22 research outputs found

    Cominform in the District of Križevci in period 1948-1958.

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    Na temelju dosad neobjavljene arhivske građe Službe državne sigurnosti (UDB-e), rad tematizira pojavu i djelatnost pristalica Rezolucije Infrombiroa na području kotara Križevci u razdoblju od 1948. do 1953. godine. Uz to, u radu je izvršena i analiza dokumenata iz 1955. te 1958. godine koji sadrže podatke o praćenju Informbiroovaca nakon povrataka s izdržavanja kazne na područje kotara Križevci, kao i podatke o kriterijima prema kojima je Služba državne sigurnosti kategorizirala stupanj revidiranja njihovih političkih stavova te ocjenjivala njihovu potencijalnu opasnost po društveni poredak. Statistički podaci donose kategoriju nacionalnosti, socijalnu pripadnost, vrstu kazni i slično, a sve zbog boljeg uvida u cjelokupni problem kominformizma na području kotara Križevci.Based upon still unpublished archivalia from the Yugoslav State Security Service (UDB), the paper deals with the activities of Cominform Resolution followers in the area of Križevci District between 1948/1953. A detailed analysis is given of documents from 1955 and 1958 containing data on IB members from Križevci District who were under surveillance after returning from prison as well as of the criteria according to which the State Security Service grouped and revised their political views and graded their potential danger to the system. Statistical data cover nationality, social status, kind of penalty and the like

    Cominform in the District of Križevci in period 1948-1958.

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    Na temelju dosad neobjavljene arhivske građe Službe državne sigurnosti (UDB-e), rad tematizira pojavu i djelatnost pristalica Rezolucije Infrombiroa na području kotara Križevci u razdoblju od 1948. do 1953. godine. Uz to, u radu je izvršena i analiza dokumenata iz 1955. te 1958. godine koji sadrže podatke o praćenju Informbiroovaca nakon povrataka s izdržavanja kazne na područje kotara Križevci, kao i podatke o kriterijima prema kojima je Služba državne sigurnosti kategorizirala stupanj revidiranja njihovih političkih stavova te ocjenjivala njihovu potencijalnu opasnost po društveni poredak. Statistički podaci donose kategoriju nacionalnosti, socijalnu pripadnost, vrstu kazni i slično, a sve zbog boljeg uvida u cjelokupni problem kominformizma na području kotara Križevci.Based upon still unpublished archivalia from the Yugoslav State Security Service (UDB), the paper deals with the activities of Cominform Resolution followers in the area of Križevci District between 1948/1953. A detailed analysis is given of documents from 1955 and 1958 containing data on IB members from Križevci District who were under surveillance after returning from prison as well as of the criteria according to which the State Security Service grouped and revised their political views and graded their potential danger to the system. Statistical data cover nationality, social status, kind of penalty and the like

    Broj kažnjenika na Golom otoku i drugim logorima za informbirovce u vrijeme sukoba sa SSSR-om (1948.-1956.)

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    Na temelju neobjavljenih dokumenata Uprave državne bezbednosti (UDBA), historiografske i memoarske literature na temu sukoba Tito-Staljin te razgovora s preživjelim logorašima ibeovcima autor je rekonstruirao broj interniranih ibeovaca na Golom otoku u razdoblju 1948.-1956. godine. U analizi su predočeni novi podaci UDB-e o kažnjenim ibeovcima u vrijeme sukoba sa SSSR-om koji bi, uz rekonstrukciju logorskog sustava za internaciju ibeovaca, trebali rasvijetliti razmjere, metode i brojnost akcije protiv osoba optuženih za podršku Staljinu u vrijeme sukoba

    Informbiroovska emigracija

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    Autor u članku, na temelju dokumenata Službe državne sigurnosti, analizira djelovanje informbiroovske emigracije u razdoblju od 1948. do 1964. godine. Razmatra statističke pokazatelje koji se vežu uz pojavu i djelovanje te emigracije. Pritom je naglasak stavio na oblike, sadržaje i metode što ih je emigracija primjenjivala u svojim aktivnostima u odnosu na Jugoslaviju. Osim toga, u radu se govori o povratku informbiroovskih emigranata u Jugoslaviju te procesima i posljedicama njihove repatrijacije i društvene rehabilitacije

    History of the Goli otok cominformist prison camp 1949. - 1956.

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    Rad tematizira više aspekata djelovanja logora na Golom otoku u razdoblju 1949.-1956. godine. Prije svega, naglasak je na njegovoj funkciji procesa političkog preodgajanja pristalica Rezolucije Inforbiroa. Analiziran je ovaj složen proces pun nasilja i prisilnog denunciranja ostalih kažnjenika, po čemu je logor, uz ostalo, postao vrlo zloglasan. Naglašava se čvrst međuodnos između političkog preodgoja i ostalih aspekata funkcioniranja logora poput, na primjer, rada. Naime, rad je na Golom otoku bio sasvim u funkciji političke preobrazbe ibeovaca, gdje su logoraši nespremni na punu suradnju s Udbom dobivali teže poslove („tucanje“ i prenošenje kamena), dok su oni koji su bili spremni na prihvaćanje Udbinih naloga, radili lakše poslove i dnevne zadatke. Disertaciji je, jednako tako, cilj ukazati na činjenicu da je golootočki rad bio itekako lukrativan, jer je Udba preko službenog poduzeća „Velebit“ u vrijeme ekonomske blokade Jugoslavije trgovala proizvodima s Golog otoka, gdje je bio smješten čitav industrijski pogon. Znači, u radu se prikazuju glavni aspekti logora, ali i čitav niz drugih funkcionalnih pitanja poput vrsta i načina kažnjavanja/suđenja ibeovaca, njihova transporta na Goli otok, dočeka („Špalira“), prehrane, svakodnevnice, razonode (kazališta) i tome slično. Na početku je poseban naglasak na procesu istrage koji razotkriva ne samo metode kojima su hapšeni i isljeđivani ibeovci, već i određenje samog pojma ibeovac. Cijelo je poglavlje važno i zbog shvaćanja kriterija za hapšenje Staljinovih pristalica, ali i raznih osobnih drama i lomova u glavama jugoslavenskih komunista. Prikazana je također čitava organizacija sustava internacije ibeovaca na otok, kao i neke procjene broja logoraša na njemu. Obrađeni su različiti aspekti fizičkog izgleda logora na Golom otoku, upravne organizacije (tzv. „logoraška samouprava“), ali i utjecaj iskustva nacističkih i sovjetskih logora na funkcioniranje Gologa otoka. Zasebno se razmatraju problemi bolesti i smrti u logoru, razne pojave epidemija, rad golootočke zdravstvene službe te pokapanja preminulih logoraša. Posebno mjesto daje se prikazu „logora unutar logora“, tzv. „Petrovoj rupi“, gdje su u najtežim uvjetima bili internirani bivši visoki vojni i pratijski funkcioneri koji su se izjasnili za Rezoluciju Informbiroa. Zadnje poglavlje razmatra uvjete puštanja ibeovaca na slobodu kao i njihov tretman od strane okoline te od strane vlasti. Rad završava zaključnom sintezom i razmatranjima u vidu analize odnosa diplomatskih zatezanja i popuštanja u odnosima između ovih dviju zemalja, te tih odnosa i broja uhapšenih ibeovaca kao metoda primjenjivanima na Golom otoku u slamanju ibeovaca.The thesis discusses various aspects of Goli Otok camp and its funcioning in the period from 1949-1956. The primary focus is on its fundamental function – the process of political detention for those in favour of Informbiro Resolution. This complex and violent process of delating other convicts, which made the Camp itself notorious, is analyzed. There is a focus on the firm relationship between the process of political detention and other aspects of functioning of the Camp, like labour. Labour was one of the points of political transformation of those in favour of the Informbiro, which ment that convicts not fully cooperating with Udba had to perform more difficult tasks (like carrying heavy rocks from one place to another), while those fully cooperating performed easier ones. Also, thesis aims to point out the fact that labour at Goli Otok was by all means lucrative, since Udba traded goods from Goli Otok, through „Velebit Company“ in the times when Yugoslavia was economically blocked. At the time, industrial machinery was located on Goli Otok. The thesis aims to show the main aspects of the Camp, but also forms of punishing and torturing convicts, their transport to Goli Otok, welcoming („Špalir“), diet, everyday life, leisure and entertainment (theatre), etc. Introduction describes the methods of investigation, arrest and processing convicts, as well as the explanation of the term „ibeovac“. This chapter is important as it provides means for understanding criteria for arresting the supporters of Stalin and his regime, but also different intimate disruptions in the heads of Yugoslav communists. Also, the organization of the system of internment of Informbiro supporters is presented, as well as some estimated numbers of convicts. Different aspects of the physical appearance of the camp, management of the camp and influences of nazi and soviet camps on the funcioning of the Goli otok camp are elaborated. Diseases, epidemics and deaths in the camp, health care as well as burrying the dead are elaborated separately. A special chapter is devoted to „the camp in the camp“ (Petrova rupa), a place where former military officials and political influentials (who supported Informbiro) have been sent to live in extremely hard conditions. The last chapter elaborates terms and conditions of releasing the convicts, and the way that society and government treated them once they were freed

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp