100 research outputs found

    Unfolding and unfoldability of digital pulses in the z-domain

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    The unfolding (or deconvolution) technique is used in the development of digital pulse processing systems applied to particle detection. This technique is applied to digital signals obtained by digitization of analog signals that represent the combined response of the particle detectors and the associated signal conditioning electronics. This work describes a technique to determine if the signal is unfoldable. For unfoldable signals the characteristics of the unfolding system (unfolder) are presented. Finally, examples of the method applied to real experimental setup are discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Filtering of pulses from particle detectors by means of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

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    This paper presents a novel methodology to filter pulses coming from particle detectors. It is based on variable-in-time convolutions in which one of the operands is the input pulse and the other is a vector that changes with every convolution step. This is equivalent to multiply every incoming pulse by a filtering matrix. The coefficients of this matrix are computed by applying a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) factorization over a set of training pulses. A detailed explanation of this SVD-filtering methodology, a noise filtering analysis, simulations and filtering of pulses coming from a neutron monitor were carried out to verify its feasibility.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Filtering of pulses from particle detectors using neural networks by dimensionality reduction

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    This article presents a comparison between different filtering methods based on dimensionality reduction for pulses generated on particle detectors. This reduction has been carried out using Neural Networks (NNs). In particular, three topologies have been used: Autoencoders (AEs), Denoising Autoencoders (DAEs) and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs). A detailed explanation of these methods, a noise reduction analysis, filtering with simulated data and processing of pulses from a neutron detector have been carried out to verify the feasibility of using these NNs as pulse filters.Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Unfolding using deep learning and its application on pulse height analysis and pile-up management

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    Traditionally, electronics for pulse processing can be modeled as linear transfer functions. In contrast, due to the fact that artificial Neural Networks (NNs) are generally non-linear systems, their behavior against noise is significantly different as in linear systems. We take advantage of this non-linearity to achieve acceptable Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR) with a extremely short shaping time. This article shows an approach to a concrete NN named U-net as pulse shaper. It filters the pulses and return them unfolded solving the pile-up problem, and even estimates the height of the pulses when there has been saturation in the detector. In this article, the NN architecture and results using simulated pulses and real pulses from scintillators are shown. The results clearly show the effectiveness of the approach

    Impact of colored noise in pulse amplitude measurements: A time-domain approach using differintegrals

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    In particle detectors, pulse shaping is the process of changing the waveform of the pulses in order to maximize the signal to noise ratio. This shaping usually only takes into account white, pink (flicker) and red (brownian) noise. In this paper, a generalization of noise indexes as a function to an arbitrary f_ noise type, where _ is a real number, is presented. This generalization has been created using the differintegral operator, defined in Fractional Calculus. These formulas are used to calculate the Equivalent Noise Change (ENC) in detector particle systems.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Synthesis of optimal digital shapers with arbitrary noise using simulated annealing

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    This paper presents the structure, design and implementation of a new way of determining the optimal shaping in time-domain for spectrometers by means of simulated annealing. The proposed algorithm is able to adjust automatically and in real-time the coefficients for shaping an input signal. A practical prototype was designed, implemented and tested on a PowerPC 405 embedded in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Lastly, its performance and capabilities were measured using simulations and a neutron monitor.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch

    Synthesis of optimal digital shapers with arbitrary noise using a genetic algorithm

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    This paper presents structure, design and implementation of a novel technique for determining the optimal shaping, in time-domain, for spectrometers by means of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) specifically designed for this purpose. The proposed algorithm is able to adjust automatically the coefficients for shaping an input signal. Results of this experiment have been compared to a previous simulated annealingalgorithm. Finally, its performance and capabilities were tested using simulation data and a real particle detector, as a scintillator.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Automatic verification of timing constraints for safety critical space systems

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    DASIA 2015, DAta Systems In Aerospace, 19-21 May, 2015, Barcelona, SpainIn this paper is presented an automatic process of verification. We focus in the verification of scheduling analysis parameter. This proposal is part of process based on Model Driven Engineering to automate a Verification and Validation process of the software on board of satellites. This process is implemented in a software control unit of the energy particle detector which is payload of Solar Orbiter mission. From the design model is generated a scheduling analysis model and its verification model. The verification as defined as constraints in way of Finite Timed Automatas. When the system is deployed on target the verification evidence is extracted as instrumented points. The constraints are fed with the evidence, if any of the constraints is not satisfied for the on target evidence the scheduling analysis is not valid.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Increase in Interference Levels in the 45 -- 870 MHz Band at the Spanish e-CALLISTO Sites over the Years 2012 and 2019

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    Two sets of radio-frequency interference (RFI) measurements in the 45 ? 870 MHz band are compared. The first set was taken in 2012 at various sites in the province of Guadalajara (Spain) as part of a worldwide site-testing campaign for the deployment of an international network of solar radio-spectrometers, the Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (e-CALLISTO) array. Peralejos de las Truchas was found to be an ideal location, even for high-sensitivity non-solar observations, with the lowest interference levels ever measured in the framework of e-CALLISTO. The same set of measurements have been repeated seven years later us- ing the same experimental setup at the same locations. The results presented in this article show that the RFI levels after seven years have notably increased, at some places by a factor of two, thereby placing at risk broadband spectroscopic radio-astronomy studies from the ground.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Modelo de gestión para la mejora de los documentos tipo, para licitaciones de obras públicas de infraestructura de transporte, bajo la comparación del documento tipo versión I y II

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    El presente documento establece un diseño de un modelo de gestión por procesos que busca identificar y resolver diferentes problemáticas encontradas en el análisis de los documentos tipo y su implementación en las licitaciones de infraestructura de transporte. Este diseño incluye una investigación de que son y cuál es su función en la contratación estatal; se realiza un comparativo de las dos versiones publicadas y aplicadas, así como el estudio de dos licitaciones que se encuentran en estado adjudicado y celebrado, que fueron seleccionadas de los procesos publicados por las alcaldías locales de Bogotá en la plataforma del SECOP II. Gracias a esta implementación se busca un mejor control y manejo de la información establecida dentro del documento mencionado anteriormente y que promueva a la selección objetiva de los proponentes que se presenten a las licitaciones públicas en el sector transporte.This document founds a management process design of a model, that looking for the identification and resolve different problems found in the analysis of the type documents and their implementation in transport infrastructure tenders. This design includes and investigation about what it is and what their role is in public contracts; A comparison is exposed between the two versions published and applied, as well the study of two tenders, that are on awarded and conclude status, which were selected from the processes published by the local mayoralties of Bogotá on the SECOP II platform. Thanks to this implementation, Thanks to this implementation, a better control and management of the established information is sought, and that the objective selection of the proposer who submit to public tender in the transportation sector is promoted