53 research outputs found

    Mixed-Mode Chromatography of Mixed Functionalized Analytes as the Homologues of Benzalkonium Chloride. Application to Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    [Abstract] In this work, a retention behavior based on mixed-mode reversed-phase (RP)/hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) was observed for benzalkonium chloride (BAK) using a core-shell column functionalized with biphenyl groups. Although in the literature, the U-shaped retention was reported for polar compounds in mixed functionalized phases, in the present work, the behavior was dependent upon the chemical structure of the analyte with mixed functionality (ammonium group, a benzyl group and an alkyl chain) and on the high selectivity of the chromatographic column. The bimodal retention was observed for the four BAK homologues using a content of acetonitrile from 65 to 95% in the mobile phase. The data were adjusted to polynomial equations which allow for modeling and predicting the U-shaped retention. The salt concentration (50 and 100 mM), anion (formate and acetate) and cation (ammonium and triethylammonium) of the salt, pH (4 and 5) in the mobile phase were studied in order to understand their influence on the two retention modes. Significant electrostatic interactions were involved in the two retention modes, especially with a content of acetonitrile higher that 90%. Linear relationships between the retention factors of the four homologues were found in a wide range of %acetonitrile when the salt and triethylamine concentration, pH and nature of salt were changed. The differences found on the retention of the homologues, when increasing the alkyl chain length, were more significant in the RP mode due to predominant hydrophobic interactions. A pH decrease and a salt concentration increase caused a retention decrease for both modes. A decrease on of the retention was observed when acetate anion was replaced by formate anion. The different order of the polynomial equations according to the used mobile phase confirmed its relevant role in the interactions with the analytes and stationary phase. A mobile phase was selected (85% acetonitrile, pH 4 and 100 mM ammonium formate) for the BAK determination in cutaneous, otic and ophthalmic formulations with different active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients. Low sample volume (500 μL) and short analysis time ( 0.999, % RSD <4.5% for intra-day precision and <5.8% for inter-day precision, and recoveries in the 92–105% range) was obtained.This work was supported by Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Programa de Consolidación y Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas- Program for the Consolidation and Structuring of Competitive Research Units ED431C 2017/28-2017-2020)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/28-2017-202

    Lipid nanoparticles for cyclosporine a administration: Development, characterization, and in vitro evaluation of their immunosuppression activity

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    Cyclosporine A (CsA) is an immunosuppressant commonly used in transplantation for prevention of organ rejection as well as in the treatment of several autoimmune disorders. Although commercial formulations are available, they have some stability, bioavailability, and toxicity related problems. Some of these issues are associated with the drug or excipients and others with the dosage forms. With the aim of overcoming these drawbacks, lipid nanoparticles (LN) have been proposed as an alternative, since excipients are biocompatible and also a large amount of surfactants and organic solvents can be avoided. CsA was successfully incorporated into LN using the method of hot homogenization followed by ultrasonication. Three different formulations were optimized for CsA oral administration, using different surfactants: Tween® 80, phosphatidylcholine, taurocholate and Pluronic® F127 (either alone or mixtures). Freshly prepared Precirol nanoparticles showed mean sizes with a narrow size distribution ranging from 121 to 202 nm, and after freeze-drying were between 163 and 270 nm, depending on the stabilizer used. Surface charge was negative in all LN developed. High CsA entrapment efficiency of approximately 100% was achieved. Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the optimized LN. Also, the crystallinity of the nanoparticles was studied by X-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of the drug in LN surfaces was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The CsA LN developed preserved their physicochemical properties for 3 months when stored at 4°C. Moreover, when the stabilizer system was composed of two surfactants, the LN formulations were also stable at room temperature. Finally, the new CsA formulations showed in vitro dose-dependent immunosuppressive effects caused by the inhibition of IL-2 levels secreted from stimulated Jurkat cells. The findings obtained in this paper suggest that new lipid nanosystems are a good alternative to produce physicochemically stable CsA formulations for oral administration

    Intracellular killing of Brucella melitensis in human macrophages with microspheres-encapsulated gentamicin

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    Objectives: Treatment of human brucellosis demands antibiotic targeting into the mononuclearphagocytic system. The aim of this work was to prepare and characterize particulate carriers containing gentamicin and to study their interactions with phagocytic cells and bactericidal activity against intracellular Brucella melitensis. Methods: Different poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA)polymers with free carboxylic end-group wereusedto formulate micro- and nanoparticles containing gentamicin, by a water-oil-water solvent-evaporation technique. PLGA 502H and 75:25H microparticles were selected because they showed the highest gentamicin loadings as well as good physico-chemical properties and sustained release in vitro. Results: Gentamicin-containing microspheres of both polymers were successfully phagocytosed by infected THP-1 human monocytes, and immunocytochemistry studies revealed that the antibiotic reached Brucella-specific compartments. A dose of 30 mg of encapsulated gentamicin was able to reduce intracellular Brucella infection by 2.2 log. Conclusions: Altogether, these results suggest that 502H and 75:25H microspheres are suitable carriers for gentamicin targeting inside human macrophages and thus for brucellosis treatment

    Determination of gentamicin in different matrices by a new sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric method

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to develop and validate an HPLC method for gentamicin quantification in different types of biological samples such as animal tissues and cellular material and also in pharmaceuticals. METHODS: Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles (MP) of gentamicin (PLGA 502H MP), THP-1 cells, and plasma and tissue samples of mice treated with the antibiotic either free or loaded into PLGA 502H MP were processed by a simple preparation procedure, subjected to chromatography on a reversed-phase column and measured by mass spectrometry detection. The developed method was compared with bioassay and fluorimetric assay methods previously used for gentamicin determination. RESULTS: The HPLC method was linear over the ranges 40-800 ng/mL and 0.1-100 microg/mL and showed good accuracy (average accuracy < 5.59%) and reproducibility (CV < 6.13%). Encapsulation of gentamicin in PLGA 502H MP was determined by the three methods. Good correlation was observed between bioassay (reference method) and HPLC. Extra- and intracellular in vitro antibiotic accumulation was determined by bioassay and chromatography. Both methods gave similar extracellular concentrations but the HPLC-MS technique demonstrated an improved accuracy (5.59% versus 14%) and precision (6.13% versus 15%) compared with bioassay. However, only the HPLC-MS method was sensitive enough to detect the drug, intracellularly and in tissues. CONCLUSIONS: All these data favour the use of chromatography-mass spectrometry as a versatile technique not only suitable for gentamicin quantification loaded in drug delivery systems, but also sensitive and specific enough for in vivo and intracellular studies

    Poly(D,L-lactide-coglycolide) particles containing gentamicin: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in Brucella melitensis-infected mice

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    Drug delivery systems containing gentamicin were studied as a treatment against experimental brucellosis in mice. Micro- and nanoparticles prepared by using poly(D,L-lactide-coglycolide) (PLGA) 502H and microparticles made of PLGA 75:25H were successfully delivered to the liver and the spleen, the target organs for Brucella melitensis. Both polymers have the same molecular weight but have different lactic acid/glycolic acid ratios. Microparticles of PLGA 502H and 75:25H released their contents in a sustained manner, in contrast to PLGA 502H nanoparticles, which were degraded almost completely during the first week postadministration. The values of the pharmacokinetic parameters after administration of a single intravenous dose of 1.5 mg/kg of body weight of loaded gentamicin revealed higher areas under the curve (AUCs) for the liver and the spleen and increased mean retention times (MRTs) compared to those for the free drug, indicating the successful uptake by phagocytic cells in both organs and the controlled release of the antibiotic. Both gentamicin-loaded PLGA 502H and 75:25H microparticles presented similar pharmacokinetic parameter values for the liver, but those made of PLGA 75:25 H were more effective in targeting the antibiotic to the spleen (higher AUCs and MRTs). The administration of three doses of 1.5 mg/kg significantly reduced the load associated with the splenic B. melitensis infection. Thus, the formulation made with the 75:25H polymer was more effective than that made with 502H microspheres (1.45-log and 0.45-log reductions, respectively, at 3 weeks posttreatment). Therefore, both, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters showed the suitability of 75:25H microspheres to reduce the infection of experimentally infected mice with B. melitensis

    Adquisición de competencias vinculadas a la responsabilidad social a través del aprendizaje y servicio en el Trabajo Fin de Grado en Química

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    [Resumen] La metodología educativa de aprendizaje y servicio (ApS) permite que la relación Universidad- Sociedad no sea únicamente unidireccional. La propuesta de este trabajo es analizar qué aporta una actividad ApS para la adquisición de competencias básicas y transversales a un estudiante del trabajo fin de grado en Química. El tema del trabajo se centra en el problema ambiental generado por los plásticos y microplásticos. El estudiante diseñó diversas actividades orientadas a adolescentes de un centro de menores, que consistieron en una charla expositiva de la temática, juegos interactivos y experimentos sencillos de laboratorio. Esta actividad fue pensada para acercar la Universidad a un colectivo que ve esta institución como lejana y poco accesible así como poner de manifiesto el papel de la Ciencia en la solución de los problemas ambientales. El estudiante, además de realizar un servicio social, ha desarrollado competencias básicas como comportarse con responsabilidad social como ciudadano y profesional. Ha adquirido competencias transversales que le han permitido valorar la importancia de la investigación en el avance socioeconómico y cultural de la sociedad. En cuanto al desarrollo de competencias específicas del grado en química, el alumno ha realizado una valoración crítica del conocimiento y la tecnología disponible para explicar la situación y las posibles acciones de mejora de la contaminación debida a plásticos y microplásticos

    Ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for cyclosporine a quantification in biological samples and lipid nanosystems

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    Cyclosporine A (CyA) is an immunosuppressant cyclic undecapeptide used for the prevention of organ transplant rejection and in the treatment of several autoimmune disorders. An ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method (UHPLC–MS/MS) to quantify CyA in lipid nanosystems and mouse biological matrices (whole blood, kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, brain, stomach and intestine) was developed and fully validated. Chromatographic separation was performed on an Acquity UPLC® BEH C18 column with a gradient elution consisting of methanol and 2 mM ammonium acetate aqueous solution containing 0.1% formic acid at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Amiodarone was used as internal standard (IS). Retention times of IS and CyA were 0.69 min and 1.09 min, respectively. Mass spectrometer operated in electrospray ionization positive mode (ESI+) and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions were detected, m/z 1220.69 → 1203.7 for CyA and m/z 646 → 58 for IS. The extraction method from biological samples consisted of a simple protein precipitation with 10% trichloroacetic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile and 5 μL of supernatant were directly injected into the UHPLC–MS/MS system. Linearity was observed between 0.001 μg/mL–2.5 μg/mL (r ≥ 0.99) in all matrices. The precision expressed in coefficient of variation (CV) was below 11.44% and accuracy in bias ranged from −12.78% to 7.99% including methanol and biological matrices. Recovery in all cases was above 70.54% and some matrix effect was observed. CyA was found to be stable in post-extraction whole blood and liver homogenate samples exposed for 6 h at room temperature and 72 h at 4 °C. The present method was successfully applied for quality control of lipid nanocarriers as well as in vivo studies in BALB/c mice

    Chemical and biological factors in the control Brucella and Brucellosis

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    Brucellosis is a highly contagious bacterial zoonosis that affects millions of people worldwide. Brucella is highly infectious, especially when aerosolized. The infection induces severe protracted diseases, which are both debilitating and incapacitating, hence, Brucella melitensis has been considered a potential biological warfare agent. In the battle against Brucella, it is crucial to know its chemical-structure and biochemistry-metabolic characteristics. It is well known that Brucella, as well as many other intracellular bacterial pathogens, has evolved to survive and even proliferate within monocytes and macrophages cells. Depending on the route of entry (complement, Fc, lectin or fibronectin receptors), the fate of the bacteria will vary; it may even segregate from the endocytic route towards the endoplasmic reticulum. This intracellular “non regular” behaviour of Brucella makes treatment difficult. Most antibiotics, although effective in vitro, do not actively pass through cellular membranes, or, once inside, may not reach the discrete intracellular niche where the bacteria is hidden. Therefore, complete eradication of the microorganisms is difficult to achieve, and the incidence of relapses is rather high. Taking these data into consideration, this review will evaluate the past, current and new trends in the control of brucellosis, paying special attention to the drug delivery systems as potential vectors for targeting these intracellular sites where the organisms are located

    In vitro evaluation of gentamicin released from microparticles

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    Gentamicin (GEN) is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with a potent antibacterial activity against a wide variety of bacteria. However, its poor cellular penetration limits its use in the treatment of infections caused by intracellular pathogens. One potential strategy to overcome this problem is the use of particulate carriers that can target the intracellular sites of infection. In this study GEN was ion-paired with the anionic AOT surfactant to obtain a hydrophobic complex (GEN–AOT) that was formulated as a particulated material either by the precipitation with a compressed antisolvent (PCA) method or by encapsulation into poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs). The micronization of GEN–AOT by PCA yielded a particulated material with a higher surface area than the non-precipitated complex, while PLGA NPs within a size range of 250–330 nm and a sustained release of the drug over 70 days were obtained by preparing the NPs using the emulsion solvent evaporation method. For the first time, GEN encapsulation efficiency values of ∼100% were achieved for the different NP formulations with no signs of interaction between the drug and the polymer. Finally, in vitro studies against the intracellular bacteria Brucella melitensis, used as a model of intracellular pathogen, demonstrated that the bactericidal activity of GEN was unmodified after ion-pairing, precipitation or encapsulation into NPs. These results encourage their use for treatment for infections caused by GEN-sensitive intracellular bacteria