3 research outputs found

    Sistem Pemeringkatan Kualitas Beras Berbasis Teknik Spektroskopi Bimodal: Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) dan Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

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    Beras merupakan makanan pokok dan menjadi sumber utama karbohidrat bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Indonesia berada pada posisi ketiga dari negara penghasil beras terbesar di dunia. Jenis dan kualitas beras yang dihasilkan pun beragam. Berdasarkan SNI 6128:2015, mutu beras diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuk, warna, derajat sosoh dan kadar air dari bulir beras. Disisi lain, beras dikonsumsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh, sehingga perlu untuk mengetahui kandungan nutrisi dari beras tersebut. Komposisi terbesar dari beras adalah pati, yang mendominasi hingga 85%. Pati terdiri dari 2 karbohidrat polimer yang disebut amilosa dan amilopektin. Kandungan lain yang dimiliki oleh beras adalah zat antioksidan yang dapat mencegah sejumlah penyakit, seperti ; kanker, serangan jantung, penyumbatan pembuluh darah serta melindungi sistem saraf pusat. Molekul yang memiliki peran sebagai antioksidan pada beras adalah fenolik, flavonoid dan antosianin. Guna memenuhi nutrisi dalam tubuh penting untuk mengetahui jenis beras yang memiliki kandungan nutrisi terbaik. Metode yang paling sering digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan nutrisi pada beras saat ini adalah metode analisis kimia. Penggunaan metode tersebut memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama serta preparasi sampel yang cukup sulit. Oleh sebab itu, metode pengukuran berbasis spektroskopi yang tidak memerlukan persiapan sampel yang rumit adalah solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan sebuah penelitian pendahuluan untuk membangun metoda prediksi yang akurat atas kandungan amilosa, fenolik dan flavonoid, serta elemen yang terkandung pada beras. Metode analisa kimia digunakan untuk mengetahui kadar amilosa, fenolik dan flavonoid pada beras dan sebagai validasi dari sistem prediksi. Sistem prediksi dilakukan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) untuk mengetahui kadar amilosa, fenolik, dan flavonoid dari beras berdasarkan spektrum Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) yang tervalidasi dengan pengukuran kadar sampel larutan standar. Sehingga, diharapkan nantinya dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kadar amilosa, fenolik dan flavonoid hanya berdasarkan spektrum FTIR dari beras, tanpa perlu dilakukan preparasi sampel yang rumit. Sementara itu, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) digunakan untuk mengetahui elemen yang terkandung pada beras. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengelompokan dan klasifikasi kualitas beras menggunakan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) berdasarkan spektrum FTIR dan LIBS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan sistem prediksi kandungan amilosa, fenolik dan flavonoid dengan nilai koefisien determinasi secara berturut-turut adalah 0,95 ; 0,86 ; 0,95 serta nilai RMSE secara berturut-turut adalah 1,4 ; 0,72 ; 0,44. Berdasarkan spektrum LIBS yang didapatkan dari 13 jenis beras, elemen yang terkandung pada beras adalah Mg, Fe, Na, K, Ca, C, H dan O. Hasil pengelompokan berdasarkan spektrum FTIR dan LIBS yang didapatkan, kualitas jenis beras terklasifikasi menjadi 3, yaitu beras kualitas tinggi, beras premium dan beras medium. ================================================================================================================================ Rice is a staple food and the main source of carbohydrates for Indonesian people. Indonesia is in the third position of the world's largest rice producer. The type and quality of rice produced is also varied. Based on SNI 6128:2015, the quality of rice is classified by form, color and moisture content from rice grain. On the other hand, rice is consumed to fulfill the nutritional needs of the body, so it is necessary to know the nutrient content of the rice. The largest composition of rice is starch, which dominates up to 85%. Starch consists of 2 carbohydrate polymers called amylose and amylopectin. Other content belonging to rice is an antioxidant substance that can prevent a number of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, obstruction of blood vessels and protecting the central nervous system. Molecules that have a role as antioxidants in rice are phenolic, flavonoids and anthocyanins. Therefore, to fulfill nutrients in the body is important to know the type of rice that has the best nutrient content. The most commonly used method to find out nutrient content in rice is a chemical analysis based method. The use of these method requires a considerable time and sample preparation that is quite difficult. Therefore, spectroscopic-based measuring methods that do not require complicated sample preparation are the solution of these problems. In this study, a preliminary research is conducted to develope an accurate prediction method of amylose, phenolic and flavonoid content, also elements contained in rice. Methods of chemical analysis are used to determine the levels of amylose, phenolic and flavonoids in rice which are then used as a validation from prediction system. The predictive system is carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method to determine the levels of amylose, phenolic, and flavonoids from rice based on the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum that validated with standard solution measurement . Therefore, it is expected that later it can be used to measure the levels of amylose, phenolic and flavonoids only based on the FTIR spectrum of rice, without complicated sample preparation. Meanwhile, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is used to figure out the elements contained in the rice. In this research also carried out clustering and classification of rice quality using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method based on the Spectrum FTIR and LIBS. The results of this research, obtained a prediction system to determine levels of amylose, phenolic and flavonoids with the value of coefficient of determination 0.95; 0.86; 0.95 respectively and the RMSE value 1.4; 0.72; 0.44 respectively. Based on the spectrum of LIBS obtained from 13 types of rice, the elements contained in the rice are Mg, Fe, Na, K, Ca, C, H and O. Results of clustering based on the FTIR spectrum and LIBS obtained, the quality of the type of rice classified into 3, namely High quality rice, premium rice and medium rice

    Penentuan Kadar Klorofil Daun Tanaman Sayuran Menggunakan Teknik Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy - Determination Of Chlorophyll Content From Vegetable Leaves Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Technique

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    Klorofil merupakan kunci utama komponen biokimia yang bertanggung jawab atas fotosintesis dan merupakan indikator kesehatan tanaman. Kadar klorofil dapat diukur secara non destruktif dan non kontak menggunakan teknik Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. Phantom tersusun dari intralipid, agar, air dan klorofil dengan kadar yang telah diketahui dari teknik absorbsi, kemudian digunakan sebagai tahapan awal pengujian DRS. Fitting data spektrum reflektansi phantom dengan model matematis reflektansi difus akan digunakan untuk menentukan nilai parameter dari phantom yang dibuat. Nilai parameter tersebut yang digunakan sebagai pengukuran kadar klorofil dan akan dibandingkan dengan kadar klorofil hasil teknik absorbsi. Setelah sistem terkuantifikasi dengan baik, maka sistem akan digunakan untuk pengukuran kadar klorofil pada daun tanpa perlu mempersiapkan sampel yang rumit sebagaimana menggunakan teknik spektroskopi abasorbsi. Spektrum reflektansi phantom telah diuji dan memiliki kesamaan pola spektrum dari reflektansi daun asli. Telah dilakukan pengukuran kadar klorofil dari 3 macam sayuran dengan variasi kadar dan didapatkan hasil pengukuran kadar klorofil dengan nilai eror untuk sawi, bayam dan kangkung berturut-turut adalah 3%-10% ; 2.5%-10% dan 16%-31%. =========================================================================================================== Chlorophyll is a main biochemistry component for photosynthesis and a helath indicator. Chlorophyll concentration can be measured by non destructive and non contact method using Diffuse Reflectance Soectroscopy. Phantom consist of intralipid, aquades, gelatin and chlorophyll with certain concentration that known by absorbtion technique is used to be a primary stage for DRS. Data fitting from phantom reflectance spectrum using diffuse reflectance mathematical model used to determine parameter from phantom. The value of parameter can be used for chlorophyll concentration measurement and will be compared with the chlorophyll concentration from absorbtion technique. When the system have been quantified well, the system will be used for chlorophyll concentration measurement for leaf without a complicated sample preparation just the way we use absorbtion technique. Phantom reflectance spectroscopy has been tested and has a similar spectrum shape with leaf’s reflectance. Chlorophyll concentration measurement has been done from three species of vegetables with three variation concentration and got error value for mustard, spinach and kale respectively 3%-10% ; 2.5%-10% dan 16%-31%

    Influence Analysis Number of Blue and Red Light Emitting Diode (LED) Variation on Soybean (Glycine Max) Growth

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    Soybean (Glycine Max) is one of the agricultural commodities that still had particularly low production rate on a national scale in Indonesia. Despite the demand for the soybean it’s increasing along with the population growth in Indonesia. Thus, the need of soybean which mainly as main ingredient of tempe and tahu is still filled from importers. These problems can be solved by the research of applying artificial light technology in the agricultural sector so it would help optimize soybean growth. The purpose of this research is determines the effect of Blue Light and Red Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting on the growth of soybean (Glycine max). Soybeans were grown in uniform boxes that had controlled temperature and humidity with regulated soybean seeds, soil, and planting methods. Based on the results from the research that had been conducted on the growth of the soybean, it is determined that most optimum soybean plant is using the lighting ratio of the red LEDs 75% and blue 25% with a height of 15 cm in the ninth day and the chlorophyll concentration is 52,4265953 mg/l. But plant with sun source lighting is better than using LED, it is about 118,8138334 mg/l. Based on the result that had been obtained, this research can be used as reference in the making of modern artificial light for soybean for research development in agriculture especially on soybean commodity which could support government efforts in suppressing important soybeans and meet domestic soybean demand using national production