260 research outputs found

    Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Graham County, Kansas

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    This report describes the geography, geology, and ground-water resources of Graham County, in northwestern Kansas. Records of 344 wells and springs and logs of 31 test holes are given. The outcropping rock formations were studied in the field and a geologic map and geologic cross sections were prepared. Samples of water from 21 wells were analyzed for dissolved mineral content. Graham County is in the High Plains section of the Great Plains physiographic province. The county is moderately to well dissected and South Fork Solomon River, Bow Creek, Saline River, and tributaries to these rivers afford good drainage to the area. The most extensive flat lands in the county are the terrace surfaces in South Fork Solomon Valley. The climate of the area is subhumid, the average annual precipitation being about 21 inches. In addition to ground water, the principal mineral resources are oil and construction materials. Farming and livestock raising are the principal occupations of the county. A very small acreage is irrigated. The outcropping rocks in Graham County are sedimentary and range from late Cretaceous to Recent in age. The oldest outcropping rock is the Smoky Hill chalk member of the Niobrara formation, which underlies the entire county. The Ogallala formation of Tertiary (Pliocene) age overlies the Smoky Hill chalk member, but in several areas erosion has removed the Ogallala and the Cretaceous bedrock is exposed. Along many of the valleys where the Ogallala has been removed, late Wisconsinan terrace deposits mantle the bedrock. Other older Pleistocene alluvial deposits are the Crete sand and gravel member of the Sanborn formation and the Meade formation. The wind-blown silt of the Sanborn constitutes the surficial material over much of the area, particularly in the uplands. The youngest deposits are Recent alluvium along the streams aDd scattered sand dunes. The Ogallala formation is the most wide-spread water-bearing formation in the county and yields water to many wells. In stream valleys the late Wisconsinan terrace deposits supply water to many wells and also the Crete yields water to wells. Small amounts of water can be obtained from the Niobrara formation, and from the upper part of the Carlile shale, which underlies the Niobrara. The Dakota formation, which underlies the surface at depths ranging from about 500 to 1,100 feet, contains considerable amounts of water. However, this water is of questionable quality. The body of ground water contained in the Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits is recharged principally by precipitation that falls in the county or in adjacent areas to the west. Ground-water recharge to the Niobrara formation probably takes place in a similar manner. Some recharge to the Carlile and Dakota formations may result from local precipitation but probably the greater part of recharge to these aquifers takes place in their areas of outcrop. Ground water is discharged from Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits through transpiration and evaporation, by discharge into streams, by subsurface movement into other areas, and by wells and springs. Discharge from Cretaceous aquifers is accomplished principally through subsurface movement. The report contains a map showing the location of wells and springs for which information was obtained and showing the depth to water level at each well. The maximum measured depth to water was 229 feet in a well to the Dakota formation. A contour map showing the shape and slope of the water table indicates that ground water generally moves into the county from the west and out of the county to the east. Geologic cross sections indicate that the Pleistocene and Pliocene water-bearing materials are too thin over most of the county for the development of irrigation wells. The most promising areas for obtaining sufficient water for irrigation wells are in the northwestern part of the county from the Ogallala formation and in places along South Fork Solomon River from the Wisconsinan terrace deposits. Analyses of 21 samples of ground water reveal that water from the Ogallala formation, although moderately hard, is suitable for most purposes. Water from alluvial materials and from the bedrock formations is more highly mineralized than water from the Ogallala formation. Water from the Carlile shale may be unfit for irrigation and water from the Dakota formation is unfit for irrigation and may be unfit for domestic and stock use

    Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Sherman County, Kansas

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    This report describes the geography, geology, and ground-water resources of Sherman County in northwestern Kansas. The county has an area of 1,055 square miles and in 1950 had a population of 7,373. Sherman County lies entirely within the High Plains section of the Great Plains physiographic province and consists of nearly flat to gently rolling upland plains dissected in several areas by relatively shallow valleys. The climate is semiarid, the average annual precipitation being about 18 inches. Farming and livestock raising are the principal occupations in the area. A small amount of irrigation is practiced in the county. The outcropping rocks in Sherman County are sedimentary, ranging in age from late Cretaceous to Recent. Most of the county is underlain by deposits of Tertiary Ogallala formation, which in most places is covered by wind-blown silts of the Sanborn formation of Pleistocene age. The Pierre shale of late Cretaceous age has been exposed by erosion in a few localities in southern Sherman County. Deposits of Recent alluvium are along most of the stream valleys. The report contains a map showing the areal distribution of outcropping rocks; subsurface relations are shown in cross sections. The Ogallala formation is the principal water-bearing formation in Sherman County, and in places large yields can be obtained from wells in permeable water-bearing beds in this formation. Alluvial deposits along parts of Beaver Creek and the North Fork Smoky Hill River yield water to wells in places where the deposits are below the water table. The report contains a map of the county showing the locations of wells for which records were obtained and showing by means of shading the depths to water level. The water table ranges in depth from less than 10 feet in some stream valleys to more than 200 feet in one area in the southeastern part of the county. The depth to water level in most of the upland areas is more than 100 feet. Included in the report is a contour map showing the shape and slope of the water table. This map indicates that ground water moves in a general easterly or northeasterly direction; the average slope of the water table is about 15 feet per mile. The ground-water reservoir is recharged principally by ground-water flow that enters Sherman County from the west and southwest and to a less extent by precipitation that falls within the area. Ground water is discharged by transpiration or evaporation, by springs, by seepage into streams, by subsurface movement into adjacent areas to the east, and by wells. Most of the domestic, stock, public, and irrigation supplies are obtained from wells. Irrigation is not practiced extensively in Sherman County. With the exception of the southeastern part, much of the county is underlain by a considerable thickness of water-bearing beds. Depths to water are generally relatively great and permeabilities of water-bearing beds are generally low. Some beds in the Ogallala are rather permeable, however, and moderately large yields can be obtained from wells penetrating these beds. That irrigation may increase in the future is probable; the most favorable area for future irrigation is along parts of Beaver Creek. Analyses of 24 samples of ground water are given, together with a discussion of principal chemical constituents in relation to use. Analyses indicate that water from Ogallala and alluvial deposits is moderately hard, but is suitable for most purposes. Water from the Pierre shale contains a slightly higher concentration of dissolved solids than water from the Ogallala or alluvium. The field data upon which this report is based are given in tables; they include records of 326 wells, chemical analyses of 24 water samples from selected wells, and logs of 41 wells and test holes, including 29 test holes drilled as part of this investigation and 2 test holes drilled on the Sherman-Thomas County line as part of an investigation of the geology and groundwater resources of Thomas County

    Geology and Ground-water Resources of Cheyenne County, Kansas

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    This report describes the geography, geology, and ground-water resources of Cheyenne County in the northwestern corner of Kansas. The county has an area of about 1,027 square miles and in 1950 had 5,668 inhabitants. Cheyenne County lies within the High Plains section of the Great Plains physiographic province and consists of flat to rolling upland plains with the exception of the northern part of the county and the area adjacent to South Fork Republican River, which are deeply dissected. South Fork runs northeastward nearly through the center of the county and into Dundy County, Nebraska. South Fork and its tributaries drain much of Cheyenne County but an area in the vicinity of Bird City has no surface drainage outlet. The climate is semiarid, the normal annual precipitation being about 18 inches and the average annual temperature being about 52° F. Farming and livestock raising are the principal occupations in the county. A small acreage is under irrigation. The outcropping rocks in Cheyenne County are sedimentary and range in age from late Cretaceous to Recent. The report contains a map showing the surficial geology and cross sections showing subsurface relations. Much of the county is underlain by the Tertiary Ogallala formation, which is generally covered by wind-blown silts of the Sanborn formation. The Pierre shale of late Cretaceous age, the oldest outcropping formation in the county, is exposed in several areas. The Ogallala is the principal water-bearing formation in the county but the alluvium of South Fork and other streams also yields water to wells. The report contains a map showing the location of wells for which records were obtained and showing by means of shading the depths to water level. The depth to the water table ranges from less than 10 feet to nearly 275 feet. Included in the report is a contour map showing the shape and slope of the water table. The configuration of the Pierre shale also is shown by contours, and a map showing the thickness of water-bearing materials is included. The ground-water reservoir is recharged principally by precipitation that falls within the county or in adjacent areas to the west, southwest, and south. Ground water is discharged through transpiration and evaporation, by springs, by discharge into streams, by subsurface movement into adjacent areas, and by wells. Most of the domestic, stock, public, and irrigation supplies are obtained from wells. Irrigation is practiced to a limited extent in Cheyenne County along South Fork and in the uplands south of Bird City. Yields of wells in the alluvium of South Fork generally are small because of the thinness of the water-bearing materials. Yields of upland wells tapping the Ogallala formation are larger, but depths to water level are much greater in the uplands, increasing the cost of irrigating. Analyses of 20 samples of ground water are given, together with a discussion of the principal chemical constituents in relation to use. The analyses indicate that waters from the Ogallala formation and alluvial deposits are suitable for most purposes although moderately hard. Water from alluvial deposits is generally higher in dissolved solids than water from the Ogallala formation. The field data upon which this report is based are given in tables. They include records of 361 wells and 1 spring, chemical analyses of 20 water samples from representative wells, and logs of 44 test holes and 2 irrigation wells

    Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Wichita and Greeley Counties, Kansas

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    This report describes the geography, geology, and ground-water resources of Wichita and Greeley counties in western Kansas. The area consists of a flat to gently rolling plain, which slopes eastward [at] about 15 feet per mile. A short reach of Ladder Creek (Beaver) is the only perennially flowing stream in the two counties. Ephemeral streams, which flow only during and after heavy rains, are White Woman and Sand Creeks and the western reach of Ladder Creek. The climate is semiarid, the normal annual precipitation being about 17 inches in Wichita County and 16 inches in Greeley County. Agriculture is the principal occupation in the area, and wheat is the most important crop. A considerable area is irrigated; sugar beets and sorghums are the principal irrigated crops. The outcropping rocks range in age from late Cretaceous to Recent; the Smoky Hill chalk member of the Niobrara formation, which is exposed along White Woman Creek in western Greeley County, is the oldest. The Niobrara is almost everywhere overlain by the Ogallala formation of Pliocene age. Generally the Ogallala is overlain by windblown silt of the Pleistocene Sanborn formation, but in places it is exposed along streams. The most recent deposits are dune sand and the alluvium along the streams. The Dakota formation, which is an important aquifer in parts of Kansas, is 300 to 450 feet beneath the Niobrara formation. The ground water that is available to wells in Wichita and Greeley counties is derived entirely from precipitation in the area or in areas immediately west and north. Ground water moves in a generally easterly direction with a gradient that varies inversely with the permeability of the water-bearing beds. The ground-water reservoir is recharged principally by precipitation within the area or within adjacent areas, Ground-water discharge takes place principally by pumping from wells, subsurface outflow, and evaporation and transpiration. Most of the domestic, stock, public, and irrigation supplies are obtained from wells. It is estimated that probably more than 2 billion gallons of water is pumped annually from wells in the area. Since 1947, ground-water recharge has been about equal to ground-water discharge. The use of ground water for irrigation has increased greatly since 1946 and indications are that many more wells may be drilled and pumped without dangerously lowering the water table. Approximately 11,000 to 12,000 acres were irrigated in 1951. A map showing the thickness of water-bearing materials indicates that although much of the area has enough water-bearing material to support irrigation wells, parts of Wichita and Greeley counties have little or none. The Ogallala is the principal water-bearing formation in the area. Small amounts of water may also be obtained locally from alluvial deposits and from cracks in the Niobrara formation. Two deep test wells to the Dakota formation have been drilled but, because of the poor quality of the water, have never been used. The ground water in Wichita and Greeley counties, though hard, is suitable for most purposes. Water from the Ogallala is generally high in fluoride and in some cases may be injurious to the teeth of children. Water from the Dakota, though soft, is unfit for irrigation because of a high content of sodium. The field data upon which most of this report is based are given in tables; they include records of 417 wells, chemical analyses of 31 samples of water, and logs of 57 test holes and wells

    Observation of Two Narrow States Decaying into Ξc+γ\Xi_{c}^{+}\gamma and Ξc0γ\Xi_{c}^{0}\gamma

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    We report the first observation of two narrow charmed strange baryons decaying to Ξc+γ\Xi_c^+\gamma and Ξc0γ\Xi_c^0\gamma, respectively, using data from the CLEO II detector at CESR. We interpret the observed signals as the Ξc+(csu)\Xi_c^{+\prime}(c{su}) and Ξc0(csd)\Xi_c^{0\prime}(c{sd}), the symmetric partners of the well-established antisymmetric Ξc+(c[su])\Xi_c^+(c[su]) and Ξc0(c[sd])\Xi_c^0(c[sd]). The mass differences M(Ξc+)M(Ξc+)M(\Xi_c^{+\prime})-M(\Xi_c^+) and M(Ξc0)M(Ξc0)M(\Xi_c^{0\prime})-M(\Xi_c^0) are measured to be 107.8±1.7±2.5107.8\pm 1.7\pm 2.5 and 107.0±1.4±2.5MeV/c2107.0\pm 1.4\pm 2.5 MeV/c^2, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Further Search for the Two-Photon Production of the Glueball Candidate fJ(2220)f_{J}(2220)

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    The CLEOII detector at the Cornell e+ e- storage ring CESR has been used to search for the two-photon production of the fJ(2220)f_J(2220) decaying into pi+ pi-. No evidence for a signal is found in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.77/fb and a 95% CL upper limit on ΓtwophotonBRpi+pi\Gamma_{two-photon} * BR{pi+ pi-} of 2.5 eV is set. If this result is combined with the BES Collaboration's measurement of fJ(2220)>pi+pif_J(2220) -> pi+ pi- in radiative J/ψJ/\psi decay, a 95% CL lower limit on the stickiness of the fJ(2220)f_J(2220) of 73 is obtained. If the recent CLEO result for \Gamma_{two-photon} * BR{\K_S K_S} is combined with the present result, the stickiness of the fJ(2220)f_J(2220) is found to be larger than 102 at the 95% CL. These results for the stickiness (the ratio of the probabilities for two-gluon coupling and two-photon coupling) provide further support for a substantial neutral parton content in the fJ(2220)f_J(2220).Comment: 8 pages, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Measurement of the BˉDνˉ\bar{B}\to D\ell\bar{\nu} Partila Width and Form Factor Parameters

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    We have studied the decay BˉDνˉ\bar{B} \to D\ell\bar{\nu}, where =eorμ\ell=e or \mu. From a fit to the differential decay rate dΓ/dwd\Gamma/dw we measure the rate normalization FD(1)Vcb{\cal F}_D(1)|V_{cb}| and form factor slope ρ^D2\hat{\rho}^2_D, and, using measured values of τB\tau_B, find Γ(BˉDνˉ)=(12.0±0.9±2.1)ns1\Gamma(\bar{B} \to D\ell\bar{\nu}) = (12.0 \pm 0.9 \pm 2.1) ns^{-1}. The resulting branching fractions are B(Bˉ0D+νˉ)=(1.87±0.15±0.32){\cal B}(\bar{B}^0 \to D^+\ell^-\bar{\nu})=(1.87 \pm 0.15 \pm 0.32)% and B(BD0νˉ)=(1.94±0.15±0.34){\cal B}(B^- \to D^0\ell^-\bar{\nu})=(1.94 \pm 0.15 \pm 0.34)%. The form factor parameters are in agreement with those measured in BˉDνˉ\bar{B} \to D^*\ell\bar{\nu} decays, as predicted by heavy quark effective theory.Comment: 11 pages, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Limit on Tau Neutrino Mass from τππ+ππ0ντ\tau^{-}\to \pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}\nu_{\tau}

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    From a data sample of 29058 τ±π±π+ππ0ντ\tau^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\nu_\tau decays observed in the CLEO detector we derive a 95% confidence upper limit on the tau neutrino mass of 28 MeV.Comment: 17 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Search for the Decay τ4pi3π+(π0)ντ\tau^{-}\to 4pi^{-}3\pi^{+}(\pi^{0})\nu_{\tau}

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    We have searched for the decay of the tau lepton into seven charged particles and zero or one pi0. The data used in the search were collected with the CLEO II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.61 fb^(-1). No evidence for a signal is found. Assuming all the charged particles are pions, we set an upper limit on the branching fraction, B(tau- -> 4pi- 3pi+ (pi0) nu_tau) < 2.4 x 10^(-6) at the 90% confidence level. This limit represents a significant improvement over the previous limit.Comment: 9 page postscript file, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN