591 research outputs found

    Leveraging video annotations in video-based e-learning

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    The e-learning community has been producing and using video content for a long time, and in the last years, the advent of MOOCs greatly relied on video recordings of teacher courses. Video annotations are information pieces that can be anchored in the temporality of the video so as to sustain various processes ranging from active reading to rich media editing. In this position paper we study how video annotations can be used in an e-learning context - especially MOOCs - from the triple point of view of pedagogical processes, current technical platforms functionalities, and current challenges. Our analysis is that there is still plenty of room for leveraging video annotations in MOOCs beyond simple active reading, namely live annotation, performance annotation and annotation for assignment; and that new developments are needed to accompany this evolution.Comment: 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Barcelone : Spain (2014

    Paris (13e) – 4-8 rue Gustave-Geffroy, 12-18 rue Berbier-de-Metz

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    Les opérations menées autour de l’hôtel de la Reine Blanche depuis 1996 ont apporté des informations sur l’extension possible de la zone funéraire Saint-Marcel ainsi que sur le tracé de l’enceinte du bourg médiéval et moderne et ont enfin confirmé la destination d’origine de ce monument historique. Au sud-ouest du bourg, il semble bien que la zone funéraire ne s’étende que jusqu’à la rue des Gobelins. Le sous-sol des environs de l’« hôtel de la Reine Blanche » ne contient manifestement aucun ..

    Paris (3e) – Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)

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    Lancés à l’occasion du bicentenaire du CNAM en 1994, les travaux de rénovation du musée national des Techniques avaient été interrompus dans l’ancienne église priorale suite à différentes révisions de projets et aux fouilles archéologiques menées en 1993-1994 par la Commission du Vieux Paris avec le concours de l’Afan. La rénovation a repris à la fin de l’année 1997. En 1998, les travaux ont consisté en la réalisation de tranchées pour la pose de canalisations et de percements dans les murs. ..

    Vers l'analyse de l'engagement de l'apprenant : une approche par la visualisation multi-échelle de traces hétérogènes

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    National audienceDe nombreux travaux de recherche dans le domaine des Learning Analytics proposent des indicateurs statistiques tels que la durée ou le nombre d'actions réalisées sur les outils ou les ressources utilisés. Ces indicateurs supportent généralement le suivi et la réflexivité des activités de l'apprenant en renvoyant des informations sur l'utilisation de chaque outil et ressource. Mais les contextes d'apprentissage en ligne sont de plus en plus complexes, permettant l'utilisation de ressources variées. Dans ces nouveaux contextes, l'activité de l'apprenant devient " hétérogène " (avec plusieurs outils et types de documents), et " discrète " (interrompue par les actions sur chaque outil ou document). Ainsi, les bilans d'indicateurs statistiques ne suffisent pas pour comprendre l'activité de l'apprenant et plus particulièrement son engagement dans l'activité et les pratiques de régulation mises en place. Nos travaux de recherche visent a proposer aux enseignants, apprenants et concepteurs, des visualisations des traces hétérogènes des apprenants avec une attention particulière sur leur engagement et leurs pratiques de régulation. Ces visualisations cherchent a favoriser l' interprétation de ces comportements grâce à des analyses a plusieurs niveaux temporels et de groupe (apprenant, classe, institution)

    Modelling and visualising traces for reflexivity in synchronous collaborative systems

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    Lauréat du Best Paper AwardInternational audienceThis article addresses issues related to traces modelling and visualisation in synchronous collaborative learning. The objective is to propose models and tools for representing, transforming, sharing and visualizing traces of users' experiences. The traces here represent the users' activities in their interactions with the learning platform. Our proposition is based on reflexive learning defined as the ability to interact with the situation, in order to meet one's own limitations. This work takes place in the ITHACA project which aims at developing an online learning platform that uses interaction traces as knowledge sources on, and for, the learners' learning as individuals or groups. In this paper, we propose a general framework for trace management and sharing, a generic model of synchronous collaborative activity based on the notion of interaction modes, which we specialized for whiteboard sharing and text chatting. We modelled an IRC client and developed a first implementation

    Saint-Philippe – Cap Méchant, Puits des Français, Takamaka, Puits dit arabe

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    L’histoire de Saint-Philippe peut être retracée grâce aux recherches des historiens, notamment les travaux de Jean-Luc Théodora, (Théodora 1995) de Roger Théodora (Théodora 2006), ainsi que l’ouvrage de Sulliman Issop et Raphaël Piras (Issop, Piras 2010). Plusieurs puits sont connus sur le littoral de Saint-Philippe. Parmi eux, le puits dit « des Anglais », localisé dans le quartier du Baril, est daté de façon certaine de 1822 (ADR/6J/130). Le puits dit « des Français », est localisé au Cap M..

    Prototyping Immersive Analytics: Experiments with Design Students

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    International audienceImmersive analytics is an emerging field of research that explores the use of immersive technologies for data analysis. We argue that immersion is different from the simple use of 3D graphics and therefore requires new methods of representation and interaction with the data. We believe in the benefits of interdisciplinarity, especially with design, to help shape this new field. We describe two workshops that we have organized with design students, and we share lessons learned and key findings

    A Knowledge-Based Approach to Augment Applications with Interaction Traces

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    International audienceThis paper presents a trace-based framework for assisting personalization and enrichment of end-user experience in an application. We propose a modular ontology-based architecture, to provide semantics for interaction traces, observed elements and their associated objects, and we extend existing inference services, with a declarative and generic approach, in order to reason with those interaction traces. We present the architecture of our framework and its reasoning levels, provide a proof of concept on a medical Web application, and emphasize that different kinds of actors can benefit from the supported inferences

    Reflection-in-Action Markers for Reflection-on-Action in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Settings

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    International audienceWe describe an exploratory study on the use of markers set during a synchronous collaborative interaction (reflection-in-action) for later construction of reflection reports upon the collaboration that occurred (reflection-on-action). During two sessions, pairs of students used the Visu videoconferencing tool for synchronous interaction and marker setting (positive, negative or free) and then individual report building on the interaction (using markers or not). A quantitative descriptive analysis was conducted on the markers put in action, on their use to reflect on action and on the reflection categories of the sentences in these reports. Results show that the students (1) used the markers equally as a note-taking and reflection means during the interaction, (2) used mainly positive markers both to reflect in and on action; (3) paid more attention in identifying what worked in their interaction (conservative direction) rather than in planning on how to improve their group work (progressive direction); (4) used mainly their own markers to reflect on action, with an increase in the use of their partners' markers in the second reflection reports; (5) reflected mainly on their partner in the first reflection reports and more on themselves in the second reports to justify themselves and to express their satisfaction