14 research outputs found

    B782: Performance Evaluations of Potato Clones and Varieties in the Northeastern States 1981

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    Cooperative variety trials were conducted at 33 locations to determine field, storage, and processing behavior of selected potato clones and varieties when grown under soil, climatic, and cultural conditions common to the potato growing areas of 12 cooperating States and the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. These trials are all contributions to Regional Project NE107 entitled, Breeding and Evaluation of New Potato Clones in the Northeast Area.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1123/thumbnail.jp

    B814: Performance Evaluations of Potato Clones and Varieties in the Northeastern States - 1985

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    New potato clones and varieties must be tested against commercially accepted cultivars to determine If they possess advantages over existing varieties. Possible Improvements over the existing varieties could Include greater disease resistance or tolerance, higher yield, more uniform tuber size distribution, Improved storagability, good processing characteristics, etc. Often new cultivars are sought to fill local special-purpose needs. The cooperative potato variety trials reported In this bulletin were conducted to provide Information on the performance, adaptation, and performance stability of new potato clones under a wide range of geographic, climatic, soil, and cultural conditions. These tests are contributions to Regional Project NE-107 entitled, Breeding and Evaluation of New Potato Clones for the Northeast. The objectives of this regional project are: 1). To develop high quality, widely adapted, productive, pest resistant potato varieties for use In the northeast; 2). To determine regional performance, quality, and storage characteristics for promising potato clones and new varieties; 3). To evaluate promising clones and varieties for special-purpose needs such as pest outbreaks, processing, export, specialized market opportunities and/or production situations; 4). To develop management practices such as plant population, fertilizer rate, disease, weed, and Insect control strategies that will I Improve the yield and/or quality of promising clones. Data presented In this report primarily address objectives 2 and 3.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1118/thumbnail.jp

    B801: Performance Evaluations of Potato Clones and Varieties in the Northeastern States 1983

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    Cooperative potato clone and variety trials were conducted at 23 locations to determine field, storage, and processing behavior of selected clones and varieties grown under soil, climatic, and cultural management common to the potato growing areas of 13 cooperating states and the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. These tests are all contributions to Regional Project NE107 entitled, Breeding and Evaluation of New Potato Clones for the Northeast. The primary objective of this project is to determine clone stability over a wide range of soil, climate, and cultural conditions.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1119/thumbnail.jp