140 research outputs found


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    Each human being has different life journey and experiences. In this life, sometimes there are times when people feel happiness, excitement, joy, the warmth of love, and perfection. However, there are also times when people feel the opposite, such as falling into ruin, sadness, sorrow, grief, pain and suffering. When people feel one of all those things, they need the touches of others in order to share and get through it. One of the touches that people really need is love

    Digital to synchro converter

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    A digital-to-synchro converter is provided where a binary input code specifies a desired shaft angle and where an resolver type position transducer is employed with additional circuitry to generate a shaft position error signal indicative of the angular difference between the desired shaft angle and the actual shaft angle. The additional circuitry corrects for known and calculated errors in the shaft position detection process and equipment


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    ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan dunia teknologi yang sangat pesat terutama dalam bidang jaringan komputer membuat setiap orang bisa saling terhubung lewat internet, sehingga memudahkan proses pengiriman dan pengaksesan media digital, seperti citra digital, audio digital, video digital, dll. Dengan adanya kemudahan dalam menyebarkan informasi digital, diperlukan sebuah sistem keamanan yang dapat melindungi hak cipta (copyright) seseorang agar tidak dapat disalahgunakan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Salah satu teknik yang dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah digital watermarking.Teknik digital watermarking didasarkan pada penyisipan data informasi tambahan (disebut watermark) ke dalam digital content. Idealnya, watermark yang disisipkan tidak dapat disadari oleh manusia keberadaanya (imperceptibility) dan kuat (robustness) melawan berbagai manipulasi.Pada tugas akhir ini, watermarking citra dilakukan dalam domain contourlet Transform. Di mana contourlet Transform lebih efektif dalam mewakili kontur halus di berbagai arah dari satu gambar. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah menganalisis performansi watermarking citra dengan metode contourlet Transform. Performansi tersebut di analisis berdasarkan serangan-serangan yg ditimbulkan seperti rotate, resize, noise salt n pepperKata Kunci : Watermarking, Citra, Contourlet Transform, laplacian Pyramid,ABSTRACT: The development of the technology world very rapidly, especially in the field of computer networks to make everyone can connect to each other via internet, thus facilitate the process of sending and accessing digital media, such as digital image, digital audio, digital video, etc. With the ease of distributing digital information, needed a security system that can protect the copyright a person in order not to be misused by parties who are not responsible one of the techniques development to overcome this problem is digital watermarking.Digital watermarking technique is based on data embedding additional information into digital content. Ideally, the inserted watermark can not berealized by imperceptibility and robustness againt various manipulations.In this final project, image watermarking is done in contourlet transform. where contourlet transform more effective in representation the smooth contours in different directions from one image. The final result are expected from this final project task is to analyze the performance of image watermarking method contourlet transform. performace in the analyze based attacks such embossed ratate, resize noise salt n pepperKeyword: Watermarking, Image, Contourlet Transform, Laplacian Pyramida

    Noise Performance of the CrIS Instrument

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    The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is a spaceborne Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) that was launched into orbit on 28 October 2011 onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite. CrIS is a sophisticated sounding sensor that accurately measures upwelling infrared radiance at high spectral resolution. Data obtained from this sensor are used for atmospheric profiles retrieval and assimilation by numerical weather prediction models. Optimum vertical sounding resolution is achieved with high spectral resolution and multiple spectral channels; however, this can lead to increased noise. The CrIS instrument is designed to overcome this problem. Noise Equivalent Differential Radiance (NEdN) is one of the key parameters of the Sensor Data Record product. The CrIS on-orbit NEdN surpassesmission requirements with margin and has comparable or better performance when compared to heritage hyperspectral sensors currently on orbit. This paper describes CrIS noise performance through the characterization of the sensor’s NEdN and compares it to calibration data obtained during ground test. In addition, since FTS sensors can be affected by vibration that leads to spectrally correlated noise on top of the random noise inherent to infrared detectors, this paper also characterizes the CrIS NEdN with respect to the correlated noise contribution to the total NEdN. Lastly, the noise estimated from the imaginary part of the complex FTS spectra is extremely useful to assess andmonitor in-flight FTS sensor health. Preliminary results on the imaginary spectra noise analysis are also presented

    Neoadjuvant in situ gene-mediated cytotoxic immunotherapy improves postoperative outcomes in novel syngeneic esophageal carcinoma models

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    Esophageal carcinoma is the most rapidly increasing tumor in the United States and has a dismal 15% 5-year survival. Immunotherapy has been proposed to improve patient outcomes; however, no immunocompetent esophageal carcinoma model exists to date to test this approach. We developed two mouse models of esophageal cancer by inoculating immunocompetent mice with syngeneic esophageal cell lines transformed by cyclin-D1 or mutant HRASG12V and loss of p53. Similar to humans, surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) demonstrated limited efficacy. Gene-mediated cyototoxic immunotherapy (adenoviral vector carrying the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene in combination with the prodrug ganciclovir; AdV-tk/GCV) demonstrated high levels of in vitro transduction and efficacy. Using in vivo syngeneic esophageal carcinoma models, combining surgery, chemotherapy and AdV-tk/GCV improved survival (P=0.007) and decreased disease recurrence (P<0.001). Mechanistic studies suggested that AdV-tk/GCV mediated a direct cytotoxic effect and an increased intra-tumoral trafficking of CD8 T cells (8.15% vs 14.89%, P=0.02). These data provide the first preclinical evidence that augmenting standard of care with immunotherapy may improve outcomes in the management of esophageal carcinoma
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