11 research outputs found

    Concept of Suicide: Neurophysiological/Genetic Theories and Possible Oxytocin Relevance

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    The suicidal behavior is regarded as the act by which a person seeks to take his life, being aware of the consequences of his action. In our review, besides describing the main introductory aspects for the concept of suicide, we focus our attention on the main neurophysiological and genetical mechanisms relevant for this extremely difficult to manage and controversial behavior. Moreover, considering the latest interests in the current literature on the relevance of central oxytocin to various superior cognitive behaviors, we will also make a short description on how important effects of oxytocin could be in the context of suicidal behavior.Суїцидальна поведінка – це дії, в результаті яких особа намагається позбавити себе життя, усвідомлюючи наслідки таких дій. У даному огляді, окрім опису основних загальних аспектів концепції суїциду, ми концентрували увагу на основних нейрофізіологічних та генетичних аспектах, котрі мають відношення до цього вкрай важко контрольованого та повного протиріч типу поведінки. Окрім того, враховуючи велику цікавість, яку викликає в сучасній літературі задіяність центральної окситоцинової системи в контроль когнітивної поведінки вищих типів, ми надали короткий опис того, наскільки ефекти окситоцину можуть бути важливими в контексті суїцидальної поведінки

    Pinna-related transfer functions and lossless wave equation using finite-difference methods: Verification and asymptotic solution

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    A common approach when employing discrete mathematical models is to assess the reliability and credibility of the computation of interest through a process known as solution verification. Present-day computed head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) seem to lack robust and reliable assessments of the numerical errors embedded in the results which makes validation of wave-based models difficult. This process requires a good understanding of the involved sources of error which are systematically reviewed here. The current work aims to quantify the pinna-related high-frequency computational errors in the context of HRTFs and wave-based simulations with finite-difference models. As a prerequisite for solution verification, code verification assesses the reliability of the proposed implementation. In this paper, known and manufactured formal solutions are used and tailored for the wave equation and frequency-independent boundary conditions inside a rectangular room of uniform acoustic wall-impedance. Asymptotic estimates for pinna acoustics are predicted in the frequency domain based on regression models and a convergence study on sub-millimeter grids. Results show an increasing uncertainty with frequency and a significant frequency-dependent change among computations on different grids

    Self-efficacy in breastfeeding support: a research on Italian midwifery students.

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    Background and aim of the study: Maternal breastmilk represents the best nourishment for the newborn baby during its first six months, as it offers several benefits for the health and well-being of babies and mothers. In order to promote, protect and support effectively mother and child during breastfeeding, it is essential for midwives to be properly educated and to acquire highly professionalizing skills. This study aimed to evaluate the level of self-efficacy of the students attending the Degree Course of Midwifery, regarding the support of mother and child in breastfeeding. Method: A questionnaire of 37 items (Blackmanet al, 2015) validated in Italian by Mazzeo Melchionda (2019), was sent on-line to students of ten different Midwifery Degree Courses to assess their level of self-efficacy regarding the management of breastfeeding. Statistical analysis was carried out using statistic software R3.4.3 (The Foundation for Statistical Computing). Results: 158 questionnaires were collected from ten Italian Midwifery Degree Courses. The areas in which students showed a high level of self-efficacy in managing breastfeeding include: the benefits of breastfeeding; the child’s tendency to take the breast within an hour from childbirth and the relevance of skin to skin contact and rooming-in. Low levels of self-efficacy concerned the comfortably breastfeeding in public places and avoiding giving formula to the baby in its first six weeks of life. Conclusions: Generally the students attending Midwifery Degree Courses show a high level of self-efficacy in assisting mothers during breastfeeding and they prove to have a good knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding to improve the health of mothers and their children. (www.actabiomedica.it)