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    Virasoro and KdV

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    On Rank Driven Dynamical Systems

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    We investigate a class of models related to the Bak-Sneppen model, initially proposed to study evolution. The BS model is extremely simple and yet captures some forms of "complex behavior" such as self-organized criticality that is often observed in physical and biological systems. In this model, random fitnesses in [0,1][0,1] are associated to agents located at the vertices of a graph GG. Their fitnesses are ranked from worst (0) to best (1). At every time-step the agent with the worst fitness and some others \emph{with a priori given rank probabilities} are replaced by new agents with random fitnesses. We consider two cases: The \emph{exogenous case} where the new fitnesses are taken from an a priori fixed distribution, and the \emph{endogenous case} where the new fitnesses are taken from the current distribution as it evolves. We approximate the dynamics by making a simplifying independence assumption. We use Order Statistics and Dynamical Systems to define a \emph{rank-driven dynamical system} that approximates the evolution of the \emph{distribution} of the fitnesses in these rank-driven models, as well as in the Bak-Sneppen model. For this simplified model we can find the limiting marginal distribution as a function of the initial conditions. Agreement with experimental results of the BS model is excellent.Comment: 12 gigures, 20 page

    Line formation in solar granulation: I. Fe line shapes, shifts and asymmetries

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    Realistic ab-initio 3D, radiative-hydrodynamical convection simulations of the solar granulation have been applied to FeI and FeII line formation. In contrast to classical analyses based on hydrostatic 1D model atmospheres the procedure contains no adjustable free parameters but the treatment of the numerical viscosity in the construction of the 3D, time-dependent, inhomogeneous model atmosphere and the elemental abundance in the 3D spectral synthesis. However, the numerical viscosity is introduced purely for numerical stability purposes and is determined from standard hydrodynamical test cases with no adjustments allowed to improve the agreement with the observational constraints from the solar granulation. The non-thermal line broadening is mainly provided by the Doppler shifts arising from the convective flows in the solar photosphere and the solar oscillations. The almost perfect agreement between the predicted temporally and spatially averaged line profiles for weak Fe lines with the observed profiles and the absence of trends in derived abundances with line strengths, seem to imply that the micro- and macroturbulence concepts are obsolete in these 3D analyses. Furthermore, the theoretical line asymmetries and shifts show a very satisfactory agreement with observations with an accuracy of typically 50-100 m/s on an absolute velocity scale. The remaining minor discrepancies point to how the convection simulations can be refined further.Comment: Accepted for A&

    The Luminous and Carbon-Rich Supernova 2006gz: A Double Degenerate Merger?

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    Spectra and light curves of SN 2006gz show the strongest signature of unburned carbon and one of the slowest fading light curves ever seen in a type Ia event (Delta m_15 = 0.69 +/- 0.04). The early-time Si II velocity is low, implying it was slowed by an envelope of unburned material. Our best estimate of the luminosity implies M_V = -19.74 and the production of ~ 1.2 M_sun of 56Ni. This suggests a super-Chandrasekhar mass progenitor. A double degenerate merger is consistent with these observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL (5 pages, 4 figures). UBVr'i' light curves, UVOIR light curves, and spectra available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/supernova/SN2006g

    Disk stars in the Milky Way detected beyond 25 kpc from its center

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    CONTEXT. The maximum size of the Galactic stellar disk is not yet known. Some studies have suggested an abrupt drop-off of the stellar density of the disk at Galactocentric distances R≳15R\gtrsim 15 kpc, which means that in practice no disk stars or only very few of them should be found beyond this limit. However, stars in the Milky Way plane are detected at larger distances. In addition to the halo component, star counts have placed the end of the disk beyond 20 kpc, although this has not been spectroscopically confirmed so far. AIMS. Here, we aim to spectroscopically confirm the presence of the disk stars up to much larger distances. METHODS. With data from the LAMOST and SDSS-APOGEE spectroscopic surveys, we statistically derived the maximum distance at which the metallicity distribution of stars in the Galactic plane is distinct from that of the halo populations. RESULTS. Our analysis reveals the presence of disk stars at R>26 kpc (99.7% C.L.) and even at R>31 kpc (95.4% C.L.).Comment: 4 pages, accepted to be published in A&A-Letter

    Near IR diffraction-limited integral-field SINFONI spectroscopy of the Circinus galaxy

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    Using the adaptive optics assisted near infrared integral field spectrometer SINFONI on the VLT, we have obtained observations of the Circinus galaxy on parsec scales. The morphologies of the H_2(1-0)S(1) 2.12um and Br_gamma 2.17um emission lines are only slightly different, but their velocity maps are similar and show a gradient along the major axis of the galaxy, consistent with rotation.Since V_rot/sigma is approximately 1 suggests that random motions are also important, it is likely that the lines arise in a rotating spheroid or thickened disk around the AGN. Comparing the Br_gamma flux to the stellar continuum indicates that the star formation in this region began almost 10^8 yr ago. We also detect the [SiVI] 1.96um,[AlIX] 2.04um and [CaVIII] 2.32um coronal lines. In all cases we observe a broad blue wing, indicating the presence of two or more components in the coronal line region. A correlation between the ionisation potential and the asymmetry of the profiles was found for these high excitation species.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IFS Workshop, Jul 4-8 2005, Durham, Englan
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