136 research outputs found

    Pathology of sea turtles <i>Caretta caretta</i> found on the coast of Apulia (south Italy)

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    On the basis of the most recent scientific literature, little is known on sea turtle renal pathology, as most published data mainly regard tortoises. The authors examined 49 carcasses of sea turtles belonging to the species Caretta caretta, stranded on the coasts of Apulia (South Italy). The subjects were classified by species and gender, weighed, morphometrical assessed, and submitted to pathological and bacteriological examinations

    First evidence of intersex condition in extensively reared mullets from Sardinian lagoons (central–western Mediterranean, Italy)

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    The term intersex describes alterations in gonadal development with the simultaneous presence of male and female reproductive stages in the same gonad of a gonochoristic species. In coastal and estuarine environments, euryhaline fish living in polluted waters such as Mugilidae can frequently show these sexual anomalies. In this work, we analysed adult specimens of three species of euryhaline mullets (Chelon labrosus, Liza aurata and Mugil cephalus) from two Sardinian lagoons (Marceddì and San Teodoro) devoted to extensive aquacultural practices, in order to identify putative alterations in gonads and in gamete development. Overall, 13 of the 158 mullets examined (8.2%) were affected by gonadal disorders: four subjects (one C. labrosus, two L. aurata and one M. cephalus) exhibiting an intersex condition were found in the Marceddì lagoon and the other nine (five C. labrosus, two L. aurata and two M. cephalus) in the San Teodoro lagoon. Twelve of these gonads were classified as testis-ova (TOs) and one, belonging to a C. labrosus specimen, was a mixed gonadal tissue (MGT). Intersex condition was evaluated using an intersex index and all the recorded values showed a mild Ovotestis Severity Index (OSI). However, our findings suggest that fish gonadal disorders may be underestimated in extensive reared fish species, particularly in coastal brackish environments polluted by intensive agriculture and animal husbandry activities

    <i>Mycobacterium chelonae</i> associated with tumor-like skin and oral masses in farmed Russian sturgeons (<i>Acipenser gueldenstaedtii</i>)

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    Background: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria responsible for piscine mycobacteriosis usually produce visceral granulomas in both freshwater and marine species. In this study, the first occurrence of Mycobacterium chelonae associated with tumor-like lesions in the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is reported. Fifteen sturgeons from an Italian fish farm showing skin and oral cauliflower-like masses were investigated by histopathology, bacterial culture and molecular analyses. Results: A total of 20 masses different in size located in the mouth and in pectoral and caudal fins (characterized by abundant calcium deposits and by mild to moderate granulomatous inflammation) were observed with a significant different degree of histological severity. All internal organs of the fish were negative for mycobacteria, Ziehl-Neelsen was positive in only one of the oral masses, whereas bacterial and PCR analyses detected the presence of M. chelonae for almost all the skin and oral masses. Based on these results, a calcinosis of dystrophic origin associated with a chronic granulomatous inflammation was considered as a primary diagnosis consequent to tissue injury in areas susceptible to trauma. Conclusions: We hypothesized that the occurrence of M. chelonae in farmed sturgeons was only a secondary event related to its presence in a stressful rearing environment and subsequent to a dystrophic calcinosis occurred in previously damaged tissues
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