75 research outputs found

    Prolinase and prolidase in human tissues

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    Light-mediated remote control of signaling pathways

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    Cell signaling networks display an extraordinary range of temporal and spatial plasticity. Our programmatic approach focuses on the construction of intracellular probes, including sensors, inhibitors, and functionally unique proteins that can be temporally and spatially controlled by the investigator even after they have entered the cell. We have designed and evaluated protein kinase sensors that furnish a fluorescent readout upon phosphorylation. In addition, since the sensors are inert (i.e. cannot be phosphorylated) until activated by light, they can be carried through the various stages of any given cell-based behavior without being consumed. Using this strategy, we have shown that PKCβ is essential for nuclear envelope breakdown and thus the transition from prophase to metaphase in actively dividing cells. Photoactivatable proteins furnish the means to initiate cellular signaling pathways with a high degree of spatial and temporal control. We have used this approach to demonstrate that cofilin serves as a component of the steering apparatus of the cell. Finally, inhibitors are commonly used to assess the participation of specific enzymes in signaling pathways that control cellular behavior. We have constructed a photo-deactivatable inhibitor, an inhibitory species that can be switched off with light. In the absence of light, the target enzyme is inactive due to the presence of the potent inhibitory molecule. Upon photolysis, the inhibitory molecule is destroyed and enzymatic activity is released

    Dual Wavelength Photoactivation of cAMP- and cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Signaling Pathways

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    The spatial and temporal organization of biological systems offers a level of complexity that is challenging to probe with conventional reagents. Photoactivatable (caged) compounds represent one strategy by which spatiotemporal organizational complexities can be addressed. However, since the vast majority of caged species are triggered by UV light, it is not feasible to orthogonally control two or more spatiotemporal elements of the phenomenon under investigation. For example, the cGMP- and cAMP-dependent protein kinases are highly homologous enzymes, separated in time and space, which mediate the phosphorylation of both distinct and common protein substrates. However, current technology is unable to discriminate, in a temporally or spatially selective fashion, between these enzymes and/or the pathways they influence. We describe herein the intracellular triggering of a cGMP-mediated pathway with 360 nm light and the corresponding cAMP-mediated pathway with 440 nm light. Dual wavelength photoactivation was assessed in A10 cells by monitoring the phosphorylation of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), a known substrate for both the cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases. Illumination at 440 nm elicits a cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of VASP at Ser157 whereas 360 nm exposure triggers the phosphorylation of both Ser157 and Ser239. This is the first example of wavelength-distinct activation of two separate nodes of a common signaling pathway

    Light-Mediated Spatial Control via Photolabile Fluorescently Quenched Peptide Cassettes

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    Light-regulatable compounds are finding increasing utility as spatial and temporal probes of biological behavior. An independent measure of successful light-induced structural change is possible when alteration (e.g., activation, deactivation, etc.) of the bioprobe can be directly linked to a fluorescent readout. We have identified a series of photolabile fluorescently quenched cassettes that display extraordinarily large fluorescence enhancements upon photolysis. A pair of cassettes has been inserted into mitochondrial localization sequences to assess an organelle-targeted light-mediated release strategy for controlling biological activity. The peptide constructs are readily absorbed by mitochondria and subsequently can be cleaved in a light-dependent fashion as assessed by the predicted changes in absorbance and fluorescence

    Merging of Confocal and Caging Technologies: Selective Three-Color Communication with Profluorescent Reporters

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    Falling apart, on cue: Signaling pathways often display a profound spatiotemporal component that is best studied using light-activatable reagents. Three separate photolabile moieties that can be distinguished based upon their response to three distinct wavelengths (360, 440, and 560 nm) have been synthesized and evaluated. This tri-color system is also applied to imaging in microwells and HeLa cells (see picture)

    An Optogenetic Toolkit for Spatial and Temporal Control of the cAMP Dependent Protein Kinase

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    Cellular signaling is highly compartmentalized in both time and space as exemplified by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. PKA and associated signaling proteins are sequestered to specific subcellular compartments by A-kinase anchoring proteins to generate distinct signaling microenvironments. These signaling nodes provide spatial specificity to PKA so that this otherwise ubiquitous signaling pathway is only activated in the right location and at the right time. Although many tools are available to manipulate cellular signaling on a global scale, it is difficult to control intracellular signaling with any degree of spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we present a set of optogenetic tools to control PKA signaling at the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, and outer mitochondrial membrane. We used molecular engineering approaches in conjunction with biochemical and cell biology assays such as western blotting and fluorescent microscopy to show that activation of our optogenetic toolset in cells results in compartment specific PKA phosphorylation events upon stimulation with light, and that activity is localized to discrete locations within the cell using a PKA reporter system generated by our group. Abbreviations: Photoactivated adenylate cyclase (PAC, AC), Nucleus (Nu), Plasma Membrane (PM), Outer Mitochondrial Membrane (OMM), Vasodilator Stimulated Phosphoprotein (VASP

    Porcine iGb3s gene silencing provides minimal benefit for clinical xenotransplantation

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    Background The Galα(1,3)Gal epitope (α-GAL), created by α-1,3-glycosyltransferase-1 (GGTA1), is a major xenoantigen causing hyperacute rejection in pig-to-primate and pig-to-human xenotransplantation. In response, GGTA1 gene-deleted pigs have been generated. However, it is unclear whether there is a residual small amount of α-Gal epitope expressed in GGTA1−/− pigs. Isoglobotrihexosylceramide synthase (iGb3s), another member of the glycosyltransferase family, catalyzes the synthesis of isoglobo-series glycosphingolipids with an α-GAL-terminal disaccharide (iGb3), creating the possibility that iGb3s may be a source of α-GAL epitopes in GGTA1−/− animals. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of silencing the iGb3s gene (A3GalT2) on pig-to-primate and pig-to-human immune cross-reactivity by creating and comparing GGTA1−/− pigs to GGTA1−/−- and A3GalT2−/−-double-knockout pigs. Methods We used the CRISPR/Cas 9 system to target the GGTA1 and A3GalT2 genes in pigs. Both GGTA1 and A3GalT2 genes are functionally inactive in humans and baboons. CRISPR-treated cells used directly for somatic cell nuclear transfer produced single- and double-gene-knockout piglets in a single pregnancy. Once grown to maturity, the glycosphingolipid profile (including iGb3) was assayed in renal tissue by normal-phase liquid chromatography. In addition, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were subjected to (i) comparative cross-match cytotoxicity analysis against human and baboon serum and (ii) IB4 staining for α-GAL/iGb3. Results Silencing of the iGb3s gene significantly modulated the renal glycosphingolipid profile and iGb3 was not detected. Moreover, the human and baboon serum PBMC cytotoxicity and α-GAL/iGb3 staining were unchanged by iGb3s silencing. Conclusions Our data suggest that iGb3s is not a contributor to antibody-mediated rejection in pig-to-primate or pig-to-human xenotransplantation. Although iGb3s gene silencing significantly changed the renal glycosphingolipid profile, the effect on Galα3Gal levels, antibody binding, and cytotoxic profiles of baboon and human sera on porcine PBMCs was neutral

    Upregulating beta-hexosaminidase activity in rodents prevents alpha-synuclein lipid associations and protects dopaminergic neurons from alpha-synuclein-mediated neurotoxicity

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    Sandhoff disease (SD) is a lysosomal storage disease, caused by loss of beta-hexosaminidase (HEX) activity resulting in the accumulation of ganglioside GM2. There are shared features between SD and Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). alpha-synuclein (aSYN) inclusions, the diagnostic hallmark sign of PD, are frequently found in the brain in SD patients and HEX knockout mice, and HEX activity is reduced in the substantia nigra in PD. In this study, we biochemically demonstrate that HEX deficiency in mice causes formation of high-molecular weight (HMW) aSYN and ubiquitin in the brain. As expected from HEX enzymatic function requirements, overexpression in vivo of HEXA and B combined, but not either of the subunits expressed alone, increased HEX activity as evidenced by histochemical assays. Biochemically, such HEX gene expression resulted in increased conversion of GM2 to its breakdown product GM3. In a neurodegenerative model of overexpression of aSYN in rats, increasing HEX activity by AAV6 gene transfer in the substantia nigra reduced aSYN embedding in lipid compartments and rescued dopaminergic neurons from degeneration. Overall, these data are consistent with a paradigm shift where lipid abnormalities are central to or preceding protein changes typically associated with PD

    A novel approach to analyze lysosomal dysfunctions through subcellular proteomics and lipidomics : the case of NPC1 deficiency

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have mainly been used as cellular carriers for genes and therapeutic products, while their use in subcellular organelle isolation remains underexploited. We engineered SPIONs targeting distinct subcellular compartments. Dimercaptosuccinic acid-coated SPIONs are internalized and accumulate in late endosomes/lysosomes, while aminolipid-SPIONs reside at the plasma membrane. These features allowed us to establish standardized magnetic isolation procedures for these membrane compartments with a yield and purity permitting proteomic and lipidomic profiling. We validated our approach by comparing the biomolecular compositions of lysosomes and plasma membranes isolated from wild-type and Niemann-Pick disease type C1 (NPC1) deficient cells. While the accumulation of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids is seen as a primary hallmark of NPC1 deficiency, our lipidomics analysis revealed the buildup of several species of glycerophospholipids and other storage lipids in selectively late endosomes/lysosomes of NPC1-KO cells. While the plasma membrane proteome remained largely invariable, we observed pronounced alterations in several proteins linked to autophagy and lysosomal catabolism reflecting vesicular transport obstruction and defective lysosomal turnover resulting from NPC1 deficiency. Thus the use of SPIONs provides a major advancement in fingerprinting subcellular compartments, with an increased potential to identify disease-related alterations in their biomolecular compositions

    Altered Expression of Ganglioside Metabolizing Enzymes Results in GM3 Ganglioside Accumulation in Cerebellar Cells of a Mouse Model of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

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    Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL) is caused by mutations in the CLN3 gene. Most JNCL patients exhibit a 1.02 kb genomic deletion removing exons 7 and 8 of this gene, which results in a truncated CLN3 protein carrying an aberrant C-terminus. A genetically accurate mouse model (Cln3Δex7/8 mice) for this deletion has been generated. Using cerebellar precursor cell lines generated from wildtype and Cln3Δex7/8 mice, we have here analyzed the consequences of the CLN3 deletion on levels of cellular gangliosides, particularly GM3, GM2, GM1a and GD1a. The levels of GM1a and GD1a were found to be significantly reduced by both biochemical and cytochemical methods. However, quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed a highly significant increase in GM3, suggesting a metabolic blockade in the conversion of GM3 to more complex gangliosides. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed a significant reduction in the transcripts of the interconverting enzymes, especially of β-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 1 (GM2 synthase), which is the enzyme converting GM3 to GM2. Thus, our data suggest that the complex a-series gangliosides are reduced in Cln3Δex7/8 mouse cerebellar precursor cells due to impaired transcription of the genes responsible for their synthesis
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