3 research outputs found

    Sviluppo di modelli FEM 3D per analisi dei fenomeni elettromagnetici peculiari nelle macchine sincrone

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    L'argomento trattato è la modellazione di un turboalternatore da 470 MVA, si realizzerà un modello 3D che verrà usato poi per il calcolo numerico dei fenomeni elettromagnetici quali correnti parassite, flusso disperso alle testate e forze elettromagneticche dovute alla componente assiale del campo, la difficoltà nella modellazione consiste nel gestire la complessità reale delka macchina e adottare semplificazioni in modo da rendere un modello che non richiede molta onerosita di calcolo e che rappresenti in maniera affidabile I fenomeni

    Segmented Hairpin Topology for Reduced Losses at High Frequency Operations

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    Nowadays, one of the key challenges in transport electrification is the reduction of components’ size and weight. The electrical machine plays a relevant role in this regard. Designing machines with higher rotational speeds and excitation frequencies is one of the most effective solutions to increase power densities, but this comes at the cost of increased losses in cores and windings. This challenge is even more pronounced in preformed windings, such as hairpins, which enable higher slot fill factors and shorten manufacturing cycle times. In this work an improved hairpin winding concept is proposed, aiming to minimize high-frequency losses while maintaining the benefits deriving from the implementation of hairpin windings onto electrical machines. Analytical and finite element models are first used to assess the high-frequency losses in the proposed winding concept, namely the segmented hairpin, proving the benefits compared to conventional layouts. Experimental tests are also performed on a number of motorettes comprising both conventional and proposed segmented hairpin configurations. Finally, these experimental results are compared against those collected from motorettes equipped with random windings, demonstrating the competitiveness of the segmented hairpin layout even at high-frequency operations. © 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper reflects only the author's view. JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Experimental statistical method predicting AC losses on random windings and PWM effect evaluation

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    Nowadays, one of the challenges in transport electrification is the reduction of the components’ size and weight in order to improve the power density. This is often achieved by designing electrical machines with higher rotational speeds and excitation frequencies. In addition, the converter needs to control the machine over a wide speed range given by the mission profile. Therefore, copper losses can significantly increase due to the combination of high frequency excitation and the harmonics introduced by the converter .The winding arrangement design plays a key role in the minimization of the copper losses. This paper presents an in depth study on AC losses in random windings for high frequency motor applications. An analytical method is compared against 2-D Finite Element (FE) simulation results. These are then compared to experimental measurements taken on a custom motorette. Importantly, in order to take into account the random positions of each strand within the machine slots, an Experimental Statistic Method (ESM) is proposed. The ESM allows to define the probability distribution which is useful to evaluate the winding copper losses at the design stage. The contribution of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) effect is also considered and experimentally evaluated. IEE