1,339 research outputs found

    Quantifying structural connectivity in brain tumor patients

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    Brain tumors are characterised by infiltration along the white matter tracts, posing significant challenges to precise treatment. Mounting evidence shows that an infiltrative tumor can interfere with the brain network diffusely. Therefore, quantifying structural connectivity has potential to identify tumor invasion and stratify patients more accurately. The tract-based statistics (TBSS) is widely used to measure the white matter integrity. This voxel-wise method, however, cannot directly quantify the connectivity of brain regions. Tractography is a fiber tracking approach, which has been widely used to quantify brain connectivity. However, the performance of tractography on the brain with tumors is biased by the tumor mass effect. A robust method of quantifying the structural connectivity in brain tumor patients is still lacking. Here we propose a method which could provide robust estimation of tract strength for brain tumor patients. Specifically, we firstly construct an unbiased tract template in healthy subjects using tractography. The voxel projection procedure of TBSS is employed to quantify the tract connectivity in patients, based on the location of each tract fiber from the template. To further improve the standard TBSS, we propose an approach of iterative projection of tract voxels, under the guidance of tract orientation measured by voxel-wise eigenvectors. Compared to the conventional tractography methods, our approach is more sensitive in reflecting functional relevance. Further, the different extent of network disruption revealed by our approach correspond to the clinical prior knowledge of tumor histology. The proposed method could provide a robust estimation of the structural connectivity for brain tumor patients

    Connectome analysis for pre-operative brain mapping in neurosurgery.

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    OBJECT: Brain mapping has entered a new era focusing on complex network connectivity. Central to this is the search for the connectome or the brains 'wiring diagram'. Graph theory analysis of the connectome allows understanding of the importance of regions to network function, and the consequences of their impairment or excision. Our goal was to apply connectome analysis in patients with brain tumours to characterise overall network topology and individual patterns of connectivity alterations. METHODS: Resting-state functional MRI data were acquired using multi-echo, echo planar imaging pre-operatively from five participants each with a right temporal-parietal-occipital glioblastoma. Complex networks analysis was initiated by parcellating the brain into anatomically regions amongst which connections were identified by retaining the most significant correlations between the respective wavelet decomposed time-series. RESULTS: Key characteristics of complex networks described in healthy controls were preserved in these patients, including ubiquitous small world organization. An exponentially truncated power law fit to the degree distribution predicted findings of general network robustness to injury but with a core of hubs exhibiting disproportionate vulnerability. Tumours produced a consistent reduction in local and long-range connectivity with distinct patterns of connection loss depending on lesion location. CONCLUSIONS: Connectome analysis is a feasible and novel approach to brain mapping in individual patients with brain tumours. Applications to pre-surgical planning include identifying regions critical to network function that should be preserved and visualising connections at risk from tumour resection. In the future one could use such data to model functional plasticity and recovery of cognitive deficits.S. J. P. received funding for this study through a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (UK) – Clinician Scientist Award (Ref: NIHR/CS/009/011). M. G. H. is funded by the Wellcome Trust Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network with additional support from the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. This paper presents independent research funded by the NIHR.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02688697.2016.120880

    Survival of Organic Materials in Hypervelocity Impacts of Ice on Sand, Ice, and Water in the Laboratory

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    The survival of organic molecules in shock impact events has been investigated in the laboratory. A frozen mixture of anthracene and stearic acid, solvated in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), was fired in a two-stage light gas gun at speeds of ?2 and ?4?km s?1 at targets that included water ice, water, and sand. This involved shock pressures in the range of 2–12 GPa. It was found that the projectile materials were present in elevated quantities in the targets after impact and in some cases in the crater ejecta as well. For DMSO impacting water at 1.9?km s?1 and 45° incidence, we quantify the surviving fraction after impact as 0.44±0.05. This demonstrates successful transfer of organic compounds from projectile to target in high-speed impacts. The range of impact speeds used covers that involved in impacts of terrestrial meteorites on the Moon, as well as impacts in the outer Solar System on icy bodies such as Pluto. The results provide laboratory evidence that suggests that exogenous delivery of complex organic molecules from icy impactors is a viable source of such material on target bodies

    Cellular-level versus receptor-level response threshold hierarchies in T-Cell activation

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    Peptide-MHC (pMHC) ligand engagement by T-cell receptors (TCRs) elicits a variety of cellular responses, some of which require substantially more TCR-mediated stimulation than others. This threshold hierarchy could reside at the receptor level, where different response pathways branch off at different stages of the TCR/CD3 triggering cascade, or at the cellular level, where the cumulative TCR signal registered by the T-cell is compared to different threshold values. Alternatively, dual-level thresholds could exist. In this study, we show that the cellular hypothesis provides the most parsimonious explanation consistent with data obtained from an in-depth analysis of distinct functional responses elicited in a clonal T-cell system by a spectrum of biophysically defined altered peptide ligands across a range of concentrations. Further, we derive a mathematical model that describes how ligand density, affinity, and off-rate all affect signaling in distinct ways. However, under the kinetic regime prevailing in the experiments reported here, the TCR/pMHC class I (pMHCI) dissociation rate was found to be the main governing factor. The CD8 coreceptor modulated the TCR/pMHCI interaction and altered peptide ligand potency. Collectively, these findings elucidate the relationship between TCR/pMHCI kinetics and cellular function, thereby providing an integrated mechanistic understanding of T-cell response profiles

    Controlling invasive rodents via synthetic gene drive and the role of polyandry

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    House mice are a major ecosystem pest, particularly threatening island ecosystems as a non-native invasive species. Rapid advances in synthetic biology offer new avenues to control pest species for biodiversity conservation. Recently, a synthetic sperm-killing gene drive construct called t-Sry has been proposed as a means to eradicate target mouse populations owing to a lack of females. A factor that has received little attention in the discussion surrounding such drive applications is polyandry. Previous research has demonstrated that sperm-killing drivers are extremely damaging to a male’s sperm competitive ability. Here, we examine the importance of this effect on the t-Sry system using a theoretical model. We find that polyandry substantially hampers the spread of t-Sry such that release efforts have to be increased three- to sixfold for successful eradication. We discuss the implications of our finding for potential pest control programmes, the risk of drive spread beyond the target population, and the emergence of drive resistance. Our work highlights that a solid understanding of the forces that determine drive dynamics in a natural setting is key for successful drive application, and that exploring the natural diversity of gene drives may inform effective gene drive design

    Structural connectome quantifies tumor invasion and predicts survival in glioblastoma patients

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    Glioblastoma widely affects brain structure and function, and remodels neural connectivity. Characterizing the neural connectivity in glioblastoma may provide a tool to understand tumor invasion. Here, using a structural connectome approach based on diffusion MRI, we quantify the global and regional connectome disruptions in individual glioblastoma patients and investigate the prognostic value of connectome disruptions and topological properties. We show that the disruptions in the normal-appearing brain beyond the lesion could mediate the topological alteration of the connectome (P <0.001), associated with worse patient performance (P <0.001), cognitive function (P <0.001), and survival (overall survival: HR: 1.46, P = 0.049; progression-free survival: HR: 1.49, P = 0.019). Further, the preserved connectome in the normal-appearing brain demonstrates evidence of remodeling, where increased connectivity is associated with better overall survival (log-rank P = 0.005). Our approach reveals the glioblastoma invasion invisible on conventional MRI, promising to benefit patient stratification and precise treatment

    Structural connectome quantifies tumor invasion and predicts survival in glioblastoma patients

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    Glioblastoma widely affects brain structure and function, and remodels neural connectivity. Characterizing the neural connectivity in glioblastoma may provide a tool to understand tumor invasion. Here, using a structural connectome approach based on diffusion MRI, we quantify the global and regional connectome disruptions in individual glioblastoma patients and investigate the prognostic value of connectome disruptions and topological properties. We show that the disruptions in the normal-appearing brain beyond the lesion could mediate the topological alteration of the connectome (P <0.001), associated with worse patient performance (P <0.001), cognitive function (P <0.001), and survival (overall survival: HR: 1.46, P = 0.049; progression-free survival: HR: 1.49, P = 0.019). Further, the preserved connectome in the normal-appearing brain demonstrates evidence of remodeling, where increased connectivity is associated with better overall survival (log-rank P = 0.005). Our approach reveals the glioblastoma invasion invisible on conventional MRI, promising to benefit patient stratification and precise treatment