104 research outputs found

    Studiul histologic și imunohistochimic a 2 cazuri de leiomiom al țesuturilor moi profunde

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    Background. The low incidence of deep soft tissue leiomyoma, the absence of signs and symptoms of onset in most cases are important problems in attempts to detect the disease early. Objective of the study. The aim of our study is to help elucidate aspects related to tumor pathogenesis and immunohistochemical profile underlying the tumor. Material and Methods. The studied material was represented by the operating parts from the Department of Pathology of the SCR Timofei Moșneaga. The methods used were paraffin inclusion technique and immunohistochemical techniques for assessing the origin and exclusion of a malignant process and its confirmation by the following markers Ki67, EMA, PCK, CD34, SMA, Desmin, Vimentina, S100, Melanosome HMB45, ER, PR. Results. The expression of all these markers on smooth muscle cells in both the normal myometrium and leiomyomas suggests their involvement in uterine functions through autocrine/paracrine mechanisms, directly stimulating tumor growth and progression. Conclusion. The evaluation of the tumor immunoprofile, in correlation with the data from the literature on the significance of tumor markers could be an indicator of the mixed origin of deep leiomyomas. Introducere. Incidența scăzută a leiomiomului țesuturilor moi profunde, absența semnelor și simptomelor de debut, în cele mai multe cazuri, constituie probleme importante în încercările de depistare precoce a bolii. Scopul lucrării. Scopul studiului nostru este de a contribui la elucidarea unor aspecte legate de patogenia tumorii și profilul imunohistochimic ce stau la baza tumorii. Material și Metode. Materialul studiat a fost reprezentat de piesele operatorii din secția Anatomie Patologică a SCR „Timofei Moșneaga”. Metodele utilizate au fost: tehnica de includere la parafină, tehnicile imunohistochimice pentru aprecierea originii și excluderea unui proces malign și confirmarea acestuia prin următorii markeri: Ki67, EMA, PCK, CD34, SMA, Desmin, Vimentina, S100, Melanosome HMB45, ER, PR. Rezultate: Expresia tuturor acestor markeri asupra celulelor musculare netede atât din miometrul normal, cât și din leiomioame sugerează implicarea lor în funcțiile uterine prin mecanisme autocrine/paracrine, stimulând direct creșterea și progresia tumorală. Concluzii. Evaluarea imunoprofilului tumoral, în corelație cu datele din literatură privind semnificația marcherilor tumorii, ar putea fi un indicator al originii mixte a leiomioamelor profunde

    Water-supply system for the Bjelovar-Bilogora County

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    Opisano je cjelovito rješenje vodoopskrbe u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji gdje su česte nestašice, a obuhvaćena je tek trećina stanovništva. Prikazani su sustavi koji su se potpuno neovisno razvijali i postojeća projektna dokumentacija. U novi će sustav vodoopskrbe uz izvore vode iz susjedne županije biti uključeni i lokalni sustavi. Takav je model najracionalniji jer se za svladavanje prirodnih prepreka neće trošiti dodatna energija na precrpljivanje i podizanje tlaka.The integrated water supply solution for the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, where water shortages are frequent, and where the existing system covers only one third of the population, is described. Individual systems, developed independently from one another, are presented, and the current design documents are described. The new water supply system will take water from the local systems and also from water sources situated in the neighbouring county. This model is highly rational as it eliminates the need for additional re-pumping and pressure lifting to overcome natural obstacles

    The sociability of new urbanism : a comparative study of two communities in Montreal, Angus Park and Bois-Franc

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    This study focuses on the neighbourhood square and explores the perceived levels of sociability and satisfaction that residents experience within two newly constructed New Urbanist communities in Montreal, Bois-Franc and Angus Park. From an early age, we are socialized to live within a community. One can envision communities consisting of a series of concentric circles beginning in the centre with the family unit and widening out to include schools, neighbourhoods and entire geographical regions. The community in which we live shapes our characters, influences job and education decisions and prepares us for interactions with broader segments of society. Most people seek and are comforted by the sense of belonging and connection to those they physically live close to. New Urbanism recognizes this human need and attempts to address it through physical design. The study concludes with a discussion of interview and questionnaire results from a sample of residents in each community, regarding the relationship between the physical design and presence of the neighbourhood square and levels of social interaction experienced

    The collagenase participation in the collagen biodegradation in the uterus in the process of post-partum involution

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    Laboratory of Morphology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The collagenase activity in the uterus in the process of post-partum involution has been studied. Using the biochemical investigation methods it has been determined that in the first three post-partum days the collagenase activity increases essentially and the intensity of collagenolysis becomes maximal. The results suggest that there is a close correlation between the decrease of the collagen level and the increase of the uterine collagenase activity. Material and methods: Experiments were performed on female rats with the weight of 16–200 gr. The total number of the animals included into the experiment was 141. Rats were divided into 9 groups: groups 106 – advanced pregnancy (17-19 days); group 7 – the 10th day after the delivery; group 8 – the 15th day after the delivery; group 9 – virgin females, control. The uterus was taken for investigation. Female, that gave birth to at least 6 newborns, were taken for the research. The uterus was preserved in the solution of 10% formaldehyde. Histological specimens were colored by hematoxiline and eozine by the procedure of Van Gieson and Mallory. Results: Electronically-histochemically the collagenase activity has been detected in lysosomes of macrophages and fibroblasts in the myometrium of the virgin uterus. In the post-partum period the collagenase is secreted into the intercellular space by smooth muscle cells, macrophages and fibroblasts to participate directly in the extracellular collagen resorption. Conclusions: The intense extracellular catabolism of the collagen in the postpartum period in uterus occurs with the participation of the collagenase of smooth muscle cells, while the intracellular collagen degradation is realized by the collagenase of macrophages and fibroblasts

    The histological modifications in uterus during its post-partum involution

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    Laboratorul Morfologie USMF „Nicolae Testemitanu”The histological modifications in uterus during its post-partum involution The histological modifications in uterus during its post-partum involution were investigated. It was determined that the process of post-partum involution of the uterus is manifested histologically by atrophy and dystrophy processes in muscle elements, by the 80 decreasing of the connective tissue’s volume and its degradation. The involution of muscle tissue anticipates the reduction of extracellular matrix of connective tissue. S-au studiat modificările histologice ale uterului în procesul involuţiei sale post-partum. S-a determinat, că procesul de involuţie post-partum a uterului în aspect histologic se manifestă prin procese de atrofie şi distrofie a elementelor musculare, micşorarea volumului şi degradarea ţesutului conjunctiv. Involuţia ţesutului muscular anticipează reducerea matricei extracelulare a ţesutului conjunctiv

    Collagenase participation in the collagen biodegradation in the liver during the regression of experimental hepatic cirrhosis

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    The role of the collagenase in the collagen degradation in rat liver during the regression of experimental cirrhosis has been investigated. The activity of collagenase has been determined biochemically and electronically and histochemically in the normal condition of liver and in CCl4 -induced fibrotic rat liver and during 2 months after the end of the treatment by CCl4 . In the condition of liver cirrhosis a decrease of collagenase activity has been revealed. After the cessation of CCl4 -treatment two maximums (on the 7th and 30th days) of a significant increase in collagenolytic activity have been determined. A strong correlation between the dynamics of collagenase activity and the change of hydroxyproline level in the liver tissue has been identified. Electronically and histochemically it has been determined that in a normal rat liver the active collagenase is located in lysosomes of .Kuppfer cells and endotheliocytes In the fibrotic rat liver the reaction product was revealed mainly extracellularly on hepatocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts cytolemma and on the adjacent collagen fibrils on the 7th and 30th days after CCl4 abolition. The results show that during the recovery from hepatic fibrosis the active collagenase is located mainly extracellularly. There are two periods of collagenolytical activity augmentation in liver – on the 7th and 30th days after the discontinuation of CCl4 -treatment. It means that the initiation of collagen degradation in liver takes place at least twice, probably, depending on the quantity and activity of different types of liver cells

    The role of the collagenase in collagen biodegradation in normal and cirrhotic liver

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    Laboratorul Morfologie USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The biodegradation of collagen is a process of a vital importance both in norm and in pathological conditions. The initial stage in the collagen degradation is an extracellular proteolytical process, started up by the collagenases – Zn-dependent metalloenzymes, that break up the collagen specifically. In normal liver the collagenase activity was determined in Kuppfer cells. In experimental fibrosis an evident increase of its activity was observed in fibroblasts, Ito cells and hepatocytes. In advanced or irreversible liver cirrhosis the activity of the colagenase decreased. During the recovery from hepatic fibrosis an increase of collagenolytical activity and a decrease of collagen quantity were determined. Biodegradarea colagenului reprezintă un proces de importanţă vitală atît în normă, cît şi în diverse stări patologice. Etapa iniţială în degradarea colagenului este un proces proteolitic extracelular, declanşat sub acţiunea colagenazelor – metaloenzimelor Zn-dependente, care clivează în mod specific molecula de colagen. În ficatul normal activitatea colagenazei a fost depistată în celulele Kupffer, s-a determinat majorarea ei evidentă în fibroza experimentală (sursele celulare fiind fibroblastele, celulele Ito, hepatocitele) şi scăderea ei în caz de ciroză avansată sau ireversibilă. În involuţia fibrozei hepatice s-a observat o creştere a activităţii colagenolitice şi o micşorare concomitentă a cantităţii de colagen în ficat