24 research outputs found

    Number Sequences in an Integral Form with a Generalized Convolution Property and Somos-4 Hankel Determinants

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    MSC 2010: 11B83, 05A19, 33C45This paper is dealing with the Hankel determinants of the special number sequences given in an integral form. We show that these sequences satisfy a generalized convolution property and the Hankel determinants have the generalized Somos-4 property. Here, we recognize well known number sequences such as: the Fibonacci, Catalan, Motzkin and SchrÄoder sequences, like special cases

    Silicon Differently Affects Apoplastic Binding of Excess Boron in Wheat and Sunflower Leaves

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    Monocots and dicots differ in their boron (B) requirement, but also in their capacity to accumulate silicon (Si). Although an ameliorative effect of Si on B toxicity has been reported in various crops, differences among monocots and dicots are not clear, in particular in light of their ability to retain B in the leaf apoplast. In hydroponic experiments under controlled conditions, we studied the role of Si in the compartmentation of B within the leaves of wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) as a model of a high-Si monocot and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as a model of a low-Si dicot, with the focus on the leaf apoplast. The stable isotopes 10B and 11B were used to investigate the dynamics of cell wall B binding capacity. In both crops, the application of Si did not affect B concentration in the root, but significantly decreased the B concentration in the leaves. However, the application of Si differently influenced the binding capacity of the leaf apoplast for excess B in wheat and sunflower. In wheat, whose capacity to retain B in the leaf cell walls is lower than in sunflower, the continuous supply of Si is crucial for an enhancement of high B tolerance in the shoot. On the other hand, the supply of Si did not contribute significantly in the extension of the B binding sites in sunflower leaves. © 2023 by the authors

    Silicon Differently Affects Apoplastic Binding of Excess Boron in Wheat and Sunflower Leaves

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    Monocots and dicots differ in their boron (B) requirement, but also in their capacity to accumulate silicon (Si). Although an ameliorative effect of Si on B toxicity has been reported in various crops, differences among monocots and dicots are not clear, in particular in light of their ability to retain B in the leaf apoplast. In hydroponic experiments under controlled conditions, we studied the role of Si in the compartmentation of B within the leaves of wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) as a model of a high-Si monocot and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as a model of a low-Si dicot, with the focus on the leaf apoplast. The stable isotopes 10B and 11B were used to investigate the dynamics of cell wall B binding capacity. In both crops, the application of Si did not affect B concentration in the root, but significantly decreased the B concentration in the leaves. However, the application of Si differently influenced the binding capacity of the leaf apoplast for excess B in wheat and sunflower. In wheat, whose capacity to retain B in the leaf cell walls is lower than in sunflower, the continuous supply of Si is crucial for an enhancement of high B tolerance in the shoot. On the other hand, the supply of Si did not contribute significantly in the extension of the B binding sites in sunflower leaves

    Zn concentrations in wheat grains along the gradient of native Zn soil availability in Serbia

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential microelement for plants and also an important nutritional and health factor in humans. As a consequence of low Zn availability in soils, nearly half of the world's population suffers from Zn malnutrition. Zn deficiency has serious implications for human health (e.g. impairments in physical development, immune system, brain function and learning ability) and thus for the overall economy of a country; it is most severe in nations who depend on cereals as the main staple food. A critical Zn concentration in the whole grain for humans that depend on cereal based diets is 24 mg kg-1 dry matter. Research focused on increase of Zn content in cereals (biofortification), is the strategic priority in many countries. In Serbia however, the awareness of this problem is lacking, and no systematic survey of Zn availability in soi ls and concentrations in cereal grains has been undertaken so far. Our study included 156 grain samples of the two major bread wheat varieties (Simonida and NS 40S) collected at 89 localities throughout Serbia. We analyzed soil pH, available Zn and grain Zn concentration together by principle component analysis and multiple linear regression. Wheat varieties did not differ in ability to accumulate Zn in grains. Both soil pH and available Zn concentration were the nominally significant predictors for grain Zn concentration and explained about 12 and 9% of the encountered variation, respectively. Zn concentration below the critical limit (24 mg kg-1) was found in 58% of grain samples (values in the range 11-61 mg kg-1, median only 21.3 mg kg-1), while in only 14% of soil samples the available Zn was below the critical value (05 mg kg-1). The most severe lack of Zn in grains (below 18 mg kg-1) was observed in samples from the major production regions of bread wheat (e.g. Pancevo, Vrbas and Sremska Mitrovica). The alarming results of this survey indicate that Serbia urgently needs a strategy for Zn biofortification, primarily through a breeding program to enhance Zn efficiency as a sustainable alternative to application of Zn fertilizers

    Cash and Cash Management Aspects

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    Financial management of working capital and short-term obligations is required, inter alia, to enable the company to determine essential, optimal volument net working capital. Elementary positions include working capital, as is known, the assets or cash, short-term investments in securities, trade receivables and various forms of stock, while the short-term liabilities consist of accounts payable for the purchased raw materials, ukalkulisanih commitment against current operating costs and short-term bank loans, or loans of other economic organizations. Effective management of these individual forms of current assets and current liabilities is very important from the standpoint of maximizing profitability, liquidity and security companies. The aim of this paper is to clarify the key determinants of cash and cash management. Generally speaking, the term refers to cash so. "Effective money”, ie. the banknotes and coins of a country designated as its legal tender, which is in the hands of individuals and legal entities in one country (except bank which issued them - central banks). The importance of cash is reflected in the role it plays in providing a continuous (ongoing) financial solvency of business entities. To the current financial solvency could provide, it is the right time to have a sufficient amount of cash

    Pareto Analysis Applied in Business Usage Case Study " Tigar Tyres" Pirot, Serbia

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    Compounds for tyres production, as well as all other production processes, is exposed to the risk of stoppages in the course of the whole process. In order to prevent such disfunction, it is highly important for the enterprise to have a suitable maintenance and control service, to conduct preventive activities, to use research techniques and tools so as to prevent anomalies in production.This paper demonstrates a simple technique to use for identifying the main causes of stoppages in compounds for tyres production in Tigar Tyres Company in Pirot. ISO 9004-4 lists 11 tools and techniques for quality improvement. Pareto diagram is of one of them and it is especially important for achieving, monitoring and improving the quality of production, processes and services in terms of displaying, according to importance, the contribution of each member to the whole, as well as to rank the possibilities for improvement.In this paper, Pareto analysis is applied through the example of monitoring the process rationalization in compounds for tyres production, through monitoring breakdowns by type and the time necessary for their repair

    Polymorphisms of Antioxidant Enzymes SOD2 (rs4880) and GPX1 (rs1050450) Are Associated with Bladder Cancer Risk or Its Aggressiveness

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    Background and Objectives: Oxidative stress induced by increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production plays an important role in carcinogenesis. The entire urinary tract is continuously exposed to numerous potentially mutagenic environmental agents which generate ROS during their biotransformation. In first line defense against free radicals, antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD2) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) both have essential roles. Altered enzyme activity and decreased ability of neutralizing free oxygen radicals as a consequence of genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding these two enzymes are well described so far. This study aimed to investigate the association of GPX1 (rs1050450) and SOD2 (rs4880) genetic variants with the urothelial bladder cancer (UBC) risk independently and in combination with smoking. Furthermore, we aimed to determine whether the UBC stage and pathological grade were influenced by GPX1 and SOD2 polymorphisms. Material and Methods: The study population included 330 patients with UBC (mean age 65 ± 10.3 years) and 227 respective controls (mean age 63.4 ± 7.9 years). Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of GPX1 (rs1050450) was analyzed using the PCR-RFLP, while SOD2 (rs4880) SNP was analyzed using the q-PCR method. Results: Our results showed that UBC risk was significantly increased among carriers of at least one variant SOD2 Val allele compared to the SOD2 Ala16Ala homozygotes (OR = 1.55, p = 0.03). Moreover, this risk was even more pronounced in smokers with at least one variant SOD2 Val allele, since they have even 7.5 fold higher UBC risk (OR = 7.5, p GPX1 polymorphism, we have not found an association with UBC risk. However, GPX1 genotypes distribution differed significantly according to the tumor stage (p ˂ 0.049) and pathohistological grade (p ˂ 0.018). Conclusion: We found that SOD2 genetic polymorphism is associated with the risk of UBC development independently and in combination with cigarette smoking. Furthermore, we showed that GPX1 genetic polymorphism is associated with the aggressiveness of the disease

    Repetitive Hyperbaric Oxygenation Attenuates Reactive Astrogliosis and Suppresses Expression of Inflammatory Mediators in the Rat Model of Brain Injury

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    The exact mechanisms by which treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) exerts its beneficial effects on recovery after brain injury are still unrevealed. Therefore, in this study we investigated the influence of repetitive HBOT on the reactive astrogliosis and expression of mediators of inflammation after cortical stab injury (CSI). CSI was performed on male Wistar rats, divided into control, sham, and lesioned groups with appropriate HBO. The HBOT protocol was as follows: 10 minutes of slow compression, 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA) for 60 minutes, and 10 minutes of slow decompression, once a day for 10 consecutive days. Data obtained using real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot, and immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analyses revealed that repetitive HBOT applied after the CSI attenuates reactive astrogliosis and glial scarring, and reduces expression of GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein), vimentin, and ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) both at gene and tissue levels. In addition, HBOT prevents expression of CD40 and its ligand CD40L on microglia, neutrophils, cortical neurons, and reactive astrocytes. Accordingly, repetitive HBOT, by prevention of glial scarring and limiting of expression of inflammatory mediators, supports formation of more permissive environment for repair and regeneration