7 research outputs found

    Accelerating effect of hydroxylamine and hydrazine on nitrogen removal rate in moving bed biofilm reactor

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    In biological nitrogen removal, application of the autotrophic anammox process is gaining ground worldwide. Although this field has been widely researched in last years, some aspects as the accelerating effect of putative intermediates (mainly N2H4 and NH2OH) need more specific investigation. In the current study, experiments in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and batch tests were performed to evaluate the optimum concentrations of anammox process intermediates that accelerate the autotrophic nitrogen removal and mitigate a decrease in the anammox bacteria activity using anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) biomass enriched on ring-shaped biofilm carriers. Anammox biomass was previously grown on blank biofilm carriers for 450 days at moderate temperature 26.0 (+/- 0.5) A degrees C by using sludge reject water as seeding material. FISH analysis revealed that anammox microorganisms were located in clusters in the biofilm. With addition of 1.27 and 1.31 mg N L-1 of each NH2OH and N2H4, respectively, into the MBBR total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency was rapidly restored after inhibitions by NO2 (-). Various combinations of N2H4, NH2OH, NH4 (+), and NO2 (-) were used as batch substrates. The highest total nitrogen (TN) removal rate with the optimum N2H4 concentration (4.38 mg N L-1) present in these batches was 5.43 mg N g(-1) TSS h(-1), whereas equimolar concentrations of N2H4 and NH2OH added together showed lower TN removal rates. Intermediates could be applied in practice to contribute to the recovery of inhibition-damaged wastewater treatment facilities using anammox technology

    Deammonification process start-up after enrichment of anammox microorganisms from reject water in a moving-bed biofilm reactor

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    Deammonification via intermittent aeration in biofilm process for the treatment of sewage sludge digester supernatant (reject water) was started up using two opposite strategies. Two moving-bed biofilm reactors were operated for 2.5 years at 26 (+/- 0.5)degrees C with spiked influent (and hence free ammonia (FA)) addition. In the first start-up strategy, an enrichment of anammox biomass was first established, followed by the development of nitrifying biomass in the system (R-1). In contrast, the second strategy aimed at the enrichment of anammox organisms into a nitrifying biofilm (R-2). The first strategy was most successful, reaching higher maximum total nitrogen (TN) removal rates over a shorter start-up period. For both reactors, increasing FA spiking frequency and increasing effluent concentrations of the anammox intermediate hydrazine correlated to decreasing aerobic nitrate production (nitritation). The bacterial consortium of aerobic and anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria in the bioreactor was determined via denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction and pyrosequencing. In addition to a shorter start-up with a better TN removal rate, nitrite oxidizing bacteria (Nitrospira) were outcompeted by spiked ammonium feeding from R-1