26 research outputs found

    Antiproliferative and antimigratory effects of 3-(4-substituted benzyl)-5-isopropyl-5-phenylhydantoin derivatives in human breast cancer cells

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    In this study, a series of synthesized 3-(4-substituted benzyl)-5-isopropyl-5-phenylhydantoin derivatives as a potential antiproliferative and antimigratory agents were investigated. The possible antitumor mechanisms of investigated hydantoin derivatives were examined on human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. The cells were treated with different concentrations of compounds (from 0.01 mu M to 100 mu M) during 24 h and 72 h. The proliferation index, nitric oxide production, apoptosis rate, and migration capacity were measured. The cell invasion potential was examined by measuring the level of MMP-9 and COX-2 gene expression. All tested compounds expressed antiproliferative activity and induced dose- and time-dependent increase in the level of nitrites. The investigated molecules significantly decreased cell survival rate, migration capacity and the expression levels of genes included in the process of tumor invasion. Obtained data suggest that the tested hydantoin derivatives express considerable antitumor activity by reducing cell division rate, elevating apoptosis level, and inhibiting the motility and invasiveness of breast cancer cells. The results obtained in this study indicate that investigated compounds express potential as a novel chemotherapeutic agents against breast cancer growth and progression. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University


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    After surveying the existing teaching and research installations with Pelton turbines worldwide, it was concluded that there are no appropriate laboratory installations with a two-nozzle-Pelton turbine. Therefore, the design, techno-economic analysis and construction of one such laboratory installation have been conducted, where all the necessary energy characteristics of Pelton turbines will be tested. This adaptable installation can be used for various researches in order to determine numerous influential geometrical parameters with the aim of optimizing the construction of such type of hydraulic turbines. In addition to presenting the conceptual solution of the installation, the modeling and production of vital parts of the Pelton turbine, applying modern engineering recommendations and techniques are given in the paper.Nakon sagledavnja postojećih nastavno-istraživačkih instalacija sa Pelton turbinama u svetu, utvrđeno je da ne postoje odgovarajuće laboratorijske instalacije sa dvomlaznom Pelton turbinom. Stoga se pristupilo projektovanju, tehno-ekonomskoj analizi i izradi jedne takve laboratorijske instalacije na kojoj bi se ispitivale sve potrebne energetske karakteristike Pelton turbine. Predviđena instalacija je adaptibilnog tipa na kojoj se mogu raditi raznovrsna istraživanja u cilju određivanja brojnih uticajnih geometrijskih parametara na optimizaciju konstrukcije ovog tipa hidrauličkih turbina. U radu je, pored prikaza idejnog rešenja instalacije, dato modeliranje i izrada vitalnih delova Pelton turbine primenjujući savremene inženjerske preporuke i tehnike

    Analysis of training load and performance in designing smart bodyweight power training: effects of set structure in vertical jumping sessions

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of set structures in designing bodyweight power training (BWPT). Specifically, we compared the effects of the cluster set structure undulating variant (CSSUV) and the traditional set structure (TSS) on training load and performance during vertical jumping sessions. Sixteen active males participated in this study. We designed four training sessions that consisted of 144 countermovement jumps distributed into 12 sets, where the number of repetitions varied for the CSSUV sessions, whereas for TSS sessions the number of repetitions was fixed. In addition, both of the applied set structures included sessions with short (60 seconds) and long rest periods (120 seconds), while training volume was separately analysed for the first six sets (small volume) and the last six sets (large volume). External load, internal load, and performance variables were calculated. The results suggest that CSSUV allows superior utilization of applied external load, reduction of internal load and overall higher performances that are maintained during entire training session compared to TSS (p<.05). The present study provides important findings about advantages of CSSUV over TSS in terms of external load, internal load, and performances during vertical jumping sessions, and therefore, it might be more suitable approach to designing BWPT

    Vitamin B Complex Treatment Attenuates Local Inflammation after Peripheral Nerve Injury.

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    Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) leads to a series of cellular and molecular events necessary for axon regeneration and reinnervation of target tissues, among which inflammation is crucial for the orchestration of all these processes. Macrophage activation underlies the pathogenesis of PNI and is characterized by morphological/phenotype transformation from proinflammatory (M1) to an anti-inflammatory (M2) type with different functions in the inflammatory and reparative process. The aim of this study was to evaluate influence of the vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12) complex on the process of neuroinflammation that is in part regulated by l-type CaV1.2 calcium channels. A controlled transection of the motor branch of the femoral peripheral nerve was used as an experimental model. Animals were sacrificed after 1, 3, 7, and 14 injections of vitamin B complex. Isolated nerves were used for immunofluorescence analysis. Treatment with vitamin B complex decreased expression of proinflammatory and increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, thus contributing to the resolution of neuroinflammation. In parallel, B vitamins decreased the number of M1 macrophages that expressed the CaV1.2 channel, and increased the number of M2 macrophages that expressed this channel, suggesting their role in M1/M2 transition after PNI. In conclusion, B vitamins had the potential for treatment of neuroinflammation and neuroregeneration and thereby might be an effective therapy for PNI in humans

    Pouzdanost modifikovanog kliničkog testa uticaja senzornih interakcija na posturalnu stabilnost sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina

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    Based on the literature, reports about bilateral stance assessments based on force plate measurements in elementary schoolchildren and athletes are limited. The present study was designed to report reliability values for postural stability in 10 to 12 years old athletes using the Balance Master system. Twenty young athletes who regularly practice their sport activities at least three times per week, participated in the reproducibility study (mean age 11.4±1.0). The modified clinical test of sensory interaction on balance (mCT­SIB) quantified children's static standing balance. Intraclass correlation and Cronbach's alpha coefficients for three repeated measures reliability of the four sensory conditions of the mCTSIB showed good to excellent reliability, ranged between 0.772 and 0.949. Reproducibility was assessed with one way ANOVA with replication and non statistical differences among three measurements were recorded. Based on the obtained findings, it could be concluded that applied tests can be used in reliable assessment of standing balance in 10 to 12 age athletes. .Kratak naslov: Statička posturalna stabilnost sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina. Na osnovu pregleda literature, može se zaključiti da o primeni kompjuterizovane posturografije u proceni posturalnog statusa dece i sportista nema dovoljno podataka. Zbog toga je osmišljeno istraživanje kojim je ispitana pouzdanost testa za procenu posturalnog statusa sportista uzrasta 10 do 12 godina, pri­menom kompjuterizovane posturografije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 40 dečaka starosti 11,4 (±1.0) godina, koji se aktivno (bar tri puta nedeljno) bave nekim sportom. Za procenu sposobnosti održavanja posturalne stabilnosti, korišćen je tzv. modifikovani klinički test uticaja senzornih informacija na ravnotežu. Intraklas korelacioni koeficijent i krombah alfa koeficijent za tri ponovljena merenja bili su u intervalu od 0,772 do 0,949. Ponovljivost testa proveravana je jednofaktorskom analizom varijanse sa ponavljanjem za tri uzastopna merenja i nisu dobijene statistički značajne razlike. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su evaluirani testovi za procenu posturalne stabilnosti pouzdani, te se mogu koristiti u proceni ravnoteže kod sportista uzrasta od 10 do 12 godina

    Anthropometric and Physical Performance Profiles of Elite Karate Kumite and Kata Competitors

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    Karate tournaments consist of two equally important karate disciplines: the kumite and kata competitions. Due to being based both on the distinctive selection of movement techniques and their kinematic and kinetic patterns, we hypothesized that the elite kumite and kata competitors could differ regarding their anthropometric and physical performance profiles. Thirty-one senior male karate competitors of the national karate team (kumite n = 19; kata n = 12) participated in this study. The tests applied included both the assessment of anthropometric (body height, mass and body mass index) and the following physical performance measurements: the adductor and hamstring flexibility (sideward leg splits test), speed and acceleration (20-m sprint test with 10-m acceleration time), explosive power (countermovement and standing triple jump), agility ("T"- test) and aerobic endurance (20-m multistage shuttle run test). The kumite competitors revealed a larger body size through body height (p = 0.01) and mass (p = 0.03), while the differences in body composition were non-significant. The kumite competitors also demonstrated higher acceleration (p = 0.03) and explosive power (standing triple jump; p = 0.03). A 6-7 degrees higher flexibility of the kata competitors remained somewhat below the level of significance (p = 0.09). The findings could be interpreted by the distinctive differences in the movement techniques. Specifically, a higher explosive power could be beneficial for kumite, while both a smaller stature and higher flexibility (particularly of the lower extremity) could be important for the exceptionally low postures of the kata competitors. Although further elucidation is apparently needed, the obtained finding could be of importance for both the early selection and training of karate competitors

    Stable, environmentally friendly and inexpensive biocatalysts for obtaining important ingredients applicable in the food industry

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    Clays are naturally occurring, environmentally friendly, chemically inert, thermostable, inexpensive resources that are easily modified into materials with tailored properties. As such, they can be used as suitable supports for enzyme immobilization and application in the food industry. Natural polysaccharides starch, xylan, pullulan, and its derivatives obtained by the action of enzymes, have numerous potentials for food industrial applications. In this work the enzyme supports were prepared from bentonite from Coal mine "Bogovina", Serbia by acid activation (AA), pillaring (P), and pillaring followed by acid activation (PAA). The characterization of the obtained materials included chemical and phase composition, surface acidity, and textural properties. After characterization, -amylase from Bacillus paralicheniformis (BliAmy), commercial xylanase from Sigma-Aldrich (Xyl), and pullulanase from B. paralicheniformis (BliPull) were immobilized on bentonite based supports by 24 h adsorption at 25 °C. The obtained biocatalysts BliAmy-AA (106 IU/g), Xyl-P (74 IU/g), and BliPull-PAA (45 IU/g) showed very good storage stability with the activity preserved after 4 weeks of testing. Products of hydrolysis were detected by TLC and indicate a promising application in the food industry