поиска путей влияния на развитие судостроения в условиях глобализации. Исследована динамика объемов производства, финансовых результатов, условия совершенствования законодательной и нормативной базы создания экономических рычагов развития отрасли. Рассмотрены финансово-кредитные отношения предприятий судостроения с банковской системой, инвестиционными компаниями, государственными структурами, определены негативные аспекты. Сформулированы рекомендации по применению инструментария последовательного стратегического развития предприятий судостроения.The trends of shipbuilding enterprises development during Ukraine’s formation as an independent maritime state are investigated in the article. The negative aspects of both political and economic influence on the creation of conditions for effective activities of the industry are detected. An international experience in finding the ways of impact on shipbuilding development in the context of globalization is presented. Dynamics of production volumes, financial results and conditions of legislative and regulatory introduction of economic instruments in shipbuilding industry is researched. The financial and credit relations of the industry with the banking system, investment companies, government agencies are considered, the negative aspects are identified. The recommendations for the consistent strategic development of shipbuilding enterprises are formulated


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    The frost resistance of six varieties of "northern highbush blueberry" (early-ripening - ‘Bluetta’, ‘Spartan’, mid-season - ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Toro’, late-ripening - ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Elliott’) has been studied in the condition of Polesie (southern agro climatic region of the Republic of Belarus) during 2012-2014. It was revealed that late-ripening varieties display lower frost-resistance than early and mid-season varieties on the second and fourth components of winter hardiness

    Surrogate Modeling of Buckling Analysis in Support of Composite Structure Optimization

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    Abstract: Problem of aircraft structural components (wing, fuselage, tail

    Internal Control in the Management of Agricultural Enterprises

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    The article allocates the previously unresolved issues regarding the role of internal control as an important factor influencing effective managerial decision-making in the industry. The functioning of new organizational and legal forms of management on the basis of private property necessitates strengthening control over the activities of enterprises both on the part of the State and on the part of owners and labor collectives. Traditional forms and methods of control over the activities of enterprises, formed in the conditions of administrative methods of management of the country’s economy, under current conditions require further improvement in order to harmonize the system of control at the both macro and micro levels. The article elaborates and scientifically substantiates new theoretical foundations and proposals for improving the system of internal control in the management of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the market economy of Ukraine. The study is aimed at developing effective methods, procedures and instruments that contribute to ensuring the optimal organization of economic activity, increasing the level of control, meeting legislative requirements and stimulating the socioeconomic development of enterprises. It is substantiated that internal control in the management of agricultural enterprises is an integral part of the successful functioning and development of these enterprises. To achieve significant production volumes and optimize costs, it is necessary to have an effective management mechanism and economic mechanism, as well as an improved internal control system