279 research outputs found

    Magnetotransport properties of oxidized iron thin films

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    6 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- PACS number(s): 75.70.Ak, 73.50.Jt, 73.61.AtWe report results of electrical resistivity, Hall effect, and anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) measurements performed on thin films (~80 nm) of naturally oxidized iron in the 5 to 300 K temperature range, and in magnetic fields up to 5 T. The films were grown at low temperatures. We find that the resistivity, coercive field, as well as the magnetoresistance of the films are affected by growth conditions, particularly by the substrate temperature which controls the size and shape of crystalline grains. We used AMR as a probe for magnetization reversal studies in our films. We find that the coercive fields vary as as in systems of weakly interacting ensembles of magnetic nanoparticles even though dipole-dipole interactions may well play a significant role.We acknowledge support from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain through Grants No. MAT02/166 and MAT2003/01880.Peer reviewe

    Magnetotransport properties of oxidized iron thin films

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    6 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- PACS number(s): 75.70.Ak, 73.50.Jt, 73.61.AtWe report results of electrical resistivity, Hall effect, and anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) measurements performed on thin films (~80 nm) of naturally oxidized iron in the 5 to 300 K temperature range, and in magnetic fields up to 5 T. The films were grown at low temperatures. We find that the resistivity, coercive field, as well as the magnetoresistance of the films are affected by growth conditions, particularly by the substrate temperature which controls the size and shape of crystalline grains. We used AMR as a probe for magnetization reversal studies in our films. We find that the coercive fields vary as as in systems of weakly interacting ensembles of magnetic nanoparticles even though dipole-dipole interactions may well play a significant role.We acknowledge support from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain through Grants No. MAT02/166 and MAT2003/01880.Peer reviewe

    Calcificaciones cardiovasculares: factores etiológicos implicados

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    Las calcificaciones cardiovasculares afectan a un importante sector de la población y pueden ser causa de serios problemas de salud. Así, alteran la flexibilidad de las arterias y facilitan la trombosis y su ruptura. Las calcificaciones valvulares dan lugar a diversos desórdenes que acaban en fallo cardíaco. En todos los casos la fase mineral corresponde a fosfatos cálcicos (fundamentalmente hidroxiapatita) y en las arterias puede localizarse en la media o en la íntima. En las válvulas cardíacas naturales, la calcificación suele comenzar en la parte interna, mientras que en las prostéticas es superficial. El mecanismo general del proceso de calcificación implica la existencia de una lesión previa (debida a agentes citotóxicos, hipercolesterolemia, insuficiencia renal terminal, edad avanzada, hiperlipemia, obesidad, diabetes, infecciones bacterianas) que actúa como inductora (nucleante heterogéneo) de la calcificación. Si los factores represores (inhibidores de la cristalización, moduladores de la acción celular) no poseen capacidad suficiente para impedir las primeras fases del proceso de calcificación, acabarán formándose placas calcificadas que ya será imposible eliminar sin utilizar cirugía. Puede concluirse, por lo tanto, que la prevención es fundamental para evitar el desarrollo de calcificaciones cardiovasculares, siendo necesario tanto identificar los factores promotores, relacionarlos con el tipo de calcificación y estudiar las vías de su control, como identificar los factores inhibidores de la cristalización y estudiar sus efectos.Cardiovascular calcifications affect to a wide sector of the population and can cause serious health problems. Thus, they alter arterial flexibility and facilitate thrombosis and arterial rupture. Calcification of heart valves generates several disorders responsible for heart failure. In all cases the mineral phase corresponds to calcium phosphates (fundamentally hydroxyapatite) that can be located in the media or intimal layers. In native heart valves, calcification is usually generated in the internal part, while in the bioprosthetic is superficial. The basic mechanism of the calcification process implies the existence of an underlying lesion (due to cytotoxic agents, hypercholesterolemia, endstage renal disease, ageing, hyperlipidaemia, obesity, diabetes, bacterial infections) that acts as inducer (heterogeneous nucleant) of the calcification. If the repressive factors (crystallization inhibitors, modulators of cellular action) are not capable enough to avoid the first steps of the calcification process, calcified plaques will developed and will become impossible to eliminate them without surgery. Therefore, it can be concluded that prevention is fundamental to avoid the development of cardiovascular calcifications, being necessary: 1) to identify the trigger factors, to relate them with the type of calcification, and to study the ways of their control, and 2) to identify the crystallization inhibitor factors and to study their effects

    Virtual escape room and STEM content: effects on the affective domain on teacher trainees

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    In recent times, there has been growing disinterest by students in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). This trend is especially acute in those students who do not take STEM content during their secondary or high school education. This disinterest might be conditioned by negative emotions towards science developed by students during the different educational stages, even from an early age. In this sense, active teaching methodologies, such as gamification, play a fundamental role in fostering positive emotions towards learning STEM content. Within the wide range of gamification methodologies, we find educational Escape Rooms. Due to the current situation generated by COVID-19, many of the lessons have had to be adapted to a virtual format through various online platforms. In this study, in a preliminary manner, we aim to analyze the effects on the affective domain produced by a virtual Escape Room used in a STEM course as an instructional tool to teach contents about the Universe to teachers in training. According to the results obtained, the positive emotions of “happiness”, “satisfaction” and “fun” are significantly increased after the intervention. At the same time, some negative emotions, such as “nervousness”, “frustration” and “worry” also increase, partly due to the components typically found in this type of games. Based on these results, it is concluded that, despite the existence of both positive and negative emotions, the results are promising and the intervention is motivating and stimulating for the studentsPeer Reviewe

    Espacios sonoros: Archivo Histórico de Jaén / Spaces and contexts for listenings: Historical Archive Palace in Jaén

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    ResumenEspacios sonoros es un  proyecto de investigación y creación musical que intenta aunar la investigación musicológica, la música contemporánea y las técnicas de grabación binaural de última generación. Proponemos un estudio sobre la música de todos los tiempos que pueda recogerse en un trabajo multidisciplinar, quedando plasmado en una grabación audiovisual, que muestre un viaje experimental alrededor de las melodías y armonías de nuestra historia llevada a las sonoridades contemporáneas. El caso que recoge el presente artículo es el de la grabación y producción de la performance del músico Jorge Cabadas.Spaces and contexts for listenings: Historical Archive Palace in JaénSpaces and context for listenings is a research project that involves musical creation, musicological research contemporary music and the latest binaural recording techniques. We propose a study on music of all times that can be collected in a multidisciplinary work, being reflected in an audiovisual recording, which shows an experimental journey around the melodies and harmonies of our history led to contemporary sonorities. The case that picks up the present article is the one of the recording and production of the performance of the musician Jorge Cabada

    Entorno estético y contexto lúdico en Educación Infantil: un espacio para el nuevo profesor

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    La asignatura Entorno estético y contexto lúdico de la titulación de Educación Infantil es un proyecto de innovación docente basado en los supuestos teóricos de pedagogos como Loris Malaguzzi, John Dewey, Murray Schafer o Javier Abad. La asignatura, de marcado carácter multidisciplinar, pretende introducir al alumnado en la comprensión del rol que puede desempeñar el arte contemporáneo en la etapa de Educación Infantil.Sin embargo, quizá debido a la reciente implantación de la asignatura, se observa la necesidad de un profesorado de mayor perfil multidisciplinar comprometido con este proyecto pedagógico, a la par que se requieren adaptaciones en el desarrollo de la propia docencia de dicha asignatura. Este artículo intenta ofrecer un punto de vista, nacido de la vivencia diaria como docente, para la mejora de la enseñanza de esta asignatura

    La clase magistral en la educación: artes plásticas y musicales / Lecture-style clases in Art and Music Education

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    Desde el comienzo del presente siglo, el sistema educativo está tratando de arrinconar la clase tradicional, que asume la idea de un profesor como único transmisor de conocimiento y un alumnado que atiende a las clases de forma pasiva, intentando sustituirla por otros métodos y estrategias educativas, que traten al alumnado como una parte activa en el proceso de aprendizaje. Las técnicas ligadas al juego o las clases invertidas aparecen como técnicas educativas novedosas y actuales, pero, en realidad, dichas formulas pedagógicas se basan en las aportaciones de pedagogos como Guy Brousseau o John Dewey. La diferencia, claro está, es que los estos métodos asumen como herramienta principal el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Así, este trabajo propone una revisión crítica de las últimas tendencias educativas ligadas a las nuevas tecnologías, incidiendo de forma particular en cómo los educadores en arte pueden dar un paso adelante para mejorar la didáctica de las materias ligadas a la educción artística. Palabras clave: clase tradicional, nuevas tecnologías, arte, pedagogía, estrategias educativa

    Connect Smart Cities and Heritage Through Augmented Reality

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    This chapter aims to connect the digital resources of knowledge with the historical and cultural heritage in the context of smart cities. Specifically, combining the joint intervention in the Real Sitio of El Pardo and Aranjuez, as well as the Foundation Square of the University of Alcalá, both in Spain. Through traditional historical research and the innovative use of new technologies like augmented reality (AR), a historical, biological and cultural heritage is conserved, consisting of forests, gardens, agricultural spaces, urban centers and palatial residences. Cultural and artistic heritage is a resource of the first magnitude for the sustainable development of smart cities. It evolves with time and society; it is this that determines what goods are to be conserved and protected for posterity, according to the values attributed to them. Hence, the importance of achieving an awareness in society plays an active part in the conservation, enjoyment and dissemination of heritage. In this context, the augmented reality is presented as a powerful tool for contextualizing and disseminating the heritage, as well as to make the resources created more accessible, making an innovative use of the new technologies applied to the transfer of knowledge and the enhancement of a country’s cultural and historical heritage

    Caffeine's Vascular Mechanisms of Action

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    Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulating substance in the world. It is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, and many medications. Caffeine is a xanthine with various effects and mechanisms of action in vascular tissue. In endothelial cells, it increases intracellular calcium stimulating the production of nitric oxide through the expression of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase enzyme. Nitric oxide is diffused to the vascular smooth muscle cell to produce vasodilation. In vascular smooth muscle cells its effect is predominantly a competitive inhibition of phosphodiesterase, producing an accumulation of cAMP and vasodilation. In addition, it blocks the adenosine receptors present in the vascular tissue to produce vasoconstriction. In this paper the main mechanisms of action of caffeine on the vascular tissue are described, in which it is shown that caffeine has some cardiovascular properties and effects which could be considered beneficial

    Augmented reality in architecture: rebuilding archeological heritage

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    With the development in recent years of augmented reality and the appearance of new mobile terminals and storage bases on-line, we find the possibility of using a powerful tool for transmitting architecture. This paper analyzes the relationship between Augmented Reality and Architecture. Firstly, connects the theoretical framework of both disciplines through the representation concept. Secondly, describes the milestones and possibilities of Augmented Reality in the particular field of archaeological reconstruction. And lastly, once recognized the technology developed, we face the same analysis from a critical point of view, assessing their suitability to the discipline that concerns us is the architecture and within archeology