74 research outputs found

    Genetic linkage among tomato fruit quality traits and polypeptides expressed at two ripening stages

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    Los perfiles de polipéptidos proveen información sobre la constitución genética de un individuo y su expresión, y son útiles como marcadores moleculares. El objetivo del trabajo fue detectar ligamiento entre los perfiles de polipéptidos del pericarpio en dos estados de madurez y caracteres cuantitativos y de calidad de los frutos, analizando 21 genotipos de tomate. Se obtuvieron los perfiles polipéptidos en los estados verde y rojo maduro de frutos de 18 líneas endocriadas recombinantes (RILs, recombinant inbred lines), derivadas de un cruzamiento interespecífico entre el cultivar Caimanta de S. lycopersicum y la entrada LA722 de S. pimpinellifolium, que se incluyeron como testigos experimentales junto a su F1. En estos 21 genotipos se evaluaron también vida poscosecha, peso, firmeza, porcentaje de reflectancia, índice cromático, forma, pH, acidez titulable, contenido de sólidos solubles, espesor de pericarpio y número de lóculos de los frutos. Los perfiles mostraron polimorfismo entre los estados de madurez dentro de un mismo genotipo y entre genotipos para un mismo estado de madurez. Algunos polipéptidos segregaron de forma mendeliana (1:1) y, por análisis de un único punto, mostraron ligamiento con caracteres de calidad del fruto. Se detectaron loci de caracteres cuantitativos (QTLs, quantitative trait loci) asociados a número de lóculos, peso, pH, firmeza y vida poscosecha de los frutos.Polypeptide profiles are informative about the individual gene constitution and expression, and become useful tools as molecular markers. The objective of this work was to detect genetic linkage among polypeptide profiles of the pericarp at two ripening stages and fruit quality traits in 21 tomato genotypes. Polypeptide profiles were obtained from mature green and red ripe fruits of 18 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from an interspecific cross between the cultivar Caimanta of S. lycopersicum and the accession LA722 of S. pimpinellifolium, parents that were included with their hybrid as experimental testers. These 21 genotypes were also evaluated for fruit shelf life, weight, firmness, reflectance percentage, chroma index, shape index, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids content, pericarp width, and number of locules. Polypeptide profiles were polymorphic among ripening stages within genotypes and among genotypes within the ripening stages. Some polypeptides segregated in the Mendelian expected proportion 1:1, and showed genetic linkeage by single point analysis with fruit quality traits. Hence, eight quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated to number of locules, weight, pH, firmness and fruit shelf life, were detected in this report.Fil: Gallo, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Genética y Mejoramiento Vegetal.Fil: Rodríguez, Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Genética y Mejoramiento Vegetal.Fil: Zorzoli, Roxana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Genética y Mejoramiento Vegetal.Fil: Pratta, Guillermo Raúl. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Genética y Mejoramiento Vegetal

    Identification of agronomic interesting QTL in the segregating generations of a tomato second cycle hybrid

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    El objetivo fue detectar QTL de interés agronómico en las generaciones segregantes (F2 y retrocruzas) de un híbrido de segundo ciclo (HSC) de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), obtenido entre dos líneas endocriadas recombinantes derivadas del cruzamiento inter específico S. lycopersicum cv. Caimanta x S. pimpinellifolium LA 722. La caracterización molecular se hizo por marcadores AFLP mientras que los caracteres morfológicos analizados fueron peso, diámetro, altura, contenido en sólidos solubles, acidez, color, pH, forma, dureza y vida poscosecha de los frutos. Para identificar QTL, la asociación entre bandas polimórficas y caracteres cuantitativos con variancia genética significativa se realizó por el análisis de único punto. Con seis combinaciones de cebadores, seleccionadas por detectar elevado porcentaje de polimorfismo, se obtuvo 221 bandas de las cuales 135 (61,1%) fueron polimórficas. En la F2, 29 fragmentos polimórficos siguieron la distribución mendeliana esperada, identificándose un total de 28 QTL para todos los caracteres analizados. En las retrocruzas, 15 fragmentos polimórficos siguieron una segregación mendeliana 1:1 (detectándose en 12 de ellas un comportamiento de novo) y se identificó en total 13 QTL para los caracteres contenido en sólidos solubles, altura, peso y forma del fruto. Los AFLP permitieron identificar QTL de importancia agronómica en las generaciones segregantes del HSC de tomate.The objective was to detect QTL of agronomic interest in the segregating generations F2 and backcrosses of a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) second cycle hybrid (SCH) obtained between two recombinant inbred lines derived from the interspecific cross S. lycopersicum cv. Caimanta x S. pimpinellifolium LA 722. Molecular characterization was achieved by AFLP markers and agronomic traits under study were fruit weight, diameter, height, soluble solids content, acidity, color, pH, shape, firmness and postharvest life. Single point analysis was applied to detect QTL, assessing the association of AFLP polymorphic bands and quantitative traits with significant genetic variance. Amplifications with six primers combinations, selected because of detecting high polymorphism percentage, 221 AFLP bands were obtained, and 135 (61.1%) of them were polymorphic in the tomato populations analyzed. In the F2 population, 29 polymorphic fragments adjusted to the expected mendelian segregation and a total of 28 QTL were detected for all evaluated traits. In the backcross population, 15 polymorphic fragments adjusted to the expected mendelian proportion 1:1 (12 of these fragments showed a de novo pattern) and a total of 13 QTL were identified for the traits soluble solids content, height, weight and diameter. AFLP allowed to identify QTL of agronomic interest in the segregating generations of a tomato SCH.Fil: Cabodevila, Victoria Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: Cacchiarelli, Paolo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Genética y Mejoramiento Vegetal.Fil: Pratta, Guillermo Raúl. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Genetic Analysis of Tomato Fruit Ripening at Polypeptide Profiles Level through Quantitative and Multivariate Approaches

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    Multivariate analysis became essential in functional and structural Genomics because of the large quantity of biological data provided by these new research areas. Diallel mating design was widely applied to analyze the heritability of quantitative traits but it was recently used for approaching to the inheritance patterns of other levels of gene expression such as transcript profiles. Investigating the inheritance pattern of total polypeptide profiles with a diallel design remains as a vacancy subject. The objective of the present research was to infer the inheritance of total polypeptides profiles from tomato pericarp tissue at four different ripening stages in a diallel mating design including five recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and their ten second cycle hybrids (SCH). To achieve this objective, a multivariate analysis was applied to identify eventual inheritance patterns through a data mining approach and then univariate analyses were used to verify these patterns. Mainly dominance and also overdominance, though in a minor percentage, contributed to the gene actions involved in their genetic basis. Multivariate analysis was efficient in identifying inheritance patterns of total polypeptide profiles through a data mining approach, and univariate analyses largely verified the identified gene actionsFil: Marchionni Basté, Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia. Cat.de Genetica; ArgentinaFil: Pereira Da Costa, Javier Hernán. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia. Cat.de Genetica; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Gustavo Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia. Cat.de Genetica; ArgentinaFil: Zorzoli, Roxana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia. Cat.de Genetica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Pratta, Guillermo Raúl. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia. Cat.de Genetica; Argentin

    Estimation of Genetic Variance Components for Corn Ear Rot in RIL Populations Derived from Three Biparental Crosses

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    Abstract Classical Quantitative Genetics offers statistical approaches to estimate variance components of important agronomical traits, such as diseases resistance, through different experimental designs. However, the use of RIL in these approaches is limited. As Recombinant Inbred Lines are considered important for developing special breeding projects, we propose a new methodological approach to simultaneously estimate broad and narrow sense heritabilities. This proposed model was applied to calculate heritabilities for resistance to corn ear rots caused by Fusarium verticillioides in three independent RIL populations analyzed by nested ANOVA. Fusarium Incidence (%) and Fusarium Severity heritabilities were significant. The proposed approach proved to be useful for estimating broad and narrow sense heritabilities in the same environment and with these genotypes which is advantageous for corn breeders

    Proteomics of the tomato ripening : identification of two fruit ripening stages by total pericarp protein profiles in tomato RILs

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    Durante la madurez del fruto se producen cambios morfológicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos provocados por la expresión regulada de diferentes genes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue verificar si la presencia de polipéptidos totales del pericarpio en los estados verde maduro (VM) y rojo maduro (RM) permite caracterizar la madurez del tomate. Se analizaron 18 líneas endocriadas recombinantes obtenidas por selección antagónica-divergente de un cruzamiento entre la cv. Caimanta (Solanum lycopersicum) y la entrada LA722 (S. pimpinellifolium), que fueron incluidas junto a la F1 como testigos experimentales. Los extractos proteicos se obtuvieron de dos muestras independientes de cada estado según el protocolo estándar y se resolvieron en SDS-PAGE. Se analizó la presencia/ausencia de bandas por genotipos y por estado, detectándose 26 en VM y 29 en RM. Algunas bandas fueron comunes entre estados, mientras que otras resultaron propias de VM o RM, respectivamente. Se calcularon las distancias de Jaccard y se realizó un análisis de conglomerados según el método UPGMA. En el dendrograma (correlación cofenética = 0,43) se distinguieron dos grandes grupos definidos por el estado de madurez. Se concluye que los perfiles proteicos del pericarpio son una herramienta postgenómica apropiada para identificar dos estados de madurez del fruto de tomate.Several morphological, physiological, and biochemical changes are produced by the regulated expression of different genes during fruit ripening. The aim of this investigation was to check the ability of total polypeptides profiles of the pericarp tissue at the mature-green (VM) and red-ripe (RM) stages for characterizing tomato fruit ripening. Eighteen recombinant inbred lines obtained by antagonic-divergent selection from a cross between cv. Caimanta of Solanum lycopersicum and accession LA722 of S. pimpinellifolium (included with the F1 as experimental testers) were analyzed. Protein extracts were collected from two independent samples from each stage following the standard protocol and solved in SDS-PAGE. The presence/absence of polypeptides by genotypes and by stage was analyzed. Twenty-six polypeptides were detected in VM and 29 in RM. Some of them were common to both stages, while others were stage-specific (either in VM or in RM). Jaccard distances among stages were calculated and a conglomates analysis was carried by UPGMA method. In the dendrogram (cophenetic correlation = 0.43) two well defined groups were distinguished by the ripening stage. As a conclusion, protein profiles of the pericarp are a postgenomic tool appropriate for identifying two ripening stages of the tomato fruit.Fil: Gallo, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Rodríguez, Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Zorzoli, Roxana. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Picardi, Liliana Amelia. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Pratta, Guillermo Raúl. Universidad Nacional de Rosari

    Phenotypical Characters Associated with the Loss of the Seed and the Production of Biomass in \u3ci\u3ePanicum coloratum\u3c/i\u3e var. \u3ci\u3emakarikariense\u3c/i\u3e

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    Since the beginning of humanity, plants have been manipulated by humans by artificial selection to obtain changes in their characteristics. This progress has been achieved through the domestication of the species. Panicum coloratum is a species of summer perennial grass, megathermic, tolerates waterlogging, cold and slightly saline soils. It is of African origin and used as fodder in various parts of the world. In Argentina around 130.500 hectares are sown, the most widespread varieties are: var. coloratum, and var. makarikariense Goossens. Its characteristics of determined flowering and ununiform ripening within the panicle, added to a very low retention of the seeds after maturation, establish serious difficulties in harvesting quality seeds. Megathermic forage species are good producers in forage quantity and, in turn, possess good quality. The objective of the work was to study the dynamics of seed dehiscence and the forage production of two cultivars of Panicum coloratum var. makarikariense (cv. Kapivera and cv. Bambatsi). The seed fall was evaluated weekly for 70 days between March-May 2017 and 2019 on 15 random inflorescences of each cultivar. Once the seed harvest was completed in May 2017 and 2019, the panicles were cut and the panicle height, panicle length, rachis length, wet weight, dry weight and percentage of dry matter were analyzed. Through a χ² distribution, it was found that there is experimental evidence that indicates that the dynamics of seed fall are different among cultivars. An analysis of main components was carried out in each year under study to simultaneously evaluate all the variables related to biomass, in the two ACPs mentioned there was not a defined grouping of the plants according to the cultivation to which they correspond

    Variabilidad genética para la vida postcosecha y el peso de los frutos en tomate para familias F3 de un híbrido interespecífico

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    The genetic variability for the fruit's shelf-life and weight was evaluated in twenty-six F3 families derived from an interspecific hybrid between the cv. Caimanta of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and the line LA722 of L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. The means for fruit's shelf-life were 8, 15, 18 and 13 days and for fruit weight were 52.17 g; 0.94 g; 4.45 g and 6.41 g in 'Caimanta', LA722, the F1 and in the F3 generations, respectively. No family was similar to the progenitor 'Caimanta' for fruit's shelf-life and only one family showed a shelf-life similar to the F1generation mean. For fruit weight, four families were similar to the F1 generation mean and the F3 families differed from both parent means. The F3 family with the greatest values for fruit weight and shelf-life showed a fruit weight mean of 20.15 g and shelf-life period of 21.55 days. The smaller fruit weight was 2.81 g and the smaller shelf-life period for another family was 9.98 days. The wide genetic variability found for both traits between the families will permit to select divergent genotypes.The genetic variability for the fruit's shelf-life and weight was evaluated in twenty-six F3 families derived from an interspecific hybrid between the cv. Caimanta of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and the line LA722 of L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. The means for fruit's shelf-life were 8, 15, 18 and 13 days and for fruit weight were 52.17 g; 0.94 g; 4.45 g and 6.41 g in 'Caimanta', LA722, the F1 and in the F3 generations, respectively. No family was similar to the progenitor 'Caimanta' for fruit's shelf-life and only one family showed a shelf-life similar to the F1 generation mean. For fruit weight, four families were similar to the F1 generation mean and the F3 families differed from both parent means. The F3 family with the greatest values for fruit weight and shelf-life showed a fruit weight mean of 20.15 g and shelf-life period of 21.55 days. The smaller fruit weight was 2.81 g and the smaller shelf-life period for another family was 9.98 days. The wide genetic variability found for both traits between the families will permit to select divergent genotypes.Se evaluó la variabilidad genética para la vida postcosecha y el peso de los frutos en veintiséis familias F3 de un híbrido interespecífico entre la cv. Caimanta de Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. y la línea LA722 de L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. con el objeto de obtener genotipos divergentes para ambos caracteres. Los promedios de días de vida postcosecha fueron 8, 15, 18 y 13 y de peso en gramos fueron 52,17, 0,94, 4,45 y 6,41 para cv. Caimanta, LA722, la F1 y la generación F3, respectivamente. Ninguna familia fue similar al progenitor 'Caimanta' para el carácter días de vida postcosecha y sólo una familia tuvo una vida postcosecha como la F1. Para el peso de los frutos, cuatro familias fueron similares a la F1y ninguna fue como los progenitores. La familia con peso de los frutos con 20,15 g y vida postcosecha de 21,5 días fue la que presentó mayores valores. El menor peso de los frutos fue en una familia con 2,81 g y el de menor vida postcosecha en una con 9,98 días. La amplia variabilidad genética encontrada para ambos caracteres entre las familias permitirá obtener genotipos divergentes

    Identificación de QTL en las generaciones segregantes de un híbrido de segundo ciclo de tomate

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    The objective was to detect QTL of agronomic interest in the segregating generations F2 and backcrosses of a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) second cycle hybrid (SCH) obtained between two recombinant inbred lines derived from the interspecific cross S. lycopersicum cv. Caimanta x S. pimpinellifolium LA 722. Molecular characterization was achieved by AFLP markers and agronomic traits under study were fruit weight, diameter, height, soluble solids content, acidity, color, pH, shape, firmness and postharvest life. Single point analysis was applied to detect QTL, assessing the association of AFLP polymorphic bands and quantitative traits with significant genetic variance. Amplifications with six primers combinations, selected because of detecting high polymorphism percentage, 221 AFLP bands were obtained, and 135 (61.1%) of them were polymorphic in the tomato populations analyzed. In the F2 population, 29 polymorphic fragments adjusted to the expected mendelian segregation and a total of 28 QTL were detected for all evaluated traits. In the backcross population, 15 polymorphic fragments adjusted to the expected mendelian proportion 1:1 (12 of these fragments showed a de novo pattern) and a total of 13 QTL were identified for the traits soluble solids content, height, weight and diameter. AFLP allowed to identify QTL of agronomic interest in the segregating generations of a tomato SCH.El objetivo fue detectar QTL de interés agronómico en las generaciones segregantes (F2 y retrocruzas) de un híbrido de segundo ciclo (HSC) de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), obtenido entre dos líneas endocriadas recombinantes derivadas del cruzamiento inter específico S. lycopersicum cv. Caimanta x S. pimpinellifolium LA 722. La caracterización molecular se hizo por marcadores AFLP mientras que los caracteres morfológicos analizados fueron peso, diámetro, altura, contenido en sólidos solubles, acidez, color, pH, forma, dureza y vida poscosecha de los frutos. Para identificar QTL, la asociación entre bandas polimórficas y caracteres cuantitativos con variancia genética significativa se realizó por el análisis de único punto. Con seis combinaciones de cebadores, seleccionadas por detectar elevado porcentaje de polimorfismo, se obtuvo 221 bandas de las cuales 135 (61,1%) fueron polimórficas. En la F2, 29 fragmentos polimórficos siguieron la distribución mendeliana esperada, identificándose un total de 28 QTL para todos los caracteres analizados. En las retrocruzas, 15 fragmentos polimórficos siguieron una segregación mendeliana 1:1 (detectándose en 12 de ellas un comportamiento de novo) y se identificó en total 13 QTL para los caracteres contenido en sólidos solubles, altura, peso y forma del fruto. Los AFLP permitieron identificar QTL de importancia agronómica en las generaciones segregantes del HSC de tomate

    Análisis de datos mixtos para seleccionar clones de banana (Musa SPP.) a ser incluidos en un banco de germoplasma

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    In an asexually reproducing hybrid such as banana (Musa spp.), the assessment of clones in the short term is limited because replications are frequently unavailable in the proper number. The aim of this work is to propose the Multiple Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (MFAmix) as a tool for establishing objective criteria to identify banana clones that preserve variability for qualitative and quantitative variables. In the long term, the aim is the development of a banana germplasm bank. MFAmix was applied on a population composed of 124 banana clones collected from different farmers’ fields and four controls. Two groups of variables related to the agronomic aptitude of the clones were evaluated, one composed of nine quantitative variables, and the other, composed of three dichotomous qualitative variables. A Selection Index (SI) was built from the MFAmix coordinates in order to rank the clones and select a subset that allows to preserve the existing genetic variability. The first two axes of MFAmix explained a 49.47% of the total data variability. The set of the banana clones was successfully characterized based on quantitative and qualitative variables. In the long term, the creation of a banana germplasm bank should consider the height and diameter of the plant, the rachis bunch weight and the hands weight, and the qualitative variable plant leafiness.En un híbrido de reproducción asexual como banana (Musa spp.), la evaluación de los clones en el corto plazo es limitada debido a que generalmente no se cuenta con el número adecuado de repeticiones. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar la técnica de Análisis Factorial Múltiple de Datos Mixtos (AFMmix) como una herramienta para establecer criterios objetivos de manera de identificar clones de banana que preserven la variabilidad de los caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos. A largo plazo, el objetivo es desarrollar un banco de germoplasma de banana. Se aplicó el AFMmix a una población de 124 clones de banana recolectados de diferentes campos de productores y cuatro testigos comerciales. Se evaluaron dos grupos de variables relacionadas con la aptitud agronómica de los clones, uno compuesto por nueve caracteres cuantitativos, y el otro, por tres caracteres cualitativos dicotómicos. Se construyó un Índice de Selección (IS) a partir de las coordenadas del AFMmix de manera de ordenar a los clones de banana para seleccionar un subconjunto de ellos que permita conservar la variabilidad genética existente. Los dos primeros ejes del AFMmix explicaron un 49,47% de la variabilidad total de los datos. Se caracterizó satisfactoriamente al conjunto de clones de banana a través de las variables cuantitativas y cualitativas. A largo plazo, en la creación de un banco de germoplasma de banana se debe considerar a la altura y diámetro de la planta, al peso del raquis y peso de las manos, y al carácter cualitativo frondosidad de la planta.IPAF NEAFil: Del Medico, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario (IICAR); ArgentinaFil: Tenaglia, Gerardo Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar Región Noreste. Área de Investigación Para la Agricultura Familiar (AIPAF-NEA); ArgentinaFil: Lavalle, Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Departamento de Estadística; ArgentinaFil: Vitelleschi, María Susana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones Teóricas y Aplicadas de la Escuela de Estadística (IITAE); ArgentinaFil: Pratta, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pratta, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario (IICAR); Argentin

    Análisis de datos mixtos para seleccionar clones de banana (musa spp.) a ser incluidos en un banco de germoplasma

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    In an asexually reproducing hybrid such as banana (Musa spp.), the assessment of clones in the short term is limited because replications are frequently unavailable in the proper number. The aim of this work is to propose the Multiple Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (MFAmix) as a tool for establishing objective criteria to identify banana clones that preserve variability for qualitative and quantitative variables. In the long term, the aim is the development of a banana germplasm bank. MFAmix was applied on a population composed of 124 banana clones collected from different farmers? fields and four controls. Two groups of variables related to the agronomic aptitude of the clones were evaluated, one composed of nine quantitative variables, and the other, composed of three dichotomous qualitative variables. A Selection Index (SI) was built from the MFAmix coordinates in order to rank the clones and select a subset that allows to preserve the existing genetic variability. The first two axes of MFAmix explained a 49.47% of the total data variability. The set of the banana clones was successfully characterized based on quantitative and qualitative variables. In the long term, the creation of a banana germplasm bank should consider the height and diameter of the plant, the rachis bunch weight and the hands weight, and the qualitative variable plant leafiness.Fil: del Médico, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Tenaglia, Gerardo Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar; ArgentinaFil: Lavalle, Andrea Lina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Vitelleschi, María Susana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Pratta, Guillermo Raúl. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario; Argentin