1,130 research outputs found

    Zinc based negative electrode for alkaline accumulators

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    Předmětem práce je zkoumání a příprava elektrochemicky stálé zinkové elektrody v silně alkalickém prostředí pro využití v Ni-Zn akumulátorech. Tento systém se vyznačuje nízkým ekologickým dopadem na životní prostředí, vyšší měrnou energií a vyšším elektromotorickým napětím než dnes běžně užívané systémy (Pb, Ni-Cd). Cílem práce je vytvořit nový postup, s jehož pomocí by se dalo stabilizovat zinkovou elektrodu. Veškeré výzkumy Ni-Zn akumulátorů totiž naráží na problém tvarových změn elektrod v důsledku rozpouštění zinku při vybíjení zinkové elektrody a s tím spojené malé životnosti těchto akumulátorů. Práce se dělí na teoretickou část, v níž je podán obecný výklad o akumulátorech a přiblížena problematika Ni-Zn akumulátorů, a praktickou část, která popisuje provedený výzkum.The object of this project is research and preparation of the permanent zinc electrode in a strong alkaline surrounding for the usage in Ni-Zn accumulators. This system is characterized by a low overall ecological impact on environment, higher specific energy and higher electromotive force than nowadays commonly used systems (lead, nickel-cadmium). The goal of this project is to originate a new procedure, which will make possible to steady a zinc electrode. Every research faces a problem shaping changes of zinc electrode during cycling and related low cycle life. This work consists of the theoretical part, in which is explained a basic accumulators mechanism and practical part, in which is described performed research.

    Investigation of bank-charge card influence in Montana

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    Multifunctional Building Brno

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    Koncepce objektu vychází z mnoha okolností, které tak malou parcelu determinují. Stavba symbolizuje tendenci zintenzivnění zástavby, avšak jako první vlaštovka se musí zároveň přizpůsobovat nízké zástavbě, do které je prozatím zasazena. Pro snížení kontrastu velikostí sousedících hmot jsou střechy novostavby zkoseny směrem k nižším budovám, čímž vytváří linii, která z pohledu z ulice v perspektivě zdánlivě navazuje na křivku tvořenou hřebeny rodinných domů v bloku. Lokalizace na okraj průmyslové zóny se do stavby propisuje nejen ostrými rysy, ale především zvoleným materiálem, jímž je pro většinu povrchů hliník a sklo. Vysoká frekventovanost obyvatel, cestujících a pracujících v tomto rozšířeném městském prostoru, jehož se nově stává dominantou, dává objektu i celkovou náplň.Building concept is based on many factors which determine such a small plot of land. The building symbolizes the tendency to intensify the development, but as the first of its kind must also adapt to a low area in which it is planted so far. To reduce the size of the contrast of adjacent materials are brand new roof slanted towards low buildings, creating a line that from the perspective of a street in perspective seemingly follows the curve formed ridges houses in the block. Localizing the edge industrial zones to buildings not only traced angular features, but also the chosen material, which is most surfaces aluminum and glass. High population how busy traveling and working in the expanded urban area, which becomes a new landmark building and gives overall charge.

    Direct-To-Consumer Genetic Testing: Privacy Issues & Impacts on Biological Relatives

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    Numerous direct-to-consumer genetic testing services now offer individuals genetic sequencing, testing, and ancestry mapping services outside of the traditional healthcare infrastructure and regulatory barriers. The rise of direct-to-consumer testing services presents policy questions on how to best protect consumers while still promoting future innovation. From a data privacy perspective, concerns include who can share other people’s genetic information, what entities can use the information, what happens if the information is stolen, and whether law enforcement, or other entities, can request information from a third party. The overarching concern is that once disclosed, genetic information often cannot be unshared or returned. Further, genetic information from biological relatives can provide information on others who have not personally disclosed or authorized disclosure of their genetic information. In the United States, a patchwork of regulations has been created at the state level that exceeds the minimum requirements created by Congress. In other parts of the world, countries and regional networks have similarly created varying regulations to govern genetic information and its use. This comment reviews various regulations both in the United States and Europe, discusses the implications of the various regulatory schemes, and proposes a regulatory regime. This proposal aims at harmonizing rules across jurisdictions, distinguishing between “faceless” and individually labeled data, and seeks to allow for data use, testing, and development of new technology, while limiting exposure of individuals genetic information

    Unemployment Among Young Adults: Exploring Employer-Led Solutions

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    Younger workers consistently experience higher unemployment and less job stability than older workers. Yet the dramatic deterioration in employment outcomes among younger workers during and since the Great Recession creates new urgency about developing more effective bridges into full-time employment for young people, especially those with less than a bachelor's degree. Improving the employment status of young adults and helping employers meet workforce needs are complementary goals. Designing strategies to achieve them requires insight into the supply and demand sides of the labor market: both the characteristics of young people and their typical routes into employment as well as the demand for entry-level orkers and the market forces that shape employer decisions about hiring and investing in skill development. A quantitative and qualitative inquiry focused on the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Ill. and Louisville, Ky

    Prospective Study of the Effectiveness of Coping in Pediatric Patients

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    Findings about the influence of coping on psychological adjustment in children with different medical conditions are inconsistent and often based on cross-sectional data. This prospective study evaluated the effect of various coping strategies on children's post-traumatic stress symptoms and behavioral problems 1month and 1year after an accidental injury or the diagnosis of a chronic disease in 161 pediatric patients 6-15years of age. Only minor positive effects of coping on psychosocial adjustment were found: Religious coping reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms. Active coping strategies had negative effects on internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. Support seeking strategies, distraction, and avoidance had no impact on long-term psychosocial adjustmen