13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kontrasepsi Suntik DMPA Terhadap Kenaikan Berat Badan Tikus Betina Galur Wistar

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    Abstract: DMPA Injectable Contraception, Body Weight. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of contraception DMPA injection to BB in female blood wistar strain female. The benefits of this study are expected to increase public knowledge about injectable contraception especially related to the side effects of weight gain. This type of research is an experimental laboratory. Research design Randomized pre-post test group with control, the sample size of 10 adult female mice Wistar strain divided into 2 groups. Data were analyzed by independent T test. Significant value of p <0.05. The result of this research is there is significant difference between control group and DMPA contraception treatment group (p = 0,008). In conclusion contraceptive DMPA affects body weight wistar female rat strain

    Pengaruh Multiple Mikro Nutrien (MMN) Terhadap Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir Di Desa Pandes Klaten

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    Abstract: MMN, Newborn Baby Weight. During pregnancy food is required with good quality and quantity to meet the nutritional needs of mother and baby. The low nutritional status of pregnant women during pregnancy can lead to various adverse effects for mothers and infants, such as those born with Low Birth Weight (LBW). LBW babies have a 10 to 20 times greater chance of dying than babies born with enough birth weight. Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) contains 15 types of vitamins and minerals most important for pregnant women, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, Vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C, Fe , folic acid, Zink, Copper, Selenium, and Iodine. MMN is one of the nutrients to prevent the occurrence of anemia because in MMN there are factors forming Hemoglobin ie Fe, Vitamin B12 and folic acid. The availability of adequate hemoglobin makes the metabolic system work well. Lack of hemoglobin not only affects the health of the mother but also affects the health of the fetus it contains, including the growth of the fetal inhibition (such as weight, body length). The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of MMN on newborn weight in Pandes Klaten village. This type of research is arestrospective study with cross sectional design. The subjects of this study were BBL (newborn) whose mother consumed MMN during pregnancy. Different test sing Independent T-test to compare control group and treatment group. Significant value in this study was p <0.05. The results of this study were no significant difference between birth weight between control group and MMN treatment group (P = 0.879). In conclusion MMN has no significant effect on newborn weight gain


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    Abstract : Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN), Moringa Oleifera, Hemoglobin. Pregnant women are one of the vulnerable groups that may have anemia because hemodelusi events that occur during pregnancy. Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) is a supplement that contains multivitamins, iron and folate were given to pregnant women as one of the programs of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in its efforts to prevent anemia during pregnancy. A survey found that 70% of pregnant women do not like the taste of Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) and in addition also the mother complain nausea, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath so hot and these supplements are not consumed and not consumed until exhausted if 120 tablet , See the above phenomenon it is necessary to alternative solutions, such as by utilizing vegetables such as Moringa oleifera. Iron content in 100 gr dry leave Moringa oleifera is 28,2 mg . The purpose of this study was to prove that no difference between the influence of Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN) and Moringa oleifera against hemoglobin levels of pregnant rats. Ekperiment laboratory study design was randomized design with pre-post test with control group. Population is the first day of the pregnant rats, large samples of 24 rats. Twenty-four pregnant rats were randomly divided into 3 groups. Statistical analysis using Independent T-test. Significant value in this study was p <0.05. The results Independent T-test showed that Moringa oleifera has the same effect with Multiple Micro Nutrient in preventing a decline in hemoglobin levels in pregnant rats (P = 0,537).Keywords: Multiple Micro Nutrient (MMN), Moringa Oleifera, Hemoglobin Link OJS 3 artikel PERBEDAAN PENGARUH MULTIPLE MICRO NUTRIENT (MMN) DAN MORINGA OLEIFERA TERHADAP KADAR HEMOGLOBIN TIKUS BUNTIN


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    Abstract : Reflexology, Decreased Menstrual Pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reflexology massage on the decrease of menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea) in women at the Aisyiyah Putri Orphanage Klaten District. The design used in this research is the experiment with the design of Time series design. The sampling technique used Cluster sampling approach. Samples taken on women who have menstrual and experienced menstrual pain (disminore) as many as 30 people. conclusions Menstrual pain (desminore) was felt before reflexology in women at the 2016 Women's Orphanage at Klaten Region was classified as mild disturbing pain (scale 3.4 measured through Visual Analog Scale). Menstrual pain (desminore) was felt after a reflexology treatment in women at the Putri Panti Putri Klaten Tahun 2016 was classified as a mild pain (1.63 scale measured through Visual Analog Scale) Keywords: Reflexology, Decreased Menstrual Pain LINK OJS 3 ARTIKEL "PENGARUH PIJAT REFLEKSI TERHADAP PENURUNAN NYERI HAID PADA WANITA DI PANTI YATIM PUTRI DAERAH KLATEN TAHUN 2016


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    Abstract : Insect Repellent, Hemoglobin Level. Exposure to mosquito coil in the body can lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cause oxydative stress. Oxydative prolonged stress can lead to cell membranes of erythrocytes damaged even through hemolysis. The study design was a randomized post-test only controled group. Twenty-seven female puberty rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: control group (C) were not exposed to insect repellent, P1 treatment groups exposed to mosquito coil 4 hours/ day, and the treatment group P2 repellent exposed 8 hours/ day for 50 days. Statistical analysis using the Kruskall Wallis. Significant value in this study was p <0.05. Results of the research show there was no difference in hemoglobin level between the control group, P1 and P2 with p=0.98

    Pengaruh Pijat Refleksi Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid Pada Wanita Di Panti Yatim Putri Daerah Klaten Tahun 2016

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    Abstract : Reflexology, Decreased Menstrual Pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reflexology massage on the decrease of menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea) in women at the Aisyiyah Putri Orphanage Klaten District. The design used in this research is the experiment with the design of Time series design. The sampling technique used Cluster sampling approach. Samples taken on women who have menstrual and experienced menstrual pain (disminore) as many as 30 people. conclusions Menstrual pain (desminore) was felt before reflexology in women at the 2016 Women's Orphanage at Klaten Region was classified as mild disturbing pain (scale 3.4 measured through Visual Analog Scale). Menstrual pain (desminore) was felt after a reflexology treatment in women at the Putri Panti Putri Klaten Tahun 2016 was classified as a mild pain (1.63 scale measured through Visual Analog Scale

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Infusa Kunyit (Curcuma Longa) Dengan Infusa Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) Untuk Pencegahan Kerusakan Pada Organ Lambung, Organ Hati, Organ Ginjal Dan Organ Testis Tikus Yang Diinduksi Acetosal

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    Background: Continuous use of acetosal can result in an increase in the amount of free radicals in the body which can damage cells. Turmeric contains vitamin C which can neutralize superoxide free radicals, hydrogen, and hydroxyl peroxides. Moringa contains flavonoids which can capture superoxide, peroxide, and hydroxyl free radicals. Objective to see differences in the effect of turmeric and Moringa in preventing cell damage due to acetosal. Method: The research design used was experiment laboratory post-test design. A total of 10 rats were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 (given acetosal (90 mg) / rat and turmeric extract (100 mg / 200 mg BB), group 2 (given acetosal (90 mg) / rat and Moringa extract (200 mg / 200 mg BB). Results: Oral treatment for seven days The results showed turmeric and moringa had the same effect on the prevention of gastric organ damage (p = 1.0), liver (p = 0.4), kidney (p = 0.65) and testicles (p => 5). Conclusion: Turmeric infusion and Moringa infusion are equally good for preventing cell damage

    Perbedaan Kecukupan Asi Antara Akseptor KB Suntik Kombinasi Dengan KB Suntik Progestin Pada Ibu Menyusui 0-6 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sambirejo Sragen

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    Background: Nursing mothers who do not want to get pregnant anymore need safe contraception, do not interfere with the breastfeeding process and do not affect breast milk production. Injection contraception is divided into two, namely combined injection family planning and progestin injection family planning. Combined injection family planning contains the hormone estrogen which can reduce the amount of breast milk production, while injectable progestin family planning contains the hormone prolactin which can stimulate the production of breast milk glands. One of the factors that influence the adequacy of breast milk is the use of contraception. Method: Type of observational research with cross sectional design. The sample in this study were all breastfeeding mothers who used injection contraception in the work area of ​​Sambirejo Health Center Sragen in September to November 2018 as many as 62 people. Total sampling technique, chi square analysis. Results: Characteristics of acceptor age, namely 20-35 years as many as 52 people (83.9%) education namely high school as many as 30 people (48.4%), occupations namely housewives as many as 46 people (74.2%) and parity is primipara 33 people (53.2%). The adequacy of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers who use combined injection contraception is mostly 16 people (25.8%) and not enough as many as 12 people (19.4%). The adequacy of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers who use the progestin injection contarction is mostly 32 people (51.6%) and not enough as many as 2 people (3.2%). The chi square test results p = 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a difference in the adequacy of breastfeeding between family planning injection acceptors combined with Progestin injections in breastfeeding mothers 0-6 months in the working area of ​​Sambirejo Sragen health center

    Gambaran Akseptor Sekaitan Dengan Kontrasepsi Suntik Di Klaten

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    Background: Injection contraception is a "primadonna" contraception in the sense that it is chosen by most family planning acceptors in Indonesia. Hormonal acceptor 73.08%. Characteristics of respondents and all things related to acceptors such as knowledge, role of midwives, support, and others are important points to ensure the welfare of acceptors so that complications from various complications arise. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of acceptors related to injection contraception in Klaten. Method: The method used is survey. Total sample of 139 people. Results: The study results of respondents aged < 35 years were 59.7%, using contraception ≤ 2 years as much as 66.9%. has no contraindications to the use of hormonal contraception which is 94.9%. Conclusion: Respondents chose injection contraception because of their own choice of 80.6%, respondents knew about active ingredients in injection contraception as much as 96.4%, respondents knew about the side effects of injection contraception 50.4%, respondents stated that they could use continuous injection contraception for life 34, 5%, respondents did not receive information about injectable contraception from midwives at the first visit of 65.5%, respondents knew contraindications to injection contraception 77.7%, respondents said midwives did not ask complaints every time they visited 71.3%, respondents stated midwives provide health counseling at 65.5% each time, respondents say midwives do not do head to toe examinations including breasts at 67.6, respondents do not plan to replace other contraceptives by 84.9%

    Immunoreactivity of 36 kDa Outer Membrane Proteins (OMP) Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi as Candidate Immunodiagnostic for Typhoid Fever

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    A simple, rapid and early diagnostic test for typhoid fever urgently needed for clinicians. It’s have been discovered 36 kDa OMP’s from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study was aimed to determine potency of 36 KDa OMP’s to react with antibody of typhoid fever patients as candidate immunodiagnostic of typhoid fever. An OMP ‘s of S. Typhi with an apparent molecular mass of 36 kDa that is highly immunogenic, evokes humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, and confers 100% protection to immunized rats against challenge with very high doses of S. Typhi has been identified. Further, very efficient clearance of bacteria from the liver of immunized animals was seen. This protein is recognized by the antibodies present in serum of typhoid patients. The agglutination slide indicated that the immunoreactive protein evoked a strong immune response in rats. Serology test by dri-dot resulted OMP can react with serum of typhoid patients (n=25) with sensitivity 100